23 research outputs found

    Legislative basis of the rights and interests protection of ethnic groups in modern Kazakhstan

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    Kazakhstan is the multiethnic and multi-religious country on territory of the former Soviet Union. The country became independent in 1991 and built a democratic, legal state, where the highest values are freedoms, rights and interests of citizens. One of the main tasks of strengthening the sovereignty and stability is protection of the rights and interests of ethnic groups and minorities. The country has created and developed the constitutional, legislative and institutional basis protecting the rights of ethnic groups. Modern democratic Constitution, the laws on language, education, NGOs, the media protect the rights and interests of ethnic groups and minorities in Kazakhstan. The legislative framework allows ethnic groups to freely use, study their language, culture and traditions. Restrictions of the rights and freedoms of ethnic groups and minorities, discriminations on the base of language, ethnicity, religion are nit allowed by Constitution and laws. Well-developed legislature regulates the legal basis of use of the two major languages of the country: the Kazakh language and Russian language

    Numerical Solution of the Time Dependent 3D Schrödinger Equation Describing Tunneling of Atoms from Anharmonic Traps

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    We present an efficient numerical method for the integration of the 3D Schrödinger equation. A tunneling problem of two interacting bosonic atoms confined in a 1D anharmonic trap has been successfully solved by means of this method. We demonstrate fast convergence of the final results with respect to spatial and temporal grid steps. The computational scheme is based on the operator-splitting technique with the implicit Crank-Nicolson algorithm on spatial sixth-order finite-differences. The computational time is proportional to the number of spatial grid points

    Luminosity and Mass Function of the Galactic open cluster NGC 2422

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    We present UBVRI photometry of the open cluster NGC 2422 (age 108\sim 10^8 yr) down to a limiting magnitude V19V\simeq19. These data are used to derive the Luminosity and Mass Functions and to study the cluster spatial distribution. By considering the color-magnitude diagram data and adopting a representative cluster main sequence, we obtained a list of candidate cluster members based on a photometric criterion. Using a reference field region and an iterative procedure, a correction for contaminating field stars has been derived in order to obtain the Luminosity and the Mass Functions in the M=0.43.5MM=0.4-3.5 M_\odot range. By fitting the spatial distribution, we infer that a non-negligible number of cluster stars lies outside our investigated region. We have estimated a correction to the Mass Function of the cluster in order to take into account the "missing" cluster stars. The Present Day Mass Function of \ngc2422 can be represented by a power-law of index α=3.07±0.08\alpha = 3.07 \pm0.08 (rms) -- the Salpeter Mass Function in this notation has index α=2.35\alpha = 2.35 -- in the mass range 0.9M/M2.5 0.9 \leq M/M_\odot\leq 2.5 . The index α\alpha and the total mass of the cluster are very similar to those of the Pleiades.Comment: 12 pages, 8 ps figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Parallaxes and proper motions for 20 open clusters as based on the new Hipparcos catalogue

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    A new reduction of the astrometric data as produced by the Hipparcos mission has been published, claiming that the accuracies for nearly all stars brighter than magnitude Hp=8\mathrm{Hp}=8 are improved, by up to a factor 4, compared to the original catalogue. As correlations between the underlying abscissa residuals have also been reduced by more than an order of magnitude to an insignificant level, our ability to determine reliable parallaxes and proper motions for open clusters should be improved. The new Hipparcos astrometric catalogue is used to derive mean parallax and proper motion estimates for 20 open clusters. The HR-diagrams of the nearest clusters are compared and combined to provide future input to sets of observational isochrones. The positions of the cluster HR diagrams are consistent within different groups of clusters shown for example by the near-perfect alignment of the sequences for the Hyades and Praesepe, for Coma Ber and UMa, and for the Pleiades, NGC 2516, and Blanco 1. The groups are mutually consistent when systematic differences in Δc0\Delta c_0 are taken into account, where the effect of these differences on the absolute magnitudes has been calibrated using field-star observations.Comment: 34 pages, 36 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication by A&

    New debris disk candidates: 24 micron stellar excesses at 100 Myr

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    Sixty three members of the 100 Myr old open cluster M47 (NGC 2422) have been detected at 24 micron with Spitzer. The Be star V 378 Pup shows an excess both in the near-infrared and at 24 micron (K-[24] = 2.4 mag), probably due to free-free emission from the gaseous envelope. Seven other early-type stars show smaller excesses, K-[24] = 0.6-0.9. Among late-type stars, two show large excesses: P922 - a K1V star with K-[24] = 1.08 pm 0.11 and P1121 - an F9V star with K-[24] = 3.72 pm 0.02. P1121 is the first known main-sequence star showing an excess comparable to that of beta Pic, which may indicate the presence of an exceptionally massive debris disk. It is possible that a major planetesimal collision has occurred in this system, consistent with the few hundred Myr time scales estimated for the clearing of the Solar System.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted to the special Spitzer issue of the ApJ

    Tunneling of Two Interacting Fermions

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    We consider two interacting atoms subject to a one-dimensional anharmonic trap and magnetic field gradient. This system has been recently investigated by the Heidelberg group in the experiment on two 6Li atoms. In the present paper the tunneling of two cold 6Li atoms, initially prepared in the center-of-mass and relative motion excited state, is explored and full time-dependent simulation of the tunneling dynamics is performed. The dynamics is analyzed for the interatomic coupling strength ranging from strong attraction to strong repulsion

    Numerical Solution of the Time Dependent 3D Schrödinger Equation Describing Tunneling of Atoms from Anharmonic Traps

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    We present an efficient numerical method for the integration of the 3D Schrödinger equation. A tunneling problem of two interacting bosonic atoms confined in a 1D anharmonic trap has been successfully solved by means of this method. We demonstrate fast convergence of the final results with respect to spatial and temporal grid steps. The computational scheme is based on the operator-splitting technique with the implicit Crank-Nicolson algorithm on spatial sixth-order finite-differences. The computational time is proportional to the number of spatial grid points