50 research outputs found

    Proteomic analysis of pikeperch seminal plasma provides novel insight into the testicular development of domesticated fish stocks

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    Control of the reproduction of domesticated stocks is considered a prerequisite for aquaculture development of pikeperch. However, knowledge about the physiology of the captive pikeperch male reproductive system and the biology of semen is very limited, especially regarding protein characteristics. The aims of our study were to characterize pikeperch sperm quantity and quality parameters and to analyze changes in the proteome of the same males spawned for the first and second times. Moreover, attempts were made to generate the first proteomic library of seminal plasma proteins. Semen collected during the first spawning season were was characterized by lower sperm concentration and volume than for the second season. Using mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics, we identified 850 proteins in the seminal plasma of pikeperch from both spawning seasons, and 65 seminal proteins were found to be differentially abundant between the first and second spawning seasons. The majority of differentially abundant proteins were involved in stress and immune responses, developmental processes, cofactor metabolic processes, proteolysis, cellular oxidant detoxification and organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In addition, several proteins unique to pikeperch seminal plasma were identified, including antifreeze proteins, hibernation-specific plasma proteins, lectins and vitellogenin. In summary, our results indicate that males that spawned for the first time were characterized by incompletely mature gonads and the expression of proteins associated with the early phase of spermatogenesis and ECM organization. On the other hand, males that spawned for the second time exhibited advanced gonadal maturation and expression of proteins related to the late stage of spermatogenesis and sperm maturation, including regulation of reactive oxygen species generation, bicarbonate production, sperm elongation and separation. The identification of a large number of seminal plasma proteins provides a valuable resource for understanding the functions of seminal plasma and the molecular mechanisms involved in testicular development and maturation in domesticated fish, which is a prerequisite for better control of reproduction in captivity

    Sperm motility in fish: technical applications and perspectives through CASA systems

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    [EN] Although a relatively high number of sperm quality biomarkers have been reported over the years in several fish species, sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for fish spermatozoa. The first scientific reports focusing on fish sperm motility date from a century ago, but the objective assessment allowed by computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA-Mot) systems was not applied to fish species until the mid-1980s. Since then, a high number of sperm kinetic parameters from more than 170 fish species have been reported in more than 700 scientific articles, covering a wide range of topics, such as sperm physiology, sperm storage, broodstock management, the phenomenon of sperm competition, ecotoxicology and understanding the life cycle of the species. The sperm kinetic parameters provided by CASA-Mot systems can serve as powerful and useful tools for aquaculture and ecological purposes, and this review provides an overview of the major research areas in which fish sperm motility assessment by a CASA-Mot system has been used successfully.This writing of this manuscript as received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 642893 (ETN IMPRESS). V. Gallego has a postdoctoral grant from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-10-16).Gallego Albiach, V.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2018). Sperm motility in fish: technical applications and perspectives through CASA systems. Reproduction Fertility and Development. 30(6):820-832. https://doi.org/10.1071/RD17460S82083230

    Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach

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    [EN] Fish sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for the quality of fish spermatozoa, and sperm motion parameters from more than 300 fish species have been reported in more than 1500 scientific articles covering a wide range of topics, from molecular biology to ecology. The most studied topics have been (i) the sperm storage (involving both the use of chilled¿storage protocols for short¿term periods and sperm cryopreservation techniques for long¿term storage), (ii) the sperm physiology (fathom in the spermatozoa activation process and the whole propulsion machinery of the sperm cells) and (iii) the broodstock management (covering aspects such as rearing conditions, dietary requirements or hormonal induction treatments). In addition, other aquaculture and ecological topics, such as (iv) the knowledge of the breeding cycle of the species, (v) the phenomenon of the sperm competition and (vi) ecotoxicological studies for the evaluation of aquatic environments, have also been approached from the evaluation of sperm motion performance. Therefore, fish sperm motility assessment can serve as a potential tool for aquaculture and ecological purposes, covering key topics of fundamental and applied research. This review gives an overview of the major research areas in which fish sperm motility has been applied successfully.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 642893 (IMPRESS). VG has a postdoc grant from the UPV (PAID-10-16).Gallego Albiach, V.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2018). Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach. Reviews in Aquaculture (Online). 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12253S12

    Wilhelm of Moerbeke’s Translatory Activity in Relation to Some Aristotle’s Treatises

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    The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the author confronts the results of modern research with the earliest mention on the translatory activity of Wilhelm of Moerbeke which comes from the 14th c. from Stams. It is pin-pointed here that after R. A. Gauthier's research one cannot bring the contacts with St Thomas Aquinas down to the formula „ad instantiam”, and the translations of Aristotle are not crucial for the relation between these two Dominican fathers. The contemporary stylistic analysis as a method of identifying the translator proves that the Middle Ages' tradition is right to the fact that Moerbeke worked on all Aristotle's writings on natural philosophy and on the whole Metaphysics. This analysis negates, however, that Moerbeke is the author of the revision of Ethics. The Middle Ages' note does not mention anything about Wilhelm's translations of Aristotle's logic. This paper discusses then the accuracy of the term „transtulit” in view of the fact that half of the translations of Aristotle by the Flemmish translator are revisions. Moerbeke both in those passages where he approved of the ancient translation and in those where he changed it he did it with every responsibility as a translator. In the second part the author discusses some common questions concerning the research on the revisions on Metaphysics, Physics, De generatione et corruptione and De anima. It is concerned first with a common Greek model used by the translator (this does not concern De anima) which turned out to be, thanks to G. Vuillemin-Diem's research, the code Vindobonesis phil. gr. 100 which once belonged to Wilhelm. Then the author discusses the following questions: the division of the manuscriptial tradition of those treatises into a numerous Paris tradition and few independent evidences of the Italian origin, complex character of the revisions' autographs, the problem of double revisions of those treatises which comes out in the light of the analysis of differences as to the number and character of the elements of revision which occur in the tradition. Finally, the author writes about a different circulation of two versions of particular treatises which is illustrated by the diagram placed at the end of the paper

    Roger Bacon’s Critique of the Medieval Translations of Aristotle’s Writings

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    The paper open with an outline of Roger Bacon’s linguistic interests. He claimed that the knowledge of languages is the propedeuctics of any knowledge because it is formulated in the Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic languages, and no translation can fully render the original text. There are also other reasons for which the knowledge of languages is necessary for the functioning of the Church, e.g. in the Liturgy or for missionary purposes. Bacon distinguished three stages of the command of a language, and the second is the skill of translation postulated for each person that studies philosophical and theological texts. This programme was too idealistic and, if only for the scarcity of original texts, it could not be carried out on a broader scale in medieval universities doomed to use Latin translations. And these translations were so negatively evaluated by Roger Bacon. He referred to his knowledge of some details that showed the translators’ incompetence. Then the paper discusses Bacon’s opinions on medieval translators. It indicates Bacon’s chronological mistakes and his lack of information with reference to many facts about the translator’s movements. It provides some possible reasons for Bacon’s ignorance and his harsh evaluation of that movement. There were the following reasons for that: he distanced himself from some learned information due to the fact that Aristotle had for many decades been condemned in Paris, there were excessive expectations in relation to the alleged astronomic and astrological knowledge of Aristotle, and its lack was painful for this scholar. He failed to be aware of the vagueness of Aristotle’s original text due to, among other things, only a rudimentary knowledge of Greek that Roger Bacon had, and Greek original texts were inaccessible. One may also mention a tendency typical of Bacon to trace causes of mistakes and his fear of being rush in creating authorities. Bacon’s testimony concerning William of Moerbeke is discussed in detail. This was done with a view to show that Bacon conveys some information that is not true and some that can be regarded as trustworthy or hypothetical in further research on the life and literary work of this medieval translator. The unique piece of information is that William of Moerbeke decided to revise the ancient translations of Aristotle’s writings. Bacon’s negative opinion about William’s translator’s skills must be treated as unjust, although contemporary research shows that, despite his indisputable accomplishments, William’s translations have some drawbacks. Accordingly, we cannot completely reject Roger Bacon’s testimony

    Aristoteles Latinus XXV 3, 1: Metaphysica, Recensio et tranlatio Guillelmi de Moerbeke

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    The aim of the article is to present an eminent Polish historian of medieval philosophy Marian Kurdziałek as the author of the critical edition of David of Dinant’s Quaternulorum fragmenta (1963). Owing to a very high standard of critical principles applied to the constitution of the critical text, this edition still provides a point of reference for the investigation of various aspects of the phenomenon of David of Dinant. The article examines arguments presented by M. Kurdziałek in favour of David’s authorship of the fragments. After he had proved that they all come from the same author, Kurdziałek referred to the presentation of David’s doctrine by Albert the Great that agreed with the famous metaphysical portion of the fragments and thus provided a basis for the iden- tification of the author. He then examined in detail various problems concerning Albert’s testimony and offered a critical discussion of the biographical data concerning David of Dinant. Another important Kurdziałek’s contribution were lexical comparisons of Aristotle’s Latin texts used by David with existing medieval translations. He argued that David’s version of Aristotle was his own free translation combined with intelligent interpretations. In the article I refer to the study of G. Vuillemin-Diem that fully confirms Kurdziałek’s conclusions.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wybitnego polskiego historyka filozofii średniowiecznej jako autora edycji krytycznej Quaternulorum fragmenta Dawida z Dinant.(1963). Z uwagi na wysoki standard zasad krytyki tekstu, edycja ta do dziś stanowi punkt wyjścia dla badań nad różnymi aspektami fenomenu Dawida z Dinant. Artykuł omawia najpierw argumenty podane przez M. Kurdziałka za autorstwem Dawida. Po wykazaniu, że wszystkie fragmenty pochodzą od tego samego autora, Kurdziałek odniósł się do świadectwa Alberta Wielkiego zgodnego za słynnym tekstem metafizycznym zawartym w tych fragmentach i to stało się podstawą identyfikacji autora. Innym ważnym osiągnieciem Kurdziałka były porównawcze analizy leksykalne wykorzystanych przez Dawida tekstów Arystotelesa z funkcjonującymi przekładami średniowiecznymi, w wyniku których postawił tezę o samodzielnym tłumaczeniu przez Dawida tych tekstów, co potwierdziły późniejsze badania G. Vuillemin Diem

    Characteristics of the compounds used for hair dyeing

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    Celem pracy jest charakterystyka związków stosowanych do koloryzacji włosów. W części wstępnej przedstawiono krótką historię kosmetologii dotyczącej pielęgnacji i koloryzacji włosów, a także opisano budowę włosa i rodzaje uszkodzeń jego struktury. W dalszej części pracy opisano substancje stosowane w farbach do włosów, opisano ich właściwości fizykochemiczne. Ponadto opisano mechanizm działania koloryzującego poszczególnych składników farb.Ostatni z rozdziałów pracy dotyczy substancji uczulających zawartych w farbach do włosów. Bardzo dokładnie opisana jest tu parafenylenoodiamina, najczęstszy związek wywołujący różnego typu uczulenia.Aim of this study is to characterize the compounds used for hair coloring. In the introductory part presents a brief history of cosmetology on care and hair color, and described the construction of the hair and the types of damage its structure.In the following paper describes the substances used in hair dyes, described their physical and chemical properties. Furthermore, it describes the mechanism of action of the individual components coloring paints.The last chapter of this work concerns sensitizing substances contained in hair dyes. Very carefully described here para-phenyldiamine, the most common relationship calling various allergies