382 research outputs found

    Analyzing a Bose polaron across resonant interactions

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    Recently, two independent experiments reported the observation of long-lived polarons in a Bose-Einstein condensate, providing an excellent setting to study the generic scenario of a mobile impurity interacting with a quantum reservoir. Here, we expand the experimental analysis by disentangling the effects of trap inhomogeneities and the many-body continuum in one of these experiments. This makes it possible to extract the energy of the polaron at a well-defined density as a function of the interaction strength. Comparisons with quantum Monte-Carlo as well as diagrammatic calculations show good agreement, and provide a more detailed picture of the polaron properties at stronger interactions than previously possible. Moreover, we develop a semi-classical theory for the motional dynamics and three-body loss of the polarons, which partly explains a previously unresolved discrepancy between theory and experimental observations for repulsive interactions. Finally, we utilize quantum Monte-Carlo calculations to demonstrate that the findings reported in the two experiments are consistent with each other

    OGLE-2005-BLG-018: Characterization of Full Physical and Orbital Parameters of a Gravitational Binary Lens

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    We present the analysis result of a gravitational binary-lensing event OGLE-2005-BLG-018. The light curve of the event is characterized by 2 adjacent strong features and a single weak feature separated from the strong features. The light curve exhibits noticeable deviations from the best-fit model based on standard binary parameters. To explain the deviation, we test models including various higher-order effects of the motions of the observer, source, and lens. From this, we find that it is necessary to account for the orbital motion of the lens in describing the light curve. From modeling of the light curve considering the parallax effect and Keplerian orbital motion, we are able to measure not only the physical parameters but also a complete orbital solution of the lens system. It is found that the event was produced by a binary lens located in the Galactic bulge with a distance 6.7±0.36.7\pm 0.3 kpc from the Earth. The individual lens components with masses 0.9±0.3 M0.9\pm 0.3\ M_\odot and 0.5±0.1 M0.5\pm 0.1\ M_\odot are separated with a semi-major axis of a=2.5±1.0a=2.5 \pm 1.0 AU and orbiting each other with a period P=3.1±1.3P=3.1 \pm 1.3 yr. The event demonstrates that it is possible to extract detailed information about binary lens systems from well-resolved lensing light curves.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Robust Phase Behavior of Model Transient networks

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    In order to study the viscoelastic properties of certain complex fluids which are described in terms of a multiconnected transient network we have developed a convenient model system composed of microemulsion droplets linked by telechelic polymers. The phase behavior of such systems has two characteristic features: a large monophasic region which consists of two sub-regions (a fluid sol phase and a viscoelastic gel phase) separated by a percolation line and a two phase region at low volume fraction with separation into a dilute sol phase and a concentrated gel phase. From the plausible origin of these features we expect them to be very similar in different systems. We describe here the phase behavior of four different systems we prepared in order to vary the time scale of the dynamical response of the transient network; they consist of the combination of two oil(decane) in water microemulsions differing by the stabilizing surfactant monolayer (Cetyl pyridinium chloride/octanol or TX100/TX35) and of two telechelic polymers which are end-grafted poly (ethylene oxide) chains, differing by the end-grafted hydrophobic aliphatic chains (C12H25 or C18H37).Comment: April 9 200

    Total costs and benefits of biomass in selected regions of the European Union

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    The paper describes results of the BioCosts project in which a comprehensive analysis of the economic and environmental performance of the energy use of biomass was carried out for selected existing facilities throughout the European Union. It is demonstrated that the appropriately organized use of biofuels has significant environmental advantages compared to the use of fossil fuels. Mitigation of global warming is the largest single incentive to use biofuels. However, only a few technologies are economically competitive under prevailing conditions, while others lead to up to 100% higher energy production costs than fossil fuels. Employment effects of using biofuels are small but positive.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V2S-41JM99D-4/1/514a3253589af4590f84544e2966bcb

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Governance Conditions for Improving Quality Drinking Water Resources: the Need for Enhancing Connectivity

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    Realising the water quality objectives of the European Water Framework Directive have appeared to stagnate over the last decade all across Europe because of their highly complex nature. In the literature, interactive governance approaches tend to be regarded as the best way of dealing with complex water issues, but so far little empirical evidence has been reported on this perspective in regard to water quality issues. In this paper we have analysed how conditions of governance contribute to the realisation of water quality objectives at different types of drinking water resources in the Netherlands. The analysis demonstrates the importance of addressing different hydrological scales, institutional levels and sectors and thus enhance connectivity in order to improve water quality. The two other important conditions of governance approaches for water quality improvement which were identified are the use of joint fact-finding to gain a shared perception of risks, and the use of explicit decision-making and close monitoring of outcomes (re. water quality improvement), both of which contribute to this enhanced connectivity

    Subordinated masculinities : A critical inquiry into reproduction of gender norms in handovers and rounds in a forensic psychiatric care

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    Aims and objectives To examine how gendered discursive norms and notions of masculinity are (re)produced in professional conversations about men cared for as patients in forensic psychiatric care, with a particular focus on the centrality of language and gender. Background During verbal handovers and ward rounds, care staff converse to share information about patients and make decisions about their mental status. Spoken language is thus a pivotal tool in verbal handovers and ward rounds, one able to reproduce discourses and gender norms. Design Qualitative. Data collected from audio recordings of verbal handovers and ward rounds in a forensic psychiatric clinic were subjected to discourse analysis. The COREQ checklist was used. Results While discussing patients, staff subordinated them by reproducing a discourse typical of heteronormative, family-oriented care. The overarching discourse, which we labelledsubordinated masculinities, was supported by three other discourses:being unable to take responsibility,being drug-addictedandperforming masculinity. Such discourse was identified as a disciplining practice that subordinate's patients as a means to maintain order, rules and gender norms. Conclusion The study reveals a caring practice that position male patients as children or disabled individuals and, in that way, as subordinated other men within a context were staff reproduces a heteronormative family structured care. The process also reveals a practice were downplaying aggressive and deviant behaviour could disempower and reduce patients ' responsibility for personal actions and their possibilities to participate in their care. That finding especially seems to contradict previous findings that patients want to be able to act responsibly and, to that end, want care staff to help them. Relevance to clinical practice Nurses need to deepen their understanding of how language (re)produces discursive norms of gender and masculinity in forensic care and that process's consequences for such care.Peer reviewe

    Determinantes Nacionais e Setoriais da Estrutura de Capital na América Latina

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    This study identified the role of the national environment (the Macroeconomy, Financial Development and Institutional Quality) and industry characteristics (Munificence, Dynamism, Concentration, Life Cycle, Technological Efficiency Dispersion, Product Quality Dispersion, Customer Bargaining Power and Supplier Bargaining Power) on debt of 612 listed companies from 7 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela). For comparison purposes, the analysis is also extended to 847 U.S. companies. The period of study is 1996-2009 and the analysis employed a Hierarchical Linear Model, which controls the effects according to the level of the variables (country, industry, time and firm). The results suggest that Financial Development eases access to external funds and Institutional Quality is negatively related to firm Leverage. The research also finds evidence that institutional quality can promote asymmetrical development between stock markets and credit markets

    Epidemiologic evidence for asthma and exposure to air toxics: linkages between occupational, indoor, and community air pollution research.

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    Outdoor ambient air pollutant exposures in communities are relevant to the acute exacerbation and possibly the onset of asthma. However, the complexity of pollutant mixtures and etiologic heterogeneity of asthma has made it difficult to identify causal components in those mixtures. Occupational exposures associated with asthma may yield clues to causal components in ambient air pollution because such exposures are often identifiable as single-chemical agents (e.g., metal compounds). However, translating occupational to community exposure-response relationships is limited. Of the air toxics found to cause occupational asthma, only formaldehyde has been frequently investigated in epidemiologic studies of allergic respiratory responses to indoor air, where general consistency can be shown despite lower ambient exposures. The specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) identified in association with occupational asthma are generally not the same as those in studies showing respiratory effects of VOC mixtures on nonoccupational adult and pediatric asthma. In addition, experimental evidence indicates that airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposures linked to diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) have proinflammatory effects on airways, but there is insufficient supporting evidence from the occupational literature of effects of DEPs on asthma or lung function. In contrast, nonoccupational epidemiologic studies have frequently shown associations between allergic responses or asthma with exposures to ambient air pollutant mixtures with PAH components, including black smoke, high home or school traffic density (particularly truck traffic), and environmental tobacco smoke. Other particle-phase and gaseous co-pollutants are likely causal in these associations as well. Epidemiologic research on the relationship of both asthma onset and exacerbation to air pollution is needed to disentangle effects of air toxics from monitored criteria air pollutants such as particle mass. Community studies should focus on air toxics expected to have adverse respiratory effects based on biological mechanisms, particularly irritant and immunological pathways to asthma onset and exacerbation