9 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Executive Functions, Basic Psychological Needs, Impulsivity, and Depressive Symptoms in American Football Players

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    Executive functions play an important role in sports since the ability to plan, organize,and regulate behavior to reach an objective or goal depends on these functions. Someof the components of executive functions, such as inhibition of impulsive behavior andcognitive flexibility, are necessary for contact sports (e.g., American football) to carryout successful plays on the sports field. Executive functions have been studied in thesporting environment, but their relationship with the athletes’ basic psychological needs(BPN), such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness, remains unexplored. Due tothe importance of motivational processes over cognitive functions and in the generatedadaptive results in athletes, this relationship should be taken into account. Therefore, theaim of this study was to analyze and compare executive functioning and psychologicalneed thwarting overimpulsivity and psychological distress, before and after the season(4 months) in 28 undergraduate football players. Neuropsychological and psychologicaltests were applied. The results showed that there was an improvement in inhibitionand planning at the end of the season. There was also an increase in attention andmotor impulsiveness, and a decrease in need thwarting at the end of the season.A positive association between executive function, impulsiveness, psychological needs,and affective symptoms were also found. Our findings reveal the dynamics of sport-related psychological variables throughout the sport season in American football players,the association of these for the achievement of sport success, and the importance ofencouraging proper management of emotions

    Student Mentoring Program at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville (2006/07 - present): SWOT analysis carried out by Mentor Students

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    El “Programa de Alumnos Tutores” (LCC, Facultad de Farmacia US) se viene realizando ininterrumpidamente desde 2006/07 hasta la actualidad. Propósito: tutela de alumnos de nuevo ingreso por parte de alumnos de cursos superiores (AATT) bajo la supervisión de Profesores Tutores. Pretende generar una actitud responsable en los AATT y favorecerles el desarrollo de habilidades sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es recoger las opiniones de los AATT (algunos comenzaron en ediciones anteriores y continúan desinteresadamente). Se aborda mediante un análisis DAFO. Conclusión: se han detectado factores estratégicos críticos, para una vez identificados, usarlos y apoyar en ellos la marcha del “Programa de Alumnos Tutores”, consolidando las fortalezas, minimizando las debilidades, aprovechando las ventajas de las oportunidades, y eliminando o reduciendo las amenazas.The "Student Mentor Program" (Faculty of Pharmacy, US) has been running since 2006/07 – to present. Purpose: to mentor new students by senior students (Mentor Students) under the supervision of mentor professors. It aims to generate a responsible attitude in students and tutors to encourage the development of social skills. Objective: To collect the views of mentor students (some started in previous years and continue to selflessly), through a SWOT analysis. Conclusion: it has been found critical strategic factors. It intends to use these factors for strengthening the "Student Mentor Program"

    GIS as a tool to detect flat erosional surfaces in coastal areas: a case study in North Spain

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    The delimitation of flat surfaces, such as marine or continental terraces, can be easily done if they are wellpreserved by using classic techniques such as fieldwork and photointerpretation. However, subsequent landscapeerosion can modify their initial morphology, hindering their recognition. This paper presents a methodologydesigned to identify and delineate flat erosional surfaces (known as rasas) in a sector of 1,228km2 in theCantabrian coast (eastern Asturias, N Spain). The spatial distribution of rasas was quantitatively established bycomparing the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with previously available information about flat surfaces alreadymapped. From a lithological point of view, rasas are modelled on Ordovician quartzite (9.7km2 of 1,228) mainlybetween 132–232m above sea level (a.s.l.) altitude and on Carboniferous limestone (2.9km2 of 1,228) mainlybetween 24–69m a.s.l. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) combined with a quantitative analysisof the relief (using the hypsometric method) allowed us to develop a predictive approach for flat erosionalsurface detection. The methodology has been tested and validated in areas in which there were no erosionalsurfaces previously mapped. The results reveal new surfaces modelled on Ordovician quartzite (0.43km2), ataltitudes ranging from 200 to 250m, on Jurassic mixed formations (35.9km2) at 150–175m altitude, and onEocene limestone (1.1km2) at 110–120m altitude

    GIS as a tool to detect flat erosional surfaces in coastal areas : a case study in North Spain

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    The delimitation of flat surfaces, such as marine or continental terraces, can be easily done if they are wellpreserved by using classic techniques such as fieldwork and photointerpretation. However, subsequent landscapeerosion can modify their initial morphology, hindering their recognition. This paper presents a methodologydesigned to identify and delineate flat erosional surfaces (known as rasas) in a sector of 1,228km2 in theCantabrian coast (eastern Asturias, N Spain). The spatial distribution of rasas was quantitatively established bycomparing the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with previously available information about flat surfaces alreadymapped. From a lithological point of view, rasas are modelled on Ordovician quartzite (9.7km2 of 1,228) mainlybetween 132-232m above sea level (a.s.l.) altitude and on Carboniferous limestone (2.9km2 of 1,228) mainlybetween 24-69m a.s.l. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) combined with a quantitative analysisof the relief (using the hypsometric method) allowed us to develop a predictive approach for flat erosionalsurface detection. The methodology has been tested and validated in areas in which there were no erosionalsurfaces previously mapped. The results reveal new surfaces modelled on Ordovician quartzite (0.43km2), ataltitudes ranging from 200 to 250m, on Jurassic mixed formations (35.9km2) at 150-175m altitude, and onEocene limestone (1.1km2) at 110-120m altitude

    The symbolic meaning of cattle and sheep/goat in the Bronze Age: Faunal inclusions in funerary contexts of South-Western Iberia

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    The inclusion of faunal remains in funerary practices is widely documented in Iberian prehistory. For the late prehistory (Neolithic to Bronze Age), there is relatively more data than in earlier periods, with limb segments being very common, and complete animals are rarer. In Bronze Age contexts from South-Western Iberia, a high percentage of human burials in subterranean chambers (hypogea) are associated with limb bones of cattle (Bos taurus) and sheep/goats (Ovis/Capra), along with other grave goods. Traditionally, this practice is interpreted as the result of rituals of commensality. In this paper, we present a different perspective. Besides commensality, we show that the inclusion of the same species and the same anatomical parts is a highly standardised behaviour. Beyond the tight connection between humans and animals, this pattern also points to a strong symbolism of these domestic species and to symbolic meaning of the anatomical parts themselves.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subclinical Liver Disease Is Associated with Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Psoriasis: Results from Two Observational Studies.

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    Psoriasis is associated with a higher risk of liver diseases. We investigated the impact of hepatic steatosis (European cohort) and hepatic inflammation (United States cohort) on subclinical atherosclerosis. In the European cohort (n = 76 psoriasis participants and 76 controls), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, assessed by the sonographic hepatorenal index, was more prevalent in psoriasis than in controls (61% vs. 45%; P = 0.04). Participants with psoriasis with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease had a higher prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis (ultrasonographic presence of plaque in femoral or carotid arteries) than participants with psoriasis without nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (61% vs. 23%; P = 0.006) and controls with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (61% vs. 32%; P < 0.05). Sonographic hepatorenal index was a determinant of subclinical atherosclerosis in psoriasis (OR = 3.5; P = 0.01). In the United States cohort (n = 162 participants with psoriasis who underwent positron emission tomography and coronary computed tomography angiography), those with high hepatic 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake had higher noncalcified (1.3 [0.49 mm2] vs. 1.0 [0.40 mm2]), fibrofatty (0.23 [0.15 mm2] vs. 0.11 [0.087 mm2]), and lipid-rich necrotic core (4.3 [2.3 mm2] vs. 3.0 [1.7 mm2]) coronary burden (all P < 0.001). Hepatic 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake associated with noncalcified (β = 0.28; P < 0.001), fibrofatty (β = 0.49; P < 0.001), and lipid-rich necrotic core (β = 0.28; P = 0.003) burden. These results show the downstream cardiovascular effects of subclinical liver disease in psoriasis.pre-print723 K