95 research outputs found

    神戸色見本のデジタル化によるインタラクティブ・インスタレーションの制作/〜位相同期現象を応用した色彩配置のKobe Interactive Color Swatch 制作〜

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    ・アナログ作品の神戸色見本は、日常的に経験する神戸を対象に、人によって「経験された」(※)環境から個人の感覚によって色と柄を選び出し、採集した色彩をグラデーションに配置したものである。 ・これをデジタルデータとしてマンセル表色系で分析してみると、HSB(色相 Hue、彩度 Saturation、明度 Brightness)のHを中心にデータが順序付けられていると 説明できる。横軸を各色柄の位置、縦軸をHとBとするグラフを見ると、Hがかなり見事な単調減少となり、更にBが周期的構造となっている事がわかる。つまり感覚的に配置された色見本は、Hを中心に配列した上で、Bの要素によって補正されていると説明することができる。 ・アナログからデジタルに変換された神戸色見本は、プログラマブルな動的データ群である。それを用いた作品「Kobe Interactive Color Swatch」は、観察者と作品の関係によって、色の構成が変化する動画である。本稿では壁面投影型のインスタレーションを紹介し、さらに発展させた実作品を展覧会で紹介する予定である。(※)環境や事物を人が経験するときに、記憶あるいは経験の痕跡が人に記録される。その記憶、痕跡をここでは「経験された○○」と呼ぶことにする。・The Kobe Color Swatch and the Kobe Pattern Swatch are the products of colors and patterns which are collected from the town scape of Kobe city, the experienced environment by the people and arranged as a color samples.・The analysis of the Color Swatch data with the Mansell color system (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) gives the results that the data is mostly ordered in accordance with the Hue factor. In visualizing the result as a graph with position of each swatch vs. H or B, it turns out that the value of H decreases regularly, while the value of B, furthermore, changes cyclically. So that the Kobe Color Swatch which is arranged in a sensitive way is ordered on the bases of H factor, and then is corrected by the B factor.・The Kobe Color Swatch data digitized from the static analog color arrangement is regarded as the programmable dynamic data group. A product called [Kobe Interactive Color Swatch] constructed by the data is a movie which changes arrangement of the colors in relation to the position of observers and the product. This paper introduces an installation for the type of projecting to wall, and then we will introduce a more developed work in the subsequent exhibition

    ADAMTS13 gene deletion enhances plasma high-mobility group box1 elevation and neuroinflammation in brain ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Highly adhesive glycoprotein von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimer induces platelet aggregation and leukocyte tethering or extravasation on the injured vascular wall, contributing to microvascular plugging and inflammation in brain ischemia-reperfusion. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type-1 motifs 13 (ADAMTS13) cleaves the VWF multimer strand and reduces its prothrombotic and proinflammatory functions. Although ADAMTS13 deficiency is known to amplify post-ischemic cerebral hypoperfusion, there is no report available on the effect of ADAMTS13 on inflammation after brain ischemia. We investigated if ADAMTS13 deficiency intensifies the increase of extracellular HMGB1, a hallmark of post-stroke inflammation, and exacerbates brain injury after ischemia-reperfusion. ADAMTS13 gene knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to 30-min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and 23.5-h reperfusion under continuous monitoring of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The infarct volume, plasma high-mobility group box1 (HMGB1) level, and immunoreactivity of the ischemic cerebral cortical tissue (double immunofluorescent labeling) against HMGB1/NeuN (neuron-specific nuclear protein) or HMGB1/MPO (myeloperoxidase) were estimated 24h after MCAO. ADAMTS13KO mice had larger brain infarcts compared with WT 24h after MCAO (p<0.05). The rCBF during reperfusion decreased more in ADAMTS13KO mice. The plasma HMGB1 increased more in ADAMTS13KO mice than in WT after ischemia-reperfusion (p<0.05). Brain ischemia induced more prominent activation of inflammatory cells co-expressing HMGB1 and MPO and more marked neuronal death in the cortical ischemic penumbra of ADAMTS13KO mice. ADAMTS13 deficiency may enhance systemic and brain inflammation associated with HMGB1 neurotoxicity, and aggravate brain damage in mice after brief focal ischemia. We hypothesize that ADAMTS13 protects brain from ischemia-reperfusion injury by regulating VWF-dependent inflammation as well as microvascular pluggin

    Elevation of dopamine level reduces hostseeking activity in the adult female mosquito Aedes albopictus

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    Background: Mosquito-borne viruses are transmitted to human hosts via blood-feeding behavior of female mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes seek a host to take blood meals (host-seeking behavior). In order to prevent virus infections, it is important to understand how they modulate host-seeking behavior. Dopamine (DA) in the central nervous system acts as a neuromediator that regulates a variety of behaviors in insects. In female mosquitoes, host-seeking behavior increases when DA levels in the head decline after emergence. However, it remains unclear whether DA directly modulates host-seeking behavior in female mosquitoes. The aim of this study was to examine whether changes in DA levels in the head affects host-seeking activity in the adult female mosquito Aedes albopictus (Ae. albopictus). Findings: We compared host-seeking behavior in one group of emerging female adults treated with L-β-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), the precursor of DA, (L-DOPA group), with that in an untreated control (control group) after confirming elevation of head DA in L-DOPA group by using high-performance liquid chromatography. The content of head DA in L-DOPA group significantly remained higher than that in controls on all days examined. The host-seeking activity in the control group showed a gradual increase over the 6-day experimental period. In contrast, there was no such increase in the host-seeking activity in the L-DOPA group. Therefore, the host-seeking activity of L-DOPA group was significantly lower than that of the controls between day 3 and 6 post-emergence. Conclusion: Our results indicate that elevation of DA level reduces host-seeking activity in adult female mosquito Ae. albopictus

    Recent Findings Concerning PAMAM Dendrimer Conjugates with Cyclodextrins as Carriers of DNA and RNA

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    We have evaluated the potential use of various polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer [dendrimer, generation (G) 2-4] conjugates with cyclodextrins (CyDs) as novel DNA and RNA carriers. Among the various dendrimer conjugates with CyDs, the dendrimer (G3) conjugate with α-CyD having an average degree of substitution (DS) of 2.4 [α-CDE (G3, DS2)] displayed remarkable properties as DNA, shRNA and siRNA delivery carriers through the sensor function of α-CDEs toward nucleic acid drugs, cell surface and endosomal membranes. In an attempt to develop cell-specific gene transfer carriers, we prepared sugar-appended α-CDEs. Of the various sugar-appended α-CDEs prepared, galactose- or mannose-appended α-CDEs provided superior gene transfer activity to α-CDE in various cells, but not cell-specific gene delivery ability. However, lactose-appended α-CDE [Lac-α-CDE (G2)] was found to possess asialoglycoprotein receptor (AgpR)-mediated hepatocyte-selective gene transfer activity, both in vitro and in vivo. Most recently, we prepared folate-poly(ethylene glycol)-appended α-CDE [Fol-PαC (G3)] and revealed that Fol-PαC (G3) imparted folate receptor (FR)-mediated cancer cell-selective gene transfer activity. Consequently, α-CDEs bearing integrated, multifunctional molecules may possess the potential to be novel carriers for DNA, shRNA and siRNA


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     本研究は2012 年度共同研究から継続している、杉浦康平名誉教授のデザイン活動の包括的研究の一環である。これまでの活動として「ポスターアーカイブ」構築、ポスター展2 回、単行本出版などがある。それらの成果をふまえて2017 年度は「アジアンデザイン」の側面にフォーカスして、5 回の連続インタビューを企図した。 杉浦名誉教授は、今年3 月まで本学アジアンデザイン研究所において、所長として研究活動を主導してきた。その60 年以上におよぶデザイン活動の中で、多くの重要な業績を残してきたが、「アジアンデザイン」概念の確立は、本学との関係においても特に重要なものとして位置づけられる。ポスター・冊子類のデザインからはじまって、その活動は、さまざまなアジア文化紹介の構想・企画までを包含するものに拡張し、デザインの領域を超える幅広い業績を残した。一方、そうしたデザイン活動を通じて、独自のアジア図像研究の領域を切り拓き、図像的想像力に充ちた大胆な仮説の提唱により、独自の図像論を確立し、数多くの著書を発表している。モダンデザインの牙城であるドイツのウルム造形大学での教鞭体験から、アジアンデザインにいたる道程は限りない大遠征のようにすら見える。われわれ共同研究組織は、その間に何があったのか、本人の率直な言葉として記録することを目指した。This research program comprises an important part of the comprehensive study of Professor Emeritus Kohei Sugiura’ s design activities originated from the 2012 joint research project. The research activities undertaken so far include the establishment of the Poster Archive, two exhibitions of posters designed by Sugiura, and the publication of a book on his design. Based on these results, the 2017 program featured a series of five interviews with him focusing on “Asian design.” Professor Emeritus Kohei Sugiura led the activities of the Research Institute of Asian Design of our university as its director until March 2018. Sugiura has made many considerable achievements throughout his career that spans over sixty years. Among them, the development of the concept of “Asian design” is considered particularly important for our university. A wide range of activities based on this concept include the design of various posters and booklets, and a number of projects to present different Asian cultures. The diverse achievements of these activities have cut across the boundaries between design and other disciplines. At the same time, Sugiura has opened up his original research filed of Asian iconography, proposed an imaginative hypothesis, developed a unique iconographic theory, and produced a number of books. Considering his teaching experience at the Ulm School of Design in Germany, the stronghold of modern design in the sixties, it seems that he has made a great journey to come down to the idea of Asian design. This research program was designed to record what happened during this journey through a series of candid interviews with him


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     情報化やネットワークがつくりだす大きな社会構造の変化、そして社会環境や地球環境の変化に対応した、これからのデザイン=「ポストデザイン」のあり方を研究し、そのデザイン教育の基盤となるカリキュラムを開発し、これを実践的に運営することを通して新時代の教育方法の構築を行うことを目的とする。 特に現代の情報環境において失われつつある人間の「身体」をテーマとして未来のデザインの枠組みを考えること、これからのデザイン領域の変化そのものを考えることを研究の中心におき、複数のプロジェクトと大学連携ワークショップの企画・運営を通して、様々な形による社会との連携の中で問題を発見し、提案を行う実践的な研究を進める。 By studying design responses to major changes in social structures created by computerization and networking as well as to shifts in the human and natural global environments, we aim to develop fundamental design education curricula and new teaching methods to foster their practical application. One particularly important subject to consider in framing the ‘post-design’ future is the disappearance of the physical body from the contemporary info-environment. While our research may focus on the evolving topography of design itself, the various projects and intercollegiate workshops we plan and conduct should problematize diverse concerns as bridges to society and propose ideas for further practical investigation


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    本研究は、情報社会へと移行している現代における社会構造の変化と社会環境の変化に対応したこれからのデザインのあり方を研究し、その教育の基盤となるカリキュラムを開発、これを実践的に運営することを通して教育方法の構築を行うことを目的としている。 特に現代の情報環境において失われつつある人間の「身体」をテーマとして未来のデザインの枠組みを考えること、また「ポストデザイン」をテーマとしてこれからのデザイン領域の変化そのものを考えることを研究の中心におく。新しい教育方法の実践としては、国際ワークショップなどの開催、大学連携、企業連携を通じて教育方法の調査・研究を行う。また国内外のデザイン研究機関および教育組織と連携し、わが国におけるインタラクションデザインという新しいデザイン領域の教育研究拠点としての活動を行った。At IDI(Interaction Design Institute), we aim to investigate how design is to respond to contemporary society in transition to the post-industrial information age, to develop curricula basic to such learning, and to establish appropriate teaching methods through actual practice.One central theme of our research concerns the loss of "body experience" in today\u27s information environments and the shift from existing concepts of design itself to "post-design" ideas. Specifically, we have conducted man-machine experiments and published findings on robotic replication of movement using KINECT platform devices to visually collect and compile data on human motion.Likewise, another direction toward new educational practices involves holding international workshops in collaboration with IAMAS, the RCA in London and other progressive institutions both in Japan and abroad so as to share and improve methodologies across the field of design-related education