380 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Parameter Retrieval from UV-vis-NIR Limb Scattering Measurements

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    The hyperspectral UV-vis-NIR spectrometer SCIAMACHY will be launched aboard the European satellite Envisat. Its limb measurements will provide vertically resolved profiles of trace gases and other atmospheric parameters. No retrieval algorithms and radiative transfer models have been established for these measurements yet.In this thesis, a unique, fast radiative transfer model for UV-vis-NIR limb radiances has been developed, implemented, and validated. It takes into account the sphericity of the atmosphere and up to two orders of scattering and surface reflection. The weighting functions for all parameters are calculated from analytical formulae. A realistic instrument model with field-of-view integration and signal-to-noise computation and retrieval algorithms have also been implemented. All have been combined in the new program package SCIARAYS. The package has been applied for the characterisation of the limb measurements in several ways:The simulated weighting functions agree well with those due to full multiple scattering. Thus they may be used to calculate theoretical precision estimates and averaging kernels. In conformance with this, test retrievals with approximate weighting functions converge correctly. Therefore, the approximate weighting functions of SCIARAYS are well suited for retrievals from SCIAMACHY´s limb measurements.Detailed theoretical retrieval precisions have been calculated for SCIAMACHY´s trace gas targets. The conclusion is that a UV-vis-NIR limb sensor like SCIAMACHY is well suited for studying the vertical structure of the stratosphere and also of the upper troposphere above cloud top.Further investigations show that the vertical resolution of retrievals from SCIAMACHY´s limb measurements can be improved beyond its geometrical limits. As a trade-off for better vertical resolution, the retrieval precision gets worse. Thus O3 profile features with 1km vertical extent will be detectable with a precision of 20-30%

    Fire and Smoke Remote Sensing and Modeling Uncertainties: Case Studies in Northern Sub‐Saharan Africa

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    Significant uncertainties are incurred in deriving various quantities related to biomass burning from satellite measurements at different scales, and, in general, the coarser the resolution of observation the larger the uncertainty. WRF‐Chem model simulations of smoke over the northern sub‐Saharan African (NSSA) region for January–February 2010, using fire energetics and emissions research version 1.0 (FEERv1) aerosol emissions derived from MODIS measurements of fire radiative power (FRP) and aerosol optical depth (AOD), resulted in a severe model underestimation of AOD compared with satellite retrievals. Such uncertainties are attributable to three major factors: limitations in the spatial and temporal resolutions of the satellite observations used to quantify emissions, modeling parameters and assumptions, and the unique geographic characteristics of NSSA. It is recommended that field campaigns involving synergistic coordination of ground‐based, airborne, and satellite measurements with modeling be conducted in major and complex biomass burning regions such as the NSSA, and that significant improvements in the spatial and temporal resolutions of observation systems needed to reduce uncertainties in biomass burning characterization be seriously considered in future satellite missions

    Fire and Smoke Remote Sensing and Modeling Uncertainties: Case Studies in Northern Sub‐Saharan Africa

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    Significant uncertainties are incurred in deriving various quantities related to biomass burning from satellite measurements at different scales, and, in general, the coarser the resolution of observation the larger the uncertainty. WRF‐Chem model simulations of smoke over the northern sub‐Saharan African (NSSA) region for January–February 2010, using fire energetics and emissions research version 1.0 (FEERv1) aerosol emissions derived from MODIS measurements of fire radiative power (FRP) and aerosol optical depth (AOD), resulted in a severe model underestimation of AOD compared with satellite retrievals. Such uncertainties are attributable to three major factors: limitations in the spatial and temporal resolutions of the satellite observations used to quantify emissions, modeling parameters and assumptions, and the unique geographic characteristics of NSSA. It is recommended that field campaigns involving synergistic coordination of ground‐based, airborne, and satellite measurements with modeling be conducted in major and complex biomass burning regions such as the NSSA, and that significant improvements in the spatial and temporal resolutions of observation systems needed to reduce uncertainties in biomass burning characterization be seriously considered in future satellite missions

    Properties of M31. II: A Cepheid disk sample derived from the first year of PS1 PAndromeda data

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    We present a sample of Cepheid variable stars towards M31 based on the first year of regular M31 observations of the PS1 survey in the r_P1 and i_P1 filters. We describe the selection procedure for Cepheid variable stars from the overall variable source sample and develop an automatic classification scheme using Fourier decomposition and the location of the instability strip. We find 1440 fundamental mode (classical \delta) Cep stars, 126 Cepheids in the first overtone mode, and 147 belonging to the Population II types. 296 Cepheids could not be assigned to one of these classes and 354 Cepheids were found in other surveys. These 2009 Cepheids constitute the largest Cepheid sample in M31 known so far and the full catalog is presented in this paper. We briefly describe the properties of our sample in its spatial distribution throughout the M31 galaxy, in its age properties, and we derive an apparent period-luminosity relation (PLR) in our two bands. The Population I Cepheids nicely follow the dust pattern of the M31 disk, whereas the 147 Type II Cepheids are distributed throughout the halo of M31. We outline the time evolution of the star formation in the major ring found previously and find an age gradient. A comparison of our PLR to previous results indicates a curvature term in the PLR

    Self-assembly of a sulphur-terminated graphene nanoribbon within a single-walled carbon nanotube

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    The ability to tune the properties of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) through modification of the nanoribbon’s width and edge structure1,2,3 widens the potential applications of graphene in electronic devices4,5,6. Although assembly of GNRs has been recently possible, current methods suffer from limited control of their atomic structure7,8,9,10,11,12,13, or require the careful organization of precursors on atomically flat surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions14. Here we demonstrate that a GNR can self-assemble from a random mixture of molecular precursors within a single-walled carbon nanotube, which ensures propagation of the nanoribbon in one dimension and determines its width. The sulphur-terminated dangling bonds of the GNR make these otherwise unstable nanoribbons thermodynamically viable over other forms of carbon. Electron microscopy reveals elliptical distortion of the nanotube, as well as helical twist and screw-like motion of the nanoribbon. These effects suggest novel ways of controlling the properties of these nanomaterials, such as the electronic band gap and the concentration of charge carriers.This work was supported by by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) of Baden-Württemberg in the frame of the SALVE (Sub Angstrom Low-Voltage Electron microscopy project) and by the DFG within the research project SFB 569 (U.K. and J.B.); the EPSRC (Career Acceleration Fellowship), NanoTP COST action and High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the University of Nottingham (E.B.); the EPSRC, ESF and the Royal Society (A.N.K. and A.C.); the FP7 Marie Curie Fellowship (M.C.G-L.); and the Nottingham Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Centre (access to Raman spectrometer).S

    Sensitivity of Mesoscale Modeling of Smoke Direct Radiative Effect to the Emission Inventory: a Case Study in Northern Sub-Saharan African Region

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    An ensemble approach is used to examine the sensitivity of smoke loading and smoke direct radiative effect in the atmosphere to uncertainties in smoke emission estimates. Seven different fire emission inventories are applied independently to WRF-Chem model (v3.5) with the same model configuration (excluding dust and other emission sources) over the northern sub-Saharan African (NSSA) biomass-burning region. Results for November and February 2010 are analyzed, respectively representing the start and end of the biomass burning season in the study region. For February 2010, estimates of total smoke emission vary by a factor of 12, but only differences by factors of 7 or less are found in the simulated regional (15degW-42degE, 13degS-17degN) and monthly averages of column PM(sub 2.5) loading, surface PM(sub 2.5) concentration, aerosol optical depth (AOD), smoke radiative forcing at the top-of-atmosphere and at the surface, and air temperature at 2 m and at 700 hPa. The smaller differences in these simulated variables may reflect the atmospheric diffusion and deposition effects to dampen the large difference in smoke emissions that are highly concentrated in areas much smaller than the regional domain of the study. Indeed, at the local scale, large differences (up to a factor of 33) persist in simulated smoke-related variables and radiative effects including semi-direct effect. Similar results are also found for November 2010, despite differences in meteorology and fire activity. Hence, biomass burning emission uncertainties have a large influence on the reliability of model simulations of atmospheric aerosol loading, transport, and radiative impacts, and this influence is largest at local and hourly-to-daily scales. Accurate quantification of smoke effects on regional climate and air quality requires further reduction of emission uncertainties, particularly for regions of high fire concentrations such as NSSA

    Sensitivity of Mesoscale Modeling of Smoke Direct Radiative Effect to the Emission Inventory: A Case Study in Northern Sub-Saharan African Region

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    An ensemble approach is used to examine the sensitivity of smoke loading and smoke direct radiative effect in the atmosphere to uncertainties in smoke emission estimates. Seven different fire emission inventories are applied independently to WRF-Chem model (v3.5) with the same model configuration (excluding dust and other emission sources) over the northern sub-Saharan African (NSSA) biomass-burning region. Results for November and February 2010 are analyzed, respectively representing the start and end of the biomass burning season in the study region. For February 2010, estimates of total smoke emission vary by a factor of 12, but only differences by factors of 7 or less are found in the simulated regional (15°W–42°E, 13°S–17°N) and monthly averages of column PM2.5 loading, surface PM2.5 concentration, aerosol optical depth (AOD), smoke radiative forcing at the top-of-atmosphere and at the surface, and air temperature at 2 m and at 700 hPa. The smaller differences in these simulated variables may reflect the atmospheric diffusion and deposition effects to dampen the large difference in smoke emissions that are highly concentrated in areas much smaller than the regional domain of the study. Indeed, at the local scale, large differences (up to a factor of 33) persist in simulated smoke-related variables and radiative effects including semi-direct effect. Similar results are also found for November 2010, despite differences in meteorology and fire activity. Hence, biomass burning emission uncertainties have a large influence on the reliability of model simulations of atmospheric aerosol loading, transport, and radiative impacts, and this influence is largest at local and hourly-to-daily scales. Accurate quantification of smoke effects on regional climate and air quality requires further reduction of emission uncertainties, particularly for regions of high fire concentrations such as NSSA

    Carbon nanotubes as electrically active nanoreactors for multi-step inorganic synthesis: sequential transformations of molecules to nanoclusters, and nanoclusters to nanoribbons

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    In organic synthesis, the composition and structure of products are predetermined by the reaction conditions; however, the synthesis of well-defined inorganic nanostructures often presents a significant challenge yielding non-stoichiometric or polymorphic products. In this study, confinement in the nanoscale cavities of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) provides a new approach for multi-step inorganic synthesis where sequential chemical transformations take place within the same nanotube. In the first step, SWNT donate electrons to the reactant iodine molecules (I2) transforming them to iodide anions (I-). These then react with metal hexacarbonyls (M(CO)6, M = Mo or W) in the next step yielding anionic nanoclusters [M6I14]2-, the size and composition of which are strictly dictated by the nanotube cavity, as demonstrated by aberration corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy (AC-HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Atoms in the nanoclusters [M6I14]2- are arranged in a perfect octahedral geometry and can engage in further chemical reactions within the nanotube, either reacting with each other leading to a new polymeric phase of molybdenum iodide [Mo6I12]n, or with hydrogen sulphide gas giving rise to nanoribbons of molybdenum/tungsten disulphide [MS2]n in the third step of the synthesis. Electron microscopy measurements demonstrate that the products of the multi-step inorganic transformations are precisely controlled by the SWNT nanoreactor, with complementary Raman spectroscopy revealing the remarkable property of SWNT to act as a reservoir of electrons during the chemical transformation. The electron transfer from the host-nanotube to the reacting guest-molecules is essential for stabilising the anionic metal iodide 2 nanoclusters and for their further transformation to metal disulphide nanoribbons synthesised in the nanotubes in high yield

    Atmospheric observations suggest methane emissions in north-eastern China growing with natural gas use

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    The dramatic increase of natural gas use in China, as a substitute for coal, helps to reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution, but the climate mitigation benefit can be offset by methane leakage into the atmosphere. We estimate methane emissions from 2010 to 2018 in four regions of China using the GOSAT satellite data and in-situ observations with a high-resolution (0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees) inverse model and analyze interannual changes of emissions by source sectors. We find that estimated methane emission over the north-eastern China region contributes the largest part (0.77 Tg CH4 yr(-1)) of the methane emission growth rate of China (0.87 Tg CH4 yr(-1)) and is largely attributable to the growth in natural gas use. The results provide evidence of a detectable impact on atmospheric methane observations by the increasing natural gas use in China and call for methane emission reductions throughout the gas supply chain and promotion of low emission end-use facilities.Peer reviewe
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