107 research outputs found

    Evaluation of eddy viscosity-based models in decaying rotating stratified turbulence

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    The results of large eddy simulation (LES) using three sub-grid scale models, namely: constant coefficient Smagorinsky, dynamic Smagorinsky, and a dynamic Clark model, for rotating stratified turbulence in the absence of forcing using large-scale isotropic initial condition, are reported here. The LES results are compared to in-house direct numerical simulation (DNS) for establishing grid-independence requirements. Three cases with varying ratios of Brunt-Vaisala frequency to the inertial wave frequency, N / f, have been chosen to evaluate the performance of LES models. The Reynolds number and N / f are chosen as (a) Case 1: Re = 3704, N / f = 5, (b) Case 2: Re = 6667, N / f = 40, and, (c) Case 3: Re = 6667, N / f = 138. This framework is used to illustrate the relative magnitudes of the stratification and rotation which is observed in geophysical flows. Various quantities including turbulent kinetic energy (tke), turbulent potential energy (tpe), total dissipation, potential and total energy spectra, and their fluxes, are analyzed to understand the predictive capability of the various LES models. Results show that all the SGS model predictions are very similar, with the classical Smagorinsky model displaying the highest deviation compared to DNS. The effect of an increase in the value of N / f is also seen in the results of LES with an increase in the oscillations observed in the evolution of tke and tpe and a reduction in dissipation. The spectral analysis shows that the dynamic Clark and Smagorinsky models predict the large-scale physics (\kappa < 10), while the small scales (10 < \kappa < 64) energy is under-predicted.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure


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    We are in the era where human is running in short of time in order to achieve his goals and to fulfil his worldly luxurious desires and due to the sedentary life-style, a significant increase in the prevalence of obesity is found in almost all the age groups in the past few decades. Obesity is the major risk factors for numerous chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus.Pre-diabetes is the precursor stage to diabetes mellitus in which not all of the symptoms required to label a person as diabetic are present, but blood sugar levels are at borderline or little higher than normal range but not high enough to diagnose as diabetes.The management of Prameha Poorvarupa is explained as Ubhayatashodhana specially in Madhyamvayas. In metropolitan cities like Bangalore person’s life style and food habits causes vitiations of Pitta Dosha. And Virechana is the ultimate kind of Shodhana In Pittaja Vikaras. Hence Vriechana is chosen As Shodhana procedure and to conduct Shodhana. Before conducting Shodhana Rookshana is to be done As Poorvakarma In Mamsala, Meduraa, Bhurishlema And Vishamagni Person.Hence, the study conducted here is in 10 Madhyam Vayas and Pre-diabetes patients, who were subjected to Triphaladi Udvartana which is discussed as Apatarpana yoga in Santarpaniya Adhyaya followed by Virechana. Statistically highly significant results were found in - Ati Trishna, Nidradhikyata, Sweda Adhikya, Angagouravata and Alasya and the objective parameters- body weight, BMI, circumference of hip, abdomen and thigh, skin fold thickness of biceps and triceps (p= &lt;0.001).

    The effect of riluzole alone and in combination with sodium valproate on pentylenetetrazole induced seizures in swiss-albino rats

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    Background: Riluzole- a glutamate antagonist is known to enhance antiepileptic effects of various other antiepileptic drugs. The present study was undertaken to evaluate anticonvulsant effect of riluzole alone and in combination with sodium valproate on pentylenetetrazole (Metrazol) induced seizures in swiss-albino rats.Methods: Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) 50 mg/kg intraperitonially (ip) was used to induce seizure in swiss- albino rats. Anticonvulsant effect of riluzole (at 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) and sodium valproate (at 75 mg/kg, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) was studied on PTZ induced seizures in albino rats. Also effect of riluzole (10mg/kg) in combination with sodium valproate (75 mg/kg, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) was studied.  Parameters such as time of onset of first clonic convulsion in seconds, frequency of clonic convulsion in 60 minute and total duration of entire convulsion in minutes were studied. For statistical analysis unpaired t test was used.Results: At 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg doses riluzole per se was not found to produce any significant effect in PTZ induced seizures (P>0.05). Sodium valproate at 300 mg/kg dose was found to produce significant antiepileptic effect (P0.05). Interestingly significant antiepileptic effect was noted with combination of riluzole (at 10 mg/kg) with sodium valproate at 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg dose (P<0.001).Conclusions: Riluzole alone was not found to produce any significant protective effect against PTZ induced seizures in albino rats. However riluzole (10 mg/kg) was found to enhance the antiepileptic activity of sodium valproate


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    Human body is made up of seven Dhatus (seven categories of tissues). Shukradhatu is located in entire body. Shukra is white, pure, excellent Dhatu, which is considered as best among all seven Dhatus. Shukra is word originated from Shucha&nbsp;Dhatu which means pure or excellent. Teja, Reta, Bijam, Virayam, Indriyam are some of the synonyms of Shukradhatu. Shukra means bright, pure and radiant. Shukra is the seventh and final Dhatu in the Dhatus formation cycle. In metabolism of Shukradhatu nutrients essential for Shukradhatu are digested by Shukuradhatwagni and forms Shukradhatu. For the formation of Shukradhatu one month period is essential. Individuals having the excellence of Shukradhatu are shown physical &amp; psychological characteristics. According to texts of Ayurveda, Shukradhatu is pervading all over the body. It gives courage to a person. It creates softness in the mind. It is responsible for strength of individuals. Vitiation of Shukradhatu shows Shukradhatu dusti (pathology) in the form of Vriddhi (hyper state) or Kshaya (waning). This vitiation may leads to mainly infertility and many other physical as well as psychological disorders. Therefore, it has a vital role in context to reproduction as well as to maintain physical and mental health. It is present in our body in invisible form like Ghee in the milk. It is the end product of Dhatu parinaama or formation of Dhatus. So it is considered as an essence of all Dhatus. As it is essence of all other Dhatus, Charak samhita and Sushrut samhita has not described its Mala (waste)

    A study of prescribing pattern of drugs in patients of cardiovascular emergencies at a tertiary care hospital of Western Maharashtra

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    Background: The main objective of drug utilization research is to assess the rationality of drug use. Recently it has been found that cardiovascular disease is the most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. The objective of present study was to focus on the trends in prescribing patterns of most frequently treated cardiovascular emergencies.Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in cardiovascular emergency patients. From the medical records the following data was collected:  Distribution of cardiovascular emergencies (age and sex wise), most common cardiovascular emergencies treated, outcome of each patient, average duration of stay in the hospital and drugs prescribed per patient,  correlation of clinical outcome with treatment if possible, drug utilization trend in cardiovascular emergencies. From the data, master chart was prepared for data analysis.Results: Total 82 patients case records were studied. Myocardial infarction (50%) was the most common cardiovascular emergency treated during study period followed by unstable angina (36.58%).  Male to female ratio was 1.83. Average hospital stay was found 5.75 days. The average number of drugs per patient was 8.4.  Hypertension (42.24%) and diabetes mellitus (19.51%) were the most common comorbidities found associated with cardiovascular emergencies. Aspirin clopidogrel combination (80.49%), enoxaparin (75.61%), atorvastatin (73.17%), glyceryl trinitrate (73.17%) were the most commonly prescribed drugs. The utilization rate of ACE inhibitors and ARBs (56.10%) was found higher than that of beta blockers (28.05%). Stool softeners (52.46%) and anxiolytics (28.58%) were the most commonly used non-cardiovascular drugs. Improvement was seen in 82.93% patients.Conclusions: Protocol of management strategy of cardiovascular emergencies in our tertiary care hospital was found near to standard recommended guidelines. Keywords:

    Biofuels: Production and Properties as Substitute Fuels

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    Renewable sources include plants and animal fats, which are the main components of biofuels. Biofuels are free from sulfur, aromatics, metals, and crude oil residues. Since biofuels are more lubricating than petroleum diesel fuel, they are nonflammable and extend the life of diesel engines. As a result of this study, the main chemical and physical properties of biofuels were investigated, including their lubricity, viscosity, calorific value, and cetane number, which indicate the quality of renewable fuels, and compared with the other. We examined and compared the combustion characteristics of various types of biofuels as an alternative fuel, as well as their emissions characteristics. Biodiesel and biodiesel blends are compared to mineral diesel, as well as their performance in CI engines in this study’s review. With modified combustion equipment, biodiesel fuels can potentially reduce air pollution in diesel engines and are a very good substitute for fossil fuels. There is a need for more research and technological development in order for biofuels to become economically viable. Biofuel/biodiesel research should therefore be supported with policies that make their prices competitive with other conventional sources of energy. In the current state of affairs, biofuels are more effective when used alongside other sources of energy

    Tekućinski antisolvent postupak taloženja za modifikaciju topljivosti bikalutamida

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    Liquid antisolvent process was explored as a solubility modulating tool. Bicalutamide, a poorly water soluble drug, was used as a candidate. Low aqueous solubility and poor dissolution of bicalutamide results into poor and variable bioavailability. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to modify the solubility of bicalutamide using the liquid antisolvent precipitation process. HPMC E5 and Poloxamer 407 were shortlisted as a hydrophilic polymer and surfactant, respectively, for the process. Process optimization was done with respect to the hydrophilic polymer, surfactant and drug loading concentration. The resultant microcrystals were characterized with various instrumental techniques for material characterization such as IR, DSC, SEM, XRD, particle size, specific surface area and dissolution kinetics.Tekućinski antisolvent postupak upotrijebljen je za moduliranje topljivosti bikalutamida. Zbog vrlo slabe topljivosti u vodi i sporog oslobađanja, bioraspoloživost bikalutamida je mala i varijabilna. Cilj rada je poboljšati topljivost bikalutamida koristeći antisolvent precipitaciju. Kao hidrofilni polimer korišten je HPMC E5, a kao surfaktant Poloxamer 407. Variranjem količine polimera, surfaktanta i lijeka proces je optimiran. Nastali mikrokristali analizirani su uobičajenim instrumentalnim tehnikama za karakterizaciju materijala kao što su IR, DSC, SEM, XRD, veličina čestica, specifična površina i brzina oslobađanja

    Role of Plant Genetic Resources in Food Security

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    Within the last 13 000 yearsmany crop species were domesticated and spread to a range of agri-ecological environments, varying by species (Hancock 2012a).There was manual selection for both food and agronomic characteristics, and natural selection for adaptation to new agro-ecological environments. Such selection was affected by available gene pools, continuing sources of genetic diversity from wild relatives andmutations, natural selection pathways fromstabilising to directional, and both allo- and auto-polyploidy, to result in unique gene pool patterns for each crop (Hancock, 2012b; Cortes et al., 2013). Thedistribution of wheatwas expanded greatlywith the addition of the Aegilops tauschii D genome to tetraploid durum wheat, thereby enabling hexaploid wheat to adapt to a much wider agroecological range from the subtropics to high latitudes, and to provide a wider diversity of food uses (Hancock, 2012c)..
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