46 research outputs found

    Mantle-crust differentiation of chalcophile elements in the oceanic lithosphere

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    The chalcophile elements, as associated with sulfides, are believed mainly from the study of ophiolites to be generally enriched in the upper mantle, but depleted by magmatic processes in the lower and upper ocean crust. However, studies of some orogenic lherzolites suggest a copper depletion of peridotites in relation to the primitive mantle, suggesting that a portion of the sulfides is melted during decompression and incorporated into the ascending magmas. The rarity of abyssal peridotites and the high degree of their alteration have not allowed these results to be verified in situ in the oceans. Here, we present the first complete study of chalcophile elements based on a suite of rocks from an oceanic core complex (OCC), the Kane Megamullion at 22°30’N at the MidAtlantic Ridge. OCCs provide large exposures of mantle and lower crustal rocks on the seafloor on detachment fault footwalls at slow and ultraslow spreading ridges. The Kane Megamullion is one of the best sampled OCCs in the world, with 1342 rocks from 28 dredge sites and 14 dives. We have made XRF, TDMS and INAA analyses of 129 representative peridotites, gabbroic rocks, diabases and basalts. Our results suggest a depletion of some peridotites in relation to the primitive mantle (28 ppm Cu). Dunites, troctolites and olivine gabbros are relatively enriched in chalcophile elements. The amount of sulfides decreases gradually with progressive differentiation, reaching a minimum in gabbronorites and diabases. The highest bulk abundance of chalcophile elements in our sample suite was observed in dunites (up to ~ 300 ppm Cu in several samples) and a contact zone between residual peridotite and a mafic vein (294 ppm Cu). Plagioclasebearing harzburgites, generally formed by latestage melt impregnation in the mantle, are typically more enriched in Cu than unimpregnated residual peridotites. For these reasons, our initial results indicate sulfide melting during mantle melting, and their local precipitation in the mantle lithosphere due to late-stage melt impregnation

    Dementia as a disease of old age

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    Background: The increase in chances of dementia with age translates into huge numbers of patients. Her diagnosis is often difficult to indicate and treatment is still about fighting the symptoms and not the disease itself. Material and methods: A review of the literature and WHO research was carried out indicating the greater progression of the disease in old age and the stages of the course of the disease. Results and conclusions:The disease progresses gradually and it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis in the early stadium. There are various ways to diagnose dementia, but doctors still have a major role to do in close contact with the patient. Rapid diagnosis can significantly slow down the disease, but it cannot be cured completely

    Management of stress incontinence in older women

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    Introduction: Stress incontinence is a problem increasingly affecting older people. This discomfort has an impact on women as a greater extent. Stress urinary incontinence is described as involuntary leakage of urine during even minor efforts: sneezing, coughing, rapid gait. At the beginning inconspicuous loss of a few drops of urine is often not alarming for women. The problem is significant because women often go to a specialist very late and the reason for this is shame. Many people think that this is an accident of old age and it can’t be stopped. Nothing could be more wrong, it can be dealt with. Material and methods: Articles in the EBSCO database have been analysed using keywords: stress incontinence, problems of old age, physiotherapy in urology, older women. Results: The incidence of stress incontinence in women increases with age. The main reason is muscular weakness, which is caused, among other things by pregnancies and labours. Another reason may be hormonal disorders and genetic predisposition. Statistics show that obese women are more likely to suffer from SUI. The progress of medicine and pharmacology is also increasingly effective in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. First, after finding the problem, conservative treatment is introduced. Treatment is adapted to each patient individually. Age, existing diseases, weight are important factors in the process of treatment. In pharmacology Duloxetine is used. The use of this drug does not completely eliminate the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence. Due to the possibility of side effects i.e. nausea, the drug is used very carefully. In recent years, physiotherapy has been highly valued in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. The most important is kinesitherapy here. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles brings the most beneficial effects. Active exercises are supported by: electrostimulation, magnetotherapy and vibro-therapy. The final form of SUI treatment is surgical treatment. However, this do not always bring the expected results. In order to increase the effectiveness of therapy for patients with SUI, the interdisciplinary cooperation of the medical team should be used. Treatment of stress urinary incontinence primarily leads to improved quality of life for patients. Conclusions: Urinary incontinence is a social disease. Women struggle with this problem twice as often than men. Stress incontinence accounts for 63% of all forms of urinary incontinence in women in Poland. The incidence of incontinence increases with age. Problems with stress urinary incontinence become a reason for isolation from society. The patients are not aware of the treatment possibilities, which often results in late inclusion of treatment and rehabilitation. There is a wide range of SUI treatment options. Therefore it is necessary to personalise rehabilitation process to best fit to each patient. Keywords: stress incontinence, problems of old age, physiotherapy in urology, older women

    Abnormal muscle tension as one of the main problems after a stroke

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    Background: Stroke is a growing problem in an aging society. According to WHO data, it is the second most common cause of death. An increase in the number of strokes causes an increase in the number of patients struggling with its consequences. People who have suffered a stroke are dealing with various neurological defects. One of them is abnormal muscle tension. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: stroke, muscle tension, spasticity. Results: The problem of disturbed tension is common in people who have had a stroke. Spasticity, i.e. increased muscle tone in response to stretching, results from damage to the central nervous system. Direct and indirect methods are used to assess spasticity. In the fight against destroyed muscle tension, it is important to implement treatment as soon as possible. It is based on the use of various forms of therapy: pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy. Physiotherapy and kinesitherapy treatments as well as specialized rehabilitation methods, such as PNF. The rehabilitation process should be supplemented with appropriate pharmacological treatment. Equally important is the implementation of stroke prevention. These activities are associated with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, for example, regular exercise and stress reduction. Conclusion: Muscle tension disorder, including spasticity, is a problem affecting many patients who have had a stroke. A timely diagnosis is important to get the right therapy. Treatment should have a holistic dimension and combine different methods. The goal of therapy is to normalize muscle tone and thus improve the patient's quality of life

    2017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias

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    Emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias may be associated with worsen outcome and a significant rate of postoperative complications. There is no consensus on management of complicated abdominal hernias. The main matter of debate is about the use of mesh in case of intestinal resection and the type of mesh to be used. Wound infection is the most common complication encountered and represents an immense burden especially in the presence of a mesh. The recurrence rate is an important topic that influences the final outcome. A World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) Consensus Conference was held in Bergamo in July 2013 with the aim to define recommendations for emergency repair of abdominal wall hernias in adults. This document represents the executive summary of the consensus conference approved by a WSES expert panel. In 2016, the guidelines have been revised and updated according to the most recent available literature.Peer reviewe

    2017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias

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    About Cooperation in Tri-City (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot) Metropolis

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    Trójmiasto wraz z obszarem otaczającym, podobnie jak inne duże polskie aglomeracje o aspiracjach metropolitalnych ma duże szanse stać się obszarem metropolitalnym o znaczeniu europejskim. W pewnych koncepcjach jest ono zaliczane do grona metropolii europejskich jako ogniwo strefy dynamicznego rozwoju Regionu Morza Bałtyckiego. Istotnym problemem sprawnego funkcjonowania kształtującej się metropolii południowego Bałtyku jest rozwijająca się współpraca oraz konkurencja pomiędzy współtworzącymi ją miastami i gminami. Brak wspólnego działania stanowi niebezpieczeństwo marnotrawienia wysiłków i efektów w dziedzinie planowania przestrzennego, programowania rozwoju regionalnego i funkcjonowania tak złożonego układu osadniczego, jakim jest metropolia. Wyzwaniem dla Gdańska, Gdyni i Sopotu jest dążenie do integracji, przede wszystkim przez tworzenie zintegrowanej gospodarczo przestrzeni metropolitalnej o największej zdolności konkurowania w globalnej gospodarce.Tri-City, with the suburban area, like other Polish urban centres with metropolitan aspirations, has real chances for becoming metropolitan area of European importance. According to some European concepts, Tri-City is recognized as a member of the group of European metropolises and regarded as a link in the zone of high dynamic development in the Baltic Sea Region. The main problem for the functional efficiency of Tri-City agglomeration is cooperation and competition between cities and municipalities. The lack of common activities can be the reason of efforts and effects to squander in the field of spatial planning, programming of regional development and functioning of the whole settlement system of the metropolitan area. Pursuing the integration of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot and thus creating an integrated metropolitan space of the highest ability to compete in the global economy, is a real challenge for the Tri-City

    Adenomas – Genetic factors in colorectal cancer prevention

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    Colorectal cancer is the second most common type of cancer both in Europe and Poland. During the last 30 years more than a 3-fold increase has been observed in Poland due to environmental and genetic factors. Almost all colorectal malignancies are related to the formation and malignant transformation of colorectal dysplasia and adenoma. Efforts aiming to decrease the number of colorectal cancer deaths are focused on the disease early detection. Genetic diagnosis for hereditary syndromes predisposing to colorectal cancer has been developed and is a part of the routine treatment. Most cancers are sporadic. They often develop from polyps in the colon. In addition to the genetic events described in the 1990s, showing the adenoma transformation into carcinoma that has been a prime example of malignant transformation for a long time, there are also other possibilities of neoplastic transformation. The recognition of colorectal cancer risk factors make sense as their nature is lifestyle- and diet-related. In this review paper those risk factors are presented and the prevention of colorectal cancer is discussed taking into account genetic factors