204 research outputs found

    Effect of fiber orientation and specimen thickness on the tensile response of strain hardening UHPFRC mixes with reduced Embodied Energy

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    Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) have demonstrated their potential to contain the explosion of maintenance costs (Economy and Environment) for civil engineering structures, due to their extremely low permeability associated with the outstanding mechanical properties. Substitution of Embodied- Energy (EE)-costly components of UHPFRC such as clinker and steel fibers, is the next step towards sustainability, to make it even more efficient and more environment- friendly. In this study, a strain hardening UHPFRC mix with two main modifications has been developed in which (1) 75% of steel fibers have been replaced by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE, henceforth referred to as PE) fibers and (2) 50% volume of cement type CEM I have been replaced with limestone filler. The effect of the fiber orientation and the specimen thickness on the mechanical properties of such mixes have been investigated. The mechanical properties have been investigated using direct tensile test, and 4-point bending test. Finally, the dramatic effect of fiber orientation on the ultimate strength and deformability has been demonstrated. Moreover, the results confirm that the specimen thickness affects the deformation capacity of the specimens. Finally, improvements in terms of reduction of EE of the proposed mixes are highlighted

    Micromechanical modeling of tension stiffening in FRP-strengthened concrete elements

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    This article presents a micromodeling computational framework for simulating the tensile response and tension-stiffening behavior of fiber reinforced polymer–strengthened reinforced concrete elements. The total response of strengthened elements is computed based on the local stress transfer mechanisms at the crack plane including concrete bridging stress, reinforcing bars stress, FRP stress, and the bond stresses at the bars-to-concrete and fiber reinforced polymer-to-concrete interfaces. The developed model provides the possibility of calculating the average response of fiber reinforced polymer, reinforcing bars, and concrete as well as the crack spacing and crack widths. The model, after validation with experimental results, is used for a systematic parameter study and development of micromechanics-based relations for calculating the crack spacing, fiber reinforced polymer critical ratio, debonding strength, and effective bond length. Constitutive models are also proposed for concrete tension stiffening and average response of steel reinforcing bars in fiber reinforced polymer–strengthened members as the main inputs of smeared crack modeling approaches

    Fibrous roller-compacted concrete with recycled materials - Feasibility study

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    This paper presents fundamental work done to enable fibre reinforcement of roller-compacted concrete (RCC). Procedures for mixing and casting two types of steel fibres in RCC were developed. Fresh properties, uniaxial compressive and bending behaviour were examined in a pilot study dealing with cement content, fibre type and dosage. It was found that different fibre types and dosages require different moisture contents. It is concluded that low cement content (less than 300 kg/m3) steel-fibre-reinforced roller-compacted concrete (SFR-RCC) mixes do not have sufficient paste and are prone to fibre agglomeration, hence SFR-RCC mixes richer in paste and at optimum moisture content are recommended. Mixes with cement content of 300 kg/m3 coped better with fibre reinforcement. Despite causing some loss in compressive strength, fibres help enhance the flexural performance and even SFR-RCC mixes with recycled masonry and concrete aggregates performed equally well as natural aggregate mixes. A fullscale trial has been conducted to confirm the findings. This paper is followed by a companion paper dealing with a comprehensive parametric study leading to the development of σ-ε models for SFR-RCC

    Flexural capacity of bi-directional GFRP strengthened RC beams with end anchorages: experimental and theoretical studies

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    This paper presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies on the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened using externally bonded bi-directional glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites and different end anchorage systems. A series of nine RC beams with a length of 1600mm and a cross-section of 200mm depth and 100mm width were prepared and externally strengthened in flexure with bi-directional GFRP composites. These strengthened beams were anchored with three different end anchorage systems namely closed GFRP wraps, GFRP U-wraps, and mechanical anchors. All these beams were tested with four-point bending system up to failure. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical results obtained using the relevant design guidelines. The experimental results demonstrate a significant increase in the flexural performance of the GFRP strengthened beams with regard to the ultimate load carrying capacity and stiffness. The results also show that GFRP strengthened beams without end anchorages experienced intermediate concrete (IC) debonding failure at the GFRP plate end, whereas, all the GFRP Strengthened beams with different end anchorage systems failed in rupture of GFRP with concrete crushing. The theoretical results revealed no significant difference among the relevant design guidelines with regard to the predicted ultimate moment capacities of the bi-directional GFRP strengthened RC beams. However, the results show that ACI Committee 440 (2008) design recommendation provides reasonably acceptable predictions for the ultimate moment capacities of the tested beams strengthened externally with bi-directional GFRP reinforcement followed by FIB Bulletin 14 (2001) and eventually JSCE (1997). The research work presented in this manuscript is authentic and could contribute to the understanding of the overall behaviour of RC beams strengthened with FRP and different end anchorage systems under flexural loading

    Chloride ingress into marine exposed concrete: A comparison of empirical- and physically- based models

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    In establishing the reliability of performance-related design methods for concrete – which are relevant for resistance against chloride-induced corrosion - long-term experience of local materials and practices and detailed knowledge of the ambient and local micro-climate are critical. Furthermore, in the development of analytical models for performance-based design, calibration against test data representative of actual conditions in practice is required. To this end, the current study presents results from full-scale, concrete pier-stems under long-term exposure to a marine environment with work focussing on XS2 (below mid-tide level) in which the concrete is regarded as fully saturated and XS3 (tidal, splash and spray) in which the concrete is in an unsaturated condition. These exposures represent zones where concrete structures are most susceptible to ionic ingress and deterioration. Chloride profiles and chloride transport behaviour are studied using both an empirical model (erfc function) and a physical model (ClinConc). The time dependency of surface chloride concentration (Cs) and apparent diffusivity (Da) were established for the empirical model whereas, in the ClinConc model (originally based on saturated concrete), two new environmental factors were introduced for the XS3 environmental exposure zone. Although the XS3 is considered as one environmental exposure zone according to BS EN 206-1:2013, the work has highlighted that even within this zone, significant changes in chloride ingress are evident. This study aims to update the parameters of both models for predicting the long term transport behaviour of concrete subjected to environmental exposure classes XS2 and XS3

    Assessment of different methods for characterization and simulation of post-cracking behavior of self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete

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    The post-cracking tensile properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is one of the most important aspects that should be considered in design of SFRC structural members. The parameters that describe the post-cracking behavior of SFRC in tension are often derived using indirect methods combined with inverse analysis techniques applied to the results obtained from three- or four-point prism bending tests or from determinate round panel tests. However, there is still some uncertainty regarding the most reliable methodology for evaluating the post-cracking behavior of SFRC. In the present study a steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) was developed and its post-cracking behavior was investigated through an extensive experimental program composed of small determinate round panel and prism bending tests. Based on the results obtained from this experimental program, the constitutive tensile laws of the developed SFRSCC were obtained indirectly using two numerical approaches, as well as three available analytical approaches based on standards for estimating the stress versus crack width relationship (). The predictive performance of both the numerical and analytical approaches employed for estimating the relationship of the SFRSCC was assessed. The numerical simulations have provided a good prediction of the post-cracking behavior of the concrete. All the analytical formulations also demonstrated an acceptable accuracy for design purposes. Anyhow, among all the employed approaches, the one that considers the results of small determinate round panel tests (rather than that of prism bending tests) has predicted more accurately the constitutive tensile laws of the SFRSCCFEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project InOlicTower, POCI-01-0145-FEDER520 016905 (PTDC/ECM-EST/2635/2014)
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