21 research outputs found

    Societal acceptance of mobile contact tracing applications: the moderating effect of construal level

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    When used by a majority of people, Contact Tracing Applications (CTAs) can be a most effective way to control the spread of a virus within a population. However, the evidence offered from the deployment of several CTAs across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic indicates that adoption rates have remained low. The present study aims to extend the literature on the societal acceptance of these technologies by building on the lens of Construal Level Theory (CLT). We focus on the moderating role of people’s construal level on the relationship between two key factors: people’s privacy uncertainty (emerging from the use of CTAs) and their perceived societal utility of using a CTA - and the societal acceptance of these technologies. The results of this research will extend emerging literature that uses the CLT in the context of studying IT adoption in general. The results will also help provide specific recommendations to public health institutions about which design practices can be used to more effectively promote societal, mass acceptance of CTAs

    Structure stability of free copper nanoclusters: FSA-DFT Cubuilding and FDM-XANES study

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    We present ab initio simulations of X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) spectra, performed on model clusters built by fast simulated annealing and optimized by Density Functional Theory (DFT) minimization. As is known, larger stability of Cu clusters with 20 atoms was found in comparison with those with 19 and 21 atoms. Based on this knowledge, we show the sensitivity of the XANES technique on the number of atoms n, (c.a 20), and on the morphology of the Cun nanoclusters. For this study we used both L3 and K edges and found the former more sensitive. In addition, in the case of the K XANES edge, we carry out the simulations using four different methods, to observe their performance in arrays of a few atoms. Even more, we obtain a good agreement between our results and previous predictions on the HOMO-LUMO gaps for these systems.Instituto de Investigaciones FisicoquĂ­micas TeĂłricas y Aplicada

    The Genome Sequence of the Grape Phylloxera Provides Insights into the Evolution, Adaptation, and Invasion Routes of an Iconic Pest

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    Background: Although native to North America, the invasion of the aphid-like grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae across the globe altered the course of grape cultivation. For the past 150 years, viticulture relied on grafting-resistant North American Vitis species as rootstocks, thereby limiting genetic stocks tolerant to other stressors such as pathogens and climate change. Limited understanding of the insect genetics resulted in successive outbreaks across the globe when rootstocks failed. Here we report the 294-Mb genome of D. vitifoliae as a basic tool to understand host plant manipulation, nutritional endosymbiosis, and enhance global viticulture. Results: Using a combination of genome, RNA, and population resequencing, we found grape phylloxera showed high duplication rates since its common ancestor with aphids, but similarity in most metabolic genes, despite lacking obligate nutritional symbioses and feeding from parenchyma. Similarly, no enrichment occurred in development genes in relation to viviparity. However, phylloxera evolved > 2700 unique genes that resemble putative effectors and are active during feeding. Population sequencing revealed the global invasion began from the upper Mississippi River in North America, spread to Europe and from there to the rest of the world. Conclusions: The grape phylloxera genome reveals genetic architecture relative to the evolution of nutritional endosymbiosis, viviparity, and herbivory. The extraordinary expansion in effector genes also suggests novel adaptations to plant feeding and how insects induce complex plant phenotypes, for instance galls. Finally, our understanding of the origin of this invasive species and its genome provide genetics resources to alleviate rootstock bottlenecks restricting the advancement of viticulture

    Purification studies of Thymosin a-1

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    L'Ă©crivain et l'imprimeur

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    Le livre est un objet manufacturĂ© : la reconnaissance de ce fait invite Ă  intĂ©grer pleinement les apports de l’histoire du livre dans le domaine de l’histoire des textes et de l’histoire littĂ©raire. Et Ă  examiner tout particuliĂšrement la relation entre l’écrivain et l’imprimeur, car elle engage d’abord la dĂ©finition du « produit livre » par le biais duquel se donne Ă  lire le texte, interroge ensuite le statut de l’auteur, et Ă©claire enfin la rĂ©alitĂ© des processus de fabrication et de rĂ©ception. Ce volume rĂ©unit les travaux d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu Ă  l’universitĂ© du Maine en octobre 2009 ; il propose un large parcours depuis le XVe siĂšcle jusqu’à la pĂ©riode la plus rĂ©cente ; grĂące Ă  des Ă©tudes de cas concrets, appliquĂ©es Ă  des auteurs trĂšs diffĂ©rents (Balzac ou Vercors, GalilĂ©e ou MallarmĂ©, Brant ou Rousseau), il dĂ©voile les liens souvent Ă©troits Ă©tablis entre les Ă©crivains et les ateliers typographiques. Le degrĂ© d’intervention des auteurs dans le travail de publication, les choix effectuĂ©s par tel imprimeur, les auxiliaires et intermĂ©diaires qui aident ou brouillent la relation entre l’auteur et l’imprimeur, l’humeur de certains Ă©crivains, la qualification typographique de certains autres, les conditions matĂ©rielles en gĂ©nĂ©ral, sont parfois dĂ©cisifs dans la mise en page comme dans la mise au jour d’un livre. L’écrivain et l’imprimeur restitue le tempo des gestations particuliĂšres, tout en proposant une rĂ©flexion globale sur le statut du livre et de son auteur. L’ouvrage rĂ©vĂšle combien le temps de l’écriture ne dĂ©signe pas un moment clos, mais fonctionne Ă  la maniĂšre d’un processus complexe de rĂ©daction, de rĂ©criture, de correction, intĂ©grant les Ă©tapes de l’impression et de l’édition. Il montre nombre d’auteurs Ă©crivant en fonction de la forme matĂ©rielle du livre, et quelques-uns assimilant mĂȘme les jeux d’épreuves Ă  un manuscrit pour achever le processus d’écriture. Il atteste la permanence de certaines techniques, comme celle du couper-coller, nullement attachĂ©e Ă  la disponibilitĂ© des mĂ©dias informatiques. L’auteur, censĂ© ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine du texte, n’est pas le seul Ă  intervenir, et les conditions d’écriture, d’impression, de publication, voire l’histoire des Ă©ditions, tĂ©moignent de l’importance des contraintes matĂ©rielles. On voit ainsi le texte se dĂ©partir de son abstraction pour s’ancrer dans le temps et l’espace de son Ă©laboration