364 research outputs found
The Dark Side of the Electroweak Phase Transition
Recent data from cosmic ray experiments may be explained by a new GeV scale
of physics. In addition the fine-tuning of supersymmetric models may be
alleviated by new O(GeV) states into which the Higgs boson could decay. The
presence of these new, light states can affect early universe cosmology. We
explore the consequences of a light (~ GeV) scalar on the electroweak phase
transition. We find that trilinear interactions between the light state and the
Higgs can allow a first order electroweak phase transition and a Higgs mass
consistent with experimental bounds, which may allow electroweak baryogenesis
to explain the cosmological baryon asymmetry. We show, within the context of a
specific supersymmetric model, how the physics responsible for the first order
phase transition may also be responsible for the recent cosmic ray excesses of
PAMELA, FERMI etc. We consider the production of gravity waves from this
transition and the possible detectability at LISA and BBO
The Cosmology of Composite Inelastic Dark Matter
Composite dark matter is a natural setting for implementing inelastic dark
matter - the O(100 keV) mass splitting arises from spin-spin interactions of
constituent fermions. In models where the constituents are charged under an
axial U(1) gauge symmetry that also couples to the Standard Model quarks, dark
matter scatters inelastically off Standard Model nuclei and can explain the
DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation signal. This article describes the early Universe
cosmology of a minimal implementation of a composite inelastic dark matter
model where the dark matter is a meson composed of a light and a heavy quark.
The synthesis of the constituent quarks into dark mesons and baryons results in
several qualitatively different configurations of the resulting dark matter
hadrons depending on the relative mass scales in the system.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures; references added, typos correcte
Decaying into the Hidden Sector
The existence of light hidden sectors is an exciting possibility that may be
tested in the near future. If DM is allowed to decay into such a hidden sector
through GUT suppressed operators, it can accommodate the recent cosmic ray
observations without over-producing antiprotons or interfering with the
attractive features of the thermal WIMP. Models of this kind are simple to
construct, generic and evade all astrophysical bounds. We provide tools for
constructing such models and present several distinct examples. The light
hidden spectrum and DM couplings can be probed in the near future, by measuring
astrophysical photon and neutrino fluxes. These indirect signatures are
complimentary to the direct production signals, such as lepton jets, predicted
by these models.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figure
Signatures of large composite Dark Matter states
We investigate the interactions of large composite dark matter (DM) states
with the Standard Model (SM) sector. Elastic scattering with SM nuclei can be
coherently enhanced by factors as large as A^2, where A is the number of
constituents in the composite state (there exist models in which DM states of
very large A > 10^8 may be realised). This enhancement, for a given direct
detection event rate, weakens the expected signals at colliders by up to 1/A.
Moreover, the spatially extended nature of the DM states leads to an
additional, characteristic, form factor modifying the momentum dependence of
scattering processes, altering the recoil energy spectra in direct detection
experiments. In particular, energy recoil spectra with peaks and troughs are
possible, and such features could be confirmed with only O(50) events,
independently of the assumed halo velocity distribution. Large composite states
also generically give rise to low-energy collective excitations potentially
relevant to direct detection and indirect detection phenomenology. We compute
the form factor for a generic class of such excitations - quantised surface
modes - finding that they can lead to coherently-enhanced, but generally
sub-dominant, inelastic scattering in direct detection experiments. Finally, we
study the modifications to capture rates in astrophysical objects that follow
from the elastic form factor, as well as the effects of inelastic interactions
between DM states once captured. We argue that inelastic interactions may lead
to the DM collapsing to a dense configuration at the centre of the object.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, v2; references and minor additional comments
An Electron Fixed Target Experiment to Search for a New Vector Boson A' Decaying to e+e-
We describe an experiment to search for a new vector boson A' with weak
coupling alpha' > 6 x 10^{-8} alpha to electrons (alpha=e^2/4pi) in the mass
range 65 MeV < m_A' < 550 MeV. New vector bosons with such small couplings
arise naturally from a small kinetic mixing of the "dark photon" A' with the
photon -- one of the very few ways in which new forces can couple to the
Standard Model -- and have received considerable attention as an explanation of
various dark matter related anomalies. A' bosons are produced by radiation off
an electron beam, and could appear as narrow resonances with small production
cross-section in the trident e+e- spectrum. We summarize the experimental
approach described in a proposal submitted to Jefferson Laboratory's PAC35,
PR-10-009. This experiment, the A' Experiment (APEX), uses the electron beam of
the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at Jefferson Laboratory
(CEBAF) at energies of ~1-4 GeV incident on 0.5-10% radiation length Tungsten
wire mesh targets, and measures the resulting e+e- pairs to search for the A'
using the High Resolution Spectrometer and the septum magnet in Hall A. With a
~1 month run, APEX will achieve very good sensitivity because the statistics of
e+e- pairs will be ~10,000 times larger in the explored mass range than any
previous search for the A' boson. These statistics and the excellent mass
resolution of the spectrometers allow sensitivity to alpha'/alpha one to three
orders of magnitude below current limits, in a region of parameter space of
great theoretical and phenomenological interest. Similar experiments could also
be performed at other facilities, such as the Mainz Microtron.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 2 table
Combined measurement of differential and total cross sections in the HâŻââŻÎłÎł and the HâŻââŻZZ*âŻââŻ4â decay channels at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A combined measurement of differential and inclusive total cross sections of Higgs boson production is performed using 36.1 fbâ1 of 13 TeV protonâproton collision data produced by the LHC and recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2015 and 2016. Cross sections are obtained from measured Hâγγ and HâZZ*(â4â event yields, which are combined taking into account detector efficiencies, resolution, acceptances and branching fractions. The total Higgs boson production cross section is measured to be 57.0â5.9 +6.0 (stat.) â3.3 +4.0 (syst.) pb, in agreement with the Standard Model prediction. Differential cross-section measurements are presented for the Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets produced together with the Higgs boson, and the transverse momentum of the leading jet. The results from the two decay channels are found to be compatible, and their combination agrees with the Standard Model predictions
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