208 research outputs found

    Перспективы использования меланинов лузги подсолнечника для очистки сточных вод пищевых производств от анионных азокрасителей

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    Изучены сорбционные свойства меланинов лузги подсолнечника по отношению к метиловому оранжевому. Установлено, что для исследованных образцов сорбционная активность по метиловому оранжевому составляет 302,1±1,8 мг/г. Для меланинов выявлено высокое сродство к веществам анионного типа. Полученные результаты определяют возможность разработки на основе меланинов сорбентов для очистки сточных вод пищевых производств от анионных моноазокрасителей.Studied are the sorption properties of melanins of sunflower husks in relation to to methyl orange. Discovered that for the samples studied the sorption activity with relation to to methyl-orange is 302,1±1,8 mg/g. . For melanin it was revealed a high affinity to substances of anionic type. The results obtained determine the possibility of development of melanin based sorbents for the purification of wastewater of food production from anionic azo dye

    Coherent ultrafast spin-dynamics probed in three dimensional topological insulators

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    Topological insulators are candidates to open up a novel route in spin based electronics. Different to traditional ferromagnetic materials, where the carrier spin-polarization and magnetization are based on the exchange interaction, the spin properties in topological insulators are based on the coupling of spin- and orbit interaction connected to its momentum. Specific ways to control the spin-polarization with light have been demonstrated: the energy momentum landscape of the Dirac cone provides spin-momentum locking of the charge current and its spin. The directionality of spin and momentum, as well as control with light has been demonstrated. Here we demonstrate a coherent femtosecond control of spin-polarization for states in the valence band at around the Dirac cone.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Controlled assembly of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore systems on DNA templates to produce fluorescence resonance energy transfer

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    The SNAP protein is a widely used self-labeling tag that can be used for tracking protein localization and trafficking in living systems. A model system providing controlled alignment of SNAP-tag units can provide a new way to study clustering of fusion proteins. In this work, fluorescent SNAP-PNA conjugates were controllably assembled on DNA frameworks forming dimers, trimers, and tetramers. Modification of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) with the O6-benzyl guanine (BG) group allowed the generation of site-selective covalent links between PNA and the SNAP protein. The modified BG-PNAs were labeled with fluorescent Atto dyes and subsequently chemo-selectively conjugated to SNAP protein. Efficient assembly into dimer and oligomer forms was verified via size exclusion chromatography (SEC), electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and fluorescence spectroscopy. DNA directed assembly of homo- and hetero-dimers of SNAP-PNA constructs induced homo- and hetero-FRET, respectively. Longer DNA scaffolds controllably aligned similar fluorescent SNAP-PNA constructs into higher oligomers exhibiting homo-FRET. The combined SEC and homo-FRET studies indicated the 1:1 and saturated assemblies of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore:DNA formed preferentially in this system. This suggested a kinetic/stoichiometric model of assembly rather than binomially distributed products. These BG-PNA-fluorophore building blocks allow facile introduction of fluorophores and/or assembly directing moieties onto any protein containing SNAP. Template directed assembly of PNA modified SNAP proteins may be used to investigate clustering behavior both with and without fluorescent labels which may find use in the study of assembly processes in cells

    Science Overview of the Europa Clipper Mission

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    The goal of NASA’s Europa Clipper mission is to assess the habitability of Jupiter’s moon Europa. After entering Jupiter orbit in 2030, the flight system will collect science data while flying past Europa 49 times at typical closest approach distances of 25–100 km. The mission’s objectives are to investigate Europa’s interior (ice shell and ocean), composition, and geology; the mission will also search for and characterize any current activity including possible plumes. The science objectives will be accomplished with a payload consisting of remote sensing and in-situ instruments. Remote sensing investigations cover the ultraviolet, visible, near infrared, and thermal infrared wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as an ice-penetrating radar. In-situ investigations measure the magnetic field, dust grains, neutral gas, and plasma surrounding Europa. Gravity science will be achieved using the telecommunication system, and a radiation monitoring engineering subsystem will provide complementary science data. The flight system is designed to enable all science instruments to operate and gather data simultaneously. Mission planning and operations are guided by scientific requirements and observation strategies, while appropriate updates to the plan will be made tactically as the instruments and Europa are characterized and discoveries emerge. Following collection and validation, all science data will be archived in NASA’s Planetary Data System. Communication, data sharing, and publication policies promote visibility, collaboration, and mutual interdependence across the full Europa Clipper science team, to best achieve the interdisciplinary science necessary to understand Europa

    The phylogenetic landscape and nosocomial spread of the multidrug-resistant opportunist Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

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    Recent studies portend a rising global spread and adaptation of human- or healthcare-associated pathogens. Here, we analyse an international collection of the emerging, multidrug-resistant, opportunistic pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia from 22 countries to infer population structure and clonality at a global level. We show that the S. maltophilia complex is divided into 23 monophyletic lineages, most of which harbour strains of all degrees of human virulence. Lineage Sm6 comprises the highest rate of human-associated strains, linked to key virulence and resistance genes. Transmission analysis identifies potential outbreak events of genetically closely related strains isolated within days or weeks in the same hospitals

    Omental and pleural milky spots: different reactivity patterns in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni reveals coelomic compartmentalisation

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    In vertebrate animals, pleural and peritoneal cavities are repositories of milky spots (MS), which constitute an organised coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue that is intensively activated by Schistosoma mansoni infection. This study compared the reactive patterns of peritoneal MS to pleural MS and concluded from histological analysis that they represent independent responsive compartments. Whole omentum, lungs and the entire mediastinum of 54 S. mansoni-infected mice were studied morphologically. The omental MS of infected animals were highly activated, modulating from myeloid-lymphocytic (60 days of infection) to lymphomyeloid (90 days of infection) and lymphocytic or lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types. The non-lymphoid component predominated in the acute phase of infection and was expressed by monocytopoietic, eosinopoietic and neutropoietic foci, with isolated megakaryocytes and small foci of late normoblasts and mast cells. Nevertheless, pleural or thoracic MS of infected mice were monotonous, consisting of small and medium lymphocytes with few mast and plasma cells and no myeloid component. Our data indicate that compartmentalisation of the MS response is dependent on the lymphatic vascularisation of each coelomic cavity, limiting the effects or consequences of any stimulating or aggressive agents, as is the case with S. mansoni infection

    Serum MicroRNA Signatures Identified by Solexa Sequencing Predict Sepsis Patients’ Mortality: A Prospective Observational Study

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    Sepsis is the leading cause of death in Intensive Care Units. Novel sepsis biomarkers and targets for treatment are needed to improve mortality from sepsis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have recently been used as finger prints for sepsis, and our goal in this prospective study was to investigate if serum miRNAs identified in genome-wide scans could predict sepsis mortality.We enrolled 214 sepsis patients (117 survivors and 97 non-survivors based on 28-day mortality). Solexa sequencing followed by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assays was used to test for differences in the levels of miRNAs between survivors and non-survivors. miR-223, miR-15a, miR-16, miR-122, miR-193*, and miR-483-5p were significantly differentially expressed. Receiver operating characteristic curves were generated and the areas under the curve (AUC) for these six miRNAs for predicting sepsis mortality ranged from 0.610 (95%CI: 0.523-0.697) to 0.790 (95%CI: 0.719-0.861). Logistic regression analysis showed that sepsis stage, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores, miR-15a, miR-16, miR-193b*, and miR-483-5p were associated with death from sepsis. An analysis was done using these seven variables combined. The AUC for these combined variables' predictive probability was 0.953 (95% CI: 0.923-0.983), which was much higher than the AUCs for Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores (0.782; 95% CI: 0.712-0.851), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores (0.752; 95% CI: 0.672-0.832), and procalcitonin levels (0.689; 95% CI: 0.611-0.784). With a cut-off point of 0.550, the predictive value of the seven variables had a sensitivity of 88.5% and a specificity of 90.4%. Additionally, miR-193b* had the highest odds ratio for sepsis mortality of 9.23 (95% CI: 1.20-71.16).Six serum miRNA's were identified as prognostic predictors for sepsis patients.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01207531

    Thermal modeling of lesion growth with radiofrequency ablation devices

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    BACKGROUND: Temperature is a frequently used parameter to describe the predicted size of lesions computed by computational models. In many cases, however, temperature correlates poorly with lesion size. Although many studies have been conducted to characterize the relationship between time-temperature exposure of tissue heating to cell damage, to date these relationships have not been employed in a finite element model. METHODS: We present an axisymmetric two-dimensional finite element model that calculates cell damage in tissues and compare lesion sizes using common tissue damage and iso-temperature contour definitions. The model accounts for both temperature-dependent changes in the electrical conductivity of tissue as well as tissue damage-dependent changes in local tissue perfusion. The data is validated using excised porcine liver tissues. RESULTS: The data demonstrate the size of thermal lesions is grossly overestimated when calculated using traditional temperature isocontours of 42°C and 47°C. The computational model results predicted lesion dimensions that were within 5% of the experimental measurements. CONCLUSION: When modeling radiofrequency ablation problems, temperature isotherms may not be representative of actual tissue damage patterns

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]