54 research outputs found

    Kajian Risiko Rantai Pasok Pada CV Depo Griya Nusantara

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    CV. Depo Griya Nusantara merupakan suatu badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang distribusi produk-produk rangka atap rumah, seperti gypsum, hollow, compound, dan lain-lain. Pendistribusian produk tersebut memerlukan aliran supply chain yang baik. Tugas akhir ini akan melakukan kajian risiko supply chain di CV. Depo Griya Nusantara dengan mengaplikasikan model House of Risk (HOR). Identifikasi risiko menggunakan Metode Strategic Objectives at Risk (SOAR) dan penilaian risiko dilakukan dengan menggunakan Metode Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) dengan memperhatikan severity dan occurance dan penentuan korelasi risk event serta risk agent. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 8 (delapan) risk event dengan 22 risk agent yang berpotensi untuk menggagalkan strategi objektif perusahaan. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan House of Risk mendapatkan 13 risk agent yang perlu dimitigasi. Sedangkan hasil pada House of Risk fase 2, menunjukkan ranking dari 14 preventive action yang dapat diterapkan di dalam aktivitas supply chain CV. Depo Griya Nusantara. ========== CV. Depo Griya Nusantara is a business entity in the field of distribution roof-frame-house products, such as gypsum, hollow, compound, and others. The distristribution of these products need a good supply chain flow. This thesis will be review the risk of supply chain in CV. Depo Griya by applying the model of the House of Risk (HOR). Risk identification using the method of Strategic Objectives at Risk (SOAR) and then to carry out the risk assessment using the method of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) regarding the occurance, determination of severity, correlation between the risk event and risk agent. The results of research get 8 (eight) risk event with 22 risk agent that have the potential to objective strategy of CV. Depo Griya Nusantara. From the results of data processing using the House of Risk, obtain 13 risk agents that need to be mitigated. While the results of the House of Risk phase 2, show the ranking of the 14 preventive action that can be applied in the supply chain activity CV. Depo Griya as well

    Bladder Calculus Following an Unusual Vesical Foreign Body

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    Bladder calculus following vesical foreign bodies is uncommon. The usual presentation is presence of lower urinary symptoms. Most of these foreign bodies are either left inadvertently after open bladder operations or migrate from adjacent structures. This is a case report of an unusual self inserted foreign body in a female presenting with bladder calculus and diverticulum. Self inserted foreign body, particularly in females, is one of the important causes of bladder stones. Foreign body in the bladder should be suspected in a female patient with chronic lower urinary tract symptoms even in the absence of trauma or intervention Key Words: Urinary Bladder, Calculus, Foreign bod

    Суб’єктивне благополуччя та рівень тривожності під час кризи COVID-2019: дослідження українського юнацтва

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    The global pandemia and introduced quarantine providescompletely new social conditions that affectthe mental health of people. The influence of traitand state anxiety on people with different levels of subjectivewell-being in quarantine remains unexplored. Method: We used the PERMA-Profiler (J. Butler, M.Kern) technique to diagnose the overall level of subjectivewell-being and its components. The STAI method(С. Spielberger) was also used to study the levelof respondent’s trait and state anxiety. Results: It wasfound that the overall level of life satisfaction is significantlynegatively correlated with the level of traitanxiety (r = - .25). The level of state anxiety was unexpectedlylower at the beginning of quarantine (43.95 ±3.90), than one month later (48.50 ± 5.08). Qualitativeanalysis has led to the conclusion that in adolescencethis is due to a lack of awareness of the dangersof a pandemic and the general attitude to quarantineas a holiday and vacation. There was an inverse relationshipbetween anxiety and positive emotions beforethe quarantine, but under quarantine, positive emotionslost their potential to contain anxiety, and correlationswere insignificant, so even positive eventsunder quarantine could not reduce COVID-19 anxiety.However, the general level of subjective well-beingof Ukrainian youth does not correlate with the levelof anxiety and has not changed significantly duringthe first months of the quarantine. Conclusions: Theconcept of subjective well-being of Ukrainian youthis based primarily on subjective indicators of positiveemotions and meanings and much less depends onmore objective criteria, such as health, engagementand accomplishment. It was found that during the firstmonth of the quarantine, the level of state anxiety didnot affect the experience of subjective well-being byUkrainian adolescence.Пандемія та запроваджений карантин створилицілком нові соціальні умови, котрі впливають настан психічного здоров’я людей. Недослідженоюзалишається особистісна і ситуативна тривожністьосіб з різним рівнем суб’єктивного благополуччя в умовах карантину. Методологія та методи. Використано методику “PERMA-Profiler” (Дж. Батлер, М.Керн) для діагностики загального рівня суб’єктивного благополуччя та його складових. Використанометодику “STAI” (Ч. Спілбергер) для дослідженнярівня особистісної та ситуативної тривожності респондентів. Результати. Встановлено, що загальнийрівень задоволення життям значуще негативнокорелює з рівнем загальної (особистісної) тривожності (r = - .25). Зафіксовано, що рівень ситуативноїтривожності є неочікувано статистично нижчим напочатку карантину (43.95±3.90), ніж через місяцьпісля (48.50±5.08). Якісне аналізування дало змогуконстатувати, що у юнаків це пов’язано з недостатнім усвідомленням загроз пандемії та загальнимставленням до карантину, як до відпочинку і канікул. З’ясовано, що причинами ситуативної тривожності на початку карантину було переважнообмежене спілкування, страх за здоров’я та обмежена мобільність. Звернуто увагу, що до початкукарантину існувала обернена залежність між рівнем тривожності та позитивними емоціями, алечерез місяць карантину позитивні емоції втратилисвій потенціал щодо стримування рівня тривожності. Констатовано, що встановлені кореляції є неістотними, навіть позитивні події в умовах карантину не здатні знижувати рівень тривожності щодо COVID-19. Встановлено, що загальний рівеньсуб’єктивного благополуччя українського юнацтване корелює з рівнем тривожності та істотно не змінився за перші місяці запровадженого карантину.Висновки. З’ясовано, що благополуччя українськоїмолоді ґрунтується насамперед на суб’єктивнихпоказниках позитивних емоцій, і значно меншезалежить від більш об’єктивних критеріїв, такихяк стан здоров’я, залученість та досягнення. Буловстановлено, що впродовж першого місяця запровадженого карантину рівень ситуативної тривожності не вплинув на переживання суб’єктивногоблагополуччя українськими юнаками і юнками

    Interpreting the results of chemical stone analysis in the era of modern stone analysis techniques

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Stone analysis should be performed in all first-time stone formers. The preferred analytical procedures are Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) or X-ray diffraction (XRD). However, due to limited resources, chemical analysis (CA) is still in use throughout the world. The aim of the study was to compare FT-IR and CA in well matched stone specimens and characterize the pros and cons of CA. METHODS: In a prospective bi-center study, urinary stones were retrieved from 60 consecutive endoscopic procedures. In order to assure that identical stone samples were sent for analyses, the samples were analyzed initially by micro-computed tomography to assess uniformity of each specimen before submitted for FTIR and CA. RESULTS: Overall, the results of CA did not match with the FTIR results in 56 % of the cases. In 16 % of the cases CA missed the major stone component and in 40 % the minor stone component. 37 of the 60 specimens contained CaOx as major component by FTIR, and CA reported major CaOx in 47/60, resulting in high sensitivity, but very poor specificity. CA was relatively accurate for UA and cystine. CA missed struvite and calcium phosphate as a major component in all cases. In mixed stones the sensitivity of CA for the minor component was poor, generally less than 50 %. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary stone analysis using CA provides only limited data that should be interpreted carefully. Urinary stone analysis using CA is likely to result in clinically significant errors in its assessment of stone composition. Although the monetary costs of CA are relatively modest, this method does not provide the level of analytical specificity required for proper management of patients with metabolic stones

    Research of the wear resistance of epoxycomposites containing hybrid fillers modified by ultrasound

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    Existence of chemical and physical links between active groups of epoxy resin and dispersed particles is determined due. It provides forming interlayers in the filled systems. Influence of nature of dispersed fillers on adhesive resistance and physical-mechanical properties of polymer-composites. Experimentally it is proved, that preliminary processing a ultrasonic field disperse and fibrous store allows to adjust in a wide range operational

    The Emirates at 2050: Balancing Development and Environmental Stewardship

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    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) faces the challenge of balancing rapid economic development with environmental preservation and conservation in the Anthropocene era. The nation’s unique ecosystems, characterized by arid desert, rugged mountains, and diverse marine habitats, are vulnerable to disturbances such as urbanization, habitat degradation, groundwater extraction and climate change. To chart a more sustainable course for the Emirates by 2050, the paper proposes policy recommendations such as adopting a national strategy for sustainable development, strengthening environmental policies, investing in urban planning and design, promoting sustainable water management, encouraging use of nature-based solutions, addressing climate change, fostering environmental education, supporting research in environmental sciences, encouraging national and regional cooperation, promoting sustainable business practices in the private sector, and monitoring the progress of environmental policies. By embracing a vision of development that respects the natural environment and safeguards its plant and animal life, the UAE can demonstrate its commitment and serve as a model for other nations to follow, becoming a shining example of responsible development by 2050

    An examination of the gender gap in smartphone adoption and use in Arab countries:a cross-national study

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    This is the first research to study gender differences among consumers in a cross-national context in the Middle East: the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan. A conceptual framework was developed by extending the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) further. It was tested among individuals aged 18–29 years using multi-stage cluster sampling. A total sample of around 900 usable responses from both countries were included in the analysis. The factors national IT development, enjoyment, perceived relative advantage, price value and effort expectancy were found to be significant in the model among Arab women in the UAE and Jordan. The study has theoretical, social and policy relating contributions. The study shows how an extended UTAUT2 fits among both genders in a cross-national context. The study is helpful for policymakers who intend to reduce the gender gap in smartphone adoption and use. The advancement of national IT development and the presence of effective policies focusing on women were found important in both countries

    Is Impressionism History?

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