155 research outputs found

    Correlación entre calidad del tendón del supraespinoso con el dolor y movilidadpostquirúrgica

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    La Omalgia tiene muchas etiologías, entre las que se encuentran lesiones del manguito rotador, como causa sola o acompañada de otras comorbilidades. La ruptura del musculo supraespinoso es una de las principales causas de esta, y su lesión resulta no sola en dolor, sino también en limitación funcional.La historia natural de las roturas del manguitorotador no siempre es predecible, por un lado, muchos son asintomáticos y responden bien al manejo conservador. Por otro lado, existen estudios que sugieren que algunos desgarros que eran previamente asintomáticos se vuelven sintomáticos y es la manifestación de dolor uno de los criterios más utilizado para el manejo quirúrgico1.La patología del manguito rotador es muy frecuente, estudios anatómicos en cadáveres encontraron ruptura hasta el 50% de los casos, sugiriendo que puede ser parte del proceso de envejecimiento, aumentando de forma constante después de la quinta década de la vida. Otros estudios mostraron función normal aun con ruptura de espesor completo1,2.El tratamiento quirúrgico por vía artroscópica ha tomado auge en los últimos años, ofreciendo grandes expectativas al paciente sobre el resultado postquirúrgico. Sin embargo, hay factores que pueden afectar el resultado de la cirugía como la calidad del tendón, el tamaño de la retracción y la infiltración grasa3.La evaluación de las anormalidades del musculo del manguito rotador después de su ruptura es un factor importante para la toma de decisiones a la hora del tratamiento. La gravedad de la degeneración grasa prequirúrgica es especialmente relevante pues influye en el pronóstico y la recuperación funcional posquirúrgica. Una determinación precisa de la degeneración grasa en el musculo supraespinoso es, por lo tanto, un elemento crucial para evaluar las indicaciones quirúrgicas y el pronóstico postoperatorio4. Sedemostró que cuanto más tiempo lleven los síntomas, mayor será la degeneración grasa del musculo cuyo tendón este roto, así mismo demostró que la tasa de re-ruptura era menos cuando había mínima degeneración grasa, y que después de la reparación esta degeneración grasa del supraespinoso revertía en un 21%; por otro lado,algunos estudios manifiestan que el musculo no se regenera, apoyando la idea de una pronta cirugía antes de que ocurra la degeneración grasa5. La clasificación de Goutallieres altamente aceptada como sistema estándar de calificación en 5 grados para la degeneración grasa muscular, esta se basaen imágenes de RMN sagit

    Maternal hypoxia decreases capillary supply and increases metabolic inefficiency leading to divergence in myocardial oxygen supply and demand

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    Maternal hypoxia is associated with a decrease in left ventricular capillary density while cardiac performance is preserved, implying a mismatch between metabolism and diffusive exchange. We hypothesised this requires a switch in substrate metabolism to maximise efficiency of ATP production from limited oxygen availability. Rat pups from pregnant females exposed to hypoxia (FIO2=0.12) at days 10-20 of pregnancy were grown to adulthood and working hearts perfused ex vivo. 14 C-labelled glucose and 3 H-palmitate were provided as substrates and metabolism quantified from recovery of 14CO2 and 3 H2O, respectively. Hearts of male offspring subjected to Maternal Hypoxia showed a 20% decrease in cardiac output (P<0.05), despite recording a 2-fold increase in glucose oxidation (P<0.01) and 2.5-fold increase (P<0.01) in palmitate oxidation. Addition of insulin to Maternal Hypoxic hearts, further increased glucose oxidation (P<0.01) and suppressed palmitate oxidation (P<0.05), suggesting preservation in insulin signalling in the heart. In vitro enzyme activity measurements showed that Maternal Hypoxia increased both total and the active component of cardiac pyruvate dehydrogenase (both P<0.01), although pyruvate dehydrogenase sensitivity to insulin was lost (NS), while citrate synthase activity declined by 30% (P<0.001) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity was unchanged by Maternal Hypoxia, indicating realignment of the metabolic machinery to optimise oxygen utilisation. Capillary density was quantified and oxygen diffusion characteristics examined, with calculated capillary domain area increased by 30% (P<0.001). Calculated metabolic efficiency decreased 4-fold (P<0.01) for Maternal Hypoxia hearts. Paradoxically, the decline in citrate synthase activity and increased metabolism suggest that the scope of individual mitochondria had declined, rendering the myocardium potentially more sensitive to metabolic stress. However, decreasing citrate synthase may be essential to preserve local PO2, minimising regions of hypoxia and hence maximising the area of myocardium able to preserve cardiac output following maternal hypoxia

    First integrative trend analysis for a great ape species in Borneo

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    For many threatened species the rate and drivers of population decline are difficult to assess accurately: species’ surveys are typically restricted to small geographic areas, are conducted over short time periods, and employ a wide range of survey protocols. We addressed methodological challenges for assessing change in the abundance of an endangered species. We applied novel methods for integrating field and interview survey data for the critically endangered Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), allowing a deeper understanding of the species’ persistence through time. Our analysis revealed that Bornean orangutan populations have declined at a rate of 25% over the last 10 years. Survival rates of the species are lowest in areas with intermediate rainfall, where complex interrelations between soil fertility, agricultural productivity, and human settlement patterns influence persistence. These areas also have highest threats from human-wildlife conflict. Survival rates are further positively associated with forest extent, but are lower in areas where surrounding forest has been recently converted to industrial agriculture. Our study highlights the urgency of determining specific management interventions needed in different locations to counter the trend of decline and its associated drivers

    Professional development and sustainable development goals

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    Professional development is defined as a consciously designed systematic process that helps professionals to attain, utilize, and retain knowledge, skills, and expertise. It is simply a process of obtaining skills, qualifications, and experience that help in advancement in one’s career. In the field of education, it is defined as the process of improving staff skills and competencies needed to produce outstanding performance of students. It also refers to a process of improving an organization’s staff capabilities through access to education and training opportunities for better output. Professional development can include a variety of approaches such as formal and informal education, vocational, specialized, or skill-based training, or advanced professional learning

    Resuscitation of Newborn Piglets. Short-Term Influence of FiO2 on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Caspase-3 and BDNF

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    Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia is a major cause of mortality and cerebral morbidity, and using oxygen during newborn resuscitation may further harm the brain. The aim was to examine how supplementary oxygen used for newborn resuscitation would influence early brain tissue injury, cell death and repair processes and the regulation of genes related to apoptosis, neurodegeneration and neuroprotection.Anesthetized newborn piglets were subjected to global hypoxia and then randomly assigned to resuscitation with 21%, 40% or 100% O(2) for 30 min and followed for 9 h. An additional group received 100% O(2) for 30 min without preceding hypoxia. The left hemisphere was used for histopathology and immunohistochemistry and the right hemisphere was used for in situ zymography in the corpus striatum; gene expression and the activity of various relevant biofactors were measured in the frontal cortex. There was an increase in the net matrix metalloproteinase gelatinolytic activity in the corpus striatum from piglets resuscitated with 100% oxygen vs. 21%. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining revealed no significant changes. Nine hours after oxygen-assisted resuscitation, caspase-3 expression and activity was increased by 30-40% in the 100% O(2) group (n = 9/10) vs. the 21% O(2) group (n = 10; p<0.04), whereas brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activity was decreased by 65% p<0.03.The use of 100% oxygen for resuscitation resulted in increased potentially harmful proteolytic activities and attenuated BDNF activity when compared with 21%. Although there were no significant changes in short term cell loss, hyperoxia seems to cause an early imbalance between neuroprotective and neurotoxic mechanisms that might compromise the final pathological outcome

    An update on molecular cat allergens: Fel d 1 and what else? Chapter 1: Fel d 1, the major cat allergen

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    Background: Cats are the major source of indoor inhalant allergens after house dust mites. The global incidence of cat allergies is rising sharply, posing a major public health problem. Ten cat allergens have been identified. The major allergen responsible for symptoms is Fel d 1, a secretoglobin and not a lipocalin, making the cat a special case among mammals. Main body: Given its clinical predominance, it is essential to have a good knowledge of this allergenic fraction, including its basic structure, to understand the new exciting diagnostic and therapeutic applications currently in development. The recent arrival of the component-resolved diagnosis, which uses molecular allergens, represents a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of the disease. Recombinant Fel d 1 is now available for in vitro diagnosis by the anti-Fel d 1 specific IgE assay. The first part of the review will seek to describe the recent advances related to Fel d 1 in terms of positive diagnosis and assessment of disease severity. In daily practice, anti-Fel d 1 IgE tend to replace those directed against the overall extract but is this attitude justified? We will look at the most recent arguments to try to answer this question. In parallel, a second revolution is taking place thanks to molecular engineering, which has allowed the development of various forms of recombinant Fel d 1 and which seeks to modify the immunomodulatory properties of the molecule and thus the clinical history of the disease via various modalities of anti-Fel d 1-specific immunotherapy. We will endeavor to give a clear and practical overview of all these trends

    Macrocheles species (Acari: Macrochelidae) associated with human corpses in Europe

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    The biology of macrochelid mites might offer new venues for the interpretation of the environmental conditions surrounding human death and decomposition. Three human corpses, one from Sweden and two from Spain, have been analysed for the occurrence of Macrochelidae species. Macrocheles muscaedomesticae females were associated with a corpse that was found in a popular beach area of southeast Spain. Their arrival coincides with the occurrence of one of their major carrier species, the filth fly Fannia scalaris, the activity of which peaks during mid-summer. M. glaber specimens were collected from a corpse in a shallow grave in a forest in Sweden at the end of summer, concurrent with the arrival of beetles attracted by odours from the corpse. M. perglaber adults were sampled from a corpse found indoors in the rural surroundings of Granada city, Spain. The phoretic behaviour of this species is similar to that of M. glaber, but being more specific to Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae dung beetles, most of which favour human faeces. M. muscaedomesticae is known from urban and rural areas and poultry farms; M. glaber from outdoors, particularly the countryside; while M. perglaber from outdoor, rural, and remote, potentially mountainous locations. M. muscaedomesticae and M. perglaber are reported for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula. This is the first record of M. perglaber from human remains

    Macrocheles species (Acari: Macrochelidae) associated with human corpses in Europe

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    The biology of macrochelid mites might offer new venues for the interpretation of the environmental conditions surrounding human death and decomposition. Three human corpses, one from Sweden and two from Spain, have been analysed for the occurrence of Macrochelidae species. Macrocheles muscaedomesticae females were associated with a corpse that was found in a popular beach area of southeast Spain. Their arrival coincides with the occurrence of one of their major carrier species, the filth fly Fannia scalaris, the activity of which peaks during mid-summer. M. glaber specimens were collected from a corpse in a shallow grave in a forest in Sweden at the end of summer, concurrent with the arrival of beetles attracted by odours from the corpse. M. perglaber adults were sampled from a corpse found indoors in the rural surroundings of Granada city, Spain. The phoretic behaviour of this species is similar to that of M. glaber, but being more specific to Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae dung beetles, most of which favour human faeces. M. muscaedomesticae is known from urban and rural areas and poultry farms; M. glaber from outdoors, particularly the countryside; while M. perglaber from outdoor, rural, and remote, potentially mountainous locations. M. muscaedomesticae and M. perglaber are reported for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula. This is the first record of M. perglaber from human remains

    Target-based therapeutic matching of phase I trials in patients with metastatic breast cancer in a tertiary referral centre.

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    Background Greater understanding of the molecular classification of breast cancer has permitted the development of rational drug design strategies. In a phase I clinical trial setting, molecular profiling with next-generation sequencing of individual tumour samples has been employed to guide treatment.Methods We conducted a retrospective evaluation of clinical outcomes of patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated in phase I clinical trials at our institution to assess the benefit of molecularly matched compared to non-matched treatments.Results A total of 97 consecutive patients with MBC were enrolled onto ≥1 trial between 2009 and 2015. Fourteen patients participated in multiple trials, and a total of 113 trial encounters were reviewed in this retrospective study. Eighty-three percent of patients with molecular data available were able to participate in trials matched to molecular aberrations. Patients who were treated on matched studies had improved clinical benefit (RR: 1.80, p = 0.005), progression-free (HR: 0.52, p = 0.003) and overall survival (HR: 0.54, p < 0.001). Treatment was well tolerated with low rates of treatment discontinuation for toxicity (8% overall) that did not differ between groups. No toxicity-related deaths were observed.Conclusions Molecular profiling for MBC patients in a phase I setting is feasible and aids therapeutic decisions with improved patient outcomes