578 research outputs found

    Dataset for holiday rentals’ daily rate pricing in a cultural tourism destination

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    This data article describes a holiday rental dataset from a medium-size cultural city destination. Daily rate and variables related to location, size, amenities, rating, and seasonality are highlighted as the main features. The data was extracted from Booking.com, legal registration of the accommodation (RTA) and Google Maps, among other sources. This dataset contains data from 665 holiday rentals offered as entire flat (rent per room was discarded), with a total of 1623 cases and 28 variables considered. Regarding data extraction, RTA is ordered by registration number, which is taken and, through a Google search with the following structure: "apartment registration no. + Booking + Seville", the holiday rental profile in Booking.com is found. Then, it is verified that both the address of the accommodation and the registration number match in RTA and Booking.com, proceeding with data extraction to a Microsoft Excel's file. Google Maps is used to determine the minutes spent walking from the accommodation to the spot of maximum tourist interest of the city. A price index based on the average price per square meter of real estate per district is also incorporated to the dataset, as well as a visual appeal rating made by the authors of every holiday rental based on its Booking.com photos profile. Only cases with complete data were considered. A statistics summary of all variables of the data collected is presented. This dataset can be used to develop an estimation model of daily prices of stay in holiday rentals through predetermined variables. Econometrics methodologies applied to this dataset can also allow testing which variables included affecting the composition of holiday rentals' daily rates and which not, as well as determining their respective influence on daily rates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validity and reliability of the Parental Homework Management Scale

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    Background: Prior research has shown that parents help their children manage homework (i.e. environment, time, motivation and emotion management), especially in elementary school. However, researchers have not developed and validated a scale focused on those dimensions. Method: The purpose of the present study is to validate the Parental Homework Management Scale (PHMS) for parents of elementary school children in the domain of mathematics. A sample of 2,118 parent-child dyads was split randomly into two groups to conduct the analysis in two stages: (i) exploratory factor analysis on Group 1 and (ii) confi rmatory factor analysis on Group 2. Results: PHMS is comprised of two distinct but related factors (i.e. environment-time and motivation-emotion management). Results further indicated that the PHMS was positively related to homework self-regulation and positive emotions, and negatively related to math achievement. Contrary to expectations, no relationship was found between PHMS and amount of student homework completed. Conclusions: The scale revealed good psychometric quality.Validación y fi abilidad de la escala de gestión de tareas para casa para padres. Antecedentes: investigaciones previas revelaron que los padres ayudan a sus hijos a gestionar las tareas para casa (i.e., el ambiente, el tiempo, la motivación y las emociones), especialmente en la escuela primaria. Sin embargo, la investigación no ha construido y validado una escala enfocada en esas dimensiones. Método: el presente estudio valida el Parental Homework Management Scale (PHMS) para padres de niños de escuela primaria en el dominio de las matemáticas. Una muestra de 2,118 díadas padres-hijos se dividió aleatoriamente en dos grupos para realizar el análisis en dos etapas: (i) análisis factorial exploratorio en el Grupo 1 y (ii) análisis factorial confi rmatorio en el Grupo 2. Resultados: PHMS está compuesto por dos factores distintos pero relacionados (i.e., gestión del ambiente-tiempo y de la motivación-emoción). Los resultados indicaron además que el PHMS se relacionó positivamente con la autorregulación y las emociones positivas en las tareas para casa, y se relacionó negativamente con el rendimiento en matemáticas. Contrario a las expectativas, no se encontró relación entre PHMS y la cantidad de tareas completadas por los estudiantes. Conclusiones: la escala ha revelado una buena calidad psicométrica.This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Portuguese Ministry of Science (UID/PSI/01662/2013). JC was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Portuguese FCT (SFRH/BD/95341/2013)

    Development and validation of a dynamic thermal model of a minibus using TRNSYS

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    [EN] The current paper presents a dynamic thermal model of a vehicle including two thermal zones, one for the front region (driver) and one for the back (passengers). The model, developed in TRNSYS, is able to predict the cabin¿s thermal behaviour under variable ambient temperatures and solar radiation. A minibus was used to validate the model using experimental data for ambient temperature, solar radiation and the indoor temperature of a minibus parked both inside and outside a garage in Torino (Italy). The proposed model accurately reproduces the warm-up and cool-down of the cabin. In addition, the model has been used to calculate the cooling load of the cabin during a summer day, and to quantify the thermal loads under variable ambient conditions. In future work, the model will be used to predict the dynamic performance of the A/C system in an urban driving cycle and to optimise the compressor control strategy.Daniela C. Vásconez-Núñez acknowledges the financial support provided by the CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA 2013-SEGUNDA FASE program, which was funded by the SENESCYT (Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación) (Grant No 2014-AR3R7463) of Ecuador.Vásconez-Núñez, DC.; Gonzálvez-Maciá, J.; Corberán, JM.; Payá-Herrero, J. (2018). Development and validation of a dynamic thermal model of a minibus using TRNSYS. International Journal of Vehicle Design. 77(1/2):87-107. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJVD.2018.098272S87107771/

    Relationship between sociometric types and academic goals in a sample of Spanish students of Secondary Education

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre tipos sociométricos, categorías conductuales y metas académicas en una muestra de 1349 estudiantes (51.7% chicos) de educación secundaria obligatoria. La identificación sociométrica de los estudiantes se realizó mediante el Programa Socio y las metas académicas fueron evaluadas mediante el AGTQ (Achievement Goals Tendencies Questionnaire). El AGTQ es una medida de autoinforme diseñada para medir tres orientaciones de metas: aprendizaje, logro y refuerzo social. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes nominados positivamente por sus compañeros presentaron mayores puntuaciones en metas de aprendizaje y de logro que los estudiantes nominados negativamente. Además, los tipos sociométricos fueron predictores significativos de las metas académicas, ya que los estudiantes nominados positivamente por sus compañeros presentaron mayor probabilidad de alcanzar altas metas de aprendizaje y de logro que los estudiantes nominados negativamente.The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between sociometric types, behavioral categories and academic goals in a sample of 1349 students (51.7% boys) of compulsory secondary education. The students’ sociometric identification was performed by the Programa Socio and academic goals was measured by the AGTQ (Achievement Goals Tendencies Questionnaire). The AGTQ is a self-report measure designed to measure three tendencies of goals: Learning goals, Achievement goals and Reinforcement Social goals. Results show that students nominated by their peers positively had higher scores on Learning and Achievement goals than students negatively nominated. Furthermore, sociometric types were significant predictors of academic goals, as students nominated by their peers positively were more likely to achieve high Learning goals and Achievement goals that students negatively nominated.Este trabajo ha sido realizado a través del Proyecto SEJ 2004-07311/EDUC perteneciente al Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica del MEC concedido al primer autor

    Generalized harmonic spatial coordinates and hyperbolic shift conditions

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    We propose a generalization of the condition for harmonic spatial coordinates analogous to the generalization of the harmonic time slices introduced by Bona et al., and closely related to dynamic shift conditions recently proposed by Lindblom and Scheel, and Bona and Palenzuela. These generalized harmonic spatial coordinates imply a condition for the shift vector that has the form of an evolution equation for the shift components. We find that in order to decouple the slicing condition from the evolution equation for the shift it is necessary to use a rescaled shift vector. The initial form of the generalized harmonic shift condition is not spatially covariant, but we propose a simple way to make it fully covariant so that it can be used in coordinate systems other than Cartesian. We also analyze the effect of the shift condition proposed here on the hyperbolicity of the evolution equations of general relativity in 1+1 dimensions and 3+1 spherical symmetry, and study the possible development of blow-ups. Finally, we perform a series of numerical experiments to illustrate the behavior of this shift condition.Comment: 18 pages and 12 figures, extensively revised version explaining in the new Section IV how the shift condition can be made 3-covarian

    The role of endoglin in post-ischemic revascularization

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    60 p.-5 fig.-1 tab.Following arterial occlusion, blood vessels respond by forming a new network of functional capillaries (angiogenesis), by re-organizing pre-existing capillaries through the recruitment of smooth muscle cells to generate new arteries (arteriogenesis) and by growing and remodeling pre-existing collateral arterioles into physiologically relevant arteries (collateral development). All these processes result in the recovery of organ perfusion. The importance of endoglin in post-occlusion reperfusion is sustained by several observations: i) endoglin expression is increased in vessels showing active angiogenesis/remodeling; ii) genetic endoglin haploinsufficiency in humans causes deficient angiogenesis; and iii) the reduction of endoglin expression by gene disruption or the administration of endoglin-neutralizing antibodies reduces angiogenesis and revascularization. However, the precise role of endoglin in the several processes associated with revascularization has not been completely elucidated and, in some cases, the function ascribed to endoglin by different authors is controversial. The purpose of this review is to organize in a critical way the information available for the role of endoglin in several phenomena (angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, and collateral development) associated with post-ischemic revascularization.Peer reviewe

    Analytical simulation of RBS spectra of nanowire samples

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    Almost all, if not all, general purpose codes for analysis of Ion Beam Analysis data have been originally developed to handle laterally homogeneous samples only. This is the case of RUMP, NDF, SIMNRA, and even of the Monte Carlo code Corteo. General-purpose codes usually include only limited support for lateral inhomogeneity. In this work, we show analytical simulations of samples that consist of a layer of parallel oriented nanowires on a substrate, using a model implemented in NDF. We apply the code to real samples, made of vertical ZnO nanowires on a sapphire substrate. Two configurations of the nanowires were studied: 40 nm diameter, 4.1 μm height, 3.5% surface coverage; and 55 nm diameter, 1.1 μm height, 42% surface coverage. We discuss the accuracy and limits of applicability of the analysisAuthors thank funding from projects CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R (MINECO, Spain) and NANOAVANSENS S2013/MIT 3029 (Comunidad de Madrid). A.R.C. acknowledges Juan de la Cierva program (under contract number JCI-2012-14509). This work was partially funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under grant UID/Multi/04349/201

    Evaluación del área trabecular por digitalización de imágenes en el callo de fractura: estudio experimental

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    Se presenta un método de evaluación del área trabecular por medio de digitalización de imágenes de microscopía óptica. Se estudia la evolución de 20 callos de fractura en ratas de cepa Wistar, obteniendo un incremento progresivo del área trabecular desde los 14 a los 49 días, correlacionando ésta directamente con la actividad neoformativa. Se concluye proponiendo el uso de este método por su uniformidad, objetividad y reproductibilidad en todo el estudio, permitiendo la independencia del anatomopatológico.We present a method for assessment of the bone trabecular area by using optic microscope digitalized imaging. We studied 20 fracture callus performed at the tibia in Wistar rats. The bone trabecular area had a progressive increased from 14 to 49 days, post-fracture, been directly related with the neoformative activity. We propose this method because of this uniformity, objetivity and reliability. This method akows fracture repair analysis independently of the subjetivity of the pathologist

    Student Perception of Teacher and Parent Involvement in Homework and Student Engagement: The Mediating Role of Motivation

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    Currently, there is much debate about the value of assigning homework. Organizations such as the OECD have concluded that doing more homework is not synonymous with better performance. This study was designed to analyze the mediating role of student motivation in the relationship between the involvement of parents and teachers in homework and the engagement of students in these tasks. Seven hundred and thirty students in Compulsory Secondary Education (7th–10th grade) participated from 14 schools in the north of Spain. Three competing models were developed and tested to study motivational mediation: a non-motivational mediation model (direct effects model); a total motivational mediation model (indirect effects model); and a partial motivational mediation model (mixed effects model). The best model was adjusted according to gender and school year variables. The total mediation motivational model demonstrated the best fit (indirect effects model). The results suggest the total mediation of student motivation in the relationship between the perception of parents’ and teachers’ involvement in homework and student cognitive engagement in these tasks. Some differences, albeit slight, were observed with respect to gender and school year. The results have clear theoretical and educational implications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; EDU2013-44062-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; EDU2017-82984-PGobierno de Asturias; FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/00019

    High-power UV-LED degradation: Continuous and cycled working condition influence

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    High-power (HP) UV-LEDs can replace UV lamps for real-time fluoro-sensing applications by allowing portable and autonomous systems. However, HP UV-LEDs are not a mature technology, and there are still open issues regarding their performance evolution over time. This paper presents a reliability study of 3W UV-LEDs, with special focus on LED degradation for two working conditions: continuous and cycled (30 s ON and 30 s OFF). Accelerated life tests are developed to evaluate the influence of temperature and electrical working conditions in high-power LEDs degradation, being the predominant failure mechanism the degradation of the package. An analysis that includes dynamic thermal and optical HP UV-LED measurements has been performed. Static thermal and stress simulation analysis with the finite element method (FEM) identifies the causes of package degradation. Accelerated life test results prove that HP UV-LEDs working in cycled condition have a better performance than those working in continuous condition