212 research outputs found

    Stereospecific generation of homochiral helices in coordination polymers built from enantiopure binaphthyl-based ligands

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    The novel enantiopure spacer 2,2′-dimethoxy-1,1′-binaphthyl-3,3′-bis(4-pyridyl-amido) has been designed to prepare helical coordination polymers here investigated by means of experimental and theoretical data

    E-Textiles for Sports and Fitness Sensing: Current State, Challenges, and Future Opportunities

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    E-textiles have emerged as a fast-growing area in wearable technology for sports and fitness due to the soft and comfortable nature of textile materials and the capability for smart functionality to be integrated into familiar sports clothing. This review paper presents the roles of wearable technologies in sport and fitness in monitoring movement and biosignals used to assess performance, reduce injury risk, and motivate training/exercise. The drivers of research in e-textiles are discussed after reviewing existing non-textile and textile-based commercial wearable products. Different sensing components/materials (e.g., inertial measurement units, electrodes for biosignals, piezoresistive sensors), manufacturing processes, and their applications in sports and fitness published in the literature were reviewed and discussed. Finally, the paper presents the current challenges of e-textiles to achieve practical applications at scale and future perspectives in e-textiles research and development

    Viabilidade do emprego de cinza de casca de arroz natural em concreto estrutural. Parte I: propriedades mecânicas e microestrutura

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    A casca de arroz, para ser utilizada em concreto estrutural, necessita de queima com temperatura controlada e de moagem prévia para lhe conferir maior reatividade pozolânica. Este trabalho discute o emprego da cinza de casca de arroz (CCA) natural e residual, queimada sem controle de temperatura e sem moagem, de forma a simplificar o processamento da CCA e ampliar seu uso em concretos convencionais, em locais próximos onde é produzido, Estudou-se a sequência de colocação e o tempo de mistura dos materiais na betoneira, para obtenção do melhor desempenho da automoagem no tambor. Foram testadas misturas de concreto de referência com cimento Portland e com 15% e 25% de substituição de cimento, em massa, por CCA natural e moída. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, retração total, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, água quimicamente combinada e MEV. A análise dos resultados revela a viabilidade da substituição de 15% de cimento por CCA natural, com perda não significativa de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade a 28 dias, com recuperação total a 91 dias, para concretos com resistências à compressão entre 25 MPa e 40 MPa

    Validating New Summary Indices for the Childhood Trauma Interview: Associations with First Onsets of Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorders

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    Childhood and adolescent adversity is of great interest in relation to risk for psychopathology, and interview measures of adversity are thought to be more reliable and valid than their questionnaire counterparts. One interview measure, the Childhood Trauma Interview (CTI; Fink et al., 1995), has been positively evaluated relative to similar measures, but there are some psychometric limitations to an existing scoring approach that limit the full potential of this measure. We propose several new summary indices for the CTI that permit examination of different types of adversity and different developmental periods. Our approach creates several summary indices: one sums the severity scores of adversities endorsed; another utilizes the number of minor and major (moderate to severe) adversities. The new indices were examined in association with first onsets of major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders across a 5-year period using annual clinical diagnostic interviews (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV–TR). Summary scores derived with the previously used approach were also examined for comparison. Data on 332 participants came from the Youth Emotion Project, a longitudinal study of risk for emotional disorders. Results support the predictive validity of the proposed summary scoring methods and indicate that several forms of major (but typically not minor) adversity are significantly associated with first onsets of MDD and anxiety disorders. Finally, multivariate regression models show that, in many instances, the new indices contributed significant unique variance predicting disorder onsets over and above the previously used summary indices

    Microfinance and loan officers' work experiences: perspectives from Zambia

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    This article studies the challenges faced by microfinance institutions in Zambia, whose remit it is to provide financial services to the poor. It focuses on loan officers – the agents of delivery on the ground. With reference to loan officers’ experiences and words, the paper examines how gender and education shape and structure their day-to-day encounters. The study finds that different social spaces – ’the office’ and ‘the field’ – and wider context explains the gendered, culturally complex and multidimensional nature of developmental work at grassroots level. Social expectations emerge as major pressure points more for female loan officers than their male counterparts, making them less suitable for microfinance work, which has traditionally targeted poor women

    Abrasion resistance and compressive strength of unprocessed rice husk ash concrete

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    This paper investigates the effects of adding natural rice husk ash collected from uncontrolled burning and without previous grinding (NRHA) as cement replacement in concrete. To obtain an adequate particle size, NRHA was mixed with coarse aggregate for a convenient period of time before adding the other components. Compressive strength, water absorption, porosity, and abrasion resistance expressed as weight loss were examined. Test results show that decreasing the particle size through mixing with coarse aggregate improved the compressive strength, reduced the permeability, and increased the abrasion resistance of concrete. By mixing NRHA with aggregate for 8 min, abrasion resistance improved by 10.35 and 23.62% over the control concrete at 28 and 91 days, respectively. Incorporating NRHA in concrete by grinding with coarse aggregate during the mixing process could be suitable for making normal-strength concrete and for applications where abrasion resistance is an important parameter. In addition, using NRHA as a partial replacement cement contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions due to the production of cement

    Human embryonic stem cell-derived test systems for developmental neurotoxicity: a transcriptomics approach

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    Developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) and many forms of reproductive toxicity (RT) often manifest themselves in functional deficits that are not necessarily based on cell death, but rather on minor changes relating to cell differentiation or communication. The fields of DNT/RT would greatly benefit from in vitro tests that allow the identification of toxicant-induced changes of the cellular proteostasis, or of its underlying transcriptome network. Therefore, the 'human embryonic stem cell (hESC)- derived novel alternative test systems (ESNATS)' European commission research project established RT tests based on defined differentiation protocols of hESC and their progeny. Valproic acid (VPA) and methylmercury (MeHg) were used as positive control compounds to address the following fundamental questions: (1) Does transcriptome analysis allow discrimination of the two compounds? (2) How does analysis of enriched transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) and of individual probe sets (PS) distinguish between test systems? (3) Can batch effects be controlled? (4) How many DNA microarrays are needed? (5) Is the highest non-cytotoxic concentration optimal and relevant for the study of transcriptome changes? VPA triggered vast transcriptional changes, whereas MeHg altered fewer transcripts. To attenuate batch effects, analysis has been focused on the 500 PS with highest variability. The test systems differed significantly in their responses (\20 % overlap). Moreover, within one test system, little overlap between the PS changed by the two compounds has been observed. However, using TFBS enrichment, a relatively large 'common response' to VPA and MeHg could be distinguished from 'compound-specific' responses. In conclusion, the ESNATS assay battery allows classification of human DNT/RT toxicants on the basis of their transcriptome profiles.EU/FP7/ESNATSDFGDoerenkamp-Zbinden Foundatio

    Characteristics of Early Paget's Disease in SQSTM1 Mutation Carriers: Baseline Analysis of the ZiPP Study Cohort

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    Mutations in SQSTM1 are strongly associated with Paget's disease of bone (PDB), but little is known about the clinical characteristics of those with early disease. Radionuclide bone scans, biochemical markers of bone turnover, and clinical characteristics were analyzed in SQSTM1 mutation carriers who took part in the Zoledronic acid in the Prevention of Paget's disease (ZiPP) study. We studied 222 individuals, of whom 54.9% were female, with mean ± SE age of 50.1 ± 0.6 years. Twelve SQSTM1 mutations were observed, including p.Pro392Leu, which was present in 141 of 222 (63.5%) subjects. Bone scan examination revealed evidence of PDB in 20 subjects (9.0%), ten of whom (50%) had a single affected site. Participants with lesions were older than those without lesions but the difference was not significant (53.6 ± 9.1 versus 49.8 ± 8.9; p =.07). The mean age of participants with lesions was not significantly different from the age at which their parents were diagnosed with PDB (55 years versus 59 years, p =.17). All individuals with lesions were asymptomatic. Serum concentrations of total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) normalized to the upper limit of normal in each center were higher in those with lesions (0.75 ± 0.69 versus 0.42 ± 0.29 arbitary units; p <.0001). Similar findings were observed for other biochemical markers of bone turnover, but the sensitivity of ALP and other markers in detecting lesions was poor. Asymptomatic PDB is present in about 9% of SQSTM1 mutation carriers by the fifth decade. Further follow-up of this cohort will provide important information on the natural history of early PDB and its response to treatment. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by American Society for Bone and Mineral Research