34 research outputs found

    A hierarchical anti-Hebbian network model for the formation of spatial cells in three-dimensional space.

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    Three-dimensional (3D) spatial cells in the mammalian hippocampal formation are believed to support the existence of 3D cognitive maps. Modeling studies are crucial to comprehend the neural principles governing the formation of these maps, yet to date very few have addressed this topic in 3D space. Here we present a hierarchical network model for the formation of 3D spatial cells using anti-Hebbian network. Built on empirical data, the model accounts for the natural emergence of 3D place, border, and grid cells, as well as a new type of previously undescribed spatial cell type which we call plane cells. It further explains the plausible reason behind the place and grid-cell anisotropic coding that has been observed in rodents and the potential discrepancy with the predicted periodic coding during 3D volumetric navigation. Lastly, it provides evidence for the importance of unsupervised learning rules in guiding the formation of higher-dimensional cognitive maps

    An Oscillatory Neural Autoencoder Based on Frequency Modulation and Multiplexing

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    Oscillatory phenomena are ubiquitous in the brain. Although there are oscillator-based models of brain dynamics, their universal computational properties have not been explored much unlike in the case of rate-coded and spiking neuron network models. Use of oscillator-based models is often limited to special phenomena like locomotor rhythms and oscillatory attractor-based memories. If neuronal ensembles are taken to be the basic functional units of brain dynamics, it is desirable to develop oscillator-based models that can explain a wide variety of neural phenomena. Autoencoders are a special type of feed forward networks that have been used for construction of large-scale deep networks. Although autoencoders based on rate-coded and spiking neuron networks have been proposed, there are no autoencoders based on oscillators. We propose here an oscillatory neural network model that performs the function of an autoencoder. The model is a hybrid of rate-coded neurons and neural oscillators. Input signals modulate the frequency of the neural encoder oscillators. These signals are then multiplexed using a network of rate-code neurons that has afferent Hebbian and lateral anti-Hebbian connectivity, termed as Lateral Anti Hebbian Network (LAHN). Finally the LAHN output is de-multiplexed using an output neural layer which is a combination of adaptive Hopf and Kuramoto oscillators for the signal reconstruction. The Kuramoto-Hopf combination performing demodulation is a novel way of describing a neural phase-locked loop. The proposed model is tested using both synthetic signals and real world EEG signals. The proposed model arises out of the general motivation to construct biologically inspired, oscillatory versions of some of the standard neural network models, and presents itself as an autoencoder network based on oscillatory neurons applicable to time series signals. As a demonstration, the model is applied to compression of EEG signals

    Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network Model of Grid Cells

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    Grid cells and place cells are believed to be cellular substrates for the spatial navigation functions of hippocampus as experimental animals physically navigated in 2D and 3D spaces. However, a recent saccade study on head fixated monkey has also reported grid-like representations on saccadic trajectory while the animal scanned the images on a computer screen. We present two computational models that explain the formation of grid patterns on saccadic trajectory formed on the novel Images. The first model named Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network -Direct PCA (SVDON—DPCA) explains how grid patterns can be generated on saccadic space using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) like learning rule. The model adopts a hierarchical architecture. We extend this to a network model viz. Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network—Network PCA (SVDON-NPCA) where the direct PCA stage is replaced by a neural network that can implement PCA using a neurally plausible algorithm. This gives the leverage to study the formation of grid cells at a network level. Saccade trajectory for both models is generated based on an attention model which attends to the salient location by computing the saliency maps of the images. Both models capture the spatial characteristics of grid cells such as grid scale variation on the dorso-ventral axis of Medial Entorhinal cortex. Adding one more layer of LAHN over the SVDON-NPCA model predicts the Place cells in saccadic space, which are yet to be discovered experimentally. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to model grid cells and place cells from saccade trajectory

    A Model of Motion Processing in the Visual Cortex Using Neural Field With Asymmetric Hebbian Learning

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    Neurons in the dorsal pathway of the visual cortex are thought to be involved in motion processing. The first site of motion processing is the primary visual cortex (V1), encoding the direction of motion in local receptive fields, with higher order motion processing happening in the middle temporal area (MT). Complex motion properties like optic flow are processed in higher cortical areas of the Medial Superior Temporal area (MST). In this study, a hierarchical neural field network model of motion processing is presented. The model architecture has an input layer followed by either one or cascade of two neural fields (NF): the first of these, NF1, represents V1, while the second, NF2, represents MT. A special feature of the model is that lateral connections used in the neural fields are trained by asymmetric Hebbian learning, imparting to the neural field the ability to process sequential information in motion stimuli. The model was trained using various traditional moving patterns such as bars, squares, gratings, plaids, and random dot stimulus. In the case of bar stimuli, the model had only a single NF, the neurons of which developed a direction map of the moving bar stimuli. Training a network with two NFs on moving square and moving plaids stimuli, we show that, while the neurons in NF1 respond to the direction of the component (such as gratings and edges) motion, the neurons in NF2 (analogous to MT) responding to the direction of the pattern (plaids, square object) motion. In the third study, a network with 2 NFs was simulated using random dot stimuli (RDS) with translational motion, and show that the NF2 neurons can encode the direction of the concurrent dot motion (also called translational flow motion), independent of the dot configuration. This translational RDS flow motion is decoded by a simple perceptron network (a layer above NF2) with an accuracy of 100% on train set and 90% on the test set, thereby demonstrating that the proposed network can generalize to new dot configurations. Also, the response properties of the model on different input stimuli closely resembled many of the known features of the neurons found in electrophysiological studies


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      Henoch–Schonlein purpura (HSP) is a common leukocytoclastic vasculitis seen in children. However, it is uncommon in adults. HSP is characterized by the classic tetrad of non-thrombocytopenic palpable purpura, arthritis or arthralgias, gastrointestinal, and renal involvement. We report a rare case of adult onset HSP with multi-organ involvement. Early recognition of multi-organ involvement is very important, especially in adults

    Modeling the Effect of Environmental Geometries on Grid Cell Representations

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    Grid cells are a special class of spatial cells found in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) characterized by their strikingly regular hexagonal firing fields. This spatially periodic firing pattern is originally considered to be independent of the geometric properties of the environment. However, this notion was contested by examining the grid cell periodicity in environments with different polarity (Krupic et al., 2015) and in connected environments (Carpenter et al., 2015). Aforementioned experimental results demonstrated the dependence of grid cell activity on environmental geometry. Analysis of grid cell periodicity on practically infinite variations of environmental geometry imposes a limitation on the experimental study. Hence we analyze the dependence of grid cell periodicity on the environmental geometry purely from a computational point of view. We use a hierarchical oscillatory network model where velocity inputs are presented to a layer of Head Direction cells, outputs of which are projected to a Path Integration layer. The Lateral Anti-Hebbian Network (LAHN) is used to perform feature extraction from the Path Integration neurons thereby producing a spectrum of spatial cell responses. We simulated the model in five types of environmental geometries such as: (1) connected environments, (2) convex shapes, (3) concave shapes, (4) regular polygons with varying number of sides, and (5) transforming environment. Simulation results point to a greater function for grid cells than what was believed hitherto. Grid cells in the model encode not just the local position but also more global information like the shape of the environment. Furthermore, the model is able to capture the invariant attributes of the physical space ingrained in its LAHN layer, thereby revealing its ability to classify an environment using this information. The proposed model is interesting not only because it is able to capture the experimental results but, more importantly, it is able to make many important predictions on the effect of the environmental geometry on the grid cell periodicity and suggesting the possibility of grid cells encoding the invariant properties of an environment

    Biomedical knowledge graph-enhanced prompt generation for large language models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have been driving progress in AI at an unprecedented rate, yet still face challenges in knowledge-intensive domains like biomedicine. Solutions such as pre-training and domain-specific fine-tuning add substantial computational overhead, and the latter require domain-expertise. External knowledge infusion is task-specific and requires model training. Here, we introduce a task-agnostic Knowledge Graph-based Retrieval Augmented Generation (KG-RAG) framework by leveraging the massive biomedical KG SPOKE with LLMs such as Llama-2-13b, GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4, to generate meaningful biomedical text rooted in established knowledge. KG-RAG consistently enhanced the performance of LLMs across various prompt types, including one-hop and two-hop prompts, drug repurposing queries, biomedical true/false questions, and multiple-choice questions (MCQ). Notably, KG-RAG provides a remarkable 71% boost in the performance of the Llama-2 model on the challenging MCQ dataset, demonstrating the framework's capacity to empower open-source models with fewer parameters for domain-specific questions. Furthermore, KG-RAG enhanced the performance of proprietary GPT models, such as GPT-3.5 which exhibited improvement over GPT-4 in context utilization on MCQ data. Our approach was also able to address drug repurposing questions, returning meaningful repurposing suggestions. In summary, the proposed framework combines explicit and implicit knowledge of KG and LLM, respectively, in an optimized fashion, thus enhancing the adaptability of general-purpose LLMs to tackle domain-specific questions in a unified framework.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 1 supplementary fil

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    25th annual computational neuroscience meeting: CNS-2016

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    The same neuron may play different functional roles in the neural circuits to which it belongs. For example, neurons in the Tritonia pedal ganglia may participate in variable phases of the swim motor rhythms [1]. While such neuronal functional variability is likely to play a major role the delivery of the functionality of neural systems, it is difficult to study it in most nervous systems. We work on the pyloric rhythm network of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG) [2]. Typically network models of the STG treat neurons of the same functional type as a single model neuron (e.g. PD neurons), assuming the same conductance parameters for these neurons and implying their synchronous firing [3, 4]. However, simultaneous recording of PD neurons shows differences between the timings of spikes of these neurons. This may indicate functional variability of these neurons. Here we modelled separately the two PD neurons of the STG in a multi-neuron model of the pyloric network. Our neuron models comply with known correlations between conductance parameters of ionic currents. Our results reproduce the experimental finding of increasing spike time distance between spikes originating from the two model PD neurons during their synchronised burst phase. The PD neuron with the larger calcium conductance generates its spikes before the other PD neuron. Larger potassium conductance values in the follower neuron imply longer delays between spikes, see Fig. 17.Neuromodulators change the conductance parameters of neurons and maintain the ratios of these parameters [5]. Our results show that such changes may shift the individual contribution of two PD neurons to the PD-phase of the pyloric rhythm altering their functionality within this rhythm. Our work paves the way towards an accessible experimental and computational framework for the analysis of the mechanisms and impact of functional variability of neurons within the neural circuits to which they belong