356 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) pemanfaatan bentuk-bentuk retorika dalam novel Bumi Cinta; (2) keunikan pemilihan atau pemakaian kosakata dan idiom dalam novel Bumi Cinta; dan (3) nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terdapat dalam novel Bumi Cinta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis isi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah novel Bumi Cinta novel karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Validitas data dilakukan dengan menggunakan triangulasi teori. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis mengalir, yang meliputi: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan penelitian adalah berikut: (1) bentuk-bentuk retorika dalam novel Cinta Bumi melibatkan menggunakan kiasan dan pencitraan. Beberapa bahasa yang digunakan dalam novel Bumi Cinta adalah bahasa kiasan dan simbolik. Bahasa kiasan meliputi simile, personifikasi, metafora, apostrof, hiperbola, ironi, sinisme, sarkasme, paradoks, polisindeton, pars pro toto, dan metonimia. Sementara itu, pencitraan dalam novel Bumi Cinta meliputi visual, auditorial, kinestetik, penciuman, taktil, dan perasaan, (2) keunikan diksi dapat dilihat dari penggunaan bahasa Rusia, Inggris, Arab, kosa Jawa, dan pemilihan idiom; (3) nilai-nilai pendidikan yang ada dalam novel Bumi Cinta meliputi: agama, nilai-nilai moral, dan sosial. Nilai-nilai agama dalam novel tersebut termasuk iman, takwa, rasa syukur, ketulusan, dan kejujuran. Nilai-nilai moral di antaranya adalah memiliki semangat yang tinggi, pengorbanan, berpikir positif, menepati janji, rendah hati, tekad yang kuat, dan kerja keras. Sementara itu, nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung di dalamnya termasuk menghormati satu sama lain, saling membantu, diskusi, tanggung jawab, dapat dipercaya, dan perhatian. Kata kunci: stilistika, novel Bumi Cinta, gaya bahasa, bentuk retorika, nilai pendidika

    Borrowed alleles and convergence in serpentine adaptation

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank members of the L.Y. and K.B. laboratories for helpful discussions. This work was supported through the European Research Council Grant StG CA629F04E (to L.Y.); a Harvard University Milton Fund Award (to K.B.); Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 1 F32 GM096699 from the NIH (to L.Y.); National Science Foundation Grant IOS-1146465 (to K.B.); NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant 2R01GM078536 (to D.E.S.); and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Grant BB/L000113/1 (to D.E.S.)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Polyploidy breaks speciation barriers in Australian burrowing frogs Neobatrachus

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    Polyploidy has played an important role in evolution across the tree of life but it is still unclear how polyploid lineages may persist after their initial formation. While both common and well-studied in plants, polyploidy is rare in animals and generally less understood. The Australian burrowing frog genus Neobatrachus is comprised of six diploid and three polyploid species and offers a powerful animal polyploid model system. We generated exome-capture sequence data from 87 individuals representing all nine species of Neobatrachus to investigate species-level relationships, the origin and inheritance mode of polyploid species, and the population genomic effects of polyploidy on genus-wide demography. We describe rapid speciation of diploid Neobatrachus species and show that the three independently originated polyploid species have tetrasomic or mixed inheritance. We document higher genetic diversity in tetraploids, resulting from widespread gene flow between the tetraploids, asymmetric inter-ploidy gene flow directed from sympatric diploids to tetraploids, and isolation of diploid species from each other. We also constructed models of ecologically suitable areas for each species to investigate the impact of climate on differing ploidy levels. These models suggest substantial change in suitable areas compared to past climate, which correspond to population genomic estimates of demographic histories. We propose that Neobatrachus diploids may be suffering the early genomic impacts of climate-induced habitat loss, while tetraploids appear to be avoiding this fate, possibly due to widespread gene flow. Finally, we demonstrate that Neobatrachus is an attractive model to study the effects of ploidy on the evolution of adaptation in animals

    Regulated gene insertion by steroid-induced Ī¦C31 integrase

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    Nonviral integration systems are widely used genetic tools in transgenesis and play increasingly important roles in strategies for therapeutic gene transfer. Methods to efficiently regulate the activity of transposases and site-specific recombinases have important implications for their spatiotemporal regulation in live transgenic animals as well as for studies of their applicability as safe vectors for genetic therapy. In this report, strategies for posttranslational induction of a variety of gene-inserting proteins are investigated. An engineered hormone-binding domain, derived from the human progesterone receptor, hPR891, and specifically recognized by the synthetic steroid mifepristone, is fused to the Sleeping Beauty, Frog Prince, piggyBac and Tol2 transposases as well as to the Flp and Ī¦C31 recombinases. By analyzing mifepristone-directed inducibility of gene insertion in cultured human cells, efficient posttranslational regulation of the Flp recombinase and the Ī¦C31 integrase is documented. In addition, fusion of the Ī¦C31 integrase with the ERT2 modified estrogen receptor hormone-binding domain results in a protein, which is inducible by a factor of 22-fold and retains 75% of the activity of the wild-type protein. These inducible Ī¦C31 integrase systems are important new tools in transgenesis and in safety studies of the Ī¦C31 integrase for gene therapy applications

    Regulated complex assembly safeguards the fidelity of Sleeping Beauty transposition

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    The functional relevance of the inverted repeat structure (IR/DR) in a subgroup of the Tc1/mariner superfamily of transposons has been enigmatic. In contrast to mariner transposition, where a topological filter suppresses single-ended reactions, the IR/DR orchestrates a regulatory mechanism to enforce synapsis of the transposon ends before cleavage by the transposase occurs. This ordered assembly process shepherds primary transposase binding to the inner 12DRs (where cleavage does not occur), followed by capture of the 12DR of the other transposon end. This extra layer of regulation suppresses aberrant, potentially genotoxic recombination activities, and the mobilization of internally deleted copies in the IR/DR subgroup, including Sleeping Beauty (SB). In contrast, internally deleted sequences (MITEs) are preferred substrates of mariner transposition, and this process is associated with the emergence of Hsmar1-derived miRNA genes in the human genome. Translating IR/DR regulation to in vitro evolution yielded an SB transposon version with optimized substrate recognition (pT4). The ends of SB transposons excised by a K248A excision(+)/integration(-) transposase variant are processed by hairpin resolution, representing a link between phylogenetically, and mechanistically different recombination reactions, such as V(D)J recombination and transposition. Such variants generated by random mutation might stabilize transposon-host interactions or prepare the transposon for a horizontal transfer

    Passport, a native Tc1 transposon from flatfish, is functionally active in vertebrate cells

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    The Tc1/mariner family of DNA transposons is widespread across fungal, plant and animal kingdoms, and thought to contribute to the evolution of their host genomes. To date, an active Tc1 transposon has not been identified within the native genome of a vertebrate. We demonstrate that Passport, a native transposon isolated from a fish (Pleuronectes platessa), is active in a variety of vertebrate cells. In transposition assays, we found that the Passport transposon system improved stable cellular transgenesis by 40-fold, has an apparent preference for insertion into genes, and is subject to overproduction inhibition like other Tc1 elements. Passport represents the first vertebrate Tc1 element described as both natively intact and functionally active, and given its restricted phylogenetic distribution, may be contemporaneously active. The Passport transposon system thus complements the available genetic tools for the manipulation of vertebrate genomes, and may provide a unique system for studying the infiltration of vertebrate genomes by Tc1 elements

    Genomics and biochemical analyses reveal a metabolon key to Ī²-L-ODAP biosynthesis in Lathyrus sativus

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    Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a rich source of protein cultivated as an insurance crop in Ethiopia, Eritrea, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Its resilience to both drought and flooding makes it a promising crop for ensuring food security in a changing climate. The lack of genetic resources and the cropā€™s association with the disease neurolathyrism have limited the cultivation of grass pea. Here, we present an annotated, long read-based assembly of the 6.5 Gbp L. sativus genome. Using this genome sequence, we have elucidated the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of the neurotoxin, Ī²-L-oxalyl-2,3-diaminopropionic acid (Ī²-L-ODAP). The final reaction of the pathway depends on an interaction between L. sativus acyl-activating enzyme 3 (LsAAE3) and a BAHD-acyltransferase (LsBOS) that form a metabolon activated by CoA to produce Ī²-L-ODAP. This provides valuable insight into the best approaches for developing varieties which produce substantially less toxi

    Modulating signaling networks by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated transposable element insertion

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    In a recent past, transposable elements (TEs) were referred to as selfish genetic components only capable of copying themselves with the aim of increasing the odds of being inherited. Nonetheless, TEs have been initially proposed as positive control elements acting in synergy with the host. Nowadays, it is well known that TE movement into host genome comprises an important evolutionary mechanism capable of increasing the adaptive fitness. As insights into TE functioning are increasing day to day, the manipulation of transposition has raised an interesting possibility of setting the host functions, although the lack of appropriate genome engineering tools has unpaved it. Fortunately, the emergence of genome editing technologies based on programmable nucleases, and especially the arrival of a multipurpose RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease system, has made it possible to reconsider this challenge. For such purpose, a particular type of transposons referred to as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) has shown a series of interesting characteristics for designing functional drivers. Here, recent insights into MITE elements and versatile RNA-guided CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering system are given to understand how to deploy the potential of TEs for control of the host transcriptional activity.Fil: Vaschetto, Luis Maria Benjamin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĆ­ficas y TĆ©cnicas. Centro CientĆ­fico TecnolĆ³gico Conicet - CĆ³rdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y EcologĆ­a Animal. Universidad Nacional de CĆ³rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas FĆ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y EcologĆ­a Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de CĆ³rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, FĆ­sicas y Naturales. CĆ”tedra de Diversidad Animal I; Argentin
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