61 research outputs found

    Influence of industrial by-products on the behavior of geopolymer concrete for sustainable development

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    433-445Carbon dioxideemission in cement industries is a great concern for environment, which is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is very essential to find a possible material that can be used as a replacement of cement. Geopolymer concrete is a kind of inorganic concrete elucidating the formal usage of industrial and natural waste in either single or combined form. Geopolymers are amorphous covalently bonded by a 3D network of inorganic molecules of aluminosilicate material. The formation of geopolymer concrete is greatly influenced by several factors such as binder chemical reaction, curing temperature/period, molarity of the solution, and rate of polymerization. The curing temperature helps in deciding the properties of geopolymer. Performance variables for geopolymer concrete such as selection of alkaline binder with pozzolana (Fly ash, slag, silica fume etc.) and interrelationship of GPC, reinforcing agent in geopolymer concrete with components responsible for durability are summarized in detail. The durability of concrete is reviewed with structure with shrinkage-resistant, resistant to sulfate attack, and consequences of carbonation. The various consequences of corrosion are also summarized in last of present review paper. Different research findings in this paper proves successfully that geopolymer is better construction material as compare to cement-based concrete

    Influence of industrial by-products on the behavior of geopolymer concrete forsustainable development

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    Carbon dioxide emission in cement industries is a great concern for environment, which is increasing day by day.Therefore, it is very essential to find a possible material that can be used as a replacement of cement. Geopolymer concreteis a kind of inorganic concrete elucidating the formal usage of industrial and natural waste in either single or combinedform. Geopolymers are amorphous covalently bonded by a 3D network of inorganic molecules of aluminosilicate material.The formation of geopolymer concrete is greatly influenced by several factors such as binder chemical reaction, curingtemperature/period, molarity of the solution, and rate of polymerization. The curing temperature helps in deciding theproperties of geopolymer. Performance variables for geopolymer concrete such as selection of alkaline binder withpozzolana (Fly ash, slag, silica fume etc.) and interrelationship of GPC, reinforcing agent in geopolymer concrete withcomponents responsible for durability are summarized in detail. The durability of concrete is reviewed with structure withshrinkage-resistant, resistant to sulfate attack, and consequences of carbonation. The various consequences of corrosion arealso summarized in last of present review paper. Different research findings in this paper proves successfully thatgeopolymer is better construction material as compare to cement-based concrete

    Soliton Dynamics in Computational Anatomy

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    Computational anatomy (CA) has introduced the idea of anatomical structures being transformed by geodesic deformations on groups of diffeomorphisms. Among these geometric structures, landmarks and image outlines in CA are shown to be singular solutions of a partial differential equation that is called the geodesic EPDiff equation. A recently discovered momentum map for singular solutions of EPDiff yields their canonical Hamiltonian formulation, which in turn provides a complete parameterization of the landmarks by their canonical positions and momenta. The momentum map provides an isomorphism between landmarks (and outlines) for images and singular soliton solutions of the EPDiff equation. This isomorphism suggests a new dynamical paradigm for CA, as well as new data representation.Comment: published in NeuroImag

    Linkages among forest, water, and wildlife: a case study from Kalapani community forest in Lamahi bottleneck area in Terai Arc Landscape.

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    Forest and water are important entities for sustaining life on earth. In a terrestrial ecosystem, linkages between the entities creates a mosaic benefiting the wildlife by creating the suitable habitat. In turn, communities get benefits stemming up from ecosystem services such as fodder, fuelwood, and water. We present a case study from a forest restoration project to assess the linkages between forest, water and wildlife across Lamahi bottleneck area in Terai Arc Landscape. We used combination of surveys such as forest area and canopy cover change (2001-2016) analysis followed by household questionnaire, water hole, camera trapping including process documentation. Forest area has increased by ~20 km2 in last 16 yrs. followed by number of water spouts along the identified tributaries. Water spouts are conserved in the form of conservation pond by the communities living downstream and utilized in the vegetable farming. Communities have benefited financially (~ US$ 1,252) contributing to their income level from the sale of fresh season vegetables in nearby market. Camera trap survey including the assessment of historical records showed presence of wildlife including elephant, hyena and other small carnivores in and around bottleneck forest. Both, motivation and enthusiastic support from local communities followed by the conducive government policies led to improve condition of natural resources over the period. This has also created a mosaic habitat for wildlife forming functional connectivity along the linear Terai Arc Landscape

    Genomes of trombidid mites reveal novel predicted allergens and laterally-transferred genes associated with secondary metabolism

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    Trombidid mites have a unique lifecycle in which only the larval stage is ectoparasitic. In the superfamily Trombiculoidea (“chiggers”), the larvae feed preferentially on vertebrates, including humans. Species in the genus Leptotrombidium are vectors of a potentially fatal bacterial infection, scrub typhus, which affects 1 million people annually. Moreover, chiggers can cause pruritic dermatitis (trombiculiasis) in humans and domesticated animals. In the Trombidioidea (velvet mites), the larvae feed on other arthropods and are potential biological control agents for agricultural pests. Here, we present the first trombidid mites genomes, obtained both for a chigger, Leptotrombidium deliense, and for a velvet mite, Dinothrombium tinctorium

    Chemistry Of Natural And Synthetic Colouring Matters And related Fields

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    Background. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can raise prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels two to three times higher than the normal level. An increased PSA level does not indicate Prostate Cancer (PCa), but the higher the PSA level, the higher the chance of having PCa. Detection and treatment have been profoundly affected by the advent of Free/Total PSA ratio testing. Objectives. The aim of the study was to estimate free, total PSA levels and its ratio for serum levels of calcium, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in patients with BPH and PCa; to correlate clinical, biochemical and histopathological findings in the above patients. Methods. PSA levels were detected by Chemiluminescent assay; serum calcium – by Modified Arsenazo method; serum acid phosphatase – by Doumas et al method; and Alkaline phosphatase – by Lowry et al method. Results. Present study found high levels of total PSA in BPH and PCa. Levels of free PSA were high in BPH as compared to PCa rate. Free/Total PSA ratio is reduced considerably in PCa as compared to BPH. Serum acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase were considerably higher in PCa as compared to BPH. Serum calcium levels did not show significant difference in control and study groups. Conclusions. It was established that patients with PCa have a greater fraction of bound PSA and a lower percentage of free PSA than in those without PCa. Therefore, in clinical practice Free/Total PSA ratio helps clinicians to decide if a biopsy is necessary. Objectives: The study was carried out with the following objectives: to estimate free, total PSA levels and calculate Free/Total PSA ratio in patients with BPH and Carcinoma Prostate, to study the serum levels of calcium, acid phosphates, and alkaline phosphatase in patients with BPH and PCa. and to correlate clinical, biochemical and histopathological findings in the above patients. Methods. Free and total PSA levels were detected by  Chemiluminescent assay; Serum Calcium was detected by Modified Arsenazo method. Serum  acid phosphatase was detected by Doumas et al method and Alkaline phosphatase were detected by Lowry et al  method Results: Present study found high levels of Total PSA in BPH and PCa. Levels of free PSA were high in BPH as compared to PCa ate. Free /Total PSA ratio is reduced considerably in PCa as compared to BPH. Serum acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase were slightly raised in PCa as compared to BPH. Serum calcium levels did not show a significant difference in control and study groups. Conclusion: We concluded that patients with PCa have a greater fraction of bound PSA and a lower percentage of free PSA than in men without PCa. There was a negative correlation found between the free/total PSA ratio and the histopathologic findings. The lower the ratio higher is the grade of malignancy. Therefore in clinical practice Free/Total PSA ratio helps clinicians to decide if a biopsy is necessaryВступ. Доброякісна гіперплазія передміхурової залози (ДГПЗ) може супроводжуватися відвічі-втричі підвищеним рівнем (ПСА). Підвищений рівень ПСА не вказує на рак передміхурової залози (РПЗ), чим вищий рівень ПСА, тим більша ймовірність виникнення РПЗ. Поява тесту на співвідношення вільного/загального ПСА мала значний вплив на частототу виявлення та вибір тактики лікування РПЗ. Мета. Оцінити співвідношення вільного/загального ПСА, рівень сироваткового кальцію, кислої та лужної фосфатаз у пацієнтів з ДГПЗ та РПЗ. Провести кореляцію клінічних, біохімічних та гістопатологічних даних у вищевказаних пацієнтів. Методи. Визначення ПСА проводилося за допомогою хемілюмінесцентного аналізу; сироватковий кальцій визначався модифікованим методом арсеназо. Кисла фосфатаза сироватки визначалася методом за Doumas et al., лужна фосфатаза – за Lowry et al. Результати. Дослідження виявило високі рівні загального ПСА при ДГПЗ та РПЗ. Рівні вільного ПСА були вищими при ДГПЗ порівняно з РПЗ. Співвідношення вільного/загального ПСА значно знижується при РПЗ порівняно з ДГПЗ. Рівні сироваткової кислої та лужної фосфатаз значно підвищуються при РПЗ порівняно з ДГПЗ. Рівень кальцію в сироватці крові не відрізнявся в контрольній та досліджуваній групах. Висновки. Пацієнти з РПЗ мають більшу частку зв'язаного ПСА та менший відсоток вільного ПСА, порівняно з пацієнтами без РПЗ. Тому в клінічній практиці співвідношення вільного/загального ПСА може допомогти клініцистам вирішити чи потрібна біопсія

    Self assembled monolayer based liquid crystal biosensor for free cholesterol detection

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    A unique cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) liquid crystal (LC) biosensor, based on the disruption of orientation in LCs, is developed for cholesterol detection. A self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of Dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride (DMOAP) and (3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxy-silane (APTMS) is prepared on a glass plate by adsorption. The enzyme (ChOx) is immobilized on SAM surface for 12 h before utilizing the film for biosensing purpose. LC based biosensing study is conducted on SAM/ChOx/LC (5CB) cells for cholesterol concentrations ranging from 10 mg/dl to 250 mg/dl. The sensing mechanism has been verified through polarizing optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and spectrometric techniques

    Probing the effect of temperature and electric field on the low frequency dielectric relaxation in a ferroelectric liquid crystal mesogen

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    We present the characterization and dielectric spectroscopic investigations of a ferroelectric liquid crystal (PLC) material, namely KCFLC 10S. We experimentally demonstrate the observation of a low frequency dielectric relaxation mode along with Goldstone mode in the smectic C* phase of the FLC material under investigation. The behavior of low frequency dielectric relaxation mode has been systematically studied with temperature and applied bias field. The relaxation frequency of the low frequency dielectric relaxation has been found to be shifted toward the higher frequency side with an increase in temperature and field strength. This shift has been attributed to the single particle diffusion of fast ions. Further investigations on electrical conductivity (a) with frequency at different electric field strengths revealed a Schottky-type of charge injection at electrode even under a small DC bias. The studies carried out in the present paper would be helpful to provide ideas for designing and developing advanced liquid crystal materials