1,708 research outputs found

    Misdiagnosis of narcolepsy

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    BACKGROUND: Narcolepsy is a chronic primary sleep disorder, characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep dysfunction with or without cataplexy. Narcolepsy is uncommon, with a low prevalence rate which makes it difficult to diagnose definitively without a complex series of tests and a detailed history. The aim of this study was to review patients referred to a tertiary sleep centre who had been labelled with a diagnosis of narcolepsy prior to referral in order to assess if the diagnosis was accurate, and if not, to determine the cause of diagnostic misattribution. METHODS: All patients seen at a sleep centre from 2007–2013 (n = 551) who underwent detailed objective testing including an MSLT PSG, as well as wearing an actigraphy watch and completing a sleep diary for 2 weeks, were assessed for a pre-referral and final diagnosis of narcolepsy. RESULTS: Of the 41 directly referred patients with a diagnostic label of narcolepsy, 19 (46 %) were subsequently confirmed to have narcolepsy on objective testing and assessment by a sleep physician using ICSD-2 criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of narcolepsy was incorrectly attributed to almost 50 % of patients labelled with a diagnosis of narcolepsy who were referred for further opinion by a variety of specialists and generalists. Accurate diagnosis of narcolepsy is critical for many reasons, such as the impact it has on quality of life, driving, employment, insurance and pregnancy in women as well as medication management

    The future of multiple sclerosis treatments

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    Introduction. There are not many conditions in which the last few decades have brought such a major change in the landscape of treatments as is the case of multiple sclerosis (MS). A number of disease modifying treatments (DMTs) are presently available for the treatment of the inflammatory phase of this disabling disease; however, the need for treating neurodegeneration and halting the progression of disability is still unmet. Areas covered: In this paper we review the available information on existing and emerging DMTs and we discuss their place within the context of different treatment strategies in MS. Expert Commentary: The future of MS treatments should include the development of new treatment strategies tackling disease progression, together with a better understanding of the side-effects and the best sequential strategy of implementation of available and emerging drugs

    Stellar Coronal and Wind Models: Impact on Exoplanets

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    Surface magnetism is believed to be the main driver of coronal heating and stellar wind acceleration. Coronae are believed to be formed by plasma confined in closed magnetic coronal loops of the stars, with winds mainly originating in open magnetic field line regions. In this Chapter, we review some basic properties of stellar coronae and winds and present some existing models. In the last part of this Chapter, we discuss the effects of coronal winds on exoplanets.Comment: Chapter published in the "Handbook of Exoplanets", Editors in Chief: Juan Antonio Belmonte and Hans Deeg, Section Editor: Nuccio Lanza. Springer Reference Work

    Clinical and molecular features of an infant patient affected by Leigh Disease associated to m.14459G > A mitochondrial DNA mutation: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leigh Syndrome (LS) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder characterized by bilateral symmetrical necrotic lesions in the basal ganglia and brainstem. Onset is in early infancy and prognosis is poor. Causative mutations have been disclosed in mitochondrial DNA and nuclear genes affecting respiratory chain subunits and assembly factors.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Here we report the clinical and molecular features of a 15-month-old female LS patient. Direct sequencing of her muscle-derived mtDNA revealed the presence of two apparently homoplasmic variants: the novel m.14792C > G and the already known m.14459G > A resulting in p.His16Asp change in cytochrome b (MT-CYB) and p.Ala72Val substitution in ND6 subunit, respectively. The m.14459G > A was heteroplasmic in the mother's blood-derived DNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The m.14459G > A might lead to LS, complicated LS or Leber Optic Hereditary Neuropathy. A comprehensive re-evaluation of previously described 14459G > A-mutated patients does not explain this large clinical heterogeneity.</p

    Circumstellar discs: What will be next?

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    This prospective chapter gives our view on the evolution of the study of circumstellar discs within the next 20 years from both observational and theoretical sides. We first present the expected improvements in our knowledge of protoplanetary discs as for their masses, sizes, chemistry, the presence of planets as well as the evolutionary processes shaping these discs. We then explore the older debris disc stage and explain what will be learnt concerning their birth, the intrinsic links between these discs and planets, the hot dust and the gas detected around main sequence stars as well as discs around white dwarfs.Comment: invited review; comments welcome (32 pages

    A quantitative synthesis of the medicinal ethnobotany of the Malinké of Mali and the Ashåninka of Peru, with a new theoretical framework

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although ethnomedically and taxonomically guided searches for new medicinal plants can improve the percentage of plants found containing active compounds when compared to random sampling, ethnobotany has fulfilled little of its promise in the last few decades to deliver a bounty of new, laboratory-proven medicinal plants and compounds. It is quite difficult to test, isolate, and elucidate the structure and mechanism of compounds from the plethora of new medicinal plant uses described each year with limited laboratory time and resources and the high cost of clinical trials of new drug candidates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A new quantitative theoretical framework of mathematical formulas called "relational efficacy" is proposed that should narrow down this search for new plant-derived medicines based on the hypothesis that closely related plants used to treat closely related diseases in distantly related cultures have a higher probability of being effective because they are more likely to be independent discoveries of similar plant compounds and disease mechanisms. A prerequisite to this hypothesis, the idea that empirical testing in traditional medicine will lead to choosing similar medicinal plants and therefore the medicinal flora of two distant cultures will prove to be more similar than their general flora, is tested using resampling statistics on cross-cultural field data of the plants used by the MalinkĂ© of Mali and the AshĂĄninka of Peru to treat the diseases malaria, African sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease, leishmaniasis, diabetes, eczema, asthma, and uterine fibroids.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this case, the similarity of the medicinal floras is found to be significantly greater than the similarity of the general floras, but only when the diseases in question are grouped into the categories of parasitic and autoimmune diseases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>If the central theoretical framework of this hypothesis is shown to be true, it will allow the synthesis of medicinal plant information from around the world to pinpoint the species with the highest potential efficacy to take into the laboratory and analyze further, ultimately saving much field and laboratory time and resources.</p> <p><b>Spanish abstract</b></p> <p>Las bĂșsquedas que utilizan la etnomedicina y la taxonomĂ­a para descubrir nuevas plantas medicinales, pueden aumentar la probabilidad de Ă©xito de encontrar compuestos quĂ­micos activos en plantas, en comparaciĂłn con las bĂșsquedas aleatorias. A pesar de lo anterior, en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, la etnobotĂĄnica no ha cumplido con las expectativas de proveer numerosas plantas medicinales y quĂ­micos nuevos una vez examinados en el laboratorio. Cada año se describen una plĂ©tora de plantas medicinales y sus usos, sin embargo las limitaciones de tiempo y recursos en los laboratorios, unidos al alto coste de los ensayos clĂ­nicos de las drogas potenciales, hacen muy difĂ­cil probar, aislar, y elucidar la estructura y el mecanismo de los compuestos de estas plantas. Se propone un nuevo marco teĂłrico cuantitativo cuyo fin es focalizar la bĂșsqueda de nueva plantas medicinales. Este marco teĂłrico estĂĄ basado en la hipĂłtesis que las plantas cercanamente relacionadas, usadas para tratar enfermedades cercanamente relacionadas en culturas distantemente relacionadas, tienen una eficacia potencial mĂĄs alta, debido a que es mĂĄs probable que estos hallazgos sean descubrimientos independientes de compuestos quĂ­micos similares. Parte de esta hipĂłtesis, que las escogencias racionales se hacen para elegir plantas medicinales similares y que la flora medicinal de dos culturas distantes es mĂĄs similar que su flora general, se probĂł usando mĂ©todos estadĂ­sticos de remuestreo con datos de campo de la comunidad MalinkĂ© de MalĂ­ y de la AshĂĄninka de PerĂș, y las enfermedades de paludismo, enfermedad africana del sueño, enfermedad de Chagas, leishmania, diabetes, eczema, asma, y fibromas uterinos. Se encontrĂł, en este caso, que la similitud de las floras medicinales es significativamente mayor a la similitud de las floras generales, solamente cuando las enfermedades analizadas se agruparon en las categorĂ­as de enfermedades parasitarias y enfermedades autoinmunes. Si se demostrara que las otras partes de esta hipĂłtesis son ciertas, se podrĂ­a sintetizar la informaciĂłn sobre plantas medicinales alrededor del mundo, para establecer asĂ­ las plantas potencialmente mĂĄs eficaces para llevarlas al laboratorio y analizarlas mĂĄs profundamente.</p> <p><b>French abstract</b></p> <p>Par rapport aux recherches menĂ©es de façon alĂ©atoire, les recherches effectuĂ©es par des critĂšres ethnobotaniques et taxonomiques ont de meilleures chances Ă  dĂ©couvrir de nouvelles plantes mĂ©dicinales Ă  produit chimique actifs. Pendant les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies pourtant, l'ethnobotanique a rĂ©alisĂ© peu de ces promesses Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler un grand nombre de plantes mĂ©dicinales et de nouveaux produits chimiques, testĂ©s au laboratoire. Avec les ressources limitĂ©es pour la recherche au laboratoire et le coĂ»t Ă©levĂ© des Ă©preuves cliniques pour trouver de nouveaux candidats aux mĂ©dicaments, il est difficile d'Ă©tudier, d'isoler et d'Ă©lucider la structure et le mĂ©canisme des produits chimiques de chacune des nombreuses plantes mĂ©dicinales (et les utilisations de ces plantes) dĂ©crites chaque annĂ©e. Nous proposons une nouvelle technique thĂ©orique et quantitative pour prĂ©ciser la recherche de nouvelles plantes mĂ©dicinales; elle est basĂ©e sur l'hypothĂšse que les plantes Ă©troitement apparentĂ©es, employĂ©es pour traiter les maladies Ă©troitement apparentĂ©es dans les cultures trĂšs Ă©loignĂ©es les unes des autres, ont une potentialitĂ© d'efficacitĂ© supĂ©rieure parce qu'elles reprĂ©sentent la dĂ©couverte indĂ©pendante des propriĂ©tĂ©s chimiques semblables des plantes. Une partie de cette hypothĂšse-qui dĂ©montre que la sĂ©lection des plantes mĂ©dicinales semblables est un choix rationnel et qu'il y a davantage de ressemblance dans la flore mĂ©dicinale de deux cultures Ă©loignĂ©es que dans leur flore gĂ©nĂ©rale-est examinĂ©e par un re-Ă©chantillonnage des donnĂ©es de recherches effectuĂ©es parmi les MalinkĂ© au Mali et les AshĂĄninka au PĂ©rou, en particulier sur la malaria, la maladie africaine du sommeil, la maladie de Chagas, la leishmania, le diabĂšte, l'eczĂ©ma, l'asthme et les fibromes utĂ©rins. Dans ces cas prĂ©cis, la similitude de la flore mĂ©dicinale s'avĂšre sensiblement plus grande que la similitude de la flore gĂ©nĂ©rale, mais seulement quand les maladies en question sont regroupĂ©es ensemble comme maladies parasitaires et auto-immunitaires. Si cette hypothĂšse est prouvĂ©e, elle permettra la synthĂšse des informations recueillies sur les plantes mĂ©dicinales du monde entier pour en sĂ©lectionner de façon plus prĂ©cise celles qui sont les plus efficaces et qui mĂ©ritent analyse plus approfondie au laboratoire.</p> <p><b>AshĂĄninka abstract</b></p> <p>Aayiantyarori irĂČpero aavintane, ontzimatye ancovacovatero ayotero ovaqueraripaye incashi iyoyetziri ashaninka, ayotzityaro aajatzi iyotane viracocha paitachari "quimica" ancantero aaca oshintsinka inchashipaye. Atziri yotacotzirori cametsa, ishtoriajacotzirori iyotane ashaninkapaye te iroñàrantero maaroni ocaratzi yamenacotaqueri laboratorioki. Aaviantyarori cametsa, ayotacotero aavintarontsiyetatsiri osamani antzimaventero ishtoriatacotaro, aajatzi osheki opinata ampinaventero aparopaye inchashi, acoviriqui ayotacotero, osaretsikipaye. Tzimatsi ovaquerari quenquishiriantsitatsiri ero opinata osheki ashitoriatacotero aparopaye inchashi, asampiyetatyrey pashinipaye atziri saicatsiri intaina puitarika inchasshi yavintari, ajatzirica oshiyaro ayotzi aaca, quemetachari atziri saikatsiri nampitsiki malinke aajatzi ishiyari ashaninka saicatsiri peruki, tzimatsi inchashi aajatzi yaavintari osheki okamĂštsatzi aririka anteri mantsiyarentsi icantaitziri ompetarentsi catsirentsi, pochokirentsi, patsarontsi(matatsi) ashipetate maaroni, ampochavathate, ancainikentsite, oncatsithakite tsinani. Aririka añaker aajatzi ahiyaro inchashi yaavintayetari pashinipaye atziri intainasatzi irdotake ahitoriatacoperoteri anĂ ashityard aavintarontsi ovamairiri shithanentsi, onĂ shitaavintarontsi tzicaacoventairi ero antane mantsiyarentsi. Omanperotatyarica irĂČperotzi avintarontsi, oshitovake laboratorioki aritaque iyoitanaquero maaroni quipatsiki iroperori avintarontsi.</p

    Precision oncology in surgery: patient selection for operable pancreatic cancer

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    Objective: We aimed to define preoperative clinical and molecular characteristics that would allow better patient selection for operative resection. Background: Although we use molecular selection methods for systemic targeted therapies, these principles are not applied to surgical oncology. Improving patient selection is of vital importance for the operative treatment of pancreatic cancer (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma). Although surgery is the only chance of long-term survival, 80% still succumb to the disease and approximately 30% die within 1 year, often sooner than those that have unresected local disease. Method: In 3 independent pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cohorts (total participants = 1184) the relationship between aberrant expression of prometastatic proteins S100A2 and S100A4 and survival was assessed. A preoperative nomogram based on clinical variables available before surgery and expression of these proteins was constructed and compared to traditional measures, and a postoperative nomogram. Results: High expression of either S100A2 or S100A4 was independent poor prognostic factors in a training cohort of 518 participants. These results were validated in 2 independent patient cohorts (Glasgow, n = 198; Germany, n = 468). Aberrant biomarker expression stratified the cohorts into 3 distinct prognostic groups. A preoperative nomogram incorporating S100A2 and S100A4 expression predicted survival and nomograms derived using postoperative clinicopathological variables. Conclusions: Of those patients with a poor preoperative nomogram score, approximately 50% of patients died within a year of resection. Nomograms have the potential to improve selection for surgery and neoadjuvant therapy, avoiding surgery in aggressive disease, and justifying more extensive resections in biologically favorable disease

    Effects of an irregular bedtime schedule on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue among university students in Taiwan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An irregular bedtime schedule is a prevalent problem in young adults, and could be a factor detrimentally affecting sleep quality. The goal of the present study was to explore the association between an irregular bedtime schedule and sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue among undergraduate students in Taiwan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 160 students underwent a semi-structured interview and completed a survey comprising 4 parts: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and a rating of irregular bedtime frequency. Participants were grouped into 3 groups in terms of irregular bedtime frequency: low, intermediate, or high according to their 2-week sleep log. To screen for psychological disorders or distress that may have affected responses on the sleep assessment measures, the Chinese health questionnaire-12 (CHQ-12) was also administered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found an increase in bedtime schedule irregularity to be significantly associated with a decrease in average sleep time per day (Spearman r = -0.22, p = 0.05). Multivariate regression analysis revealed that irregular bedtime frequency and average sleep time per day were correlated with PSQI scores, but not with ESS or FSS scores. A significant positive correlation between irregular bedtime frequency and PSQI scores was evident in the intermediate (partial r = 0.18, p = 0.02) and high (partial r = 0.15, p = 0.05) frequency groups as compared to low frequency group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of our study suggest a high prevalence of both an irregular bedtime schedule and insufficient sleep among university students in Taiwan. Students with an irregular bedtime schedule may experience poor sleep quality. We suggest further research that explores the mechanisms involved in an irregular bedtime schedule and the effectiveness of interventions for improving this condition.</p

    Measurement of the inclusive and dijet cross-sections of b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The inclusive and dijet production cross-sections have been measured for jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements use data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb^-1. The b-jets are identified using either a lifetime-based method, where secondary decay vertices of b-hadrons in jets are reconstructed using information from the tracking detectors, or a muon-based method where the presence of a muon is used to identify semileptonic decays of b-hadrons inside jets. The inclusive b-jet cross-section is measured as a function of transverse momentum in the range 20 < pT < 400 GeV and rapidity in the range |y| < 2.1. The bbbar-dijet cross-section is measured as a function of the dijet invariant mass in the range 110 < m_jj < 760 GeV, the azimuthal angle difference between the two jets and the angular variable chi in two dijet mass regions. The results are compared with next-to-leading-order QCD predictions. Good agreement is observed between the measured cross-sections and the predictions obtained using POWHEG + Pythia. MC@NLO + Herwig shows good agreement with the measured bbbar-dijet cross-section. However, it does not reproduce the measured inclusive cross-section well, particularly for central b-jets with large transverse momenta.Comment: 10 pages plus author list (21 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version published in European Physical Journal
