6,909 research outputs found

    Aportaciones al conocimiento de la estructura del sinclinorio de Verín

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    Resumen] Los materiales precámbricos, ordovícicos y silúricos del Sinclinorio de Ver!n están afectados por una deformación polifásica, acompañada de un metamorfismo regional de presión intermedia-baja durante el hercínico. Los datos estructurales obtenidos indican una disposición subhorizontal para la esquistosidad primaria, en toda la sucesión metasedimentaria, antes de ser afectada por las fases posteriores. Este hecho, difiere de lo considerado anteriormente en el sentido de la existencia de una importante fase de deformación a comienzos del Silúrico, atestiguada por la existencia de una esquistosidad primaria en abanico, a escala del sinclinorio, afectando únicamente a los materiales presilúricos. La verticalización de la esquistosidad primaria en los flancos del sinclinorio, sus suaves buzamientos en el sector S de la zona de charnela central y el desarrollo de una esquistosidad de crenulación muy.penetrativa en el sector N de la misma, son hechos explicables teniendo en cuenta el papel que ha jugado el basamento granítico irregular y el macizo básico de Braganza su-oprayacente.[Abstract] The precambrian, ordovician and silurian materials outcropping in the Verín sinclyne have undergone the effects of a poliphase deformation during the Hercynian cycle. The deformation is synchronous with an intermediate low pressure type regional metamorphism. The existence of·a pre-silurian deformation phase is discarded. It is shown that the sttitude of the cleavages within the sinclyne is controlled by the irregular granitic basement and the overlying Braganza massi

    ISO observations of the Galactic center Interstellar Medium: neutral gas and dust

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    The 500 central pc of the Galaxy (hereafter GC) exhibit a widespread gas component with a kinetic temperature of 100-200 K. The bulk of this gas is not associated to the well-known thermal radio continuum or far infrared sources like Sgr A or Sgr B. How this gas is heated has been a longstanding problem. With the aim of studying the thermal balance of the neutral gas and dust in the GC, we have observed 18 molecular clouds located at projected distances far from thermal continuum sources with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). In this paper we present observations of several fine structure lines and the full continuum spectra of the dust between 40 and 190 microns. A warm dust component with a temperature between 27 and 42 K is needed to fit the spectra. We have compared the gas and the dust emission with the predictions from J-type and C-type shocks and photodissociation region (PDRs) models. We conclude that the dust and the fine structure lines observations are best explained by a PDR with a density of 103^3 cm^-3 and an incident far-ultraviolet field 103^3 times higher than the local interstellar radiation field. PDRs can naturally explain the discrepancy between the gas and the dust temperatures. However, these PDRs can only account for 10-30% of the total H2 column density with a temperature of ~ 150 K. We discuss other possible heating mechanisms (short version).Comment: Accepted for publication by A&

    Evaluación genética del tamaño y peso de camada para sucesivos partos en cerdas Ibéricas

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    Genetic progress for reproductive performance in pigs is limited by mothering ability. It is a critical aspect for dam lines, in which litter weight at weaning could be included with litter size in the selection goal. Our objective was to investigate in Iberian pigs the genetic basis of the number of alive born piglets (NBA) and the litter weight at 21days (LW21) over the successive parities (t). Records for NBA were available from 6,775 litters born from 1,893 sows of the Torbiscal line, and LW21 records proceeded from 1,431 sows and 2,963 litters without crossfostering. Genetic parameters were estimated using an animal model with repeatability, a multi-trait animal model, and a random regression model. Estimated values of heritabilities for NBA and genetic correlations between parities confirm a partially different genetic control of prolificacy at parity 1 and at later parities. Results for LW21 indicate that this trait may be partially controlled by different genes at the first two parities and at the later ones. Estimated genetic parameters for NBA (t = 1), NBA (t >/= 2), LW21 (t /= 3) were: heritability, hE2 = 0.15, 0.12, 0.22 and 0.15, respectively, and coefficient of permanent environmental effects, pE2 = 0.05, 0.02 and 0.24, respectively for the three last traits. The values of genetic correlations ranged from 0.44 to 0.84. A multitrait approach would be useful to estimate accurate genetic parameters, and to improve the low persistency of reproductive performance in the later parities of Iberian sows.La mejora genética de la eficiencia reproductiva en cerdos está limitada por su aptitud maternal. Es éste un aspecto crítico en las líneas maternas, en las que el peso de la camada al destete podría ser incluido junto al tamaño de camada en el objetivo de selección. El objetivo del trabajo fue investigar en cerdos Ibéricos la base genética del número de lechones nacidos vivos (NBA) y el peso de camada a 21 días (LW21) a lo largo de los sucesivos partos (t). Se dispuso de registros de NBA de 6.775 camadas nacidas de 1.893 cerdas, y registros de LW21 procedentes de 1.431 cerdas y 2.963 camadas sin adopciones. Se estimaron parámetros genéticos mediante tres modelos: con repetibilidad, multicarácter y de regresión aleatoria. Los valores de las heredabilidades y las correlaciones genéticas entre NBA en diferentes partos confirman su control genético, parcialmente distinto en el parto primero y posteriores. Los resultados para LW21 indican que este carácter puede estar parcialmente controlado por diferentes genes en los dos primeros partos y en los sucesivos. Los parámetros genéticos estimados para NBA (t = 1), NBA (t >/= 2), LW21 (t /= 3) fueron: heredabilidad, hE2 = 0,15, 0,12, 0,22 y 0,15, respectivamente, y coeficiente de efectos de ambiente permanente, pE2 = 0,05, 0,02 y 0,24, respectivamente para los tres últimos caracteres. El rango de las correlaciones genéticas fue de 0,44 a 0,84. Un enfoque genético multicarácter sería útil para estimar parámetros genéticos precisos y mejorar la escasa persistencia del rendimiento reproductivo en los últimos partos

    Stratigraphy and structure of the Punta Negra Anticline. Implications on the structural evolution of the Argentine Precordillera

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    The Punta Negra Anticline is a thrust-related fold, several kilometres wide, located at the front of the Argentine Central Precordillera. A stratigraphic succession including Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian rocks is exposed in its core, instead of a Devonian and Carboniferous succession as previously had been considered. The Punta Negra Anticline also involves a Tertiary sequence displaying syntectonic uncon­formities in the transition between the Albarracín and Mogna formations, recording the timing of thrusting and folding at the front of the Central Precordillera. This anticline folds thrust systems detached at the Silurian and Devonian shales, which we interpret as pre-Andean (Gondwanan) thrusts in this part of the Precordillera. The pre-Andean age of these thrusts is also consistent with their truncation by Tertiary subvolcanic intrusive bodies that predate the onset of the Andean deformation in the Punta Negra area. Moreover, the size and structural style of the Punta Negra Anticline, Andean in age, is in contrast with the other folds of the Central Precordillera, whose sizes do not exceed the hectometric scale and can be related to Gondwanan thrusting. This implies an Andean deeper thrust, probably detached at the bottom of the Cambrian succession.El Anticlinal de Punta Negra es un pliegue de varios kilómetros de anchura, relacionado con el cabalgamiento frontal de la Precordillera Central Argentina. Previamente se había considerado que las rocas más antiguas expuestas en dicho anticlinal eran devónicas, pero la sucesión estratigráfica que aflora en su charnela incluye también rocas ordovícicas y silúricas. El Anticlinal de Punta Negra también invo­lucra una sucesión de edad terciaria, la cual muestra discordancias sintectónicas en el tránsito entre las formaciones Albarracín y Mogna, proporcionando información sobre la edad y evolución de dicha estructura. El anticlinal pliega cabalgamientos despegados en las pizarras silúricas y devónicas, que interpretamos como de edad pre-Andina (Gondwánicos). Estos cabalgamientos están cortados por cuerpos intru­sivos subvolcánicos que son anteriores a la edad propuesta para el comienzo de la deformación Andina en el área de Punta Negra. Además, el tamaño y estilo del Anticlinal de Punta Negra, de edad Andina, contrastan con el resto de los pliegues de la Precordillera Central, cuyos tamaños no exceden de centenares de metros y pueden ser atribuidos a la deformación Gondwánica. Ello implica un cabalgamiento mas profundo en el Anticlinal de Punta Negra, probablemente enraizado en la base de la sucesión cámbrica

    Size-induced superantiferromagnetism with reentrant spin-glass behavior in metallic nanoparticles of TbCu2

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    An unusual 4f -superantiferromagnetic state characterized by simultaneous antiferromagnetic and spin-glass behaviors induced by particle-size reduction is revealed in metallic nanoparticles (≈ 9 nm) of TbCu 2 . The Néel temperature is 46 K and the glassy freezing is below ≈ 9 K and governed by a critical slowing down process. Neutron diffraction at 1.8 K establishes the superantiferromagnetism. The latter is settled by the nanoparticle moments and the freezing mechanism is provided by the surface spins

    Size effects in the magnetic behaviour of TbAl_2 milled alloys

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    The study of the magnetic properties depending upon mechanical milling of the ferromagnetic polycrystalline TbAl_2 material is reported. The Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction data reveals a decrease of the grain size down to 14 nm and -0.15 % of variation of the lattice parameter, after 300 hours of milling time. Irreversibility in the zero field cooled - field cooled (ZFC-FC) DC-susceptibility and clear peaks in the AC susceptibility between 5 and 300 K show that the long-range ferromagnetic structure is inhibited in favour of a disordered spin arrangement below 45 K. This glassy behaviour is also deduced from the variation of the irreversibility transition with the field (H^{2/3}) and frequency. The magnetization process of the bulk TbAl_2 is governed by domain wall thermal activation processes. By contrast, in the milled samples, cluster-glass properties arise as a result of cooperative interactions due to the substitutional disorder. The interactions are also influenced by the nanograin structure of the milled alloys, showing a variation of coercivity with the grain size, below the crossover between the multi- and single-domain behaviours.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Ma

    Dynamics of AC susceptibility and coercivity behavior in nanocrystalline TbAl1.5 Fe0.5 alloys

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    The static and dynamic magnetic macroscopic properties of bulk and nanocrystalline TbAl1.5Fe0.5 alloys have been investigated. In bulk state, this alloy is understood as a reentrant ferromagnet. This is characterized by a ferromagnetic Curie transition at 114 K, as deduced from magnetization including Arrott plots, higher than that of TbAl2. The reentrance is found at lower temperatures, below 66 K, with a cluster glass behavior setting in, deduced from the magnetization irreversibility. This is accompanied by an abrupt increase in the coercivity from 0.08 kOe to 15 kOe at 5 K, with respect to the TbAl2 alloy. Room temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy confirms the paramagnetic state of such a bulk alloy. The spin dynamics within the disordered magnetic state is described by the AC-susceptibility which shows a Vogel–Fulcher law for the slowing down process. This is caused by a random anisotropy affecting the existing clusters. The production of milled TbAl1.5Fe0.5 alloys enhances the presence of magnetic disorder and results in the particle downsizing toward the nanocrystalline state (close to 10 nm). In this case, two frequency-dependent contributions exist, with different activation energies, one of them cannot be described by ideal spin glass nor blocking/unblocking (nanoparticle) processes. In addition, the coercivity reduces to 1 kOe with the decrease in the size as a consequence of the existence of single domain particles. The results are explained by the intricate interplay between exchange interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy with disorder and size effects. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.This work has been supported by the MAT2008-06542-C04 and MAT2011-27573-C04 projects.Peer Reviewe
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