167 research outputs found

    Investigation of element-specific and bulk magnetism, electronic and crystal structures of La{0.70}Ca{0.30}Mn{1-x}Cr{x}O{3}

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    The magnetic interactions in La{0.70}Ca{0.30}Mn{1-x}Cr{x}O{3} (x = 0.15, 0.50 and 0.70) are investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), high-resolution x-ray powder diffraction, and bulk magnetization measurements. XAS in the Mn and Cr L{2,3} edges support stable single valent Cr{3+} ions and a varying Mn valence state with x, while the O K edge XAS spectrum reveals local maxima in the O 2p density of states close to the Fermi level due to mixing with Mn and Cr 3d states. A robust antiferromagnetic state is found for x=0.70 below TN = 258 K. For x=0.15, combined XMCD and bulk magnetization measurements indicate a fully polarized ferrimagnetic state for the Mn and Cr spins below Tc=224 K. For x=0.50, a reduced ferrimagnetic component dominated by Mn spins is present below Tc=154 K. No evidence of lattice anomalies due to cooperative charge and orbital orderings is found by x-ray diffraction for all samples. The magnetic properties of this system are rationalized in terms of a competition of ferromagnetic Mn-Mn double exchange and antiferromagnetic Cr-Cr and Cr-Mn superexchange interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Photoelectro-Photometric Survey of Night Sky Conditions in the Vicinity of Iowa City

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    During the summer 1962, a systematic survey of night sky conditions in the vicinity of Iowa City was carried out for the purpose of selecting the best site for the proposed research observatory of the State University of Iowa. A photoelectric photometer was attached to the Newtonian focus of an 11-inch reflector whose equatorial mounting was modified to a horizontal system. The equipment was carried by a truck and observations were made at six different sites, ranging in distance from eight to twenty-three miles in all directions from the city. In order to eliminate random errors due to variations in sky conditions from night to night, measurements of scattered city lights and the atmospheric extinctions were taken on at least two different sites during the same night and were repeated for six or seven different moonless nights at each site. As a result, it was concluded that the region about twelve miles south-southwest of the city is least affected by the artificial city light

    Doping Dependence of Polaron Hopping Energies in La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO(3) (0<= x<= 0.15)

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    Measurements of the low-frequency (f<= 100 kHz) permittivity at T<= 160 K and dc resistivity (T<= 430 K) are reported for La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO(3) (0<= x<= 0.15). Static dielectric constants are determined from the low-T limiting behavior of the permittivity. The estimated polarizability for bound holes ~ 10^{-22} cm^{-3} implies a radius comparable to the interatomic spacing, consistent with the small polaron picture established from prior transport studies near room temperature and above on nearby compositions. Relaxation peaks in the dielectric loss associated with charge-carrier hopping yield activation energies in good agreement with low-T hopping energies determined from variable-range hopping fits of the dc resistivity. The doping dependence of these energies suggests that the orthorhombic, canted antiferromagnetic ground state tends toward an insulator-metal transition that is not realized due to the formation of the ferromagnetic insulating state near Mn(4+) concentration ~ 0.13.Comment: PRB in press, 5 pages, 6 figure

    Spin-Electron-Phonon Excitation in Re-based Half-Metallic Double Perovskites

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    A remarkable hardening (~ 30 cm-1) of the normal mode of vibration associated with the symmetric stretching of the oxygen octahedra for the Ba2FeReO6 and Sr2CrReO6 double perovskites is observed below the corresponding magnetic ordering temperatures. The very large magnitude of this effect and its absence for the anti-symmetric stretching mode provide evidence against a conventional spin-phonon coupling mechanism. Our observations are consistent with a collective excitation formed by the combination of the vibrational mode with oscillations of local Fe or Cr 3d and Re 5d occupations and spin magnitudes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Filmless versus film-based systems in radiographic examination costs: an activity-based costing method

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    Background: Since the shift from a radiographic film-based system to that of a filmless system, the change in radiographic examination costs and costs structure have been undetermined. The activity-based costing (ABC) method measures the cost and performance of activities, resources, and cost objects. The purpose of this study is to identify the cost structure of a radiographic examination comparing a filmless system to that of a film-based system using the ABC method. Methods: We calculated the costs of radiographic examinations for both a filmless and a film-based system, and assessed the costs or cost components by simulating radiographic examinations in a health clinic. The cost objects of the radiographic examinations included lumbar (six views), knee (three views), wrist (two views), and other. Indirect costs were allocated to cost objects using the ABC method. Results: The costs of a radiographic examination using a filmless system are as follows: lumbar 2,085 yen; knee 1,599 yen; wrist 1,165 yen; and other 1,641 yen. The costs for a film-based system are: lumbar 3,407 yen; knee 2,257 yen; wrist 1,602 yen; and other 2,521 yen. The primary activities were "calling patient," "explanation of scan," " take photographs," and "aftercare" for both filmless and film-based systems. The cost of these activities cost represented 36.0% of the total cost for a filmless system and 23.6% of a film-based system. Conclusions: The costs of radiographic examinations using a filmless system and a film-based system were calculated using the ABC method. Our results provide clear evidence that the filmless system is more effective than the film-based system in providing greater value services directly to patients

    Assessment of the Al–Fe–Ti system

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    The Al–Fe–Ti system has been assessed and the limiting binary systems are shortly reviewed. Based on a thorough review of the literature, isotherms at 800, 900, and 1000 °C have been re-evaluated and a provisional isotherm at 1200 °C is presented for the first time. The effect of alloying the binary phases with the third component is reviewed with regard to the ternary homogeneity ranges, crystallography, order/disorder transformations, and site occupancies. Of the variously reported ternary compounds only the existence of “Al2FeTi” (τ2) and “Al8FeTi3” (τ3) is confirmed. The occurrence of the phases τ2*, τ′2, and of a new stacking variant of TiAl is still under discussion, while the existence of the phases Fe2AlTi (τ1) and Fe25Al69Ti6 (X) is ruled out. The presented reaction scheme corroborates the isothermal sections and also a representation of the liquidus surface is given. Magnetic, electrical, thermochemical, atomistic and diffusion data for Al–Fe–Ti alloys are summarised and an overview about studies on modelling of phase equilibria and phase transformations is given

    Willingness to pay for municipality hospital services in rural Japan: a contingent valuation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Japanese healthcare system has undergone reforms to address the struggles that municipality hospitals face. Reform guidelines clearly define criteria for administrative improvement. However, criteria to evaluate the demand for healthcare provisions in rural Japan, including the needs of rural residents for municipality hospitals in particular have not been specified. The purpose of this paper is to measure residents' willingness to pay (WTP) for municipality hospital services using the contingent valuation method, and to evaluate municipality hospital valuation on the basis of WTP. K town, located in the Hokkaido prefecture of Japan, was selected as the location for this study. Participants were recruited by a town hall healthcare administrator, hospital and clinic staff, and a local dentist. Participants were asked what amount they would be willing to pay as taxes to continue accessing the services of the municipality hospital for one year by using open-ended questions in face-to-face interviews.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Forty-eight residents were initially recruited, and 40 participants were selected for the study (response rate 83%). As compared to K town's population, this data slanted toward the elderly, although there was no significant difference in frequency among the characteristics. The median WTP was estimated at 39,484 yen (438.71),witha95438.71), with a 95% confidence interval 27,806-55,437 yen (308.95-615.96). Logistic regression revealed no significant factors affecting WTP.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>If the total amount of residents' WTP for the municipality hospital were to be estimated by this result, it would calculate with 129,586,000 yen ($1,439,844). This is approximately equal to the amount of money to be transferred from the general account of the government of K town, more than one-half of the town tax of K town, and about two-fold in comparison to Japan as a whole. This showed that K town's residents placed a high valuation on the municipality hospital, which nearly equalled the amount that the K town government provided to the municipality hospital to cover its annual deficit. K town residents had come to expect not only general clinical practice, but also emergency medical services and night practice provided by their own town's municipality hospital. WTP can be used as a measure of hospital evaluation because it reflects the importance of the hospital to the residents in its region.</p