316 research outputs found

    Galilean quantum gravity with cosmological constant and the extended q-Heisenberg algebra

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    We define a theory of Galilean gravity in 2+1 dimensions with cosmological constant as a Chern-Simons gauge theory of the doubly-extended Newton-Hooke group, extending our previous study of classical and quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions in the Galilean limit. We exhibit an r-matrix which is compatible with our Chern-Simons action (in a sense to be defined) and show that the associated bi-algebra structure of the Newton-Hooke Lie algebra is that of the classical double of the extended Heisenberg algebra. We deduce that, in the quantisation of the theory according to the combinatorial quantisation programme, much of the quantum theory is determined by the quantum double of the extended q-deformed Heisenberg algebra.Comment: 22 page

    Miocardiopatía por estrés: takotsubo

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    Clinic. A 83-year-old woman who presented with acute chest pain after an intense emotional stimulus. Diagnostic tests. EKG showed negative T waves in anterior and ultrasensitive troponins were raised. The echocardiogram showed an intensely depressed with akinesia media and distal segments of all sides and apex, with conventional coronary angiography systolic function without significant lesions. The MRI was consistent with stress cardiomyopathy (ECM) takotsubo. Discussion. of uncertain origin, the ECM can mimic myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries and good prognosis.Clínica. Mujer de 83 años que consultó por dolor torácico agudo tras un estímulo emocional intenso. Pruebas diagnósticas. El electrocardiograma mostró ondas T negativas en cara anterior y las troponinas ultrasensibles estaban elevadas. El ecocardiograma mostró una función sistólica global intensamente deprimida con acinesia de los segmentos medios y distales de todas las caras y el ápex, con coronariografía convencional sin lesiones significativas. La imagen por RM era compatible con miocardiopatía de estrés (MCE-takotsubo). Discusión. De origen incierto, la MCE puede remedar un infarto de miocardio con coronarias normales y buen pronóstico

    Protection against Tuberculosis in Eurasian Wild Boar Vaccinated with Heat-Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis and closely related members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex continues to affect humans and animals worldwide and its control requires vaccination of wildlife reservoir species such as Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). Vaccination efforts for TB control in wildlife have been based primarily on oral live BCG formulations. However, this is the first report of the use of oral inactivated vaccines for controlling TB in wildlife. In this study, four groups of 5 wild boar each were vaccinated with inactivated M. bovis by the oral and intramuscular routes, vaccinated with oral BCG or left unvaccinated as controls. All groups were later challenged with a field strain of M. bovis. The results of the IFN-gamma response, serum antibody levels, M. bovis culture, TB lesion scores, and the expression of C3 and MUT genes were compared between these four groups. The results suggested that vaccination with heat-inactivated M. bovis or BCG protect wild boar from TB. These results also encouraged testing combinations of BCG and inactivated M. bovis to vaccinate wild boar against TB. Vaccine formulations using heat-inactivated M. bovis for TB control in wildlife would have the advantage of being environmentally safe and more stable under field conditions when compared to live BCG vaccines. The antibody response and MUT expression levels can help differentiating between vaccinated and infected wild boar and as correlates of protective response in vaccinated animals. These results suggest that vaccine studies in free-living wild boar are now possible to reveal the full potential of protecting against TB using oral M. bovis inactivated and BCG vaccines

    Three-Dimensional Analysis of Spiny Dendrites Using Straightening and Unrolling Transforms

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    Current understanding of the synaptic organization of the brain depends to a large extent on knowledge about the synaptic inputs to the neurons. Indeed, the dendritic surfaces of pyramidal cells (the most common neuron in the cerebral cortex) are covered by thin protrusions named dendritic spines. These represent the targets of most excitatory synapses in the cerebral cortex and therefore, dendritic spines prove critical in learning, memory and cognition. This paper presents a new method that facilitates the analysis of the 3D structure of spine insertions in dendrites, providing insight on spine distribution patterns. This method is based both on the implementation of straightening and unrolling transformations to move the analysis process to a planar, unfolded arrangement, and on the design of DISPINE, an interactive environment that supports the visual analysis of 3D patterns

    Comment on “Methanol dimer formation drastically enhances hydrogen abstraction from methanol by OH at low temperature” by W. Siebrand, Z. Smedarchina, E. Martínez-Núñez and A. Fernández-Ramos, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 22712

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    The article “Methanol dimer formation drastically enhances hydrogen abstraction from methanol by OH at low temperature” proposes a dimer mediated mechanism in order to explain the large low temperature rate coefficients for the OH + methanol reaction measured by several groups. It is demonstrated here theoretically that under the conditions of these low temperature experiments, there are insufficient dimers formed for the proposed new mechanism to apply. Experimental evidence is also presented to show that dimerization of the methanol reagent does not influence the rate coefficients reported under the conditions of methanol concentration used for the kinetics studies. It is also emphasised that the low temperature experiments have been performed using both the Laval nozzle expansion and flow-tube methods, with good agreement found for the rate coefficients measured using these two distinct techniques

    Sea Urchins Predation Facilitates Coral Invasion in a Marine Reserve

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    Macroalgae is the dominant trophic group on Mediterranean infralittoral rocky bottoms, whereas zooxanthellate corals are extremely rare. However, in recent years, the invasive coral Oculina patagonica appears to be increasing its abundance through unknown means. Here we examine the pattern of variation of this species at a marine reserve between 2002 and 2010 and contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that allow its current increase. Because indirect interactions between species can play a relevant role in the establishment of species, a parallel assessment of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the main herbivorous invertebrate in this habitat and thus a key species, was conducted. O. patagonica has shown a 3-fold increase in abundance over the last 8 years and has become the most abundant invertebrate in the shallow waters of the marine reserve, matching some dominant erect macroalgae in abundance. High recruitment played an important role in this increasing coral abundance. The results from this study provide compelling evidence that the increase in sea urchin abundance may be one of the main drivers of the observed increase in coral abundance. Sea urchins overgraze macroalgae and create barren patches in the space-limited macroalgal community that subsequently facilitate coral recruitment. This study indicates that trophic interactions contributed to the success of an invasive coral in the Mediterranean because sea urchins grazing activity indirectly facilitated expansion of the coral. Current coral abundance at the marine reserve has ended the monopolization of algae in rocky infralittoral assemblages, an event that could greatly modify both the underwater seascape and the sources of primary production in the ecosystem

    Defining an Adequate Sample of Earlywood Vessels for Retrospective Injury Detection in Diffuse-Porous Species

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    Vessels of broad-leaved trees have been analyzed to study how trees deal with various environmental factors. Cambial injury, in particular, has been reported to induce the formation of narrower conduits. Yet, little or no effort has been devoted to the elaboration of vessel sampling strategies for retrospective injury detection based on vessel lumen size reduction. To fill this methodological gap, four wounded individuals each of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) were harvested in an avalanche path. Earlywood vessel lumina were measured and compared for each tree between the injury ring built during the growing season following wounding and the control ring laid down the previous year. Measurements were performed along a 10 mm wide radial strip, located directly next to the injury. Specifically, this study aimed at (i) investigating the intra-annual duration and local extension of vessel narrowing close to the wound margin and (ii) identifying an adequate sample of earlywood vessels (number and intra-ring location of cells) attesting to cambial injury. Based on the results of this study, we recommend analyzing at least 30 vessels in each ring. Within the 10 mm wide segment of the injury ring, wound-induced reduction in vessel lumen size did not fade with increasing radial and tangential distances, but we nevertheless advise favoring early earlywood vessels located closest to the injury. These findings, derived from two species widespread across subarctic, mountainous, and temperate regions, will assist retrospective injury detection in Alnus, Betula, and other diffuse-porous species as well as future related research on hydraulic implications after wounding