80 research outputs found

    Cosmetics and jewellery as a status symbol in the anciend world

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    Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati koliku su važnost kozmetika i nakit imale kao svakodnevna sastavnica u životu antičkog društva. Svoje sam istraživanje usredotočila uglavnom na najistaknutije narode staroga vijeka; Egipćane, Grke, Rimljane s osvrtom i na neke manje reprezentativne, no pojednako važne poput Perzijskog Carstva, Irana, Indije ili Kine. Osim što su kao takve predstavljale način na koji je pojedinac ukrašavao svoje tijelo te se fizički samoprezentirao na van, činile su ujedno i važnu sastavnicu u drugim aspektima njegova života. Naime, kozmetika kao tadašnja vrsta higijene svoje je djelovanje proširila i na medicinski, ritualni te ceremonijalni aspekt. Kozmetički preparati koji su bili uporabi značajno su varirali, a njihova je dostupnost postala učestalijom s razvojem trgovačkih odnosa. Iako ne možemo posve odbaciti ideju o statusnoj simbolici kozmetike u ono vrijeme, nju ipak značajnije pridajemo nakitu. Kao svojevrsna analogija suvremenom obliku valute, nakit je uvelike je bio odrednicom ekonomskog stanja pojedinca što oprimjeruju podaci o prisutnosti izrazito cijenjenih vrsta istog kod bogatijeg sloja društva. Istraživanje ove tematike značajno pridonosi razvoju ne samo povijesne nego i ekonomske te društvene znanosti.This paper will show how important were cosmetics and jewellery as an daily component in the life of the ancient society. My research focused mainly on the most prominent populace of ancient times; Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and some less representative but still important such as the Persian Empire, Iran, India or China. In addition to the way in which an individual adorned his body and physically self-represented on the outside, they were at the same time an important component in other aspects of his life. Namely, cosmetics as a type of hygiene at that time expanded its function to medical, ritual and ceremonial aspects. The cosmetic preparations that were used were significantly varied and their availability became more common with the development of trading relationships. Although we can not completely dismiss the idea of the status symbol of cosmetics at that time, we still add more that idea to the jewellery. As a kind of analogue to the contemporary currency form, jewellery was largely determined by the economic state of the individual, which implies the presence of highly respected kinds of the same in the richer layer of society. Research on this issue significantly contributes to the development of not only historical but also economic and social sciences

    Nurisng care of adolescent oncological patients

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    Liječenje adolescenata s malignim oboljenjem složen je i dugotrajan proces koji traje od nekoliko mjeseci ili ponekad godina uz perzistirajuće relapse bolesti. Utvrđivanje prioriteta započinje postavljanjem dijagnoze, stoga je sudjelovanje bolesnika u planiranju zdravstvene njege i u samozbrinjavanju od velike važnosti kako bi se očuvalo dostojanstvo i samopoštovanje. Mlade osobe u tom periodu života vrlo često su zbunjene i uplašene, a posebno kada obole od teških malignih bolesti prolaze kroz izuzetno teške životne situacije. Javlja se ljutnja i žalost zbog prekida uobičajenog načina života i promjena životnih planova. Sestrinska skrb za takve bolesnike podrazumijeva interaktivan odnos u procesu liječenja. Naglasak skrbi je na holističkom pristupu, posebno što se doba adolescencije smatra dinamičnim razvojnim periodom. Psihološki prostor je nestabilan ponajviše zato što je status adolescenta dvojak: djelom su djeca, a djelom odrasli. Prolazeći razne faze adolescencije mladi nastoje upoznati sami sebe i prihvatiti stanje u kojem se nalaze. Oboljeli adolescenti često mijenjaju sliku o sebi zbog situacije u kojoj su se našli, te nastoje balansirati između okoline i sebe. Vrlo važno je uspostavit odnos povjerenja i sigurnosti s oboljelim adolescentom i njegovom obitelji. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, adolescenti koji su do jučer živjeli uobičajenim mladenačkim životom iznenada se nađu u životnoj opasnosti. Nagle promjene u njihovim životima nastoje kompenzirati kroz mnoge obrambene mehanizme, a ukoliko ih ne uspiju nadvladati dolazi do emocionalnih i psihičkih poremećaja koji mogu ostaviti dugotrajne posljedice ako se na vrijeme ne prepoznaju. Primjenom agresivnih oblika terapije dolazi i do narušavanja vanjskog izgleda kod bolesnika, što dodatno narušava samopercepciju bolesnika. Osim multidisciplinarnog tima koji sudjeluje u liječenju adolescenata roditelji imaju ključnu ulogu u podržavanju svog djeteta da prevlada bolest sa što manje negativnih posljedica. Razgovor o bolesti unutar obitelji povezan je s manjim rizikom za nastanak depresivnih poremećaja kod adolescenata i jačanjem samopouzdanja, kao i sa smanjenim strahom od terapijskih postupaka. Uz roditelje i obitelj, podrška prijatelja i kontakt s vršnjacima koji su već preboljeli bolest od velike je važnosti. Brojna istraživanja idu k tome u prilog, dokazano je da optimistični bolesnici uspješnije podnose proces liječenja, te je oporavak od bolesti znatno uspješniji i brži.Treating malignant diseases in adolescents is a complex and long-term process that lasts several months or sometimes years with persistent of disease relapse. Determining priorities begins with detecting a diagnosis, therefore the participation of patients in planning health care and self-care is of great importance in order to preserve dignity and self-esteem. Young people in this period of life are often confused and frightened, especially when fall ill of severe malignant diseases, pass through extremely difficult life situations. It appears an anxiety and sadness due to the interruption of habitual lifestyle and changes in life plans. Nurse care for such patients means an interactive relationship in the treatment process. The emphasis of care is on a holistic approach, especially because the age of adolescence is considered a dynamic developmental period. Psychological space is unstable most of all because the status of an adolescents is double: one part are children and the other are adults. Passing through the various stages of adolescence young people try to get to know themselves and to accept the condition in which they are. Ill adolescents often change their image of themselves because of the situation they found themselves and try to balance between the environment and themselves. It is very important to establish a relationship of trust and safeness with ill adolescent and his/her family. After diagnosed, adolescents who lived their youthful lives until yesterday suddenly find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Sudden changes in their lives tends to compensate through many defensive mechanisms, and if they fail to overcome, occurs emotional and psychological disorders that can leave long-lasting consequences if they do not recognize it in time. Using aggressive forms of therapy results in distortion of outside appearance of the patient, which additionally disturbs the self-perception of the patient. In addition to the multidisciplinary team involved in treating adolescents, parents have a key role to play in supporting their child to overcome the disease with the less negative effects as possible. Discussion about the disease within the family is associated with a lower risk of developing depressive disorders in adolescents and strengthening self-confidence as well as with reduced fear of therapeutic procedures. In addition to parents and family, support of friends and contact with peers who have already overcome the disease is of great importance. Numerous researches are in support of this, it has been proved that optimistic patients are more successful in the treatment process, and recovery from disease is much more successful and faster

    Nurisng care of adolescent oncological patients

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    Liječenje adolescenata s malignim oboljenjem složen je i dugotrajan proces koji traje od nekoliko mjeseci ili ponekad godina uz perzistirajuće relapse bolesti. Utvrđivanje prioriteta započinje postavljanjem dijagnoze, stoga je sudjelovanje bolesnika u planiranju zdravstvene njege i u samozbrinjavanju od velike važnosti kako bi se očuvalo dostojanstvo i samopoštovanje. Mlade osobe u tom periodu života vrlo često su zbunjene i uplašene, a posebno kada obole od teških malignih bolesti prolaze kroz izuzetno teške životne situacije. Javlja se ljutnja i žalost zbog prekida uobičajenog načina života i promjena životnih planova. Sestrinska skrb za takve bolesnike podrazumijeva interaktivan odnos u procesu liječenja. Naglasak skrbi je na holističkom pristupu, posebno što se doba adolescencije smatra dinamičnim razvojnim periodom. Psihološki prostor je nestabilan ponajviše zato što je status adolescenta dvojak: djelom su djeca, a djelom odrasli. Prolazeći razne faze adolescencije mladi nastoje upoznati sami sebe i prihvatiti stanje u kojem se nalaze. Oboljeli adolescenti često mijenjaju sliku o sebi zbog situacije u kojoj su se našli, te nastoje balansirati između okoline i sebe. Vrlo važno je uspostavit odnos povjerenja i sigurnosti s oboljelim adolescentom i njegovom obitelji. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, adolescenti koji su do jučer živjeli uobičajenim mladenačkim životom iznenada se nađu u životnoj opasnosti. Nagle promjene u njihovim životima nastoje kompenzirati kroz mnoge obrambene mehanizme, a ukoliko ih ne uspiju nadvladati dolazi do emocionalnih i psihičkih poremećaja koji mogu ostaviti dugotrajne posljedice ako se na vrijeme ne prepoznaju. Primjenom agresivnih oblika terapije dolazi i do narušavanja vanjskog izgleda kod bolesnika, što dodatno narušava samopercepciju bolesnika. Osim multidisciplinarnog tima koji sudjeluje u liječenju adolescenata roditelji imaju ključnu ulogu u podržavanju svog djeteta da prevlada bolest sa što manje negativnih posljedica. Razgovor o bolesti unutar obitelji povezan je s manjim rizikom za nastanak depresivnih poremećaja kod adolescenata i jačanjem samopouzdanja, kao i sa smanjenim strahom od terapijskih postupaka. Uz roditelje i obitelj, podrška prijatelja i kontakt s vršnjacima koji su već preboljeli bolest od velike je važnosti. Brojna istraživanja idu k tome u prilog, dokazano je da optimistični bolesnici uspješnije podnose proces liječenja, te je oporavak od bolesti znatno uspješniji i brži.Treating malignant diseases in adolescents is a complex and long-term process that lasts several months or sometimes years with persistent of disease relapse. Determining priorities begins with detecting a diagnosis, therefore the participation of patients in planning health care and self-care is of great importance in order to preserve dignity and self-esteem. Young people in this period of life are often confused and frightened, especially when fall ill of severe malignant diseases, pass through extremely difficult life situations. It appears an anxiety and sadness due to the interruption of habitual lifestyle and changes in life plans. Nurse care for such patients means an interactive relationship in the treatment process. The emphasis of care is on a holistic approach, especially because the age of adolescence is considered a dynamic developmental period. Psychological space is unstable most of all because the status of an adolescents is double: one part are children and the other are adults. Passing through the various stages of adolescence young people try to get to know themselves and to accept the condition in which they are. Ill adolescents often change their image of themselves because of the situation they found themselves and try to balance between the environment and themselves. It is very important to establish a relationship of trust and safeness with ill adolescent and his/her family. After diagnosed, adolescents who lived their youthful lives until yesterday suddenly find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Sudden changes in their lives tends to compensate through many defensive mechanisms, and if they fail to overcome, occurs emotional and psychological disorders that can leave long-lasting consequences if they do not recognize it in time. Using aggressive forms of therapy results in distortion of outside appearance of the patient, which additionally disturbs the self-perception of the patient. In addition to the multidisciplinary team involved in treating adolescents, parents have a key role to play in supporting their child to overcome the disease with the less negative effects as possible. Discussion about the disease within the family is associated with a lower risk of developing depressive disorders in adolescents and strengthening self-confidence as well as with reduced fear of therapeutic procedures. In addition to parents and family, support of friends and contact with peers who have already overcome the disease is of great importance. Numerous researches are in support of this, it has been proved that optimistic patients are more successful in the treatment process, and recovery from disease is much more successful and faster

    Cosmetics and jewellery as a status symbol in the anciend world

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    Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati koliku su važnost kozmetika i nakit imale kao svakodnevna sastavnica u životu antičkog društva. Svoje sam istraživanje usredotočila uglavnom na najistaknutije narode staroga vijeka; Egipćane, Grke, Rimljane s osvrtom i na neke manje reprezentativne, no pojednako važne poput Perzijskog Carstva, Irana, Indije ili Kine. Osim što su kao takve predstavljale način na koji je pojedinac ukrašavao svoje tijelo te se fizički samoprezentirao na van, činile su ujedno i važnu sastavnicu u drugim aspektima njegova života. Naime, kozmetika kao tadašnja vrsta higijene svoje je djelovanje proširila i na medicinski, ritualni te ceremonijalni aspekt. Kozmetički preparati koji su bili uporabi značajno su varirali, a njihova je dostupnost postala učestalijom s razvojem trgovačkih odnosa. Iako ne možemo posve odbaciti ideju o statusnoj simbolici kozmetike u ono vrijeme, nju ipak značajnije pridajemo nakitu. Kao svojevrsna analogija suvremenom obliku valute, nakit je uvelike je bio odrednicom ekonomskog stanja pojedinca što oprimjeruju podaci o prisutnosti izrazito cijenjenih vrsta istog kod bogatijeg sloja društva. Istraživanje ove tematike značajno pridonosi razvoju ne samo povijesne nego i ekonomske te društvene znanosti.This paper will show how important were cosmetics and jewellery as an daily component in the life of the ancient society. My research focused mainly on the most prominent populace of ancient times; Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and some less representative but still important such as the Persian Empire, Iran, India or China. In addition to the way in which an individual adorned his body and physically self-represented on the outside, they were at the same time an important component in other aspects of his life. Namely, cosmetics as a type of hygiene at that time expanded its function to medical, ritual and ceremonial aspects. The cosmetic preparations that were used were significantly varied and their availability became more common with the development of trading relationships. Although we can not completely dismiss the idea of the status symbol of cosmetics at that time, we still add more that idea to the jewellery. As a kind of analogue to the contemporary currency form, jewellery was largely determined by the economic state of the individual, which implies the presence of highly respected kinds of the same in the richer layer of society. Research on this issue significantly contributes to the development of not only historical but also economic and social sciences


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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između igrača velikog nogometa i igrača futsala u morfološkim karakteristikama. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 42 futsal i 40 igrača velikog nogometa dobi od 19 do 36 godina. Morfološke karakteristike koje su korištene u ovom istraživanju mjerene su prema uputama i propisima Međunarodnog biološkog programa (IBP) koji se sastoji od 39 mjera, dok je za potrebe ovoga istraživanja korišteno 29 mjera. Pri obradi podataka korišteni su osnovni centralni i disperzivni parametri, dok je normalnost distribucije varijabli testirana Kolmogorov- Smirnovljevim testom, a razlike između igrača futsala i igrača velikog nogometa utvrđene su kanoničkom diskriminacijskom analizom za nezavisne uzorke. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između igrača velikog nogometa i igrača futsala u mjerenim morfološkim karakteristikama, a najveće razlike su utvrđene u visini, masi i rasponu ruku. Ali isto tako zamjetna je i razlika u varijabilitetu između igrača futsala i igrača velikog nogometa što je posljedica sustavnijeg rada i ranije selekcije igrača velikog nogometa.The purpose of this research was to determine the difference in morphological characteristics between soccer players and futsal players. The research has been carried out on the sample of 42 futsal and 40 soccer players aged 19 to 36. The morphological characteristics employed in the research were measured according to the instructions and standards of the International Biological Program (IBP), which contains 39 measures, while only 29 measures have been used in this research. In the statistical analysis we used the main central and dispersion parameters, while the normality of variable distribution was checked by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The differences between futsal and soccer players have been determined by the canonical discriminant analysis for the independent samples. As a result of the statistical analysis, significant differences have been found between the measured morphological characteristics of soccer players and the same characteristics of futsal players. The major differences are that of height, mass and arm span. On the other hand, there is a quite obvious difference of variability between soccer players and futsal players, which is the result of a more systemati

    Supramolecular assembly and transfer hydrogenation catalysis with ruthenium(II) complexes of 2,6-di(1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine derivatives

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    Two new tridentate ligands 2,6-bis(5-ethyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine and 2,6-bis(5-benzamido-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine, have been synthesized. These ligands have been used in a new series of six complexes of formula "RuCl2(PPh3)2(LR)·nH2O" (n = 1 or 2) where LR is 2,6-bis(5-R-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine (R = Me, Et, tBu, NH2, NHC{O}tBu and NHC{O}Ph). Crystal structures of [RuCl(PPh3)2(LMe)]Cl·MeOH and [Ru(OH2)(PPh3)2(LtBu)]Cl2·4CDCl3 contain six-coordinate complex centers with trans-phosphine ligands, and show that the chloride ions can occupy the first or second coordination spheres of the complexes. The latter structure demonstrates that the chloride ions in this type of compound can be labile under ambient conditions, which is an essential pre-requisite for catalytic activity. Anion metathesis yielded [Ru(OH2)(PPh3)2(LtBu)][PF6]2, which was also crystallographically characterized. All the complexes (except air-sensitive [RuCl2(PPh3)2(LNH2)]) were screened for activity towards transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone in refluxing 2-propanol. The chloride salt catalysts are active but show a significant induction period, which may imply decomposition of the complexes during the reaction. However the activity of the PF6 - salt is much higher, which shows that competition between chloride and substrate for the metal center is a significant factor in catalysis by these compounds

    Recent advances in the synthesis and applications of 2,6-dipyrazolylpyridine derivatives and their complexes

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    Alati digitalnog oglašavanja restorana u Trogiru

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    Završni rad se bavio opširnim predstavljanjem pojma digitalnog marketinga u teorijskom dijelu rada i o alatima online oglašavanja pri čemu je objašnjeno nekoliko njih. Naglasak je na alatima koji su sve češće prisutni na Internetu, a prikazana je struktura istih i mogući načini korištenja. Na početku teorija ulazi u srž digitalnog marketinga, potom se navode i sve prednosti istog koje bi poduzeće trebalo iskoristiti na prave načine. Fokus rada je ponajviše na empirijskom dijelu rada gdje je provedena anketa sa ukupno 13 pitanja koja se odnose na alate digitalnog oglašavanja, korištenje i važnost istog kod nekoliko odabranih restorana u gradu Trogiru i bližoj okolici. Cilj je bio prikupiti iskrene odgovore na pitanja o prakticiranju alata digitalnog marketinga ugostiteljskih objekata. Odgovori su pokazali zadovoljavajuće rezultate, ali ipak su otkrili gdje postoji mjesto za napredovanje što bi doprinijelo razvoju objekata

    Nurisng care of adolescent oncological patients

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    Liječenje adolescenata s malignim oboljenjem složen je i dugotrajan proces koji traje od nekoliko mjeseci ili ponekad godina uz perzistirajuće relapse bolesti. Utvrđivanje prioriteta započinje postavljanjem dijagnoze, stoga je sudjelovanje bolesnika u planiranju zdravstvene njege i u samozbrinjavanju od velike važnosti kako bi se očuvalo dostojanstvo i samopoštovanje. Mlade osobe u tom periodu života vrlo često su zbunjene i uplašene, a posebno kada obole od teških malignih bolesti prolaze kroz izuzetno teške životne situacije. Javlja se ljutnja i žalost zbog prekida uobičajenog načina života i promjena životnih planova. Sestrinska skrb za takve bolesnike podrazumijeva interaktivan odnos u procesu liječenja. Naglasak skrbi je na holističkom pristupu, posebno što se doba adolescencije smatra dinamičnim razvojnim periodom. Psihološki prostor je nestabilan ponajviše zato što je status adolescenta dvojak: djelom su djeca, a djelom odrasli. Prolazeći razne faze adolescencije mladi nastoje upoznati sami sebe i prihvatiti stanje u kojem se nalaze. Oboljeli adolescenti često mijenjaju sliku o sebi zbog situacije u kojoj su se našli, te nastoje balansirati između okoline i sebe. Vrlo važno je uspostavit odnos povjerenja i sigurnosti s oboljelim adolescentom i njegovom obitelji. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, adolescenti koji su do jučer živjeli uobičajenim mladenačkim životom iznenada se nađu u životnoj opasnosti. Nagle promjene u njihovim životima nastoje kompenzirati kroz mnoge obrambene mehanizme, a ukoliko ih ne uspiju nadvladati dolazi do emocionalnih i psihičkih poremećaja koji mogu ostaviti dugotrajne posljedice ako se na vrijeme ne prepoznaju. Primjenom agresivnih oblika terapije dolazi i do narušavanja vanjskog izgleda kod bolesnika, što dodatno narušava samopercepciju bolesnika. Osim multidisciplinarnog tima koji sudjeluje u liječenju adolescenata roditelji imaju ključnu ulogu u podržavanju svog djeteta da prevlada bolest sa što manje negativnih posljedica. Razgovor o bolesti unutar obitelji povezan je s manjim rizikom za nastanak depresivnih poremećaja kod adolescenata i jačanjem samopouzdanja, kao i sa smanjenim strahom od terapijskih postupaka. Uz roditelje i obitelj, podrška prijatelja i kontakt s vršnjacima koji su već preboljeli bolest od velike je važnosti. Brojna istraživanja idu k tome u prilog, dokazano je da optimistični bolesnici uspješnije podnose proces liječenja, te je oporavak od bolesti znatno uspješniji i brži.Treating malignant diseases in adolescents is a complex and long-term process that lasts several months or sometimes years with persistent of disease relapse. Determining priorities begins with detecting a diagnosis, therefore the participation of patients in planning health care and self-care is of great importance in order to preserve dignity and self-esteem. Young people in this period of life are often confused and frightened, especially when fall ill of severe malignant diseases, pass through extremely difficult life situations. It appears an anxiety and sadness due to the interruption of habitual lifestyle and changes in life plans. Nurse care for such patients means an interactive relationship in the treatment process. The emphasis of care is on a holistic approach, especially because the age of adolescence is considered a dynamic developmental period. Psychological space is unstable most of all because the status of an adolescents is double: one part are children and the other are adults. Passing through the various stages of adolescence young people try to get to know themselves and to accept the condition in which they are. Ill adolescents often change their image of themselves because of the situation they found themselves and try to balance between the environment and themselves. It is very important to establish a relationship of trust and safeness with ill adolescent and his/her family. After diagnosed, adolescents who lived their youthful lives until yesterday suddenly find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Sudden changes in their lives tends to compensate through many defensive mechanisms, and if they fail to overcome, occurs emotional and psychological disorders that can leave long-lasting consequences if they do not recognize it in time. Using aggressive forms of therapy results in distortion of outside appearance of the patient, which additionally disturbs the self-perception of the patient. In addition to the multidisciplinary team involved in treating adolescents, parents have a key role to play in supporting their child to overcome the disease with the less negative effects as possible. Discussion about the disease within the family is associated with a lower risk of developing depressive disorders in adolescents and strengthening self-confidence as well as with reduced fear of therapeutic procedures. In addition to parents and family, support of friends and contact with peers who have already overcome the disease is of great importance. Numerous researches are in support of this, it has been proved that optimistic patients are more successful in the treatment process, and recovery from disease is much more successful and faster