120 research outputs found

    Lectura de contexto y abordaje psicosocial desde los enfoques narrativos Bogotá.

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    A través del desarrollo una tarea individual y dos grupales, el grupo hará un acercamiento al enfoque narrativo y el análisis de relatos para tener herramientas que les permitan analizar y valorar eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde la perspectiva psicológica, argumentando bajo la técnica Análisis del relato en un escenario. Para esto en el primer momento cada miembro del grupo colaborativo realizará un análisis de relatos para el abordaje de subjetividades inmersas en contextos de violencia. Después el grupo colaborativo teniendo en cuenta el análisis de los diferentes relatos, escogerá uno y ampliará la reflexión de este, construirá y justificará preguntas estratégicas, circulares y reflexivas orientadas hacia un acercamiento psicosocial ético y proactivo en la superación de las condiciones de victimización. Finalmente, el grupo elaboró las propuestas de abordaje psicosocial en torno al Caso Pandurí, todo esto basado en el material aportado en el desarrollo del diplomado, especialmente en las unidades 4, 5 y 9.Through the development of an individual task and two groups, the group will approach the narrative approach and the analysis of stories to have tools that allow them to analyze and evaluate traumatic psychosocial events from the psychological perspective, arguing under the technique Analysis of the story in a stage. For this in the first moment each member of the collaborative group will make an analysis of stories for the approach of subjectivities immersed in contexts of violence. After the collaborative group taking into account the analysis of the different stories, choose one and expand the reflection of this, build and justify strategic questions, circular and reflective oriented towards an ethical and proactive psychosocial approach in overcoming the conditions of victimization. Finally, the group elaborated the proposals of psychosocial approach around the Pandurí Case, all this based on the material contributed in the development of the diploma, especially in units 4, 5 and 9

    SARS-CoV-2 viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs is not an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome

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    The aim was to assess the ability of nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load at frst patient’s hospital evaluation to predict unfavorable outcomes. We conducted a prospective cohort study including 321 adult patients with confrmed COVID-19 through RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Quantitative Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA cycle threshold values were used to calculate the viral load in log10 copies/mL. Disease severity at the end of follow up was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe. Primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death (n= 85, 26.4%). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load over the second quartile (≥7.35 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.003) and second tertile (≥ 8.27 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.01) were associated to unfavorable outcome in the unadjusted logistic regression analysis. However, in the fnal multivariable analysis, viral load was not independently associated with an unfavorable outcome. Five predictors were independently associated with increased odds of ICU admission and/or death: age≥ 70 years, SpO2, neutrophils > 7.5 × ­103 /µL, lactate dehydrogenase≥ 300 U/L, and C-reactive protein≥ 100 mg/L. In summary, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load on admission is generally high in patients with COVID-19, regardless of illness severity, but it cannot be used as an independent predictor of unfavorable clinical outcome

    Imprime escultura en 3D

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    Catálogo de la exposición de mismo nombre que tuvo lugar en el Hall del Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid del 20 de febrero al 6 de marzo de 2019. Artistas Participantes: Camacho Pérez, Rigoberto; De Domingo Murillo, Juan José; Espinel Velasco, José Carlos ; Fanelli, Yaiza; García Peco, Víctor; Garzón Arenas, Nerea; Groba, Iria ; Hernández Tadeo, Mauro; Jiménez Sánchez-Tirado, Gabriel;López Pastor, César ; Martín, David ;Pozas Pérez, Miguel; Terrón Manrique, Pedro Ánge

    Risk Factors and Predictive Score for Bacteremic Biliary Tract Infections Due to Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium: a Multicenter Cohort Study from the PROBAC Project

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    Biliary-tract bloodstream infections (BT-BSI) caused by Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium are associated with inappropriate empirical treatment and worse outcomes compared to other etiologies. The objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors for enterococcal BT-BSI. Patients with BT-BSI from the PROBAC cohort, including consecutive patients with BSI in 26 Spanish hospitals between October 2016 and March 2017, were selected; episodes caused by E. faecalis or E. faecium and other causes were compared. Independent predictors for enterococci were identified by logistic regression, and a predictive score was developed. Eight hundred fifty episodes of BT-BSI were included; 73 (8.5%) were due to target Enterococcus spp. (48 [66%] were E. faecium and 25 [34%] E. faecalis). By multivariate analysis, the variables independently associated with Enterococcus spp. were (OR; 95% confidence interval): cholangiocarcinoma (4.48;1.32 to 15.25), hospital acquisition (3.58;2.11 to 6.07), use of carbapenems in the previous month (3.35;1.45 to 7.78), biliary prosthesis (2.19;1.24 to 3.90), and moderate or severe chronic kidney disease (1.55;1.07 to 2.26). The AUC of the model was 0.74 [95% CI0.67 to 0.80]. A score was developed, with 7, 6, 5, 4, and 2 points for these variables, respectively, with a negative predictive value of 95% for a score # 6. A model, including cholangiocarcinoma, biliary prosthesis, hospital acquisition, previous carbapenems, and chronic kidney disease showed moderate prediction ability for enterococcal BT-BSI. Although the score will need to be validated, this information may be useful for deciding empirical therapy in biliary tract infections when bacteremia is suspected. IMPORTANCE Biliary tract infections are frequent, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Bacteremia is common in these infections, particularly in the elderly and patients with cancer. Inappropriate empirical treatment has been associated with increased risk of mortality in bacteremic cholangitis, and the probability of receiving inactive empirical treatment is higher in episodes caused by enterococci. This is because many of the antimicrobial agents recommended in guidelines for biliary tract infections lack activity against these organisms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study analyzing the predictive factors for enterococcal BT-BSI and deriving a predictive score.8 página

    Proceso agrario en Bolivia y América Latina

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    El material esta distribuido en cinco partes. La primera está referida a los resultados y perspectivas de la Reforma Agraria en Bolivia. Está dividida en tres temáticas: la Reforma Agraria en las Tierras Altas, la Reforma Agraria en las Tierras Bajas y la Reforma Agraria en el Chaco. La segunda parte contiene las intervenciones realizadas por los invitados extranjeros sobre los resultados y perspectivas de la Reforma Agraria en América Latina y en México, Perú y Ecuador. La tercera parte corresponde a las intervenciones de los representantes de las organizaciones indígenas y campesinas bolivianas, que fueron invitados para debatir el tema Tierra, Democracia y Poder. Esta parte esta precedida por un recuento general de la situación de los Movimientos Indígenas-Campesinos en América Latina y sus perspectivas. La cuarta da cuenta de las intervenciones hechas por los representantes de las organizaciones de productores agrarios, campesinos y empresarios, quienes fueron invitados para debatir el tema Tierra, Economía e Integración. La última parte es una síntesis de las ideas y aspectos relevantes producto de las exposiciones y de las preguntas de los asistentes al seminario, que dejaron una estela de inquietudes e iniciativas que son el eslabón para futuros debates en otros espacios de reflexión en diferentes lugares del país, con la participación de actores y pensadores, operadores y promotores del desarrollo rural.Presentación 7; Introducción 8; La Reforma Agraria abandonada: valles y altiplano, Miguel Urioste F. de C. 19; Medio siglo de Reforma Agraria boliviana, Danilo Paz Ballivián 53; La tierra es de quien la trabaja, René Salomón Vargas 65; La Reforma Agraria en las tierras bajas de Bolivia, Carlos Romero Bonifaz 83; Lógicas de ocupación territorial en la agricultura y la forestería empresarial en las tierras bajas, Alan Bojanic 127; Antecedentes, situación actual y recomendaciones en la tenencia de la tierra en el oriente boliviano, Cámara Agropecuaria del Oriente 137; 50 años de la Reforma Agraria en el Chaco boliviano, Oscar Bazoberry Chali 145; Resultados de los cambios introducidos por la Reforma Agraria, Erwin Galoppo von Borries 177; La Reforma Agraria en Bolivia y el MST, Ermelinda Fernández Bamba 191; La Reforma Agraria en América Latina, Jacques Chonchol 205; De rústicas revueltas: Añoranza y utopía en el México rural, Armando Bartra 223; Reforma y contrarreforma agraria en el Perú, Laureano del Castillo Pinto 255; Reforma Agraria en el Ecuador, Fausto Jordán B. 285; 50 años después, emergencia étnica, Xavier Albó 321; Tierra, mujer y desarrollo, María Machaca 329; Tierra y territorio comunitario, Bienvenido Zacu 333; Tierra, migración y colonización, José Luis Méndez Chaurara 341; Tierra, coca y desarrollo, Dionisio Núñez 355; Tierra para todos, Ángel Durán 359; Tierra y producción orgánica, Mario R. Cordero Camacho 367; Tierra y producción campesina, María Julia Jiménez 377; Tierra y Territorio y Políticas para la Tierra, Elizabeth Jiménez Zamora 385; Ideas y aspectos relevantes del Seminario, John D.Vargas Vega 429

    II Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de Los Mamíferos (SECEM) Soria 7-9 diciembre 1995

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    Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en ambiente mediterráneo. Dispersión y área de campeoModelos de distribución de los insectívoros ern la Península IbéricaDieta anual del zorro, Vulpes vulpes, en dos hábitats del Parque Nacional de DoñanaDesarrollo juvenil del cráneo en las poblaciones ibéricas de gato montés, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777Presencia y expansión del visón americano (Mustela vison) en las provincias de Teruel y Castellón (Este de España).Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norteUso de cámaras automáticas para la recogida de información faunística.Dieta del lobo en dos zonas de Asturias (España) que difieren en carga ganadera.Consumo de frutos y dispersión de semillas de serbal (Sorbus aucuparia L.) por zorros y martas en la cordillera Cantábrica occidentalEvaluación de espermatozoides obtenidos postmorten en el ciervo.Frecuencia de aparición de diferentes restos de conejo en excrementos de lince y zorroAtlas preliminar de los mamíferos de Soria (España)Censo y distribución de la marmota alpina (Marmota marmota) en Navarra.Trampeo fotográfico del género Martes en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lleida)Peer reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs is not an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome

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    The aim was to assess the ability of nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load at first patient’s hospital evaluation to predict unfavorable outcomes. We conducted a prospective cohort study including 321 adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 through RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Quantitative Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA cycle threshold values were used to calculate the viral load in log10 copies/mL. Disease severity at the end of follow up was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe. Primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death (n = 85, 26.4%). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load over the second quartile (≥ 7.35 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.003) and second tertile (≥ 8.27 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.01) were associated to unfavorable outcome in the unadjusted logistic regression analysis. However, in the final multivariable analysis, viral load was not independently associated with an unfavorable outcome. Five predictors were independently associated with increased odds of ICU admission and/or death: age ≥ 70 years, SpO2, neutrophils > 7.5 × 103/µL, lactate dehydrogenase ≥ 300 U/L, and C-reactive protein ≥ 100 mg/L. In summary, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load on admission is generally high in patients with COVID-19, regardless of illness severity, but it cannot be used as an independent predictor of unfavorable clinical outcome

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Albiglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Harmony Outcomes): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists differ in chemical structure, duration of action, and in their effects on clinical outcomes. The cardiovascular effects of once-weekly albiglutide in type 2 diabetes are unknown. We aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of albiglutide in preventing cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. Methods: We did a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 610 sites across 28 countries. We randomly assigned patients aged 40 years and older with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (at a 1:1 ratio) to groups that either received a subcutaneous injection of albiglutide (30–50 mg, based on glycaemic response and tolerability) or of a matched volume of placebo once a week, in addition to their standard care. Investigators used an interactive voice or web response system to obtain treatment assignment, and patients and all study investigators were masked to their treatment allocation. We hypothesised that albiglutide would be non-inferior to placebo for the primary outcome of the first occurrence of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, which was assessed in the intention-to-treat population. If non-inferiority was confirmed by an upper limit of the 95% CI for a hazard ratio of less than 1·30, closed testing for superiority was prespecified. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02465515. Findings: Patients were screened between July 1, 2015, and Nov 24, 2016. 10 793 patients were screened and 9463 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to groups: 4731 patients were assigned to receive albiglutide and 4732 patients to receive placebo. On Nov 8, 2017, it was determined that 611 primary endpoints and a median follow-up of at least 1·5 years had accrued, and participants returned for a final visit and discontinuation from study treatment; the last patient visit was on March 12, 2018. These 9463 patients, the intention-to-treat population, were evaluated for a median duration of 1·6 years and were assessed for the primary outcome. The primary composite outcome occurred in 338 (7%) of 4731 patients at an incidence rate of 4·6 events per 100 person-years in the albiglutide group and in 428 (9%) of 4732 patients at an incidence rate of 5·9 events per 100 person-years in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·78, 95% CI 0·68–0·90), which indicated that albiglutide was superior to placebo (p<0·0001 for non-inferiority; p=0·0006 for superiority). The incidence of acute pancreatitis (ten patients in the albiglutide group and seven patients in the placebo group), pancreatic cancer (six patients in the albiglutide group and five patients in the placebo group), medullary thyroid carcinoma (zero patients in both groups), and other serious adverse events did not differ between the two groups. There were three (<1%) deaths in the placebo group that were assessed by investigators, who were masked to study drug assignment, to be treatment-related and two (<1%) deaths in the albiglutide group. Interpretation: In patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, albiglutide was superior to placebo with respect to major adverse cardiovascular events. Evidence-based glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists should therefore be considered as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Funding: GlaxoSmithKline

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 11

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 11, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR), Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTAG), Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kleber Ramírez (UPTM), Mérida – Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (C.A.B.B.O.P.P), Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE), Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia - Venezuela, Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CIN), Antioquia - Colombia.y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso