85 research outputs found
Global warming reshapes European pyroregions
Wildland fire is expected to increase in response to global warming, yet little is known about future changes to fire regimes in Europe. Here, we developed a pyrogeography based on statistical fire models to better understand how global warming reshapes fire regimes across the continent. We identified five large-scale pyroregions with different levels of area burned, fire frequency, intensity, length of fire period, size distribution, and seasonality. All other things being equal, global warming was found to alter the distribution of these pyroregions, with an expansion of the most fire prone pyroregions ranging respectively from 50% to 130% under 2° and 4°C global warming scenarios. Our estimates indicate a strong amplification of fire across parts of southern Europe and a subsequent shift toward new fire regimes, implying substantial socio-ecological impacts in the absence of mitigation or adaptation measures
SurEau-Ecos v2.0: a trait-based plant hydraulics model for simulations of plant water status and drought-induced mortality at the ecosystem level
A widespread increase in tree mortality has been observed
around the globe, and this trend is likely to continue because of ongoing
climate-induced increases in drought frequency and intensity. This raises
the need to identify regions and ecosystems that are likely to experience
the most frequent and significant damage. We present SurEau-Ecos, a trait-based,
plant hydraulic model designed to predict tree desiccation and mortality at
scales from stand to region. SurEau-Ecos draws on the general principles of the SurEau model
but introduces a simplified representation of plant architecture and
alternative numerical schemes. Both additions were made to facilitate model
parameterization and large-scale applications. In SurEau-Ecos, the water fluxes from
the soil to the atmosphere are represented through two plant organs (a leaf
and a stem, which includes the volume of the trunk, roots and branches) as
the product of an interface conductance and the difference between water
potentials. Each organ is described by its symplasmic and apoplasmic
compartments. The dynamics of a plant's water status beyond the point of
stomatal closure are explicitly represented via residual transpiration flow,
plant cavitation and solicitation of plants' water reservoirs. In addition
to the “explicit” numerical scheme of SurEau, we implemented a “semi-implicit”
and “implicit” scheme. Both schemes led to a substantial gain in computing
time compared to the explicit scheme (>10 000 times), and
the implicit scheme was the most accurate. We also observed similar plant
water dynamics between SurEau-Ecos and SurEau but slight disparities in infra-daily
variations of plant water potentials, which we attributed to the differences
in the representation of plant architecture between models. A global model's
sensitivity analysis revealed that factors controlling plant desiccation
rates differ depending on whether leaf water potential is below or above the
point of stomatal closure. Total available water for the plant, leaf area
index and the leaf water potential at 50 % stomatal closure mostly drove
the time needed to reach stomatal closure. Once stomata are closed,
resistance to cavitation, residual cuticular transpiration and plant water
stocks mostly determined the time to hydraulic failure. Finally, we
illustrated the potential of SurEau-Ecos to simulate regional drought-induced mortality
over France. SurEau-Ecos is a promising tool to perform regional-scale predictions of
drought-induced hydraulic failure, determine the most vulnerable areas and
ecosystems to drying conditions, and assess the dynamics of forest
Effets d’une stratégie d’acceptation sur la tolérance à l’effort, la force maximale, la perception de l’effort et de la douleur, chez des personnes souffrant de lombalgie chronique : une étude pilote = Effects of an acute Mindfulness-based intervention on exercise tolerance, maximal strength, pain and effort-related experiences in individuals with primary chronic low back pain: a pilot study
Introduction :
Cette étude examine les effets aigus d’une stratégie d’acceptation basée sur la pleine conscience sur la tolérance à l’effort, la force maximale, la perception de l’effort et de la douleur, chez des personnes souffrant de lombalgie chronique.
Méthode :
Les participants ont été répartis aléatoirement en deux groupes. Avant et après l’intervention expérimentale ou contrôle, un test de force maximale, un test de Sorensen, et des évaluations relatives à l’effort perçu et aux douleurs ressenties ont été réalisés. La dramatisation de la douleur, l’anxiété trait, la pleine conscience dispositionnelle, et l’impulsivité ont été contrôlées. Des tests-t et modèles à effets mixtes ont été utilisés pour traiter les données.
Résultats :
L’effort et le caractère désagréable de la douleur ont été significativement plus élevés après l’intervention. Contrairement aux participants du groupe expérimental, les participants du groupe contrôle ont réduit significativement leur force maximale et ont tendu vers une réduction de leur tolérance à l’effort au cours du temps.
Discussion :
Les résultats soulignent l’intérêt d’interventions basées sur la pleine conscience dans les adaptations à l’effort chez un public souffrant de douleurs chroniques. Les résultats nécessitent d’être répliqués avec des échantillons conséquents et en contrôlant les capacités fonctionnelles des participants.
This study investigated the effects of an acute mindfulness-based intervention on exercise tolerance, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), pain and effort-related experiences in individuals with primary chronic low back pain.
Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Before and after the intervention, participants completed a MVC test, a modified Sorensen test and numerical rating scales about pain intensity, pain unpleasantness, perceived effort and use of coping strategies. Dispositional measures such as pain catastrophizing, trait anxiety, dispositional mindfulness and impulsivity were also assessed. T-tests and linear mixed models were performed.
Participants from the control group significantly decreased their MVC across time and showed a trend towards a decrease in exercise tolerance over time, which was not the case for the experimental group. For both groups, pain unpleasantness and effort were perceived higher during the second modified Sorensen test. Analyses revealed neither significant effect of time nor group on pain intensity and the use of coping strategies.
The results highlight the value of involving individuals with primary chronic pain in mindfulness-based interventions to improve adaptations to effort while targeting referred pain. Larger samples and controlling for individuals’ functional status appear necessary for further research
Antiviral responses of human Leydig cells to mumps virus infection or poly I:C stimulation
International audienceBACKGROUND: The immuno-privileged status of the testis is essential to the maintenance of its functions, and innate immunity is likely to play a key role in limiting harmful viral infections, as demonstrated in the rat. In men mumps virus infects Leydig cells and has deleterious effects on testosterone production and spermatogenesis. The aim of this study was to test whether mumps virus infection of isolated human Leydig cells was associated with an inhibition of their innate antiviral defences. METHODS: Leydig cell production of mRNA and protein for interferons (IFNs) and of three antiviral proteins-2'5' oligoadenylate synthetase (2'5'OAS), double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) and MxA-was investigated, in the absence or presence of mumps virus or viral stimuli including poly I:C, a mimetic of RNA viruses replication product. RESULTS: Stimulated or not, human Leydig cells appeared unable to produce routinely detectable IFNs alpha, beta and gamma. Although the level of PKR remained unchanged after stimulation, the expression of 2'5'OAS and MxA was enhanced following either mumps virus or poly I:C exposure (P < 0.05 versus control). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our results demonstrate that mumps virus replication in human Leydig cells is not associated with a specific inhibition of IFNs or 2'5'OAS, MxA and PKR production and that these cells display relatively weak endogenous antiviral abilities, as opposed to their rat counterparts
Exacerbated fires in Mediterranean Europe due to anthropogenic warming projected with non-stationary climate-fire models
The observed trend towards warmer and drier conditions in southern Europe is projected to continue in the next decades, possibly leading to increased risk of large fires. However, an assessment of climate change impacts on fires at and above the 1.5 °C Paris target is still missing. Here, we estimate future summer burned area in Mediterranean Europe under 1.5, 2, and 3 °C global warming scenarios, accounting for possible modifications of climate-fire relationships under changed climatic conditions owing to productivity alterations. We found that such modifications could be beneficial, roughly halving the fire-intensifying signals. In any case, the burned area is robustly projected to increase. The higher the warming level is, the larger is the increase of burned area, ranging from ~40% to ~100% across the scenarios.
Our results indicate that significant benefits would be obtained if warming were limited to
well below 2 °C
Comparing correction methods of RCM outputs for improving crop impact projections in the Iberian Peninsula for 21st century
Assessment of climate change impacts on crops in regions of complex orography such as the Iberian Peninsula (IP) requires climate model output which is able to describe accurately the observed climate. The high resolution of output provided by Regional Climate Models (RCMs) is expected to be a suitable tool to describe regional and local climatic features, although their simulation results may still present biases. For these reasons, we compared several post-processing methods to correct or reduce the biases of RCM simulations from the ENSEMBLES project for the IP. The bias-corrected datasets were also evaluated in terms of their applicability and consequences in improving the results of a crop model to simulate maize growth and development at two IP locations, using this crop as a reference for summer cropping systems in the region. The use of bias-corrected climate runs improved crop phenology and yield simulation overall and reduced the inter-model variability and thus the uncertainty. The number of observational stations underlying each reference observational dataset used to correct the bias affected the correction performance. Although no single technique showed to be the best one, some methods proved to be more adequate for small initial biases, while others were useful when initial biases were so large as to prevent data application for impact studies. An initial evaluation of the climate data, the bias correction/reduction method and the consequences for impact assessment would be needed to design the most robust, reduced uncertainty ensemble for a specific combination of location, crop, and crop management
HIV-1 integrase variability and relationship with drug resistance in antiretroviral-naive and -experienced patients with different HIV-1 subtypes
Mutation in LBX1/Lbx1 precludes transcription factor cooperativity and causes congenital hypoventilation in humans and mice
The respiratory rhythm is generated by the preBötzinger complex in the medulla oblongata, and is modulated by neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), which are essential for accelerating respiration in response to high CO2. Here we identify a LBX1 frameshift (LBX1FS) mutation in patients with congenital central hypoventilation. The mutation alters the C-terminal but not the DNA-binding domain of LBX1. Mice with the analogous mutation recapitulate the breathing deficits found in humans. Furthermore, the mutation only interferes with a small subset of Lbx1 functions, and in particular with development of RTN neurons that coexpress Lbx1 and Phox2b. Genome-wide analyses in a cell culture model show that Lbx1FS and wild-type Lbx1 proteins are mostly bound to similar sites, but that Lbx1FS is unable to cooperate with Phox2b. Thus, our analyses on Lbx1FS (dys)function reveals an unusual pathomechanism; that is, a mutation that selectively interferes with the ability of Lbx1 to cooperate with Phox2b, and thus impairs the development of a small subpopulation of neurons essential for respiratory control
What do you mean, ‘megafire’?
BACKGROUND : ‘Megafire’ is an emerging concept commonly used to describe fires that are extreme in terms of size, behaviour, and/or impacts, but the term’s meaning remains ambiguous. APPROACH : We sought to resolve ambiguity surrounding the meaning of ‘megafire’ by conducting a structured review of the use and definition of the term in several languages in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. We collated definitions and descriptions of megafire and identified criteria frequently invoked to define megafire. We recorded the size and location of megafires and mapped them to reveal global variation in the size of fires described as megafires. RESULTS : We identified 109 studies that define the term ‘megafire’ or identify a megafire, with the term first appearing in the peer-reviewed literature in 2005. Seventy-one (~65%) of these studies attempted to describe or define the term. There was considerable variability in the criteria used to define megafire, although definitions of megafire based on fire size were most common. Megafire size thresholds varied geographically from > 100–100,000 ha, with fires > 10,000 ha the most common size threshold (41%, 18/44 studies). Definitions of megafire were most common from studies led by authors from North America (52%, 37/71). We recorded 137 instances from 84 studies where fires were reported as megafires, the vast majority (94%, 129/137) of which exceed 10,000 ha in size. Megafires occurred in a range of biomes, but were most frequently described in forested biomes (112/137, 82%), and usually described single ignition fires (59% 81/137). CONCLUSION : As Earth’s climate and ecosystems change, it is important that scientists can communicate trends in the occurrence of larger and more extreme fires with clarity. To overcome ambiguity, we suggest a definition of megafire as fires > 10,000 ha arising from single or multiple related ignition events. We introduce two additional terms – gigafire (> 100,000 ha) and terafire (> 1,000,000 ha) – for fires of an even larger scale than megafires.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: A list of the references from which the data were extracted can be found in the Appendix A: Data sources. The data used in this study are openly available at zenodo.org: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6252145.Threatened Species Recovery Hub;
NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub;
Australian Wildlife Society;
World Wildlife Fund.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gebZoology and Entomolog
The effects of thinning intensity and tree size on the growth response to annual climate in Cedrus atlantica: a linear mixed modeling approach
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