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    Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction

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    [EN] Understanding the nature of pathogen host interaction may help improve strawberry (Fragaria x anahassa) cultivars. Plant resistance to pathogenic agents usually operates through a complex network of defense mechanisms mediated by a diverse array of signaling molecules. In strawberry, resistance to a variety of pathogens has been reported to be mostly polygenic and quantitatively inherited, making it difficult to associate molecular markers with disease resistance genes. Colletotrichum acutaturn spp. is a major strawberry pathogen, and completely resistant cultivars have not been reported. Moreover, strawberry defense network components and mechanisms remain largely unknown and poorly understood. Assessment of the strawberry response to C. acutatum included a global transcript analysis, and acidic hormones SA and JA measurements were analyzed after challenge with the pathogen. Induction of transcripts corresponding to the SA and JA signaling pathways and key genes controlling major steps within these defense pathways was detected. Accordingly, SA and JA accumulated in strawberry after infection. Contrastingly, induction of several important SA, JA, and oxidative stress-responsive defense genes, including FaPR1-1, FaLOX2, FaJAR1, FaPDF1, and FaGST1, was not detected, which suggests that specific branches in these defense pathways (those leading to FaPR1-2, FaPR2-1, FaPR2-2, FaAOS, FaPR5, and FaPR10) were activated. Our results reveal that specific aspects in SA and JA dependent signaling pathways are activated in strawberry upon interaction with C. acutatum. Certain described defense-associated transcripts related to these two known signaling pathways do not increase in abundance following infection. This finding suggests new insight into a specific putative molecular strategy for defense against this pathogen.Authors are grateful to Dr. JM Lopez-Aranda (IFAPA-Centro de Churriana) for providing micropropagated strawberry plants and to Nicolas Garcia-Caparros for technical assistance. Authors also want to thank Kevin M. Folta for his insightful comments on the paper. This work was supported by Junta de Andalucia, Spain [Proyectos de Excelencia P07-AGR-02482/P12-AGR-2174, and grants to Grupo-BIO278].Amil-Ruiz, F.; Garrido-Gala, J.; Gadea Vacas, J.; Blanco-Portales, R.; Munoz-Merida, A.; Trelles, O.; De Los Santos, B.... (2016). Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7(1036). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01036S71036Acosta, I. F., & Farmer, E. E. (2010). Jasmonates. The Arabidopsis Book, 8, e0129. doi:10.1199/tab.0129Al-Shahrour, F., Diaz-Uriarte, R., & Dopazo, J. (2004). 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    Educational and labor wastage of doctors in Mexico: towards the construction of a common methodology

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    BACKGROUND: This paper addresses the problem of wastage of the qualified labor force, which takes place both during the education process and when trained personnel try to find jobs in the local market. METHODS: Secondary sources were used, mainly the Statistical yearbooks of the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES in Spanish). Also, the 2000 Population Census was used to estimate the different sources of labor market wastage. The formulas were modified to estimate educational and labor wastage rates. RESULTS: Out of every 1000 students who started a medical training in 1996, over 20% were not able to finish the training by 2000. Furthermore, out of every 1000 graduates, 31% were not able to find a remunerated position in the labor market that would enable them to put into practice the abilities and capacities obtained at school. Important differences can be observed between generalists and specialists, as well as between men and women. In the case of specialists and men, lower wastage rates can be observed as compared to the wastage rates of generalists and women. A large percentage of women dedicate themselves exclusively to household duties, which in labor terms represents a wastage of their capacity to participate in the production of formal health services. CONCLUSION: Women are becoming a majority in most medical schools, yet their participation in the labor market does not reflect the same trend. Among men, policies should be formulated to incorporate doctors in the specific health field for which they were trained. Regarding women, specific policies should target those who are dedicated full-time to household activities in order to create the possibility of having them occupy a remunerated job if they are willing to do so. Reducing wastage at both the educational and labor levels should improve the capacity of social investment, thereby increasing the capacity of the health system as a whole to provide services, particularly to those populations who are most in need

    The effect of an online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors (iBoneFIT): study protocol of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial

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    Background: New approaches on paediatric cancer treatment aim to maintain long-term health. As a result of radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery, paediatric cancer survivors tend to suffer from any chronic health condition. Endocrine dysfunction represents one of the most common issues and affects bone health. Exercise is key for bone mass accrual during growth, specifically plyometric jump training. The iBoneFIT study will investigate the effect of a 9-month online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors. This study will also examine the effect of the intervention on body composition, physical fitness, physical activity, calcium intake, vitamin D, blood samples quality of life and mental health. Methods: A minimum of 116 participants aged 6 to 18 years will be randomized into an intervention (n = 58) or control group (n = 58). The intervention group will receive an online exercise programme and diet counselling on calcium and vitamin D. In addition, five behaviour change techniques and a gamification design will be implemented in order to increase the interest of this non-game programme. The control group will only receive diet counselling. Participants will be assessed on 3 occasions: 1) at baseline; 2) after the 9 months of the intervention; 3) 4 months following the intervention. The primary outcome will be determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and the hip structural analysis, trabecular bone score and 3D-DXA softwares. Secondary outcomes will include anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness, physical activity, calcium and vitamin D intake, blood samples, quality of life and mental health. Discussion: Whether a simple, feasible and short in duration exercise programme can improve bone health has not been examined in paediatric cancer survivors. This article describes the design, rationale and methods of a study intended to test the effect of a rigorous online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors. If successful, the iBoneFIT study will contribute to decrease chronic health conditions in this population and will have a positive impact in the society.The iBoneFIT project is funded by a fellowship from 'la Caixa' Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/PR19/11700007. This study has been partially supported by the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR

    A Genomic Approach for the Identification and Classification of Genes Involved in Cell Wall Formation and its Regulation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Using a hierarchical approach, 620 non-essential single-gene yeast deletants generated by EUROFAN I were systematically screened for cell-wall-related phenotypes. By analyzing for altered sensitivity to the presence of Calcofluor white or SDS in the growth medium, altered sensitivity to sonication, or abnormal morphology, 145 (23%) mutants showing at least one cell wall-related phenotype were selected. These were screened further to identify genes potentially involved in either the biosynthesis, remodeling or coupling of cell wall macromolecules or genes involved in the overall regulation of cell wall construction and to eliminate those genes with a more general, pleiotropic effect. Ninety percent of the mutants selected from the primary tests showed additional cell wall-related phenotypes. When extrapolated to the entire yeast genome, these data indicate that over 1200 genes may directly or indirectly affect cell wall formation and its regulation. Twenty-one mutants with altered levels of β1,3-glucan synthase activity and five Calcofluor white-resistant mutants with altered levels of chitin synthase activities were found, indicating that the corresponding genes affect β1,3-glucan or chitin synthesis. By selecting for increased levels of specific cell wall components in the growth medium, we identified 13 genes that are possibly implicated in different steps of cell wall assembly. Furthermore, 14 mutants showed a constitutive activation of the cell wall integrity pathway, suggesting that they participate in the modulation of the pathway either directly acting as signaling components or by triggering the Slt2-dependent compensatory mechanism. In conclusion, our screening approach represents a comprehensive functional analysis on a genomic scale of gene products involved in various aspects of fungal cell wall formation

    Participación social y calidad en los servicios de salud: la experiencia del aval ciudadano en México

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar la experiencia del aval ciudadano en el sistema de salud mexicano en la mejora de los servicios de salud. METODOS: Estudio de corte cualitativo en ocho estados de México en 2008. Se evaluaron diferentes aspectos del programa nacional para mejorar la calidad de los servicios de salud. Se compara la estrategia de México con otras experiencias en América Latina. RESULTADOS: Se exponen los avances y problemas del funcionamiento del aval ciudadano, figura que promueve la participación social en salud de la población. CONCLUSIONES: El aval ciudadano es una figura con gran potencial para representar a los usuarios en los servicios de salud y transmitir sus demandas de mejora de la calidad de la atención médica

    Database of spatial distribution of non indigenous species in Spanish marine waters

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    Research in marine Spanish waters are focused on several actions to achieve an effectively management on protected areas, with the active participation of the stakeholders and research as basic tools for decision-making. Among these actions, there is one about the knowledge and control on NIS. One of its objectives is the creation of NIS factsheets, which are going to be added to the National Marine Biodiversity Geographical System (GIS) providing complementary information about taxonomic classification, common names, taxonomic synonyms, species illustrations, identification morphological characters, habitat in the native and introduced regions, biological and ecological traits, GenBank DNA sequences, world distribution, first record and evolution in the introduced areas, likely pathways of introduction, effects in the habitats and interaction with native species, and potential management measures to apply. The database will also provide data for (1) the European online platforms, (2) the environmental assessment for the Descriptor 2 (D2-NIS) of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), as well as (3) supporting decisions made by stakeholders. It is the result of extensive collaboration among scientist, manager’s and citizen science in the Spanish North-Atlantic, South-Atlantic, Gibraltar Strait-Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands marine divisions, providing an updated overview of the spatial distribution of relevant extended and invasive NIS of recent and established NIS introduced by maritime transport and aquaculture pathways, as well as on cryptogenic or native species in expansion due to the climatic water warming trend

    Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad

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    La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria “Universidad, docencia, genero e igualdad” persigue avanzar en la calidad e innovación de las enseñanzas universitarias a partir de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Se busca dar cumplimiento a las directrices generales de los nuevos planes de estudio respecto del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en la formación universitaria (Real Decreto 1393/2007. BOE nº 260, 30 de octubre de 2007). En la cuarta edición de la Red, y dada su composición multidisciplinar, se desarrollaron tres líneas de investigación: 1) mantenimiento del “Portal web con recursos docentes con perspectiva de género”, proyecto financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (PACUI, 2012) e iniciado en el curso 2012-2013; 2) desarrollo (primera versión) de “iLengUA”, una herramienta informática para un discurso inclusivo e igualitario; y 3) diseño de la Guía para una orientación universitaria inclusiva

    Atlas de las praderas marinas de España

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    Knowledge of the distribution and extent of seagrass habitats is currently the basis of management and conservation policies of the coastal zones in most European countries. This basic information is being requested through European directives for the establishment of monitoring programmes and the implementation of specific actions to preserve the marine environment. In addition, this information is crucial for the quantification of the ecological importance usually attributed to seagrass habitats due to, for instance, their involvement in biogeochemical cycles, marine biodiversity and quality of coastal waters or global carbon budgets. The seagrass atlas of Spain represents a huge collective effort performed by 84 authors across 30 Spanish institutions largely involved in the scientific research, management and conservation of seagrass habitats during the last three decades. They have contributed to the availability of the most precise and realistic seagrass maps for each region of the Spanish coast which have been integrated in a GIS to obtain the distribution and area of each seagrass species. Most of this information has independently originated at a regional level by regional governments, universities and public research organisations, which explain the elevated heterogeneity in criteria, scales, methods and objectives of the available information. On this basis, seagrass habitats in Spain occupy a total surface of 1,541,63 km2, 89% of which is concentrated in the Mediterranean regions; the rest is present in sheltered estuarine areas of the Atlantic peninsular regions and in the open coastal waters of the Canary Islands, which represents 50% of the Atlantic meadows. Of this surface, 71.5% corresponds to Posidonia oceanica, 19.5% to Cymodocea nodosa, 3.1% to Zostera noltii (=Nanozostera noltii), 0.3% to Zostera marina and 1.2% to Halophila decipiens. Species distribution maps are presented (including Ruppia spp.), together with maps of the main impacts and pressures that has affected or threatened their conservation status, as well as the management tools established for their protection and conservation. Despite this considerable effort, and the fact that Spain has mapped wide shelf areas, the information available is still incomplete and with weak precision in many regions, which will require an investment of major effort in the near future to complete the whole picture and respond to demands of EU directives