98 research outputs found

    Woody debris in streams and riparian zone, blue targets and BIS+ : a study of the conditions at the Military firing range of Villingsberg

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    Idag pågår projekt med ambitioner att förbättra vattenhänsynen i skogsbruket för att uppfylla de svenska miljömålen och vattendirektivet 2000/60/EG. Sveriges skogsbrukshistoria har inneburit en allt mindre tillförsel av död ved till vattendrag. Dessa vedbitar fyller många olika funktioner i vatten då de exempelvis skapar habitat för många arter och medför ett mer varierat vattendrag. Denna studie är genomförd på Villingsbergs skjutfält, vilket förvaltas av Fortifikationsverket, och syftar till att ta reda på: 1) volym och antal (LWD, eng. large woody debris) grov död ved i vattendrag och kantzoner samt om volymen död ved varierar mellan olika strömordningar, 2) död ved fördelad på nedbrytningsklasser i vattendrag och kantzoner, 3) om den genomsnittliga dimensionen på död ved varierar mellan kantzoner och vattendrag, 4) beståndstyp i Fortifikationsverkets kantzoner jämfört med riksgenomsnittet, och 5) vilka styrkor, möjligheter, svagheter och risker verktygen blå målklassning och NPK+ har. Resultatet från studien visar på en 5-9 gånger högre volym LWD i vattendrag jämfört med i kantzoner och 10-18 gånger högre antal LWD i vattendrag än i kantzoner. Däremot kunde ingen större skillnad i volym LWD urskiljas mellan strömordningarna i kantzon medan volymen LWD i vattendrag uppvisade en lite större skillnad mellan strömordning 2 och 3. Volymen LWD i kantzoner i denna studie tenderade att minska med ökande nedbrytningsklass medan för LWD i vattendrag kunde det mönstret endast ses för strömordning 2. För såväl kantzon som vattendrag var gran det dominerande trädslaget i alla nedbrytningsklasser. Den genomsnittliga volymen för en LWD var 100 % högre i kantzon än i vattendrag, för längd och diameter var motsvarande siffra drygt 95 % respektive 16 %. Granskog dominerade i kantzon vilket var drygt 21 procentenheter högre än riksgenomsnittet där tallskog var vanligast förekommande. Resultaten av genomsnittlig LWD i kantzon och vattendrag tyder på att för att naturligt skapa grov död ved i vattendrag behöver träd lämnas i kantzoner för att bli grova och gamla. Dessutom skulle åtgärder med ambitionen att öka artrikedomen och fisk i vattendragen kunna genomföras på Villingsbergs skjutfält genom att öka mängden lövträd i de grandominerade kantzonerna. Utvärderingen av Blå målklassning och NPK+ visar att de kan vara verktyg för att öka hänsynen till vattendrag och dess närliggande miljö samt tydliggöra skogssektorns eget ansvar för vattenfrågor. Fördelarna med dessa verktyg är främst att tydliggöra viktiga strukturer och identifiera värdefulla värden i vattendrag dess närmiljö samt att utnyttja dem som nationella standardverktyg. Den subjektiva bedömningen, osäkerheten kring rumslig skala och otydliga kategorier utan motiveringar utgör verktygens svagheter. Det finns en uppenbar risk att dessa verktyg prioriteras bort då vinstmaximering och effektivisering leder till tids-, informations- och kunskapsbrist, kombinerat med svårigheten att bryta gamla vanor.Ongoing projects today have ambitions to improve the water management in forestry in order to meet the Swedish environmental objectives and the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EG. The history of forestry in Sweden has resulted in a reduced supply of dead wood into forest streams. Woody debris in water serves many different functions, for example to provide habitat for many species and creating a more diverse stream. This study is conducted at the Military firing range of Villingsberg, which is managed by the Swedish Fortifications Agency, and aims to determine: 1) the volume and number large woody debris (LWD) in forest streams and riparian zones as well as if the volume of LWD varies between stream order, 2) LWD distributed in decay classes in streams and riparian zones, 3) if the average dimension of LWD varies between riparian zones and streams, 4) the type of stand of the riparian zone of the Swedish Fortifications Agency compared to the national average, and 5) the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and risks of the tools Blue targets and BIS+. The results of the study show a 5-9 times higher volume of LWD in streams compared to riparian zones and a 10-18 times higher number of LWD in streams than in riparian zones. No major differences in volume LWD could be identified between the stream orders in riparian zones while the volume LWD in streams showed a little difference between stream order 2 and 3. The volume of LWD in the riparian zones tends to decrease with increased decay class but for LWD in streams this pattern could only be seen for stream order 2. Spruce is the dominate tree species in all decay classes for riparian zones as well as streams. The volume of an average LWD is 100 % higher in riparian zones than in streams, for length and diameter the corresponding figure is 95 % and 16 % respectively. Spruce forests dominate in the riparian zone which is about 21 percentage points higher than the national average where pine forest is most common. The results of average LWD in riparian zone and stream suggests that in order to naturally create large woody debris in streams trees in the riparian zones needs to be left to become rough and old. In addition, processes aiming at increasing species richness and fish in the streams could be implemented at the Military firing range of Villingsberg by increasing the amount of deciduous trees in the spruce-dominated riparian zones. The evaluation of Blue targets and BIS + shows that they can be tools for increasing the consideration of streams, its surrounding environment and to clarify the forest sector's own responsibility for water issues. The advantages with these tools are primarily to clarify important structures and identify valuable properties in streams and the adjacent environment and also to create purpose for streams and to use the tools as national standard tools. The subjective assessment, the uncertainty concerned spatial scale and unclear categories without justifications constitute the weaknesses of the tools. There are obviously risks that these tools are not prioritized when profit maximization and efficiency leads to lack of time, information and knowledge, combined with the difficulty of breaking old habits

    Hur växer den sibiriska lärken i Sverige?

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    Sibirisk lärk (Larix sibirica och Larix sukaczewii) är ett snabbväxande barrträd som odlats i Sverige i mer än 100 år. Trots det finns det få studier angående dess potential i Sverige och dessutom visar studierna på skilda resultat. Med data från bestånden med sibirisk lärk i Siljansfors försökspark, har höjdutveckling och tillväxt studerats. Med detta kandidatarbete avsågs att fastställa sambandet mellan medelhöjd och beståndets totala volym, ta reda på om den sibiriska lärken slutar växa på höjden vid 80 års ålder samt ta reda på när den årliga löpande tillväxten sjunker under den årliga medeltillväxten. Totalt ingick elva avdelningar med sibirisk lärk, som var mellan 48-94 år, i studien. Genom regressionsanalyser har samband mellan aktuella variabler skapats och analyserats. Resultatet gav att sambandet mellan medelhöjd (m) och total beståndsvolym (m3sk/ha) följer regressionsekvationen: Total beståndsvolym = - 73,3 + 13,1 medelhöjd + 0,386 medelhöjd2 Resultaten var att lärken inte slutar att växa på höjden vid 80 års ålder, snarare tycks höjdtillväxten inte avstanna förrän efter 90 år. Vidare gav resultaten att den årliga löpande tillväxten sjunker under den årliga medeltillväxten efter 63,4 år. För framtida forskning är blandbestånd med sibirisk lärk intressant och kan göra lärken attraktivare för skogsbruket.Siberian larch (Larix sibirica and Larix sukaczewii) is a fast-growing conifer and has been grown in Sweden for over 100 years. Still there are few studies on its potential in Sweden, the studies also reach differing results. This study examined the growth and height development of Siberian larch using data from Siljansfors Experimental Forests. The objectives of the study were to establish the relationship between mean height and stand volume, determine whether the Siberian larch stop growing in height at the age of 80 years and to determine when the annual current growth falls below the mean annual growth. A total of eleven field trial plots with Siberian larch, between 48-94 years were included in the study. The relation between the variables was analyzed by regression analysis. The result gave the relationship between average height (m) and total stand volume (m3/ha): Total stand volume = - 73.3 + 13.1 mean height + 0.386 mean height2. The results indicated that larch does not stop growing in height at the age of 80 years. Rather it seems to continue to grow until well after 90 years. Furthermore, the results showed that the annual current growth falls below the mean annual growth after 63.4 years. For future research mixed stands with Siberian larch, can make larch more attractive for forestry

    Weapon-related Cranial Lesions from Medieval and Renaissance Turin, Italy

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    Archaeological excavations carried out in the square around the Cathedral of S. Giovanni in Turin brought to light burials referable to the medieval and Renaissance periods. The anthropological examination of the skeletal remains allowed to identify two skeletons from the medieval period (10th–11th centuries) and four skeletons from the Renaissance age (15th century) showing weapon-related cranial injuries. These peri mortem lesions are indicators of interpersonal aggression and in particular of armed conflicts. The two individuals from the early medieval period presented three traumas consisting in sharp force lesions caused by bladed weapons. As regards the Renaissance sample, themajority of the nine peri mortem injuries were sharp force wounds, followed by a blunt force trauma. These distribution patterns might reflect different fighting techniques, whereas the side distribution and location of the skull trauma provide further indications on the fighting modalities. Identification of the weapons that caused these traumas is suggested. The lack of post-cranial wounds at Piazza S. Giovanni might be explained by the greater attention paid to the head, which was the main target of attack, or by adequate protection of the body through medieval and Renaissance armours. Otherwise, the wounds in the body would have been found only in the soft tissues, with no involvement of the bones. Despite the presence of weapon injuries, the results obtained from the study of the Renaissance sample are different from the findings of other contemporary battlefields. It is highly likely that the individuals of the Renaissance age were not young soldiers employed in war episodes and brought back for burial in Turin after battles that had taken place elsewhere. Instead, they were probably individuals who had died in riots or in other violent city episodes, as the historical records for the Renaissance age seem to confirm

    Getting to the point: An experimental approach to improving the identification of penetrating projectile trauma to bone caused by medieval arrows.

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    The bow and arrow were an important part of medieval warfare, and the study of projectile injuries in skeletal assemblages has the potential to give valuable insight into the nature of conflict in this period. Projectile injuries are often overlooked in favour of sharp force trauma, and as of yet there have been no experiments looking at skeletal trauma caused by different types of medieval arrows, although several studies have examined prehistoric impact marks. The current study addresses this deficiency by examining the lesions left by three kinds of medieval arrowheads: leaf-shaped broadheads, armour-piercing bodkins, and barbed hunting broadheads, when fired from a longbow into cattle scapulae. The results show that the vast majority of impacts are puncture lesions with shapes that roughly conform to the cross-section of the heads used, and many of the defects perforate the bone entirely and have internal bevelling. Based mostly on wound shape, it is relatively straightforward to distinguish between bodkin and broadhead punctures, while the different types of broadheads leave more similar, yet distinctive, marks. Further experiments are required in order to assess the extent to which it is possible to distinguish between projectile trauma and penetrating trauma made by other types of medieval weapons

    Effect of training and sudden detraining on the patellar tendon and its enthesis in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Different conditions may alter tendon characteristics. Clinical evidence suggests that tendon injuries are more frequent in athletes that change type, intensity and duration of training. Aim of the study was the assessment of training and especially detraining on the patellar tendon (PT) and its enthesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>27 male adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 3 groups: 20 rats were trained on a treadmill for 10 weeks. Of these, 10 rats were euthanized immediately after training (trained group), and 10 were caged without exercise for 4 weeks before being euthanized (de-trained group). The remaining 7 rats were used as controls (untrained rats). PT insertion, structure (collagen fiber organization and proteoglycan, PG, content), PT thickness, enthesis area, and subchondral bone volume at the enthesis were measured by histomorphometry and microtomography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both PG content and collagen fiber organization were significantly lower in untrained and detrained animals than in trained ones (<it>p </it>< 0.05 and <it>p </it>< 0.0001). In the detrained group, fiber organization and PG content were worse than that of the untrained groups and the untrained group showed a significantly higher score than the detrained group (<it>p </it>< 0.05). In the trained group, the PT was significantly thicker than in untrained group (<it>p </it>< 0.05). No significant differences in the enthesis area and subchondral bone volume among the three groups were seen.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Moderate exercise exerts a protective effect on the PT structure while sudden discontinuation of physical activity has a negative effect on tendons. The present results suggest that after a period of sudden de-training (such as after an injury) physical activity should be restarted with caution and with appropriate rehabilitation programs.</p

    Study of trunk asymmetry in normal children and adolescents

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    The scoliometer readings in both standing and sitting position of 2071 children and adolescents (1099 boys and 972 girls) aged from 5 to 18 years old were studied. The angle of trunk rotation (ATR) was measured, in order to quantify the existing trunk asymmetry. Children and adolescents were divided in two groups according to the severity of trunk asymmetry. In the first group asymmetry was 1 to 6 degrees and in the second group was 7 or more degrees. Radiographic and leg length inequality evaluation were also performed in a number of children. The mean frequency of symmetric (ATR = 0 degrees) boys and girls was 67.06% and 65.01% for the standing screening position and 76.5% and 75.1% for the sitting position, respectively. The mean difference of frequency of asymmetry (ATR > 0 degrees) at standing minus sitting forward bending position for boys and girls was 10.22% and 9.37%, respectively. The mean frequency of asymmetry of 7 or more degrees was 3.23% for boys and 3.92% for girls at the standing forward bending position and 1.62% and 2.21% at the sitting, respectively. Girls are found to express higher frequency of asymmetry than boys. Right trunk asymmetry was more common than left. The sitting position is the preferred screening position for examining the rib or loin hump during school screening as it demonstrates the best correlation with the spinal deformity exposing the real trunk asymmetry

    Wounded to the bone: Digital microscopic analysis of traumas in a medieval mass grave assemblage (Sandbjerget, Denmark, AD 1300–1350)

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    Battle-related mass burials are considered the most unequivocal evidence of past violence. However, most published studies involve only macroscopic analysis of skeletal remains, commonly arriving only at broad conclusions regarding trauma interpretation. The current study considers a possible avenue for achieving both greater detail and accuracy through digital microscopy. Patterns of injury were investigated among 45 individuals from a Medieval Danish mass grave (Sandbjerget, AD 1300–1350). Injuries were recorded on every anatomical element, except hand and foot bones. Each was photographed and cast, facilitating remote evaluations. Macroscopic analysis was compared with digital microscopy in order to test the relative utility of the latter in characterizing skeletal injuries (mechanism, weapon class, direction, timing of injury). The location of 201 observed injuries, mainly sharp force defects, suggested that many lesions were probably not inflicted by face-to-face opponents. Some microscopic features were indicative of a specific lesion type and weapon class. Digital microscopy was therefore demonstrated to be a complementary tool to macroscopic assessment, enhancing feature observation and quantification and serving to compensate for many of the limitations of macroscopic assessment

    Räddningsinsatser i Undermarksanläggningar : Vattenförsörjningssystemens inverkan på räddningstjänstens förflyttningshastighet

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    Undermarksanläggningars komplexa och unika design samt deras placering medför svårigheter vid räddningsinsatser. Även om det i lag krävs tillfredsställande brandskydd ges begränsad vägledning om hur detta ska uppnås, särskilt när det gäller räddningstjänstens möjlighet till släck- och livräddningsinsats. Detta kan leda till meningsskiljaktigheter mellan räddningstjänsten och projektörer avseende exempelvis val av vattenförsörjningssystem. Vattenförsörjningssystemet påverkar räddningstjänstens förflyttningshastighet och luftförbrukning, liksom förmågan att snabbt inleda brandbekämpning, men har också en viktig ekonomisk aspekt som måste beaktas. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att visa hur olika vattenförsörjningssystem påverkar räddningstjänstens insats i undermarksanläggningar, med fokus på förflyttningshastighet och luftförbrukning. Detta görs genom att använda information från tidigare utförda forskningsprojekt. Vidare undersöks tryckförlusterna i olika vattenförsörjningssystem, samt granskas dessa olika system ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Även olika vattenförsörjningssystem som tillämpas i såväl nationella och internationella undermarksanläggningar presenteras. Det är framförallt mängden luft rökdykarna har tillgänglig som begränsar den tid rökdykarna kan vistas i undermarksanläggningen. Varje åtgärd som ger en lägre fysisk belastning på rökdykarna kan därför direkt omvandlas till aktionstid. Ett fast vattenförsörjningssystem möjliggör en snabbare förflyttningshastighet i tunnlar jämfört med traditionellt slangsystem, vilket ger mer tid för exempel brandbekämpning. Slangsystem kräver mer resurser för att nå långa sträckor, exempelvis mer manskap och tryckstegringspumpar eftersom tryckförlusten överstiger tankfordonens pumpkapacitet. I fasta vattenförsörjningssystem understiger tryckförlusten pumpkapaciteten. Den lokala räddningstjänstens kapacitet och resurser måste beaktas vid utformning av brandskydd och val av vattenförsörjningssystem, samtidigt som brandtekniska installationer och åtgärder måste bland annat beaktas, för att om möjligt underlätta räddningstjänstens insatsmöjligheter. Den ekonomiska kostnaden för brandskyddet och vattenförsörjningssystemet måste också vägas mot nyttan av brandskyddsinstallationer och den utrustning som kan underlätta räddningstjänstens släck- och livräddningsinsatser. The complex and unique design of underground facilities, as well as their location, make fire and rescue operations difficult. Even if regulations require adequate fire protection, very little guidance is given on how to achieve this, especially regarding firefighting. This can lead to disagreements between emergency services and contractors, for example on the choice of water supply system. The water supply system affects the rescuers’ moving speed and air consumption, as well as the ability to quickly initiate firefighting, but also has an important economical aspect. The purpose of this degree project is to show how different water supply systems affect the rescue services in underground facilities, with focus on the moving speeds and air consumption. This is done by using information from previously performed research projects. Furthermore, the pressure losses in different water supply systems are investigated, and water supply system are examined from an economical point of view. Some solutions of water supply systems applied in both national and international underground facilities are also presented. It appears that a fixed water supply system allows a faster moving speed in a tunnel compared with a traditional hose system, therefore leaving more time for other actions, such as firefighting. Hose systems also require more resources to reach long distances, for example booster pumps because pressure losses exceeds the fire trucks’ pump capacity. The local rescue services assets and capabilities must be taken into account when designing the fire protection. The safety equipment of an underground facility is a key component of any fire and rescue operation, and must, for example, be thoroughly analyzed and taken into consideration to facilitate the rescue services capabilities. The benefits and economic cost of each water supply system must as well be considered in the process regarding the level of fire protection and facilitating installations for the emergency services

    Beskattning av carried interest i riskkapitalbolag

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    Inom riskkapitalfonder är det vanligt med olika former av vinstdelningssystem.Under senare år har en problematik uppdagats vad gäller beskattningen av dendel av vinstdelningen som uppkommer vid avyttring av portföljbolag sombrukar kallas carried interest. Fokus vid diskussionen har främst varit i vilketinkomstslag ersättningen i form av carried interest beskattningsmässigt ska tasupp, antingen som inkomst av tjänst eller som inkomst av kapital. Skatteverketär av uppfattningen att carried interest är prestationsbaserat och att inkomstensåledes ska tas upp och beskattas som inkomst av tjänst hos de personer somutfört arbete som skapat mervärde i portföljbolagen. Andra är av åsikten attcarried interest, som hänför sig till avkastning på kapital, ska beskattas som enkapitalinkomst.Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut på vilka grunder beskattningen kan ske i deolika inkomstslagen. Frågan regleras inte uttryckligt i lag utan har i ställetöverlämnats till rättstillämpningen. I ett första steg att klargöra rättslägetbeslutade skattenämnden, som första instans, i två fall vilka båda överklagatstill Förvaltningsrätten. Författarens uppfattning är att Skattverket inte hartillräckligt stark grund för sina yrkanden att beskatta carried interest på annatsätt än som inkomst av kapital. Det finns inget stöd i lag att omklassificera enkapitalinkomst till inkomstslaget tjänst och skatt får inte utgå godtyckligt.Avslutningsvis kan konstateras att rättsläget angående beskattningen av carriedinterest framstår som högst oklart. Innan de aktuella fallen avgörs i Högstaförvaltningsdomstolen eller det införs ny tillfredställande lagstiftning är detsvårt att spekulera i hur carried interest kommer att beskattas i framtiden ochden känsla av rättsosäkerhet som spridit sig på riskkapitalmarknaden kommermed stor sannolikhet bestå

    Brandspridning i äldre trähusbebyggelse : Brandskyddsinventering av Rademachersmedjorna i centrala Eskilstuna

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    It is very important to protect buildings against fire. Especially older wooden buildings and areas with a historically important heritage, i.e. areas that cannot be restored to their original condition upon loss. In Eskilstuna one such area is located - Rademachersmedjorna. On behalf of Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB a documentation of Rademachersmedjorna’s constructional fire protection has been conducted in this report in order to have the area's fire protection level documented. The purpose of this study has been, via systematic field studies, to provide an overview of Rademachersmedjorna and document the area’s current fire protection level. Based on this information, a visualization of the area's constructional fire protection and risk zones has been developed to give a simple overview for users, managers and owners. The inventory can be used by Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB for a quick and easy visualization of Rademachersmedjorna’s fire protection level and risk zones. Furthermore, this information could be used as a basis for planning future safety prevention efforts. The documentation over the area is based on the assessment method Bedömning av brandskydd i kulturbebyggelse (hereafter referred to as BSV-k) and the parts this method includes. There are a total of 16 buildings at the Rademacher area and only one building achieved an acceptable fire protection level according to BSV-k. There are several zones in the area that pose a higher risk for the occurrence of fire and fire spread. These higher vulnerable fire hazard zones are spread out over Rademachersmedjorna which means that the whole area quickly can get involved in case of fire. In this context it is important to avoid fire what so ever may arise. Removing combustible material in escape routes, in attics and combustible materials nearby the buildings are some fire prevention measures which can be applied. It is also important to note objects such as bins and wooden planks that exist between the buildings being potential fire carriers. In cases where the buildings distance to a nearby located building is very short, the potential fire carriers pose little threat as the fire can spread directly from building to building. To achieve an acceptable level of fire protection for Rademachersmedjorna - according to this study's assessment method - is sufficient in many cases to apply fire prevention