435 research outputs found

    Chronic nitrogen fertilization and carbon sequestration in grassland soils: evidence of a microbial enzyme link

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    Chronic nitrogen (N) fertilization can greatly affect soil carbon (C) sequestration by altering biochemical interactions between plant detritus and soil microbes. In lignin-rich forest soils, chronic N additions tend to increase soil C content partly by decreasing the activity of lignin-degrading enzymes. In cellulose-rich grassland soils it is not clear whether cellulose-degrading enzymes are also inhibited by N additions and what consequences this might have on changes in soil C content. Here we address whether chronic N fertilization has affected (1) the C content of light versus heavier soil fractions, and (2) the activity of four extracellular enzymes including the C-acquiring enzyme β-1,4-glucosidase (BG; necessary for cellulose hydrolysis). We found that 19 years of chronic N-only addition to permanent grassland have significantly increased soil C sequestration in heavy but not in light soil density fractions, and this C accrual was associated with a significant increase (and not decrease) of BG activity. Chronic N fertilization may increase BG activity because greater N availability reduces root C:N ratios thus increasing microbial demand for C, which is met by C inputs from enhanced root C pools in N-only fertilized soils. However, BG activity and total root mass strongly decreased in high pH soils under the application of lime (i.e. CaCO3), which reduced the ability of these organo-mineral soils to gain more C per units of N added. Our study is the first to show a potential ‘enzyme link’ between (1) long-term additions of inorganic N to grassland soils, and (2) the greater C content of organo-mineral soil fractions. Our new hypothesis is that the ‘enzyme link’ occurs because (a) BG activity is stimulated by increased microbial C demand relative to N under chronic fertilization, and (b) increased BG activity causes more C from roots and from microbial metabolites to accumulate and stabilize into organo-mineral C fractions. We suggest that any combination of management practices that can influence the BG ‘enzyme link’ will have far reaching implications for long-term C sequestration in grassland soils

    Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emission from Hungarian forest soils; link with atmospheric N-deposition

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    International audienceStudies of forest nitrogen (N) budgets generally measure inputs to the atmosphere in wet and dry precipitation and outputs via hydrologic export. Although denitrification has been shown to be important in many wetland ecosystems, emission of nitrogen oxides from forest soils is an important, and often overlooked, component of an ecosystem nitrogen budget. During one year (2002-2003), emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured from Sessile oak and Norway spruce forest soils in northeast Hungary. Accumulation in small static chambers followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detection was used for the estimation of N2O emission flux. Because there are rapid chemical reactions of NO and ozone, small dynamic chambers were used for in situ NO flux measurements. Average soil emissions of NO were 1.2 and 2.1 µgNm-2h-1, and for N2O were 15 and 20 µgNm-2h-1, for spruce and oak soils, respectively. The previously determined nitrogen balance between the atmosphere and the forest ecosystem was re-calculated using these soil emission figures. The total (dry + wet) atmospheric N-deposition to the soil was 1.42 and 1.59gNm-2yr-1 for spruce and oak, respectively, while the soil emissions are 0.14 and 0.20 gNm-2yr-1. Thus, about 10-13% of N compounds deposited to the soil, mostly as NH3/NH4+ and HNO3/NO3-, are transformed in the soil and emitted back to the atmosphere, mostly as a greenhouse gas (N2O)

    Ecological Effects of Major Storms on Coastal Watersheds and Coastal Waters: Hurricane Bob on Cape Cod

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    Hurricane Bob, a category 3 storm, made landfall on Cape Cod in August 1991, and its effects on watersheds and adjoining estuaries were detected in the ongoing studies being caried out as part of the Waquoit Bay Land Margin Ecosystems Research project. On land, Bob had only minor overall effects on forests; localized wind bursts did snap and break trees in small and widely scattered forest parcels. Wind stripped up to half the leaves of deciduous trees and many herbaceous plants on the watershed, and most remaining leaves were damaged by salt, so that by the end of Aug, Cape Cod forests were defoliated. Damaged growing tips of exposed trees were evident for several growing seasons. The salt exposure was followed by a burst of growth and bloom in some plants during Sep-Oct. Forest invertebrates were disturbed by the storm. Nests of hornets and wasps, for example, were apparently destroyed and the survivors became a serious pest problem: hospital records show a ten-fold increase in cases of wasp stings just after Bob. Populations of these insects did not return to earlier abundance for several years. Birds and mammals did not appear to have suffered much damage. Leaching of salt to soils released previously-adsorbed soil ammonium. Such loss of critical nitrogen may be in part responsible for the characteristically dwarfed near-shore coastal forests, as well as adds nitrogen to groundwater that in turn transports the nitrogen to receiving waters. On the Bay, Bob thoroughly mixed the water column, but the stratification was restored within 1-2 days after passage of the storm. Short recovery times might be characteristic of shallow bays with short (2-3 d) water residence times. Bob opened a new inlet to Waquoit Bay, which remains open. The new inlet exerts only minor effects on circulation within the Bay, but did create localized damage to dune and eelgrass habitats near the new inlet. The mixing of the water column released major amounts of nutrients that were held within the macroalgal canopy and upper sediments, into the upper layers, and prompted a short-lived (2-3 d) phytoplankton bloom. Biomass of unattached macroalgae was not affected by Bob. Respiration and nitrogen content of the dominant macroalgal species were elevated after passage of the storm, but returned to normal rates after several days. Nearly all above-sediment eelgrass biomass was removed, but returned to previous biomass during the next growing season. There was no visible damage to fringing salt marsh habitats. Damage to aquatic animals appears to have been minimal. A small decrease in water temperature and increased respiration by macroalgae led to decreased total net ecosystem production and increased net ecosystem respiration, but the decreases disappeared after 2 d. The effects of Hurricane Bob seemed more intense and protracted on land than on aquatic ecosystems. Recovery from the various disturbances took hours to days in the aquatic system, but months to decades in terrestrial components. Rigid, larger organisms attached or rooted to substrates seem most subject to storm-related disturbances

    How will a drier climate change carbon sequestration in soils of the deciduous forests of Central Europe?

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    Global warming is accompanied by increasing water stress across much of our planet. We studied soil biological processes and changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in 30 Hungarian oak forest sites in the Carpathian Basin along a climatic gradient (mean annual temperature (MAT) 9.6\u201312.1 C, mean annual precipitation (MAP) 545\u2013725 mm) but on similar gently sloped hillsides where the parent materials are loess and weathered dust inputs dating from the end of the ice age. The purpose of this research was to understand how a drying climate, predicted for this region, might regulate long-term SOC sequestration. To examine the effects of decreasing water availability, we compared soil parameters and processes in three categories of forest that represented the moisture extremes along our gradient and that were defined using a broken-stick regression model. Soil biological activity was significantly lower in the driest (\u2018\u2018dry\u2019\u2019) forests, which had more than double the SOC concentration in the upper 30 cm layer (3.28 g C/100 g soil \ub1 0.11 SE) compared to soils of the wettest (\u2018\u2018humid\u2019\u2019) forests (1.32 g C/100 g soil \ub1 0.09 SE), despite the fact that annual surface litter production in humid forests was * 37% higher than in dry forests. A two-pool SOM model constrained to fit radiocarbon data indicates that turnover times for fast and slow pools are about half as long in the humid soil compared to the dry soil, and humid soils transfer C twice as efficiently from fast to slow pools. Enzyme activity and fungal biomass data also imply shorter turnover times associated with faster degradation processes in the soils of humid forests. Thermogravimetry studies suggest that more chemically recalcitrant compounds are accumulating in the soils of dry forests. Taken together, our results suggest that the predicted climate drying in this region might increase SOC storage in Central European mesic deciduous forests even as litter production decreases

    Climate and soil micro‐organisms drive soil phosphorus fractions in coastal dune systems

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    1. The importance of soil phosphorus (P) is likely to increase in coming decades due to the growing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition originated by industrial and agricultural activities. We currently lack a proper understanding of the main drivers of soil P pools in coastal dunes, which rank among the most valued priority conservation areas worldwide. 2. Here, we evaluated the joint effects of biotic (i.e. microbial abundance and richness, vegetation and cryptogams cover) and abiotic (i.e. pH and aridity) factors on labile, medium‐lability and recalcitrant soil P pools across a wide aridity gradient in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. 3. Climate determined the availability of medium‐lability, recalcitrant and total P, but had a minor net effect on labile P, which was positively and significantly related to the presence of plants, mosses and lichens. Medium‐lability P was significantly influenced by soil bacterial richness and abundance (positively and negatively, respectively). 4. Our results suggest that micro‐organisms transfer P from medium‐lability pool to more labile one. At the same time, increases in bacterial richness associated to biofilms might be involved in the thickening of the medium‐lability P pool in our climosequence. 5. These bacterial‐mediated transfers would confer resistance to the labile P pool under future climate change and uncover an important role of soil micro‐organisms as modulators of the geochemical P cycle.This project was financed by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Proyect (CGL2017-88124-R), European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement 647038 [BIODESERT]) and the Fundaçã o para Ciência e Tecnologia (IF/00950/2014) and the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and COMPETE 2020 (UID/BIA/04004/2013). F.T.M. acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041). B.K.S. acknowledge research support on microbes and ecosystem functions from the Australian Research Council (DP170104634) and Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation

    Metabolism of no-carrier-added 2-[18F]fluoro-L-tyrosine in rats

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    Background: Several fluorine-18 labelled fluoroamino acids have been evaluated as tracers for the quantitative assessment of cerebral protein synthesis in vivo by positron emission tomography (PET). Among these, 2-[18F]fluoro-L-tyrosine (2-[18F]Tyr) has been studied in mice at a low specific activity. Its incorporation into proteins is fast and metabolism via other pathways is limited. The present in vivo study was carried out in normal awake rats using no-carrier-added 2-[18F]Tyr. Under normal physiological conditions, we have studied the incorporation into proteins and the metabolism of the tracer in different brain areas. Methods: No-carrier-added 2-[18F]Tyr was administered to awake rats equipped with chronic arterial and venous catheters. The time course of the plasma activity was studied by arterial blood sampling. The biodistribution of the activity in the main organs was studied at the end of the experiment. The distribution of radioactive species in plasma and brain regions was studied by acidic precipitation of the proteins and HPLC analysis of the supernatant. Results: The absolute uptake of radioactivity in brain regions was homogenous. In awake rats, nocarrier-added 2-[18F]Tyr exhibits a fast and almost quantitative incorporation into the proteins fractions of cerebellum and cortex. In striatum, this incorporation into proteins and the unchanged fraction of the tracer detected by HPLC could be lower than in other brain regions. Conclusion: This study confirms the potential of 2-[18F]fluoro-L-tyrosine as a tracer for the assessment of the rate of protein synthesis by positron emission tomography. The observed metabolism suggests a need for a correction for the appearance of metabolites, at least in plasma

    Statin therapy inhibits remyelination in the central nervous system

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    Remyelination of lesions in the central nervous system contributes to neural repair following clinical relapses in multiple sclerosis. Remyelination is initiated by recruitment and differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) into myelinating oligodendrocytes. Simvastatin, a blood-brain barrier-permeable statin in multiple sclerosis clinical trials, has been shown to impact the in vitro processes that have been implicated in remyelination. Animals were fed a cuprizone-supplemented diet for 6 weeks to induce localized demyelination in the corpus callosum; subsequent return to normal diet for 3 weeks stimulated remyelination. Simvastatin was injected intraperitoneally during the period of coincident demyelination and OPC maturation (weeks 4 to 6), throughout the entire period of OPC responses (weeks 4 to 9), or during the remyelination-only phase (weeks 7 to 9). Simvastatin treatment (weeks 4 to 6) caused a decrease in myelin load and both Olig2(strong) and Nkx2.2(strong) OPC numbers. Simvastatin treatment (weeks 4 to 9 and 7 to 9) caused a decrease in myelin load, which was correlated with a reduction in Nkx2.2(strong) OPCs and an increase in Olig2(strong) cells, suggesting that OPCs were maintained in an immature state (Olig2(strong)/Nkx2.2(weak)). NogoA+ oligodendrocyte numbers were decreased during all simvastatin treatment regimens. Our findings suggest that simvastatin inhibits central nervous system remyelination by blocking progenitor differentiation, indicating the need to monitor effects of systemic immunotherapies that can access the central nervous system on brain tissue-repair processes