39 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of fluid inclusions in travertines from Western and Northern Turkey: inferences on the role of active faults in fluids circulation

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    The understanding of the relationship between the geochemistry of fluids circulating during travertine deposition and the presence of active faults is crucial for evaluating the seismogenetic potential of an area. Here we investigate travertines from Pamukkale and Reşadiye (Turkey), sited in seismic regions and next to thermal springs. These travertines formed ~24,500–50,000 (Pamukkale) and ~240–14,600 years (Reşadiye) BP. We characterize fluid inclusions (FIs) and studied concentration of H2O, CO2, O2 + N2, and 3He, 4He, 20Ne, and 40Ar, and bulk composition (trace elements and δ13C‐δ18O). FIs from both localities are mainly primary with low salinity and homogenization temperature around 136–140 °C. H2O is the major component followed by CO2, with the highest gas content measured in Pamukkale travertines. Concentrations of Ne‐Ar together with O2 + N2 indicate that travertines from both areas precipitated from atmosphere‐derived fluids. The 3He/4He is 0.5–1.3 Ra in Pamukkale and 0.9–4.4 Ra in Reşadiye. Samples with R/Ra > 1 are modified by cosmogenic 3He addition during exposure to cosmic rays. Excluding these data, FIs of Reşadiye are mostly atmosphere‐derived. This implies a shallow formation where the circulation was dominated by meteoric waters, which is consistent with their young age. Instead, FIs of Pamukkale show mixing of mantle‐, crustal‐, and atmosphere‐derived He, indicating that these travertines formed in lithospheric fractures. Based on the δ13CCO2 and δ18O of bulk rocks, we infer that travertines formed involving crustal‐ (mechanochemical rather than organic) and mantle‐derived CO2. Trace elements of Pamukkale and Reşadiye show comparable rare earth element patterns. We conclude that travertines formed in response of seismogenetic activity.Published5473-54982T. Deformazione crostale attiva7T. Variazioni delle caratteristiche crostali e precursori sismici6A. Geochimica per l'ambiente e geologia medicaJCR Journa

    Coeval extensional shearing and lateral underflow during Late Cretaceous core complex development in the Niğde Massif, Central Anatolia, Turkey

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    27 p.International audienceThe Nig¢de Massif, at the southern tip of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, consists of two structural units. Foliations in the lower unit define a dome cored by migmatites. The contact between the two units bears all the elements of a ductile to brittle extensional detachment. Hence the Nig¢de Massif represents an extensional metamorphic core complex. Top-to-NE/ENE shearing at higher levels of the lower unit relates to displacement along the detachment. Deeper levels of the lower unit display hightemperature top-to-SSW ductile shearing. The two shearing deformations show a difference in the mean trend of stretching lineations of up to 58. New 40Ar/39Ar ages combined with previously published data enable us to infer that the two shears were contemporaneous. In our favored interpretation, oblique shearing in the core of the dome reflects lateral underflow, i.e., horizontal flowing of the lower crust in a direction highly oblique to the direction of extension. As a result of the interaction between lateral underflow and downdip shearing along the overlying detachment, distinct structural domains are expected to exist within the migmatitic part of the core complex, with observed counterparts in the Nig¢de dome. Lateral underflow may reflect ''inward'' flow on the scale of the core complex. Regional-scale channel flow is an alternative that would better account for the record of non-coaxial deformation in the core of the dome. More generally, we suspect that the development of lateral underflow in a metamorphic core complex more likely reflects regional channel flow, rather than local inward flow

    Tectono-stratigraphy of the Vezirköprü Area (Samsun-Turkey)

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Geology of the Geriş-Akseki region (Antalya-Turkey).

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    Kırşehir masifi ve civarında "Gerilmeli tektonizmanın" gelişimi etkileri ve sonuçları

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    Niğde Masifi, batısında normal bileşeni doğrultu atımlı fayla, güneyinde düşük açılı normal bir fayla, doğusunda ise Ecemiş Fay Zonu ile sınırlanmıştır. Niğde Masifi'ni oluşturan değişik özellikteki metamorfik ve granitik kayaçlarda gelişen yapıların tamamı, geçirmiş oldukları defomnasyonun progresif gelişimi ve bu kayaçlarm diğer birimlerle olan dokanak ilişkileri masifin bir çekirdek kompleks şeklinde geliştiğini ve bugünkü konumu itibariyle düşük açılı bir normal fayın (ayrılma/sıyrılma fayı - detachment fault) taban bloğunda yüzeylediğini ortaya koymuştur. Yeni Ar-Ar yaşları yüksek dereceli metamorfiklerin ve bunları kesen Üçkapılı Graniti'nin gerilmeli bir makaslama zonunun taban bloğunda yüzeye doğru hareketinin Kampani'yende aktif olduğunu göstermektedir. Masifi diskordansla üzerieyen metamorfizma geçinmemiş örtü birimlerinin yaşlan ise masifin Erken Paleosen'den daha önce yüzeye çıkmadığını, dolayısıyla Niğde Masifi'nin kuzeye eğimli bir makaslama zonunun taban bloğunda Kampaniyen - Erken Paleosen zaman aralığında yüzeylediğini gösterir

    Polyphase Tectonic Evolution of the Aksu Basin, Isparta Angle (Southern Turkey)

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    The Aksu Basin, within the Isparta Angle, is located to the north of the intersection of the Aegean and Cyprus arcs and has been evolving since the Middle Miocene. Correlation of: (1) kinematic analysis of fault planes that cut the basin fill, (2) the reactivation/inversion of fault planes and (3) sedimentological data indicate that the Aksu Basin has evolved by four alternating compressional and extensional tectonic phases since its formation. The first phase was NW-SE oriented compression caused by the emplacement of the Lycian Nappe units which ended in Langhian. This compressional phase that induced the formation and the initial deformation of the basin was followed by a NW-SE extensional phase. This tectonic phase prevailed between the Langhian and Messinian and was terminated by a NE-SW compressional regime known as the Aksu Phase. The neotectonic period is characterized by NE-SW extension and began in the Late Pliocene. Correlation with the existing tectonic literature shows that the order of deformational phases proposed in this study might also be valid for the entire Isparta Angle area.WoSScopu

    Hydrogeochemical properties of CO2-rich thermal-mineral waters in Kayseri (Central Anatolia), Turkey

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    WOS: 000237731500003The present study highlights the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the CO2-rich thermal-mineral waters in Kayseri, Turkey. These waters of Dokuzpinar cold spring (DPS) (12-13 degrees C), Yesilhisar mineral spring (YMS) (13-16 degrees C), Acisu mineral spring (ACMS) (20-22.5 degrees C), Tekgoz thermal spring (TGS) (40-41 degrees C), and Bayramhaci thermal-mineral spring (BTMS) (45-46.5 degrees C) have different physical and chemical compositions. The waters are located within the Erciyes basin in the Central Anatolian Crystalline complex consisting of three main rock units. Metamorphic/crystalline rocks occur as the basement, sedimentary rocks of Upper Cretaceous-Quaternary age form the cover, and volcanosedimentary rocks Miocene-Quaternary in age represent the extrusive products of magmatism acting in that period. All these units are covered unconformably by terrace and alluvial deposits, and travertine occurrences have variable permeability. Dokuzpinar cold spring, YMS and ACMS localized mainly along the faults within the region have higher Na+ and Cl- contents whereas TGS and BTMS have higher amounts of Ca2+ and HCO3-. The high concentrations of Ca2+ and HCO3- are mainly related to the high CO2 contents resulting from interactions with carbonate rocks. Whereas the high Na+ content is derived from the alkaline rocks, such as syenite, tuff and basalts, the Cl- is generally connected to the dissolution of the evaporitic sequences. These waters are of meteoric-type. BTMS deviates from meteoric water line. The content is related to the increases in the 6180 compositions due to mineral-water interaction (re-equilibrium) process. CO2-dominated YMS and ACMS with low temperatures have higher mineralizations. Yesilhisar mineral spring, ACMS, TGS and BTMS are oversaturated in terms of calcite, aragonite, dolomite, goethite and hematite, and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, halite and anhydrite. Yesilhisar mineral spring, ACMS and BTMS are also characterized by recent travertine precipitation. Dokuzpinar cold spring is undersaturated in terms of the above minerals. The higher ratios of Ca/Mg and Cl/HCO3, and lower ratios of SO4/Cl in BTMS than TGS suggest that TGS has shallow circulation compared to BTMS, and/or has much more heat-loss enroute the surface. The sequence of hydrogeochemical and isotopic compositions of the waters is in an order of DPS > YMS > ACMS > TGS > BTMS and this suggests a transition period from a shallow circulation to a deep circulation path

    Evaluation of Critically Obstetric III Patients in Intensive Care Unit Follow-Up: A Retrospective 10 Year

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    Background: In recent years, although maternal and infant mortality rate has been decreased, it still remains an important health care problem. Early diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of thew problems are very important. Because of these features, obstetric critical patients are a special group of patients who need attention. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting mortality in critical obstetric patients admitted to the intensive care unit

    Evaluation of Non-intensive Care Unit-Acquired Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients in Intensive Care Unit Outcomes

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    Objective: Sepsis is a clinical condition that requires urgent treatment. Most patients with sepsis require intensive care. There is a high mortality rate. The primary aim of the present study was to examine risk factors for mortality in patients with sepsis or septic shock in a medical intensive care unit (ICU). The secondary objective was to analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of these patients