42 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of parvoviruses circulating in turkey and chicken flocks in Poland

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    Between 2008 and 2011, commercial turkey and chicken flocks in Poland were examined for the presence of turkey parvovirus (TuPV) and chicken parvovirus (ChPV). Clinical samples (10 individual faecal swabs/flock) from 197 turkey flocks (turkeys aged 1 to 19 weeks) and 45 chicken flocks (chickens aged 3 to 17 weeks) were collected in different regions of the country and tested using a PCR assay that targeted the NS1 gene (3’ORF). The prevalence of TuPV was 29.4 % in the flocks tested, while ChPV infections were found in 22.2 % of the studied flocks. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a clear division into three groups: ChPV-like, TuPV-like and a third, previously unrecognized and distinct subgroup, TuPV-LUB, containing exclusively three Polish isolates from turkeys. The isolates from the novel group showed as little as 50.6-64.5 % of nucleotide sequence identity to the prototype chicken and turkey parvovirus strains. Genetic analysis of a ChPV isolate that was classified in the TuPV group strongly suggests a recombination event between chicken and turkey parvoviruses

    Use of bauxite residue (red mud) as a low cost sorbent for sulfide removal in polluted water remediation

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    Sulfide is an important pollutant in aqueous systems. Sulfide removal from polluted waters is required prior to discharge. Red mud RM) is a solid waste of bauxite processing that is rich in reactive iron oxides and consequently has the potential to be used to remove sulfide from aqueous systems. A series of experiments were undertaken using raw and sintered RM to remove sulfide from waters. RM was highly efficient at sulfide removal (average 75% sulfide removal at initial concentration of ~5 mg L-1, with 500 mg L-1 RM addition) due to both physical adsorption (high specific area) and chemical reaction (with amorphous Fe). Sintered RM, which has a lower surface area and lower mineral reactivity, was much less efficient at removing sulfide (~20% removal under equivalent experimental conditions). Furthermore, concomitant metal release from raw RM was lower than for sintered RM during the sulfide removal process. The results showed that raw RM is a potentially suitable material for sulfide removal from polluted waters and consequently could be used as a low cost alternative treatment in certain engineering applications

    The relationship between occupational demands and well-being of performing artists: A systematic review

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    Background: Performing artists are exposed to a range of occupational demands from organisational, interpersonal and intrapersonal sources, which may impact their well-being. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate and synthesise the literature where researchers have considered the relationship between occupational demands and well-being in performing artists. Methods: A mixed-methods systematic review was conducted including professional and student performing artists. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods study designs were eligible for inclusion in the review. A total of 14 databases were searched from their inception through to October 2017, including MEDLINE, EMBASE and Scopus. Critical appraisal was conducted using the Mixed-Methods Appraisal Tool and results presented as a narrative synthesis. Results: A total of 20 studies were included in the review, comprising of quantitative (n=7), qualitative (n=9) and mixed-methods (n=4) study designs. Several frameworks of occupational stress and well-being were explored in relation to the results. Organisational, social and emotional demands were associated with lower well-being. Conversely, music-making, performance activities and social support were reported to be resources and were related to higher well-being. Conclusion: This systematic review highlights the need for researchers in this field to adopt methodologically robust study designs, which are informed by appropriate theoretical frameworks. The paucity of high quality and theoretically informed research in this area is a hindrance to the development of evidence-based interventions for this population

    Differences in nutritional status of preschool children in the context of the maternal social characteristics

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    Objectives: It is generally accepted that maternal factors are important in maintaining the adequate nutritional status of young children. This study was aimed at verifying whether mother’s socio-demographic (age and relationship status) and socio-economic features (education and professional status) differentiate the child’s nutritional status. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between April and October 2013. Five hundred thirty mothers of preschool children from 5 different regions of Poland were interviewed. Mothers were interviewed on their socio-demographic and socio-economic status. To assess the child’s nutritional status, body mass index (BMI) z-score and the diet indicators were calculated, such as the percentage of the estimated average requirement for energy (%EAR), the percentage of energy coming from carbohydrates (%EC), fat (%ET) and proteins (%EP). Percentage of the estimated average requirement for energy, %EC, %ET and %EP was obtained from 24-h dietary recalls conducted with the mothers. Results: The results showed that mother’s education and professional status did not differentiate any of the indices of the child’s nutritional status. However, maternal age and her relationship status occurred significant (ANOVA; p < 0.05). Children of younger mothers had higher BMI z-score and higher %EC as compared to children of older mothers. Moreover, %EAR was higher among children of single mothers and it was closer to the recommended nutrition standards as compared to children of mothers with a partner. Conclusions: When a child is diagnosed with any type of malnutrition, it is worth assessing various factors that might influence the nutritional status, such as child’s social background (e.g., maternal factors). Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(5):811–82

    Work-related Internet use as a threat to work-life balance – a comparison between the emerging on-line professions and traditional office work

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    ObjectivesIn the present study, the authors focused on the comparison of work characteristics related to the possibility of striking the right work–nonwork balance, as well as satisfaction with the actual work–life balance (WLB), negative work-to-home conflict and the quality of life related to social relationships, between a new group of on-line workers (social media or e-marketing specialists, search engine optimization or search engine marketing specialists, e-public relations experts etc.) and traditional office workers.Material and MethodsThe authors conducted a questionnaire study covering 189 on-line workers (whose work required permanent presence on-line) and 200 office workers (using the Internet mainly to communicate with other departments and to search for information).ResultsThe results showed that the on-line workers reported a significantly lower satisfaction with WLB and a higher negative work-home interaction. The authors found no differences as regards the social quality of life between the studied groups.ConclusionsThese findings confirm that technology advancement opens a new chapter in organizational psychology and occupational health, especially in the context of the emerging on-line occupations

    Musculoskeletal, hearing and skin problems related to playing the instrument

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    Wstęp Obciążenie fizyczne, ekspozycja na hałas oraz intensywny kontakt skóry z instrumentem muzycznym wynikające z pracy muzyka mają wpływ na rozwój dolegliwości układów mięśniowo-szkieletowego, słuchowego oraz skóry. Celem tego opracowania jest rozpoznanie problemów zdrowotnych związanych z grą na instrumencie w grupie polskich muzyków oraz wskazanie różnic w tym zakresie pomiędzy studentami a profesjonalistami. Materiał i metody W badaniu kwestionariuszowym udział wzięło 255 muzyków, którzy odpowiedzieli na zaproszenia do badania – 104 studentów oraz 151 aktywnych zawodowo muzyków posiadających wykształcenie muzyczne. Kobiety stanowiły 61% całej próby. Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wyniosła 31 lat, a średni staż gry na instrumencie – 23 lata. Wyniki Dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowe zaobserwowało u siebie 10–79% badanych muzyków (w zależności od lokalizacji objawów). Dolegliwości słuchowe (nadwrażliwość na dźwięki – 52%, pogorszenie słuchu – 43%, szumy uszne – 41%) i skórne (pogrubienia skóry – 69%, otarcia naskórka – 58%, reakcje alergiczne – 26%) występowały rzadziej i określane były jako mniej nasilone. Badani profesjonaliści opisywali swoje dolegliwości słuchowe (nadwrażliwość na dźwięki, pogorszenie słuchu oraz szumy uszne) jako istotnie intensywniejsze niż zgłaszali to studenci. Młodzi muzycy natomiast skarżyli się na bardziej dotkliwe otarcia naskórka w stosunku do podobnych objawów wskazywanych przez badanych profesjonalnych muzyków. Nie wykazano żadnych różnic dotyczących dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowych pomiędzy studentami a profesjonalistami. Wnioski Zagrożenia dla zdrowia wynikające z gry na instrumencie przekładają się na relatywnie duże rozpowszechnienie dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowych, ale także dolegliwości słuchowych i skórnych. Kluczowe są zatem poszukiwania czynników zwiększających ryzyko wystąpienia tych dolegliwości, a także skutecznych metod korekcyjnych i terapeutycznych. Med. Pr. 2018;69(4):383–394Background Physical demands, exposure to noise and intense contact of skin with musical instruments – inevitable in musicians’ job – influence the development of musculoskeletal, hearing and skin problems. This paper aims at identifying playing-related health problems among Polish musicians and potential differences in this regard between students and professional musicians. Material and Methods This questionnaire study involved 255 musicians who volunteered to participate – 104 students and 151 professional musicians having music education. The study sample included 61% of women. Mean age of the participants equaled 31 years old, mean playing experience – 23 years old. Results From 10% to 79% (depending on the affected body part) of the studied musicians experienced musculoskeletal problems. Hearing (41% – tinnitus; 43% – hearing impairment and 52% – hyperacusis) and skin problems (69% – callosities, 58% – abrasions and 26% – allergic reactions) were reported less frequently and were assessed as less severe than musculoskeletal symptoms. The studied professionals assessed their hearing problems (hyperacusis, hearing impairment and tinnitus) as significantly more severe than reported by students. Young musicians, in turn, experienced more severe abrasions than the studied professional musicians. We found no significant differences between students and professionals as regards their musculoskeletal problems. Conclusions Playing-related health risks translate into relatively high prevalence of musculoskeletal as well as hearing and skin problems among musicians. Hence, it is essential for future studies to search for risk factors for these health problems as well as effective corrective and therapeutic measures. Med Pr 2018;69(4):383–39

    Availability and the use of work-life balance benefits guaranteed by the Polish Labour Code among workers employed on the basis of employment contracts in small and medium enterprises

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    Objectives: Polish Labour Code provides employees with a range of solutions (benefits) supporting them in achieving balance between work and private life. This paper was aimed at indicating availability and the use of legal benefits supporting work-life balance (WLB) among Polish workers of small and medium enterprises. Material and Methods: The study sample included 219 respondents, aged 22–64, working in small and medium enterprises and employed on the basis of employment contracts for at least a year. The respondents completed a questionnaire on availability and the use of benefits guaranteed by the Polish Labour Code, referring to their current workplaces. Results: Most frequently the studied employees took sick leave because of one’s own illness and leave on demand. In our sample, 45% of the women took maternity leave and 26% of the men took paternity leave. The respondents took educational and parental leave the least frequently. More than half of the respondents (58%) did not return to the same position after leave devoted to childcare, even though they had such a possibility. Conclusions: In fact, most of work-life balance benefits guaranteed by law were available to the employees of small and medium enterprises, regardless of their gender. Availability and the use of the majority of benefits were similar among the women and men. Availability of benefits depended on the specificity of industry and a profession, thus, future research on work-life balance policy should control for variables related to the character of work

    Porównanie polityki i badań nad równowagą praca–dom w Polsce i Norwegii – obecny stan wiedzy i perspektywy na przyszłość

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    The sense of work-life balance has an undoubted impact not only on employees’ quality of life and work performance, but also on the functioning of companies. Therefore, efforts to maintain work-life balance are beneficial to workers, employers, authorities and researchers. Poland and Norway are the examples of European countries with different work-life balance policies both on legal and organizational levels. This paper aims to compare legal solutions in two economically different countries and review current research on work-life balance issues therein. Norway is a much richer country, disposing of higher possibilities in supporting citizens. The state, however, guarantees similar solutions in Poland, except for parental leaves system. Polish researchers, unlike Norwegian ones, focus more on the use and the availability of different benefits. Norwegian studies, in turn, show psychological determinants and effects of work-life (im)balance. The authors of this paper also give some suggestions for future research that could help shaping proper family-friendly policies, both in Poland and Norway.Poczucie równowagi między pracą a życiem prywatnym wpływa nie tylko na jakość życia pracowników i ich wydajność, ale również na funkcjonowanie całej firmy. Dlatego też podejmowanie działań zmierzających do zachowania równowagi przynosi korzyści pracownikom, pracodawcom, władzom państwowym, a także badaczom. Polska i Norwegia stanowią przykłady dwóch europejskich krajów o odmiennej polityce społecznej w zakresie wspierania równowagi praca–dom, zarówno na poziomie prawnym, jak i organizacyjnym. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest: a) porównanie rozwiązań prawnych w dwóch państwach różniących się poziomem ekonomicznym oraz b) przegląd aktualnych badań nad równowagą praca–dom w tychże krajach. Norwegia jest krajem o wiele bogatszym, stwarzającym większe możliwości, jeśli chodzi o oferowane wsparcie dla obywateli. Jednakże norweskie rozwiązania prawne są podobne do tych, które obowiązują w Polsce, z wyjątkiem systemu urlopów rodzicielskich. Polscy badacze, w przeciwieństwie do norweskich, w swoich badaniach skupiają się przede wszystkim na wykorzystywaniu i dostępności poszczególnych rozwiązań. Z kolei badania norweskie prezentują psychologiczne wyznaczniki i skutki równowagi praca–dom (bądź jej braku). Autorzy artykułu podają również pewne wskazówki co do dalszych badań, które mogłyby się przyczynić do kształtowania prawidłowej polityki prospołecznej, zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Norwegii.This work was supported by Norway Grants in the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development (grant number EOG78/2013)

    Effort–reward balance as a mediator of the relationship between supplementary person–organization fit and perceived stress among middle-level managers

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    Objectives: The study has aimed to identify the relations between the supplementary person–organization fit (P–O fit) and the perceived stress among managerial staff, with special regard to the mediating role of the effort–reward balance. Material and Methods: The study sample consisted of 715 middle-level managers, aged 25–64 years old, employed in large companies. To measure the selected variables, the authors used the Questionnaire of Effort–Reward Imbalance (ERI), Perceived Stress Scale – 10 (PSS-10), and Person–Organization Fit Questionnaire. Results: The regression analysis revealed that the perceived effort–reward imbalance partially mediated the negative relationship between the supplementary person–organization fit and stress. Conclusions: The results suggest that even when the characteristics of the manager and organization are highly congruent, the managers will experience stress if their work involves heavy effort or when this effort is not compensated properly. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(2):305–31