36 research outputs found

    Junior Recital: Lauren Jurczynski, bassoon

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    Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden

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    Tuberculosis is a widely spread zoonotic disease caused by acid-fast bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a variety of mammalian species. In pinnipeds, tuberculosis has been reported in different captive and wild sea lions and fur seals. The causative agent, Mycobacterium pinnipedii, is part of the M. tuberculosis complex and has shown pathogenicity in other mammalian species including human beings. Since 2000 the Heidelberg zoo has been dealing with tuberculosis in its collection of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). After a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) was transferred to a zoological institution in France it transmitted the disease to the other tapirs that succumbed to tuberculosis. Culturing and spoligotyping confirmed the origin, the sea lions at the Heidelberg zoo. An investigation of the sea lion group housed at Heidelberg in addition to different species of mammals living in adjacent exhibits as well as a sea lion, born in Heidelberg but then living in Hamburg, revealed multiple cases of pinniped tuberculosis

    Quantum Wiener chaos

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    In this thesis we develop the theory of quantum Wiener integrals on the bosonic Fock space. We study multiple quantum Wiener integrals as an algebra of unbounded operators, investigating its properties, including closedness, common domains and multiplication formulas. We show the applications of the new formalism by providing new proofs to the established theory of quantum stochastic calculus and new conditions for generating quantum stochastic cocycles and quantum stochastic evolutions. The corresponding quasifree case is also studied and the constructions extended to fit in that formalism. We construct the multiple quantum Wiener integral as one operator on a family of operators which we dub operator kernels. This in particular covers the case of quantum stochastic cocycles and evolutions. We show that the family of quantum Wiener integrals forms a WOT-dense algebra of unbounded operators on the bosonic Fock space. We provide more general conditions for an operator kernel to be multiple quantum Wiener integrable, which allows us to treat multiple quantum Wiener integrals as an algebra. We explore the influence of an initial space on the theory. Our setting gives natural conditions for a product of two cocycles (evolutions) to still be a cocycle (an evolution). We apply our theory by solving quantum stochastic differential equations (QSDEs) and by finding more elementary proofs of structure conditions on the generator of a quantum stochastic evolution and of the fundamental estimate in the proof of quantum stochastic Lie–Trotter formula. We also show how our theory unifies and generalises the theory of integral kernels and chaotic representation properties, proving in particular that every Hilbert–Schmidt operator is a quantum Wiener integral

    Hábitat popular y su mejoramiento

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    Artículo de gradoEn este artículo se pretende generar una descripción acerca del proceso de diseño urbano, arquitectónico y tecnológico para mejorar las problemáticas relacionadas con lo habitacional; especialmente desde la estructuración del barrio y la construcción de las viviendas, de acuerdo con esto se busca crear un perfeccionamiento a nivel barrial y así mismo brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los habitantes del barrio. Con base en análisis y visitas de campo, levantamiento de manzanas y viviendas, se llega a la pregunta ¿Cómomejoro lo construido? Y se pretende responder a esa pregunta dando la posibilidad de que la población sea una prioridad para el proyecto y se resalte la importancia que tiene la academia al poner contextos reales para este proyecto.INTRODUCCIÓN METODOLOGIA RESULTADOS DISCUSION CONCLUSIONES AGRADECIMIENTOS REFERENCIAS ANEXOSPregradoArquitect

    Voces de la Colombia profunda

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    El presente documento da a conocer varios de los testimonios expresados por un grupo de estudiantes de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad de La Salle, beneficiarios del programa Utopía, que fueron entrevistados en el marco del trabajo que adelanta la Escuela de Pensamiento ECO-sofía sobre el tema de la vida y la construcción de una sociedad bioética. Los relatos aquí expuestos son narraciones profundamente descriptivas, crudas y dolorosas, de las experiencias de vida de los jóvenes de la Colombia profunda. Son manifestaciones de la fuerza de la vida, del deseo por curar las heridas del espíritu y los traumas personales. Los protagonistas de estos relatos tienen claro que desde el propio esfuerzo viene el impulso del cambio y de las condiciones que degradan la dignidad humana. Para ellos, Utopía es el camino para la superación de las amargas y tristes experiencias del pasado y la fuente de nuevas esperanzas de futuro

    Étude de relations entre activités aux échelles cellulaires et macroscopiques. Application au système visuel de reconnaissance des visages

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    Current techniques allow the exploration of brain electrical activity at different spatial scales, such as surface EEG, SEEG, or microelectrode recordings. EEG/SEEG offer a view of activity at the macroscopic scale, largely dominated by the synaptic activity of synchronised neuron populations, more or less distant from the electrodes. At the micro level, the activity is a mixture of action potentials (APs) from neurons very close to the electrode and LFPs (mainly of synaptic origin) from surrounding populations as well as from distant populations by volume propagation. The identification of the different contributions that add up to the signal of each microelectrode is a prerequisite to study the relationships between these components. The main objective of this work is to separate the different contributions in the signals recorded by the microelectrodes. The first step is to extract and classify the visible APs (despiking and spike sorting), and then to differentiate the LFP activities coming from distant regions from those coming from the surrounding population. This second part, which can be approached at the microelectrode scale only, can also take into account the spatial extent of the sources impacting these micro measurements, relying in particular on simultaneous SEEG recordings. The second objective is to study the components (spikes, LFP) previously identified using the methods introduced in this thesis, and their intra- and inter-scale relationships. Based on the recording protocols used in the team, the multi-scale activities of the structures involved in face recognition are described and their relationships are analysed, especially in the context of the periodic fast visual protocols used to study the mechanisms of face recognition in humans.Les techniques actuelles permettent l'exploration de l'activité électrique cérébrale à différentes échelles spatiales, comme l'EEG de surface, la SEEG, ou les enregistrements par micro-électrodes. L'EEG/SEEG offrent une vision de l'activité à l'échelle macroscopique, largement dominée par l'activité synaptique des populations de neurones synchronisées, plus ou moins éloignées des électrodes. Au niveau des enregistrements micro, l'activité est un mélange entre les potentiels d'action (PA) des neurones très proches de l'électrode et le LFP (principalement d'origine synaptique) provenant des populations environnantes ainsi que des populations lointaines par propagation volumique. L'identification des différentes contributions qui s'ajoutent pour former le signal de chaque micro-électrode est une condition préalable à l'étude des relations entre ces composantes. Le principal objectif de ce travail est de séparer les différentes contributions dans les signaux enregistrés par les micro-électrodes. Il s'agit dans un premier temps d'extraire et classer les PA visibles (despiking et spike sorting), puis de différencier les activités LFP provenant de régions lointaines de celles provenant de la population environnante. Cette deuxième partie, qui peut être abordé à l'échelle des micro-électrodes uniquement, peut aussi prendre en compte l'étendue spatiale des sources impactant ces mesures micro, en s'appuyant notamment sur les enregistrements SEEG simultanés. Le deuxième objectif est l'étude des composantes (spikes, LFP) identifiées au préalable à l'aide des méthodes introduite dans ce travail de thèse, et de leurs relations intra et inter-échelles. Sur la base des protocoles d'enregistrement employés dans l'équipe, les activités multi-échelles des structures impliquées dans la reconnaissance faciale sont décrites et leurs relations sont analysées, notamment dans le contexte des protocoles visuels rapides périodiques utilisés pour étudier les mécanismes de la reconnaissance des visages chez l'Homme

    Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden

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    Tuberculosis is a widely spread zoonotic disease caused by acid-fast bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a variety of mammalian species. In pinnipeds, tuberculosis has been reported in different captive and wild sea lions and fur seals. The causative agent, Mycobacterium pinnipedii, is part of the M. tuberculosis complex and has shown pathogenicity in other mammalian species including human beings. Since 2000 the Heidelberg zoo has been dealing with tuberculosis in its collection of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). After a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) was transferred to a zoological institution in France it transmitted the disease to the other tapirs that succumbed to tuberculosis. Culturing and spoligotyping confirmed the origin, the sea lions at the Heidelberg zoo. An investigation of the sea lion group housed at Heidelberg in addition to different species of mammals living in adjacent exhibits as well as a sea lion, born in Heidelberg but then living in Hamburg, revealed multiple cases of pinniped tuberculosis

    Study of relationships between activities at cellular and macroscopic scales, application to the visual system of face recognition

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    Les techniques actuelles permettent l'exploration de l'activité électrique cérébrale à différentes échelles spatiales, comme l'EEG de surface, la SEEG, ou les enregistrements par micro-électrodes. L'EEG/SEEG offrent une vision de l'activité à l'échelle macroscopique, largement dominée par l'activité synaptique des populations de neurones synchronisées, plus ou moins éloignées des électrodes. Au niveau des enregistrements micro, l'activité est un mélange entre les potentiels d'action (PA) des neurones très proches de l'électrode et le LFP (principalement d'origine synaptique) provenant des populations environnantes ainsi que des populations lointaines par propagation volumique. L'identification des différentes contributions qui s'ajoutent pour former le signal de chaque micro-électrode est une condition préalable à l'étude des relations entre ces composantes. Le principal objectif de ce travail est de séparer les différentes contributions dans les signaux enregistrés par les micro-électrodes. Il s'agit dans un premier temps d'extraire et classer les PA visibles (despiking et spike sorting), puis de différencier les activités LFP provenant de régions lointaines de celles provenant de la population environnante. Cette deuxième partie, qui peut être abordé à l'échelle des micro-électrodes uniquement, peut aussi prendre en compte l'étendue spatiale des sources impactant ces mesures micro, en s'appuyant notamment sur les enregistrements SEEG simultanés. Le deuxième objectif est l'étude des composantes (spikes, LFP) identifiées au préalable à l'aide des méthodes introduite dans ce travail de thèse, et de leurs relations intra et inter-échelles. Sur la base des protocoles d'enregistrement employés dans l'équipe, les activités multi-échelles des structures impliquées dans la reconnaissance faciale sont décrites et leurs relations sont analysées, notamment dans le contexte des protocoles visuels rapides périodiques utilisés pour étudier les mécanismes de la reconnaissance des visages chez l'Homme.Current techniques allow the exploration of brain electrical activity at different spatial scales, such as surface EEG, SEEG, or microelectrode recordings. EEG/SEEG offer a view of activity at the macroscopic scale, largely dominated by the synaptic activity of synchronised neuron populations, more or less distant from the electrodes. At the micro level, the activity is a mixture of action potentials (APs) from neurons very close to the electrode and LFPs (mainly of synaptic origin) from surrounding populations as well as from distant populations by volume propagation. The identification of the different contributions that add up to the signal of each microelectrode is a prerequisite to study the relationships between these components. The main objective of this work is to separate the different contributions in the signals recorded by the microelectrodes. The first step is to extract and classify the visible APs (despiking and spike sorting), and then to differentiate the LFP activities coming from distant regions from those coming from the surrounding population. This second part, which can be approached at the microelectrode scale only, can also take into account the spatial extent of the sources impacting these micro measurements, relying in particular on simultaneous SEEG recordings. The second objective is to study the components (spikes, LFP) previously identified using the methods introduced in this thesis, and their intra- and inter-scale relationships. Based on the recording protocols used in the team, the multi-scale activities of the structures involved in face recognition are described and their relationships are analysed, especially in the context of the periodic fast visual protocols used to study the mechanisms of face recognition in humans

    Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden

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    Tuberculosis is a widely spread zoonotic disease caused by acid-fast bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a variety of mammalian species. In pinnipeds, tuberculosis has been reported in different captive and wild sea lions and fur seals. The causative agent, Mycobacterium pinnipedii, is part of the M. tuberculosis complex and has shown pathogenicity in other mammalian species including human beings. Since 2000 the Heidelberg zoo has been dealing with tuberculosis in its collection of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). After a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) was transferred to a zoological institution in France it transmitted the disease to the other tapirs that succumbed to tuberculosis. Culturing and spoligotyping confirmed the origin, the sea lions at the Heidelberg zoo. An investigation of the sea lion group housed at Heidelberg in addition to different species of mammals living in adjacent exhibits as well as a sea lion, born in Heidelberg but then living in Hamburg, revealed multiple cases of pinniped tuberculosis