59 research outputs found

    Grabbed urban landscapes : socio-spatial tensions in green infrastructure planning in Medellín

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552 - Digital object identifier for the 'European Research Council' (http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000781) Digital object identifier for 'Horizon 2020' (http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100007601).Cities confronted with unsustainable development and climatic changes are increasingly turning to green infrastructure as an approach for growth and climate risk management. In this context, recent scholarly attention has been paid to gentrification, real-estate speculation and resident displacement in the context of sustainability and green planning in the global North. Yet we know little about the environmental-justice implications of green infrastructure planning in the context of self-built settlements of the global South. To what extent do green infrastructure interventions produce or exacerbate urban socio-spatial inequities in self-built settlements? Through the analysis of a greenbelt project, an emblematic case of green infrastructure planning in Medellín, we argue that, as the Municipality of Medellín is containing and beautifying low-income neighborhoods through grabbing part of their territories and turning them into green landscapes of privilege and pleasure, communities are becoming dispossessed of their greatest assets-location, land and social capital. In the process, community land is transformed into a new form of aesthetically controlled and ordered nature for the middle and upper classes and for tourists. By contrast, communities' planning alternatives reveal how green planning can better address growth and climate risks in tandem with equitable community development

    Hydraulic and stability analysis of the supporting layer of wedge-shaped blocks

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    Presented at the Protections 2016: 2nd international seminar on dam protection against overtopping: concrete dams, embankment dams, levees, tailings dams held on 7th-9th September, 2016, at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. The increasing demand for dam and levee safety and flood protection has motivated new research and advancements and a greater need for cost-effective measures in overtopping protection as a solution for overtopping concerns at levees and dams. This seminar will bring together leading experts from practice, research, development, and implementation for two days of knowledge exchange followed by a technical tour of the Colorado State University Hydraulic Laboratory with overtopping flume and wave simulator. This seminar will focus on: Critical issues related to levees and dams; New developments and advanced tools; Overtopping protection systems; System design and performance; Applications and innovative solutions; Case histories of overtopping events; Physical modeling techniques and recent studies; and Numerical modeling methods.Includes bibliographical references.Wedge shaped blocks (WSB) are attracting increasing attention as protection against overtopping for earth and rock-fill dams. However, there are limited examples of application and some aspects of the technology merit additional research and improvement. One key issue is the design of drainage and supporting layer for WSB protections. During overtopping, part of the overflow leaks through the joints between blocks, hence circulating through the granular material. The permeability and thickness of the supporting layer must be sufficient to prevent the flow from generating pressure on the bottom side of the blocks, which contributes to its destabilization. However, it must also be structurally stable to avoid undesirable deformations on the downstream face. Both the material permeability and the layer thickness determine the hydraulic behavior of this element. These, together with the weight of the blocks and the slope of the downstream face, directly influence mass and block stability. These aspects should be taken into account for the numerical modeling of seepage through the supporting layer. To this end, an application of the open source software Kratos Multi-physics was employed. A parametric study was conducted to quantify the influence of each design variable in the safety factor against mass sliding of the supporting and drainage layer

    Applications of numerical methods in design and evaluation of overtopping protection systems

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    Presented at the Protections 2016: 2nd international seminar on dam protection against overtopping: concrete dams, embankment dams, levees, tailings dams held on 7th-9th September, 2016, at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. The increasing demand for dam and levee safety and flood protection has motivated new research and advancements and a greater need for cost-effective measures in overtopping protection as a solution for overtopping concerns at levees and dams. This seminar will bring together leading experts from practice, research, development, and implementation for two days of knowledge exchange followed by a technical tour of the Colorado State University Hydraulic Laboratory with overtopping flume and wave simulator. This seminar will focus on: Critical issues related to levees and dams; New developments and advanced tools; Overtopping protection systems; System design and performance; Applications and innovative solutions; Case histories of overtopping events; Physical modeling techniques and recent studies; and Numerical modeling methods.Includes bibliographical references.The development of overtopping protection systems often requires detailed analyses of complex physical phenomena. This hinders the comprehensive knowledge of their behavior, and therefore the development of suitable design criteria. In recent years, the authors have developed and validated different methods, combining continuous, particle and discrete numerical techniques, to obtain accurate and reliable solutions of different numerical problems involving fluid-soil-structure interaction. In this contribution, some applications of these methods to the study of dam protection against overtopping are presented. The main advantages of this approach include the ability to extract results of the governing variables (pressure, velocity) at any location of the domain, and the possibility to consider scenarios without the restrictions of the experimental facilities (flow rates, size, scale effects). In particular, the contribution gathers examples of application of numerical methods in a) analysis of rockfill dam stability against overtopping, including seepage evolution and deformation of the downstream shoulder, and b) stability analysis of wedge-shaped-blocks subjected to vandalism

    Latino Communities in the United States: Place-Making in the Pre-World War II, Postwar, and Contemporary City

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    Scholarship on Latino communities in the United States has yet to catch up with the rapid growth of this ethnic population in the country. Understanding the Latino urban experience and developing plans to better respond to both the needs of Latino communities and their integration within society is not only relevant, but also urgently necessary. Using the city of Los Angeles as a main lens, in addition to a general look at the urban Southwest, we contribute to the scholarship on the subject with a review of literature on Latino communities. We structure the review as an assessment of the various challenges and opportunities for urban Latinos in the pre-war, postwar, and contemporary city. Focusing on space, culture, economy, and governance, we chart the various roles both the private and public sectors play in meeting these challenges. Our reading of the literature shows that particular government actions in the economic and governance domains in the past had positive impacts on Latino integration, and we call for a similar effort today in addressing contemporary challenges. We conclude by suggesting that future planning scholarship on Latino communities engage the wider urban studies literature, focus on emerging forms of urbanization, and call on planners to sustain increased academic and practical interest in the topic

    Identification of human papillomavirus as a preventive strategy for cervical cancer in asymptomatic women in the Peruvian Andes

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    Objective: To detect the most prevalent human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes samples of asymptomatic Peruvian women by analyzing the correlation betwe ienn c Pearvpiacnailc somlaeoaur (PAP)-stained cervical tests and PCR-sequencing. Methods: A total of 254 women attending routine gynecological examinations were included in pthaitsh ostluogdiys.t Tahned scalmaspsliefise dw ebrye tahnea Blyeztehde sbdya PsAysPt etmec.h HnPiqVu ea manpdli feicxaatmioinn ewda su nddoenre au msinicgr othsceo pprei mbeyr as specific for E1 region and positive specimens were confirmed by direct sequencing. Results: The prevalence of HPV was investigated in 254 cervical scrape samples by PCR. PAP smear showed that 94.9% cases had normal morphology and 5.1% had an inflammatory pattern; 2p0r.e5v%a lwenert eg efonuontydp teo ibne c ionrfreeclatetido nw iwthit hH PchVa, ncgoems pinri scienrgv i2c0a dl icfyfetorelongt yg.enotypes. HPV16 was the most Conclusions: Our results suggest the HPV is very frequent even in women with negative PAP, eannddo PceCrRvi csaele smasm tpol ebs.e Itdheen tbifeicsat toiopnt ioofn t htoe HdePtVe rgmeinnoety tphee inc aaussyamtipvteo magateinc tw oofm HePnV m ianyf eaclltoiown t hine nimatpulreaml henisttaotriyo no fo tfh ea pdpisroepasreia aten dp rthope hsyulbascetqicu emnet adseuvreelso pwmheicnht omf acye rhviacvael ma adliirgencatn [email protected] work has been partially supported by Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Instituto de Investigación Nutricional and Instituto de Investigación de Efrnomfe rtmheed pardoegsr aImnf ecciosas, Lima, Peru. JR has a fellowship I3, of the ISCIII (Grant No. CES11/012), and LJDV from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2009SGR1208).Revisión por pare

    Promised Land? Immigration, Religiosity, and Space in Southern California

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    This article looks at how immigrants and their supporters appropriate and use religious space and other public spaces for religious and socio-political purposes in Southern California. While the everyday living conditions of many immigrants, particularly the unauthorized Latino immigrants, force unto them an embodied disciplinarity that maintains spatialities of restricted citizenship, the public appropriations of space for and through religious practices allow for them -even if only momentarily -to express an embodied transgression. This practice in public space helps realize spaces of freedom and hope, however ephemerally. Potentially, these rehearsing exercises can help revert internalized disempowering subjectivities and create social empowerment. Negative stereotypes about immigrants held by the larger public can also be challenged through these spatial practices, as the public demonstrations make visible the invisible. We focus on “Posadas Without Borders” and “the New Sanctuary Movement,” considering both the role of progressive civic and religious institutions in supporting immigrants and the agency of the immigrants themselves. The theoretical analysis builds on concepts drawn from a conversation between geography and religious and theological studies. We use a triangulated methodological approach that includes observation and participant observation, content-analysis of multimedia, interviews, and intellectual advocacy for the immigrant movement. The cases discussed here show that progressive religious groups and coalitions can be important allies to progressive planners, geographers, and policy makers in advancing social and environmental justice for the disenfranchised. They also show that the theological underpinnings of such groups share a lot in common with planning epistemologies for the just city

    Relationship between the Clinical Frailty Scale and short-term mortality in patients ≥ 80 years old acutely admitted to the ICU: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is frequently used to measure frailty in critically ill adults. There is wide variation in the approach to analysing the relationship between the CFS score and mortality after admission to the ICU. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of modelling approach on the association between the CFS score and short-term mortality and quantify the prognostic value of frailty in this context. METHODS: We analysed data from two multicentre prospective cohort studies which enrolled intensive care unit patients ≥ 80 years old in 26 countries. The primary outcome was mortality within 30-days from admission to the ICU. Logistic regression models for both ICU and 30-day mortality included the CFS score as either a categorical, continuous or dichotomous variable and were adjusted for patient's age, sex, reason for admission to the ICU, and admission Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. RESULTS: The median age in the sample of 7487 consecutive patients was 84 years (IQR 81-87). The highest fraction of new prognostic information from frailty in the context of 30-day mortality was observed when the CFS score was treated as either a categorical variable using all original levels of frailty or a nonlinear continuous variable and was equal to 9% using these modelling approaches (p < 0.001). The relationship between the CFS score and mortality was nonlinear (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Knowledge about a patient's frailty status adds a substantial amount of new prognostic information at the moment of admission to the ICU. Arbitrary simplification of the CFS score into fewer groups than originally intended leads to a loss of information and should be avoided. Trial registration NCT03134807 (VIP1), NCT03370692 (VIP2)

    Validation of the particle finite element method (PFEM) for simulation of rock slides in lakes and reservoirs

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    The analysis of landslides in reservoirs is particularly interesting because the oscillation of the water surface elevation (especially rapid drawdowns) can foster their occurrence. The existence of the reservoir for a long enough time makes the material of the slopes turn saturated, thus its pore pressure raises and, as a consequence, its effective stress is reduced. This unstabilizing effect is partially compensated by the raise of total stress due to hydrostatic pressure generated by the water in the reservoir. A rapid drawdown eliminates the stabilization in a lapse which is frequently not enough for the pore pressure to be dissipated (this depends on the permeability of the material as well as on the velocity of the water level drop, but is quite frequent). In this situation, the probability of occurrence of a landslide is greater. In this report some validation cases are described, where the impact of sliding blocks against a mass of water is simulated, as well as the generation and propagation of the subsequent impulse wave. They are based on the experiments performed by S&aelig;levik et al. [21]