47 research outputs found

    Strike-Slip Fault Terminations at Seismogenic Depths: The Structure and Kinematics of the Glacier Lakes Fault, Sierra Nevada United States

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    [1] Structural complexity is common at the terminations of earthquake surface ruptures; similar deformation may therefore be expected at the end zones of earthquake ruptures at depth. The 8.2 km long Glacier Lakes fault (GLF) in the Sierra Nevada is a left-lateral strike-slip fault with a maximum observed displacement of 125 m. Within the fault, pseudotachylytes crosscut cataclasites, showing that displacement on the GLF was accommodated at least partly by seismic slip. The western termination of the GLF is defined by a gradual decrease in the displacement on the main fault, accompanied by a 1.4 km wide zone of secondary faulting in the dilational quadrant of the GLF. The secondary faults splay counterclockwise from the main fault trace forming average angles of 39° with the main fault. Slip vectors defined by slickenlines plunge more steeply west for these splay faults than for the GLF. Static stress transfer modeling shows that the orientations of the splays, and the plunge of displacement on those splays, are consistent with displacement on the main fault. The GLF termination structure shows that structural complexity is present at the terminations of faults at seismogenic depths and therefore ruptures that propagate beyond fault terminations, or through step overs between two faults, will likely interact with complex secondary fault structures. Models of dynamic rupture propagation must account for the effect of preexisting structures on the elastic properties of the host rock. Additionally, aftershock distributions and focal mechanisms may be controlled by the geometry and kinematics of structures present at fault terminations

    Modulating proton conductivity through crystal structure tuning in arenedisulfonate coordination polymers

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    The functional group-directed structures of coordination polymers (CPs) and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have made them key candidates for proton exchange membranes in fuel cell technologies. Sulfonate group chemistry is well established in proton conducting polymers but has seen less exploration in CPs. Here, we report solvent-directed crystal structures of Cu²⁺ and Ca²⁺ CPs constructed with naphthalenedisulfonate (NDS) and anthraquinone-1,5-disulfonate (ADS) ligands, and we correlate single crystal structures across this set with proton conductivities determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Starting from the Cu²⁺-based NDS and aminotriazolate MOF designated Cu-SAT and the aqueous synthesis of the known Ca²⁺-NDS structure incorporating water ligands, we now report a further five sulfonate CP structures. These syntheses include a direct synthesis of the primary degradation product of Cu-SAT in water, solvent-substituted Ca-NDS structures prepared using dimethylformamide and dimethylsulfoxide solvents, and ADS variants of Cu-SAT and Ca-NDS. We demonstrate a consistent 2D layer motif in the NDS CPs, while structural modifications introduced by the ADS ligand result in a 2D hydrogen bonding network with Cu²⁺ and aminotriazolate ligands and a 1D CP with Ca²⁺ in water. Proton conductivities across the set span 10ˉ⁴ to >10ˉ³ S cmˉ¹ at 80 °C and 95% RH. These findings reveal an experimental structure–function relationship between proton conductivity and the tortuosity of the hydrogen bonding network and establish a general, cross-structure descriptor for tuning the sulfonate CP unit cell to systematically modulate proton conductivity

    Droplet-based millifluidic synthesis of a proton-conducting sulfonate metal–organic framework

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as promising candidate materials for proton exchange membranes (PEMs), due to the control of proton transport enabled by functional groups and the structural order within the MOFs. In this work, we report a millifluidic approach for the synthesis of a MOF incorporating both sulfonate and amine groups, termed Cu-SAT, which exhibits a high proton conductivity. The fouling-free multiphase flow reactor synthesis was operated for more than 5 h with no reduction in yield or change in the particle size distribution, demonstrating a sustained space–time yield up to 131.7 kg m−3 day−1 with consistent particle quality. Reaction yield and particle size were controllably tuned by the adjustment of reaction parameters, such as residence/reaction time, temperature, and reagent concentration. The reaction yields from the flow reactor were 10–20% higher than those of corresponding batch syntheses, indicating improved mass and heat transfer in flow. A systematic exploration of synthetic parameters using a factorial design of experiments approach revealed the key correlations between the process parameters and yields and particle size distributions. The proton conductivity of the synthesized Cu-SAT MOF was evaluated in a mixed matrix membrane model PEM with polyvinylpyrrolidone and polyvinylidene fluoride polymers, exhibiting a promising composite conductivity of 1.34 ± 0.05 mS cm−1 at 353 K and 95% relative humidity (RH)

    Magma plumbing systems: a geophysical perspective

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    Over the last few decades, significant advances in using geophysical techniques to image the structure of magma plumbing systems have enabled the identification of zones of melt accumulation, crystal mush development, and magma migration. Combining advanced geophysical observations with petrological and geochemical data has arguably revolutionised our understanding of, and afforded exciting new insights into, the development of entire magma plumbing systems. However, divisions between the scales and physical settings over which these geophysical, petrological, and geochemical methods are applied still remain. To characterise some of these differences and promote the benefits of further integration between these methodologies, we provide a review of geophysical techniques and discuss how they can be utilised to provide a structural context for and place physical limits on the chemical evolution of magma plumbing systems. For example, we examine how Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), coupled with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, and seismicity may be used to track magma migration in near real-time. We also discuss how seismic imaging, gravimetry and electromagnetic data can identify contemporary melt zones, magma reservoirs and/or crystal mushes. These techniques complement seismic reflection data and rock magnetic analyses that delimit the structure and emplacement of ancient magma plumbing systems. For each of these techniques, with the addition of full-waveform inversion (FWI), the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the integration of geophysics with numerical modelling, we discuss potential future directions. We show that approaching problems concerning magma plumbing systems from an integrated petrological, geochemical, and geophysical perspective will undoubtedly yield important scientific advances, providing exciting future opportunities for the volcanological community

    Infectious diseases in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: prevention and prophylaxis strategy guidelines 2016

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    CAR T Cell Generation by piggyBac Transposition from Linear Doggybone DNA Vectors Requires Transposon DNA-Flanking Regions

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    CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR19) T cells, generated using viral vectors, are an efficacious but costly treatment for B cell malignancies. The nonviral piggyBac transposon system provides a simple and inexpensive alternative for CAR19 T cell production. Until now, piggyBac has been plasmid based, facilitating economical vector amplification in bacteria. However, amplified plasmids have several undesirable qualities for clinical translation, including bacterial genetic elements, antibiotic-resistance genes, and the requirement for purification to remove endotoxin. Doggybones (dbDNA) are linear, covalently closed, minimal DNA vectors that can be inexpensively produced enzymatically in vitro at large scale. Importantly, they lack the undesirable features of plasmids. We used dbDNA incorporating piggyBac to generate CAR19 T cells. Initially, expression of functional transposase was evident, but stable CAR expression did not occur. After excluding other causes, additional random DNA flanking the transposon within the dbDNA was introduced, promoting stable CAR expression comparable to that of using plasmid components. Our findings demonstrate that dbDNA incorporating piggyBac can be used to generate CAR T cells and indicate that there is a requirement for DNA flanking the piggyBac transposon to enable effective transposition. dbDNA may further reduce the cost and improve the safety of CAR T cell production with transposon systems

    Exploring water in oil emulsions simultaneously stabilized by solid hydrophobic silica nanospheres and hydrophilic soft PNIPAM microgel

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    A general drawback of microgels is that they do not stabilize water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions of non-polar oils. Simultaneous stabilization with solid hydrophobic nanoparticles and soft hydrophilic microgels overcomes this problem. For a fundamental understanding of this synergistic effect the use of well defined particle systems is crucial. Therefore, the present study investigates the stabilization of water droplets in a highly non-polar oil phase using temperature responsive, soft and hydrophilic PNIPAM microgel particles (MGs) and solid and hydrophobic silica nanospheres (SNs) simultaneously. The SNs are about 20 times smaller than the MGs. In a multiscale approach the resulting emulsions are studied from the nanoscale particle properties over microscale droplet sizes to macroscopic observations. The synergy of the particles allows the stabilization of water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions, which was not possible with MGs alone, and offers a larger internal interface than the stabilization with SNs alone. Furthermore, the incorporation of hydrophilic MGs into a hydrophobic particle layer accelerates the emulsions sedimentation speed. Nevertheless, the droplets are still sufficiently protected against coalescence even in the sediment and can be redispersed by gentle shaking. Based on droplet size measurements and cryo-SEM studies we elaborate a model, which explains the found phenomena

    Efficient non-viral CAR-T cell generation via silicon-nanotube-mediated transfection

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    Cell-based immunotherapy such as chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapy holds great promise in treating cancer and other diseases; but the current viral-based method represents a significant cost and safety hurdle. Here, we show for the first time successful CAR transfection into primary T cells via vertically aligned silicon nanotube (SiNT) arrays. SiNT-mediated transfection achieves comparable or even higher delivery efficiency (20–37%) and expression efficiency (18–24%) to that achieved by electroporation. Scanning electron microscopy imaging after focused ion beam milling demonstrated the tight T cell–SiNT interface. The induced membrane invaginations and the proximity between individual SiNTs and the nucleus might enhance endocytic pathways, and enable direct delivery of CAR construct into the nucleus, thus resulting in higher CAR expression efficiency. SiNT-interfacing also results in faster proliferation of T cells compared to cells transfected by electroporation; nonactivated T (N_SiNT) cells undergo higher numbers of cell division than pre-activated ones (A_SiNT). By co-culturing with target lymphoma Raji cells, we prove that SiNT-transfected CAR-T cells can suppress Raji cell growth, indicated by significant increase in effector:target (E:T) ratio (by up to 30.7-fold). While SiNTs induce an overall upregulation of cytokine production in T cells, N_SiNT T cells exhibited high increase in secretion of IFNc and IL-6, and relatively high in TNFa, which could contribute to their enhanced killing ability (∼96% cytotoxicity), demonstrated by their stronger inhibition on target Raji cells through luciferase assay. The results demonstrate the capacity of SiNT-mediated transfection of generating effective anti-lymphoma CAR-T cells. Considering the growing potential of cell-based therapies, we expect that a non-viral nanoinjection platform such as ours will facilitate the full realization of their therapeutic promise.Yaping Chen, Melanie Mach, Ali-Reza Shokouhi, Hao Zhe Yoh, David C. Bishop, Takahide Murayama, Koukou Suu, Yasuhiro Morikawa, Simon C. Barry, Kenneth Micklethwaite, Roey Elnathan, Nicolas H. Voelcke