291 research outputs found

    Pressure-Constrained, Reduced-DOF, Interconnected Parallel Manipulators with Applications to Space Suit Design

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    This dissertation presents the concept of a Morphing Upper Torso, an innovative pressure suit design that incorporates robotic elements to enable a resizable, highly mobile and easy to don/doff spacesuit. The torso is modeled as a system of interconnected, pressure-constrained, reduced-DOF, wire-actuated parallel manipulators, that enable the dimensions of the suit to be reconfigured to match the wearer. The kinematics, dynamics and control of wire-actuated manipulators are derived and simulated, along with the Jacobian transforms, which relate the total twist vector of the system to the vector of actuator velocities. Tools are developed that allow calculation of the workspace for both single and interconnected reduced-DOF robots of this type, using knowledge of the link lengths. The forward kinematics and statics equations are combined and solved to produce the pose of the platforms along with the link tensions. These tools allow analysis of the full Morphing Upper Torso design, in which the back hatch of a rear-entry torso is interconnected with the waist ring, helmet ring and two scye bearings. Half-scale and full-scale experimental models are used along with analytical models to examine the feasibility of this novel space suit concept. The analytical and experimental results demonstrate that the torso could be expanded to facilitate donning and doffing, and then contracted to match different wearer's body dimensions. Using the system of interconnected parallel manipulators, suit components can be accurately repositioned to different desired configurations. The demonstrated feasibility of the Morphing Upper Torso concept makes it an exciting candidate for inclusion in a future planetary suit architecture

    Development of a Novel Helmet Support Assembly for NASA Orion Crew Survival Suit

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    Orion Spacecraft water landing environments have necessitated the design and testing of a novel Helmet Support Assembly (HSA) as part of the NASA Orion Crew Survival Systems (OCSS) launch and re-entry spacesuit. A series of development sled tests using 5 th female, 50th male, and 95th male Hybrid III Anthropometric Test Devices (ATDs) simulated worst case water landings and identified the need for an integrated suit countermeasure to control the helmet during dynamic loading. Initial prototype countermeasures rigidly restrained the helmet keeping the helmet in place as desired, but led to large force and moment transmission to the upper neck. Further development led to a flexible HSA which used high-strength steel wire contoured to the size-matched ATD thorax and attached to both the front and rear of the neck ring. The selected wire diameter and contoured shape provided some ability to flex under the expected worst-case dynamic loads. The existing shoulder harness was used to restrain the helmet motion during eyeballs out/down loading while also attempting to prevent head-to-helmet contact in eyeballs down spinal-axis loading. A new small prototype helmet was also developed and tested for the 5th and 50th ATDs with both HSA devices. Dynamic impact tests were conducted on the HIA (Horizontal Impulse Accelerator) at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) under simulated off-nominal landing conditions using a representative Orion seat and 5-point harness. For each ATD size, peak Neck Injury Criteria (Nij) were compared to equivalent sled tests with an unsuited ATD configuration. Adding a helmet without attempting to control motion increased peak Nij values for all ATD sizes. The use of the rigid countermeasure showed decreased peak Nij results for the 5th female, but increased peak Nij values for both 50th configurations and the 95th male ATDs. By comparison, the flexible HSA showed reduced peak Nij values for all ATD sizes. Overall, this series of dynamic impact tests identified a risk of increased crew neck loading when under- or over-restraining the helmet during simulated Orion water landings and also demonstrated an effective strategy to mitigate those loads with a compliant HSA design

    Robotic Joint Torque Testing: A Critical Tool in the Development of Pressure Suit Mobility Elements

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    Pressure suits allow pilots and astronauts to survive in extreme environments at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere and in the vacuum of space. One obstacle that pilots and astronauts face is that gas-pressurized suits stiffen when pressurized and greatly limit user mobility. As a result, a critical need exists to quantify and improve the mobility characteristics of pressure suits. A historical survey and critique of pressure-suit testing methodologies is first presented, followed by the results of recent pressure suit testing conducted at the MIT Man-Vehicle Laboratory (MVL). MVL researchers, in cooperation with the David Clark Company (Worcester, MA), used an anthropometrically-realistic robotic space suit tester to quantify pressure suit mobility characteristics of the S1034 Pilot Protective Assembly (PPA), a pressure suit worn by U-2 pilots. This suit was evaluated unpressurized, at a vent pressure of 5.5 kPa (0.8 psi), and at an emergency gauge pressure of 20.7 kPa (3 psi). Joint torque data was collected for elbow flexion/extension, shoulder flexion/extension, shoulder abduction/adduction, and knee flexion/extension motions. The aim of this study was to generate a robust baseline mobility database for the S1034 PPA to serve as a point of comparison for future pressure suit designs, and to provide recommendations for future pressure garment testing

    Integrated Direct Air Capture and Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane with CO2 at Isothermal Conditions

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    Developing routes of utilizing CO2 emissions is important for long-term environmental preservation, as storing such emissions underground will eventually become unsustainable. One way of utilizing CO2 emissions is as a light-oxidant feedstock for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane (ODHP) to propylene. However, the adsorption and reaction steps typically occur at widely different temperatures, meaning that the thermal gradients – and by extension process energy requirements – are often unreasonably high. In recent years, dual-functional materials (DFMs) – i.e., materials comprised of a high temperature adsorbent phase alongside a heterogeneous catalyst – have been employed for combined CO2 adsorption and utilization over one material within a single bed using a reduced thermal gradient. However, these materials have never been formed into practical contactors and have never been applied to ODHP applications. Therefore, in this study we manufactured the first-generation of DFM adsorbent/catalyst monoliths, comprised of CaO (adsorbent) and M@ZSM-5 (M = V-, Ga-, Ti-, or Ni-oxide) heterogeneous catalysts, using our novel direct metal-oxide 3D printing technique. The monoliths were vigorously characterized using N2 physisorption, C3H8-DRIFTS, NH3-TPD, Py-FTIR, H2-TPR, XRD, XPS, and elemental mapping and were assessed for CO2 capture/ODHP utilization at 600–700 ºC. The adsorption/catalysis experiments revealed that these materials can perform both processes effectively at 600 ºC, with reduced propylene yield at higher temperature, which eliminated the need for a thermal gradient between the adsorption and catalysis steps. Between the various samples, the Ti-doped monolith generated the best balance of CO2 conversion (76%) and propylene selectivity (39%), due to the high dispersion of TiO2, favorable redox properties and controlled acidity of the dopant. However, it was also found that varying the metal dopant could be used to control the heuristics of CO2/C3H8 conversion, C3H6 selectivity, and C3H6 yield, meaning that the manufacturing process outlined herein represents a promising way of tuning the chemical properties of structured DFM adsorbent/catalyst materials. More importantly, this study establishes a promising proof-of-concept for 3D printing as a facile means of structuring these exciting composite materials and expands DFMs to the previously unexplored application of ODHP

    The Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for space habitation and exploration

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    The “Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Habitation and Exploration” is a novel system concept that provides a platform for integrating sensors and actuators with daily astronaut intravehicular activities to improve health and performance, while reducing the mass and volume of the physiologic adaptation countermeasure systems, as well as the required exercise time during long-duration space exploration missions. The V2Suit system leverages wearable kinematic monitoring technology and uses inertial measurement units (IMUs) and control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) within miniaturized modules placed on body segments to provide a “viscous resistance” during movements against a specified direction of “down”—initially as a countermeasure to the sensorimotor adaptation performance decrements that manifest themselves while living and working in microgravity and during gravitational transitions during long-duration spaceflight, including post-flight recovery and rehabilitation. Several aspects of the V2Suit system concept were explored and simulated prior to developing a brassboard prototype for technology demonstration. This included a system architecture for identifying the key components and their interconnects, initial identification of key human-system integration challenges, development of a simulation architecture for CMG selection and parameter sizing, and the detailed mechanical design and fabrication of a module. The brassboard prototype demonstrates closed-loop control from “down” initialization through CMG actuation, and provides a research platform for human performance evaluations to mitigate sensorimotor adaptation, as well as a tool for determining the performance requirements when used as a musculoskeletal deconditioning countermeasure. This type of countermeasure system also has Earth benefits, particularly in gait or movement stabilization and rehabilitation.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Innovative Advanced Concepts Grant NNX11AR25G)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Innovative Advanced Concepts Grant NNX12AQ58G

    Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Habitation and Exploration

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    The Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Habitation and Exploration is a visionary system concept that will revolutionize space missions by providing a platform for integrating sensors and actuators with daily astronaut intravehicular activities to improve human health and performance. The V2Suit uses control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) within a miniaturized module placed on body segments to provide a viscous resistance during movements _ a countermeasure to the sensorimotor and musculoskeletal adaptation performance decrements that manifest themselves while living and working in microgravity and during gravitational transitions during long-duration spaceflight, including post-flight recovery and rehabilitation. Through an integrated design, system initialization, and control systems approach the V2Suit is capable of generating this viscous resistance along an arbitrarily specified direction of down. When movements are made, for example, parallel to that down direction a resistance is applied, and when the movement is perpendicular to that direction no resistance is applied. The V2Suit proposes to be a countermeasure to this spaceflight-related adaptation and de-conditioning and the unique sensorimotor characteristics associated with living and working in 0-G, which are critical for future long-duration space missions. This NIAC Phase II project leveraged the study results from Phase I and focused on detailing several aspects of the V2Suit concept, including a wearable CMG architecture, control steering laws, human-system integration evaluations, developing a brassboard prototype unit as a proof-of-concept, as well as evaluating the concept in the context of future space exploration missions. A human mission to Mars, such as that outlined in the Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.0, provides a framework for determining the concept of operations and requirements for the V2Suit system. Mars DRA 5.0 includes approximately 180 day 0-G transits to- and from- Mars, as well as a 500 day stay on the surface (~3/8-G) (Figure 3). Accordingly, there are four gravitational transitions associated with this mission: 1-G to 0-G (Earth launch), 0-G to 3/8-G (Mars landing), 3/8-G to 0-G (Mars launch), and 0-G to 1-G (Earth landing). This reference mission provided the basis for developing high-level operational requirements to guide the subsequent study and design of the key V2Suit components

    Method for bacteriophage isolation against target Campylobacter strains

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    Aims: Poultry meat is considered a major source of Campylobacter. This micro-aerobic bacterium is commonly responsible for foodborne illness. This work focuses on the isolation of Campylobacter coli lytic bacteriophages (phages) against target C. coli strains. Methods and Results: A method involving the enrichment of free-range chicken samples in a broth containing the target C. coli strains and salts (CaCl2 and MgSO4) was used for phage isolation. This method allowed the isolation of 43 phages that were active against 83% of the C. coli strains used in the isolation procedure. Approximately 65% of the phages were also effective against Campylobacter jejuni strains. Conclusions: The use of target pathogens in the phage isolation step improves the likelihood of detecting and isolating phages for the control of these specific strains. Significance and Impact of the Study: This technique will be valuable in the context of phage therapy for enriching for phages that are active against specifically identified strains of bacteria, for example from a food poisoning outbreak or epidemic strains resistant to multiple antibiotics. In these situations, using the conventional methods for searching for bacteriophages active for these particular strains can be a time-consuming, if not an unsuccessful process. Using the isolation method described in this manuscript, the particular strains can be added to the enrichment broth increasing the probability of finding phages against them. Therefore, it will shorten the time needed for seeking phages able to lyse target strains, which in most of the cases, because of the rapid increase in antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, is of crucial importance.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Alphabetic Letter Identification: Effects of perceivability, similarity, and bias

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    The legibility of the letters in the Latin alphabet has been measured numerous times since the beginning of\ud experimental psychology. To identify the theoretical mechanisms attributed to letter identification, we report\ud a comprehensive review of literature, spanning more than a century. This review revealed that identification\ud accuracy has frequently been attributed to a subset of three common sources: perceivability, bias, and simi-\ud larity. However, simultaneous estimates of these values have rarely (if ever) been performed. We present the\ud results of two new experiments which allow for the simultaneous estimation of these factors, and examine\ud how the shape of a visual mask impacts each of them, as inferred through a new statistical model. Results showed that the shape and identity of the mask impacted the inferred perceivability, bias, and similarity space of a letter set, but that there were aspects of similarity that were robust to the choice of mask. The results illustrate how the psychological concepts of perceivability, bias, and similarity can be estimated simultaneously, and how each make powerful contributions to visual letter identification

    Phenotypic drug screen uncovers the metabolic GCH1/BH4 pathway as key regulator of EGFR/KRAS-mediated neuropathic pain and lung cancer

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    Increased tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) generated in injured sensory neurons contributes to increased pain sensitivity and its persistence. GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (GCH1) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the de novo BH4 synthetic pathway, and human single-nucleotide polymorphism studies, together with mouse genetic modeling, have demonstrated that decreased GCH1 leads to both reduced BH4 and pain. However, little is known about the regulation of Gch1 expression upon nerve injury and whether this could be modulated as an analgesic therapeutic intervention. We performed a phenotypic screen using about 1000 bioactive compounds, many of which are target-annotated FDA-approved drugs, for their effect on regulating Gch1 expression in rodent injured dorsal root ganglion neurons. From this approach, we uncovered relevant pathways that regulate Gch1 expression in sensory neurons. We report that EGFR/KRAS signaling triggers increased Gch1 expression and contributes to neuropathic pain; conversely, inhibiting EGFR suppressed GCH1 and BH4 and exerted analgesic effects, suggesting a molecular link between EGFR/KRAS and pain perception. We also show that GCH1/BH4 acts downstream of KRAS to drive lung cancer, identifying a potentially druggable pathway. Our screen shows that pharmacologic modulation of GCH1 expression and BH4 could be used to develop pharmacological treatments to alleviate pain and identified a critical role for EGFR-regulated GCH1/BH4 expression in neuropathic pain and cancer in rodents

    Relations between corporate economic performance, environmental disclosure and greenhouse gas emissions: new insights.

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    This study examines the associations and causations between corporate economic performance, environmental disclosure and greenhouse gas emissions, utilising a large, longitudinal, multi-country dataset disaggregated between developed and developing countries. The methodology employs a simultaneous equation model with system estimation to deal with endogeneity between the variables, and Granger causality tests to indicate their direction of causation. A robust result is that lower emissions are strongly associated with better economic performance. After pretesting for stationarity, we find evidence of a one-way causation from emissions and environmental disclosure to economic performance, but no evidence of reverse causation. We also find strong evidence of a one-way causation from emissions to disclosure, but no evidence of reverse causation. The over-arching policy implication is that environmental performance, as measured by greenhouse gas emissions, plays a crucial role in the formulation of business strategy at firm level and government environmental policy at national and international levels