134 research outputs found

    Production and characterization of thermoplastic elastomers based on recycled rubber

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    Ce travail de doctorat est consacré à la production et à la caractérisation de composés polymères à base de matrices thermoplastiques en mélange avec des particules de caoutchoucs recyclés. Les principales applications visées sont: (A) la production d’élastomères thermoplastiques (TPE) à haute teneur (50% et plus) en poudrette de caoutchouc de pneus usés (GTR); et (B) l’amélioration de la résistance à l’impact des composites thermoplastiques avec de faibles concentrations en GTR. Dans la première partie de ce travail, du polyéthylène maléaté (MAPE) a été utilisé comme matrice pour produire des mélanges MAPE/GTR présentant d'excellentes caractéristiques en tant qu’élastomère thermoplastique. Puis, les effets de différents mécanismes de dégradation (humidité, chaleur et recyclage) sur les propriétés des composites MAPE/GTR ont été largement examinés afin d’évaluer le potentiel de ces matériaux après plusieurs cycles d’utilisation. Enfin, le renforcement des TPE/GTR par différentes particules solides (poudre de bois et talc) a été étudié pour des applications plus exigeantes (caractéristiques mécaniques). Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, une nouvelle approche est proposée pour la modification de la résistance aux chocs des composites à base de polypropylène renforcé par des charges organique (chanvre) et inorganiques (talc, verre). L’amélioration des propriétés à l'impact de ces composites a été réalisée par l’addition d’un mélange à base de polypropylène maléaté (MAPP) et de poudrette de caoutchouc (GTR et déchets d’EPDM) contenant des concentrations élevées (jusqu’à 70% en poids) de déchets caoutchoutiques.This Ph.D. work is devoted to the production and characterization of polymer compounds based on thermoplastic matrix filled with waste rubber powder. The main applications include: (A) the production of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) resins containing high ground tire rubber (GTR) contents (50% and higher), and (B) impact modification of thermoplastic composites using low concentrations of GTR. In the first part of the work, maleated polyethylene (MAPE) is proposed as a matrix to produce MAPE/GTR blends having excellent characteristics as thermoplastic elastomers. Then, the effects of different degradation mechanisms (weathering, thermal degradation and reprocessing) on the properties of MAPE/GTR compounds were extensively investigated to determine their potential for further recycling. Finally, the reinforcement of GTR filled TPE was investigated using different types of solid particles (wood flour and talc) for more demanding applications (mechanical characteristics). In the second part of the work, a new approach is proposed for impact modification of polypropylene based composites based on organic (hemp) and inorganic (talc and glass) reinforcements. The effective improvement of the impact properties of these composites is performed through the addition of a masterbatch based on maleated polypropylene (MAPP)/waste rubber powder (GTR or waste EPDM) containing high concentrations (70% by weight) of waste rubber

    The role of Microsomal prostaglandin synthase-1 (mPGES-1) and Ephrin B2 in Scleroderma

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    La sclérodermie (sclérose systémique, ScS) est une maladie auto-immune du tissu conjonctif caractérisée  par  l’épaississement  de  la  peau,  l’apparition  spontanée de lésions cicatricielles, des maladies   des   vaisseaux   sanguins,   divers   degrés   d’inflammation,   en   association   avec   un   système   immunitaire hyperactif. La pathogénèse exacte de cette maladie est inconnue et aucun traitement approprié   n’est   disponible.   La fibrose est un élément distinctif de la maladie de ScS et est considérée   résulter   d’une   incapacité   à   mettre   fin   de   façon   appropriée   à   la   réponse   normale   de   réparation   des   plaies.   L’analyse   histologique   du   stade   initial   de   la   ScS   révèle   une   infiltration   périvasculaire de cellules mononucléaires dans le derme, associée à une synthèse accrue de collagène dans les fibroblastes environnants. Ainsi, la compréhension des moyens de contrôler le stade inflammatoire de la ScS pourrait être bénéfique pour contrôler la progression de la maladie peu après son apparition. La mPGES-1 est une enzyme inductible qui agit en aval de la cyclo- oxygénase (COX) pour catalyser spécifiquement la conversion de la prostaglandine (PG) H2 en PGE2. La mPGES-1  joue  un  rôle  clé  dans  l’inflammation,  la  douleur  et  l’arthrite;;  toutefois,  le   rôle de la mPGES-1 dans les mécanismes de fibrose, spécifiquement en rapport avec la ScS humaine, est inconnu. Mon laboratoire a précédemment montré que les souris à mPGES-1 nulle sont résistantes à la fibrose   cutanée   induite   par   la   bléomycine,   à   l’inflammation,   à   l’épaississement  cutané,  à  la  production  de  collagène  et  à  la  formation  de  myofibroblastes.  Sur  la   base  de  ces  résultats,  j’ai  formulé  l’hypothèse  que  l’inhibition pharmacologique de la mPGES-1 régulera à la baisse la production de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires et pro-fibreux au cours de la maladie   de   ScS.   Afin   d’explorer   le   rôle   de   la   mPGES-1   dans   l’inflammation   et   la   fibrose   associées  à  la  maladie  de  ScS,  j’ai  d’abord  examiné  l’expression  de  la  mPGES-1 dans la peau normale comparativement à des biopsies de peau extraites de patients atteints de ScS. Mes résultats ont montré que la mPGES-1 est nettement élevée dans la peau de patients atteints de ScS en comparaison avec la peau humaine normale. De plus, les niveaux de PGE2 dérivés de la mPGES-1 étaient également significativement plus élevés dans les fibroblastes cutanés isolés de patients  atteints  de  ScS  comparativement  aux  fibroblastes  isolés  de  témoins  sains.  J’ai  également   étudié  l’effet  de  l’inhibition pharmacologique de la mPGES-1  sur  l’expression  de  marqueurs  pro- fibreux.   Mes   études   ont   montré   que   l’expression   de   médiateurs   pro-fibreux clés (α-SMA, endothéline-1, collagène de type 1 et facteur de croissance du tissu conjonctif (FCTC)) est élevée dans les fibroblastes cutanés ScS en comparaison avec les fibroblastes cutanés normaux. Un traitement avec un inhibiteur de la mPGES-1 a eu pour effet de réduire significativement l’expression  de  l’α-SMA,  de  l’endothéline-1, du collagène de type 1 mais pas du FCTC dans les fibroblastes  ScS,  sans  effet  significatif  sur  les  fibroblastes  normaux.  J’ai  en  outre  examiné  l’effet   de  l’inhibition  de  la  mPGES-1 sur des cytokines pro-inflammatoires clés impliquées dans la pathologie de la ScS, incluant IL-6, IL-8 et MCP-1.  L’inhibition  pharmacologique  de  la  mPGES- 1 a eu pour effet de réduire significativement les niveaux de production de cytokines pro- inflammatoires IL6, IL8 et MCP-1 dans les fibroblastes avec lésion ScS comparativement à des fibroblastes non traités. De plus, les patients atteints de ScS ont présenté des niveaux plus élevés de p-AKT, de p-FAK et de p-SMAD3 en comparaison avec les fibroblastes cutanés normaux. L’inhibiteur  de  la  mPGES-1 a pu réguler à la baisse cette expression accrue de p-AKT et de p- FAK, mais pas de p-SMAD3,  dans  les  fibroblastes  ScS.  Ces  résultats  ont  suggéré  que  l’inhibition   de la mPGES-1 pourrait être une méthode viable pour réduire le développement de sclérose cutanée et constituent une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour contrôler les mécanismes fibreux et inflammatoires associés à la pathophysiologie de la maladie de ScS. L’un   des   autres   processus   critiques   reliés   à   l’évolution de la réponse fibreuse associée à la maladie de ScS est la différenciation des fibroblastes en des cellules activées spécialisées iii iv appelées myofibroblastes, responsables de déclencher une signalisation adhésive excessive et le dépôt excessif de matrice extracellulaire,   conduisant   à   la   destruction   de   l’architecture   de   l’organe.   Ainsi,   l’identification   des   facteurs   endogènes   qui   initient/   favorisent   la   différenciation   fibroblaste-myofibroblaste peut mener à des stratégies thérapeutiques prometteuses pour contrôler  l’excès  de  signalisation  adhésive  et  de  fibrose  associé  à  la  maladie  de  ScS.  Des  études   antérieures  dans  le  domaine  de  la  biologie  du  cancer  ont  suggéré  que  l’éphrine  B2,  une  protéine   transmembranaire appartenant à la famille des éphrines, est impliquée dans la signalisation adhésive   et   le   remodelage   extracellulaire.   Cependant,   son   rôle   dans   la   fibrose   n’a   jamais   été   exploré.   Dans   la   deuxième   partie   de   mon   étude,   j’ai   donc   étudié   le   rôle   de   l’éphrine   B2   dans   la   fibrose.   Mes   études   montrent   que   l’expression   de   l’éphrine   B2   est   significativement   augmentée   dans la peau humaine ScS comparativement à la peau normale. Plus important encore, le traitement in vitro de   fibroblastes   de   la   peau   humaine   normale   avec   de   l’éphrine   B2   recombinante est capable de transformer des fibroblastes en cellules myofibroblastiques manifestant toutes les caractéristiques myofibroblastiques typiques, incluant la formation accrue de  fibres  de  tension,  des  adhérences  focales,  l’activation  accrue  de  la  FAK,  un  accroissement  de   l’expression  et  de  la  migration  de  fibroblastes  et  de  leur  adhérence  à  la  fibronectine  à  la  fois  chez   les   fibroblastes   cutanés   normaux   et   ScS.   En   outre,   j’ai   traité   des   souris   avec   de   l’éphrine   B2   recombinante et montré que ces souris ont développé une fibrose cutanée significative associée à une épaisseur dermique et à une synthèse de collagène augmentées, une teneur en hydroxyproline (teneur en collagène) accrue et un nombre accru de myofibroblastes exprimant de   l’α-SMA, une activation augmentée de la FAK et de marqueurs pro-fibreux incluant le collagène de type 1 et le FCTC. Dans  l’ensemble,  mes  études  ont  identifié  deux  médiateurs  endogènes  cruciaux  impliqués  dans  la   propagation  de  l’inflammation  et  de  la  fibrose  associées  à  la  maladie  de  ScS.  L’inhibition  de  la   mPGES-1   pourrait   représenter   une   bonne   stratégie   alternative   pour   contrer   l’inflammation   et   la   fibrose au moins durant les stades précoces de la maladie de ScS. De plus, une signalisation excessive   de   l’éphrine B2 favorise la signalisation adhésive et fibreuse en déclenchant la différenciation   de   fibroblastes   en   myofibroblastes   par   l’activation   de   la   voie   de   signalisation   de   la  FAK.  Ainsi,  l’inhibition  d’éphrine  B2  bloquera  la  formation  de  fibroblastes-myofibroblastes et régulera à la baisse la fibrose associée à la maladie de ScS. En somme, la mPGES-1  et  l’éphrine   B2 semblent toutes deux des cibles attrayantes pour le traitement de la ScS et des troubles fibreux qui y sont reliés.Scleroderma (Systemic sclerosis, SSc) is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue featuring skin thickening, spontaneous scarring, and blood vessel disease, varying degrees of inflammation, associated with an overactive immune system. The exact pathogenesis of this disease is unknown and there is no appropriate treatment available. Fibrosis is a hallmark of SSc disease and is considered to arise due to an inability to appropriately terminate the normal wound repair response. Histological analysis of the initial stage of SSc reveals perivascular infiltrates of mononuclear cells in the dermis, which is associated with increased collagen synthesis in the surrounding fibroblasts. Thus understanding how to control the inflammatory stage of SSc may be of benefit in controlling the progression of early onset disease. mPGES-1 is an inducible enzyme that acts downstream of cyclooxygenase (COX) to specifically catalyze the conversion of prostaglandin (PG) H2 to PGE2. mPGES-1 plays a key role in inflammation, pain and arthritis; however, the role of mPGES-1 in fibrotic mechanisms especially with respect to human SSc is unknown. My laboratory has previously shown that mPGES-1-null mice are resistant to bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis, inflammation, cutaneous thickening, collagen production and myofibroblast formation. Based on these results I hypothesized that pharmacological inhibition of mPGES-1 will downregulate the production of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic mediators during SSc disease. To explore the role of mPGES-1 in inflammation and fibrosis associated with SSc disease, I first investigated the expression of mPGES-1 in normal skin compared to skin biopsies extracted from SSc patients. My results showed that mPGES-1 is markedly elevated in SSc skin compared to normal human skin. In addition, the levels of mPGES-1- derived PGE2 were also significantly higher in skin fibroblasts isolated from SSc patients compared to fibroblasts isolated from healthy controls. I further investigated the effect of pharmacological inhibition of mPGES-1 on the expression of pro-fibrotic markers. My studies showed the expression of key pro-fibrotic mediators (α-SMA, endothelin-1, collagen type 1 and connective tissue growth factor) are elevated in SSc skin fibroblasts compared to normal skin fibroblasts. Treatment with mPGES-1 inhibitor resulted in significant reduction in the expression of α-SMA, endothelin-1, collagen type 1 but not CTGF in SSc and normal fibroblasts. Further, I investigated the effect of mPGES-1 inhibition on key pro-inflammatory cytokines implicated in SSc pathology including IL-6, IL-8 and MCP-1. Pharmacological inhibition of mPGES-1 resulted in significant reduction in the production levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL6, IL8 and MCP-1 in SSc-lesioned fibroblasts compared to untreated fibroblasts. In addition, SSc patients exhibited higher levels of p-AKT, p-FAK and p-SMAD3 compared to normal skin fibroblasts. mPGES-1 inhibitor was able to down regulate this increased expression of p-AKT, p-FAK but not p-SMAD3 in SSc fibroblasts. These results suggested that inhibition of mPGES-1 may be a viable method to alleviate the development of cutaneous sclerosis and is a potential therapeutic target to control fibrotic and inflammatory mechanisms associated with the pathophysiology of SSc disease. One of the other critical processes associated with the evolution of fibrotic response associated with SSc disease is the differentiation of fibroblasts into specialized activated cells called myofibroblasts responsible for triggering excessive adhesive signaling and deposition of excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) leading to the destruction of organ architecture. Thus identifying endogenous factors which initiate/promote fibroblast-myofibroblast differentiation can lead to promising therapeutic strategies to control excessive adhesive signaling and fibrosis associated with SSc disease. Previous studies in cancer biology have suggested that ephrin B2, a transmembrane protein belonging to the family of ephrins, is involved in adhesive signaling and extracellular remodeling. However its role in fibrosis has never been explored. Therefore, in second part of my study, I investigated the role of ephrin B2 in fibrosis. My studies show ephrin v vi B2 expression is significantly enhanced in human SSc skin versus normal skin. Most importantly, in vitro treatment of normal human skin fibroblasts with recombinant ephrin B2 is able to transform fibroblasts into myofibroblastic cells exhibiting all typical myofibroblastic- characteristics including increased stress fibre formation, focal adhesions, increased activation of FAK, increased expression of and enhanced fibroblast migration and adhesion to fibronectin in both normal and SSc skin fibroblasts. Further, I treated mice with recombinant ephrin B2 and showed that these mice developed significant skin fibrosis associated with enhanced dermal thickness and collagen synthesis, increased hydroxyproline content (collagen content) and increased number of α-SMA-expressing myofibroblasts, enhanced activation of FAK and pro- fibrotic markers including type-I collagen and CTGF. Overall, my studies have identified two crucial endogenous mediators involved in propagating inflammation and fibrosis associated with SSc disease. mPGES-1 inhibition may present a good alternative strategy to counteract inflammation and fibrosis at least during early stages of SSc disease. Further, excessive ephrin B2 signaling promotes adhesive and fibrotic signaling by triggering fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation via activation of the FAK signaling pathway. Thus, inhibition of ephrin B2 will block fibroblast-myofibroblast formation and downregulate fibrosis associated with SSc disease. Overall, both mPGES-1 and ephrin B2 seems to be attractive targets for treatment of SSc and related fibrotic disorders

    Evaluation of Seasonal, Drought, and Wet Condition Effects on Performance of Satellite-Based Precipitation Data over Different Climatic Conditions in Iran

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    The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) are the most important and widely used data sources in several applications—e.g., forecasting drought and flood, and managing water resources—especially in the areas with sparse or no other robust sources. This study explored the accuracy and precision of satellite data products over a span of 18 years (2000–2017) using synoptic ground station data for three regions in Iran with different climates, namely (a) humid and high rainfall, (b) semi-arid, and (c) arid. The results show that the monthly precipitation products of GPM and TRMM overestimate the rainfall. On average, they overestimated the precipitation amount by 11% in humid, by 50% in semi-arid, and by 43% in arid climate conditions compared to the ground-based data. This study also evaluated the satellite data accuracy in drought and wet conditions based on the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and different seasons. The results showed that the accuracy of satellite data varies significantly under drought, wet, and normal conditions and different timescales, being lowest under drought conditions, especially in arid regions. The highest accuracy was obtained on the 12-month timescale and the lowest on the 3-month timescale. Although the accuracy of the data is dependent on the season, the seasonal effects depend on climatic conditions.Peer Reviewe

    Proximate and fatty acid composition of liver and fatty tissue of patin catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

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    The visceral storage fat and liver of patin catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) are normally discarded, which incurs cost and can cause environmental pollution. However, these may be potential sources to extract fish oil. The proximate and fatty acid compositions of liver and fatty tissue of patin catfish were investigated to evaluate the suitability of these by-products for extracting fish oil. Fat was extracted using a low temperature solvent extraction method. The average fat content of fatty tissue and liver of females were 77.64 and 11.71%, respectively, whereas in males this was73.23 and 9.59%, respectively. Fatty acids found in the extracted oil of these byproducts were C12:0, C14:0, C14:1, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3, C18:4, C20:0, C20:1, C20:4, C20:5, and C22:6.The major fatty acids presented in these tissues were palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1n-9), and linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6). The total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids of liver from male and female patin catfish were 13.31 and 13.30%, respectively, whereas in the fatty tissue these were11.64 and 12.09%, respectively. The n-3 to n-6 ratios of liver and fatty tissue of females were 1.61and 0.95, respectively, whereas in male fish these were 1.31 and 1.05, respectively. Results of this study indicated that the liver and fatty tissues of patin catfish are suitable sources of fish oil specifically due to the presence of monounsaturated and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Proximate and fatty acid composition of liver and fatty tissue of patin catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

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    The visceral storage fat and liver of patin catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) are normally discarded, which incurs cost and can cause environmental pollution. However, these may be potential sources to extract fish oil. The proximate and fatty acid compositions of liver and fatty tissue of patin catfish were investigated to evaluate the suitability of these by-products for extracting fish oil. Fat was extracted using a low temperature solvent extraction method. The average fat content of fatty tissue and liver of females were 77.64 and 11.71%, respectively, whereas in males this was 73.23 and 9.59%, respectively. Fatty acids found in the extracted oil of these byproducts were C12:0, C14:0, C14:1, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3, C18:4, C20:0, C20:1, C20:4, C20:5, and C22:6. The major fatty acids presented in these tissues were palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1 n-9), and linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6). The total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids of liver from male and female patin catfish were 13.31 and 13.30%, respectively, whereas in the fatty tissue these were 11.64 and 12.09%, respectively. The n-3 to n-6 ratios of liver and fatty tissue of females were 1.61 and 0.95, respectively, whereas in male fish these were 1.31 and 1.05, respectively. Results of this study indicated that the liver and fatty tissues of patin catfish are suitable sources of fish oil specifically due to the presence of monounsaturated and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Late Pleistocene and Holocene sea-level change and coastal paleoenvironment evolution along the Iranian Caspian shore

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    © The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).The level of the Caspian Sea is influenced by rivers mostly from the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere and therefore any change of its catchments including temperature and precipitation directly reflects on Caspian Sea-level. We reconstructed Late Pleistocene to Holocene Caspian Sea-level by a multi-disciplinary approach from a 27.7m long core in the SE corner of the Iranian Caspian coast in the Gomishan Lagoon. Late Pleistocene deposits containing typical Pleistocene fauna and dated around 20,120 cal yr BP bordered with a major hiatus indicating sea-level fall. Lagoonal deposits with shells dated at around 10,590 cal yr BP suggest that, after this deep lowstand, an initial transgression started, leading to landward advance of barrier–lagoon systems which still continued without any lowstand until 8400 cal yr BP. This corresponded to a biofacies change from lagoonal to the deeper biofacies including diatom and Gastropoda species. Around 8400 cal yr BP sea-level started to fall again, and reddish oxidized sediments with abundant foraminifera (Ammonia beccarii) record a regressive phase around 7700 cal yr BP. The mid-Holocene between 15.7 and 4.9 depths is characterized by a shallow marine environment mostly with high carbonate and gypsum contents, and lagoonal and highstand tract with no subaerial facies. The upper part of the core above a 4.9 m depth reflects at least five Late Holocene Caspian Sea-level cycles from 3260 cal yr BP onward. The Caspian Sea-levels are influenced both by global and regional events.The Oceanography Institute and Cultural Heritage Tourism Organization of Mazandaran

    From the Allerød to the mid-Holocene: Palynological evidence from the south basin of the Caspian Sea

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright @ The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Pollen and dinoflagellate cysts have been analysed in a core from the south basin of the Caspian Sea, providing a picture of respectively past vegetation and water salinity for the Late Pleistocene to middle Holocene. A relatively sharp lithological change at 0.86 m depth reflects a shift from detrital silts to carbonates-rich fine silts. From this depth upwards, a Holocene chronology is built based on ten radiocarbon dates on ostracod shells and bulk carbonates. From the vegetation point of view, the Late Pleistocene deserts and steppes were partially replaced in the most sheltered areas by an open woodland with Pinus, Juniperus-Hippophae-Elaeagnus and even Alnus-Quercus-Pterocarya and Fraxinus, related to the Allerød palynozone. This was interrupted by the Younger Dryas palynozone when Artemisia reaches a maximum in a first instance followed by a very dry phase with only a slight return of Pinus and Quercus and the rare presence of Ulmus-Zelkova. From 11.5 to 8.4 cal. ka BP, an open landscape dominated by shrubs such as Ephedra and progressively increasing Quercus appeared. The final spread of diverse evergreen and deciduous trees is delayed and occurs after 8.4 cal. ka BP. It is suggested that this delay is caused by an arid climate in the Early Holocene linked to high insolation and perhaps to a lake effect. The dinocyst assemblages fluctuate between slightly brackish (Pyxidinopsis psilata and Spiniferites cruciformis, 7 psu and lower) and more brackish (Impagidinium caspienense, ∼13 psu). In the Lateglacial (Khvalynian highstand), the assemblages remained dominated by relative low salinity taxa. A late and brief increase of salinity occurred prior to 11.2 cal. ka BP associated with the Mangyshlak lowstand. It is suggested that it was caused by a brief drop in meltwater flow from both the north and the southeast (Uzboy) and a likely evaporation increase. This lowstand occurs quasi at the same time as the end of a longer lowstand in the Black Sea. The freshest waters are then inferred as having occurred between 8.4 and ≤4.4 cal. ka BP, linked to a connection with the Amu Darya and the melting glaciers on the Pamir Mountains. The Caspian Sea is a sensitive environment, easily perturbed by global climatic changes, such as the Allerød and Holocene warming, and the Lateglacial and Younger Dryas cooling, as well as by regional changes in its hydrography, such as shifts in the Eurasian meltwater and the Volga and Amu Darya inflows.Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Franc

    Differential impact of long-shore currents on coastal geomorphology development in the context of rapid sea level changes: The case of the Old Sefidrud (Caspian Sea)

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    In the face of global rise in sea level, understanding the response of the shoreline to sea level rise is an important key for coastal management. The rapid sea level fluctuations taking place in the Caspian Sea provide a live model for studying shoreline response to sea level rise. Coastal lagoon deposits provide an ideal archive to study sea level fluctuation. In this study, two lagoons on both sides of the Old Sefidrud River (south coast of the Caspian Sea) have been subjected to study using sedimentology, palynology and macro-remains analyses: the Amirkola and the Klaus Lagoons. The results demonstrate how these coastal lagoons, related to one single river within the same delta, during the last decades respond differently to sea level fluctuations and show the crucial role played by long-shore current.This research is part of the PhD of the first author entitled “Evaluation of Sefidrud Delta (South West Caspian Sea) during the last millennium”, which was funded by Brunel University London. The publication is a contribution to the INQUA QuickLakeH project (No 1227) and to the European project Marie Curie, CLIMSEAS–PIRSES–GA–2009–247512

    Subcutaneous Injection of Allogeneic Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Psoriasis Plaques: Clinical Trial Phase I

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    Objective: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) play immunomodulatory role in various autoimmune diseases. Previouspre-clinical and clinical studies have shown that MSCs could be a therapeutic modality for psoriasis. However, themechanisms of treatment and its possible side effects are under investigation. In this study, the safety and probableefficacy of injecting allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) in psoriatic patients were evaluated.Materials and Methods: In this phase I clinical study with six months of follow-up, total number of 1×106 or 3×106cells/cm2 of ADSCs were injected into the subcutaneous tissue of each plaque as a single dose in three males and twofemales (3M/2F) with a mean age of 32.8 ± 8.18. The primary outcome was safety. Changes in clinical and histologicalindexes, the number of B and T lymphocytes in local and peripheral blood, and serum levels of inflammatory cytokineswere assessed. Paired t test was used to compare variables at two time points (baseline and six months after injection)and repeated measures ANOVA test was utilized for variables at three time points in follow-up visits.Results: No major adverse effects such as burning, pain, itching, or any systemic side effects were observed followingADSCs injection, and the lesions showed slight to considerable improvement after injection. The mRNA expressionlevels of pro-inflammatory factors were reduced in the dermis of the patients after injection. The increased expressionlevel of Foxp3 transcription factor in the patient blood samples suggested modulation of inflammation after ADMSCsadministration. Six months after the intervention, no major side effects were reported, but skin thickness, erythema, andscaling of the plaques, as well as the PASI score, were decreased in majority of patients.Conclusion: Our study suggested that ADSC injection could be considered as a safe and effective therapeuticapproach for psoriatic plaques (registration number: IRCT20080728001031N24)

    The Ponto-Caspian basin as a final trap for southeastern Scandinavian Ice-Sheet meltwater

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    This paper provides new data on the evolution of the Caspian Sea and Black Sea from the Last Glacial Maximum until ca. 12 cal kyr BP. We present new analyses (clay mineralogy, grain-size, Nd isotopes and pollen) applied to sediments from the river terraces in the lower Volga, from the middle Caspian Sea and from the western part of the Black Sea. The results show that during the last deglaciation, the Ponto-Caspian basin collected meltwater and fine-grained sediment from the southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) via the Dniepr and Volga Rivers. It induced the deposition of characteristic red-brownish/chocolate-coloured illite-rich sediments (Red Layers in the Black Sea and Chocolate Clays in the Caspian Sea) that originated from the Baltic Shield area according to Nd data. This general evolution, common to both seas was nevertheless differentiated over time due to the specificities of their catchment areas and due to the movement of the southern margin of the SIS. Our results indicate that in the eastern part of the East European Plain, the meltwater from the SIS margin supplied the Caspian Sea during the deglaciation until ∼13.8 cal kyr BP, and possibly from the LGM. That led to the Early Khvalynian transgressive stage(s) and Chocolate Clays deposition in the now-emerged northern flat part of the Caspian Sea (river terraces in the modern lower Volga) and in its middle basin. In the western part of the East European Plain, our results confirm the release of meltwater from the SIS margin into the Black Sea that occurred between 17.2 and 15.7 cal kyr BP, as previously proposed. Indeed, recent findings concerning the evolution of the southern margin of the SIS and the Black Sea, show that during the last deglaciation, occurred a westward release of meltwater into the North Atlantic (between ca. 20 and 16.7 cal kyr BP), and a southward one into the Black Sea (between 17.2 and 15.7 cal kyr BP). After the Red Layers/Chocolate Clays deposition in both seas and until 12 cal kyr BP, smectite became the dominant clay mineral. The East European Plain is clearly identified as the source for smectite in the Caspian Sea sediments. In the Black Sea, smectite originated either from the East European Plain or from the Danube River catchment. Previous studies consider smectite as being only of Anatolian origin. However, our results highlight both, the European source for smectite and the impact of this source on the depositional environment of the Black Sea during considered period