36 research outputs found

    Spermidine, but not spermine, is essential for pigment pattern formation in zebrafish

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    Polyamines are small poly-cations essential for all cellular life. The main polyamines present in metazoans are putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Their exact functions are still largely unclear; however, they are involved in a wide variety of processes affecting cell growth, proliferation, apoptosis and aging. Here we identify idefix, a mutation in the zebrafish gene encoding the enzyme spermidine synthase, leading to a severe reduction in spermidine levels as shown by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. We show that spermidine, but not spermine, is essential for early development, organogenesis and colour pattern formation. Whereas in other vertebrates spermidine deficiency leads to very early embryonic lethality, maternally provided spermidine synthase in zebrafish is sufficient to rescue the early developmental defects. This allows us to uncouple them from events occurring later during colour patterning. Factors involved in the cellular interactions essential for colour patterning, likely targets for spermidine, are the gap junction components Cx41.8, Cx39.4, and Kir7.1, an inwardly rectifying potassium channel, all known to be regulated by polyamines. Thus, zebrafish provide a vertebrate model to study the in vivo effects of polyamines

    Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery

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    International audienceThe relationships that control seed production in trees are fundamental to understanding the evolution of forest species and their capacity to recover from increasing losses to drought, fire, and harvest. A synthesis of fecundity data from 714 species worldwide allowed us to examine hypotheses that are central to quantifying reproduction, a foundation for assessing fitness in forest trees. Four major findings emerged. First, seed production is not constrained by a strict trade-off between seed size and numbers. Instead, seed numbers vary over ten orders of magnitude, with species that invest in large seeds producing more seeds than expected from the 1:1 trade-off. Second, gymnosperms have lower seed production than angiosperms, potentially due to their extra investments in protective woody cones. Third, nutrient-demanding species, indicated by high foliar phosphorus concentrations, have low seed production. Finally, sensitivity of individual species to soil fertility varies widely, limiting the response of community seed production to fertility gradients. In combination, these findings can inform models of forest response that need to incorporate reproductive potential

    Limits to reproduction and seed size-number tradeoffs that shape forest dominance and future recovery

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    The relationships that control seed production in trees are fundamental to understanding the evolution of forest species and their capacity to recover from increasing losses to drought, fire, and harvest. A synthesis of fecundity data from 714 species worldwide allowed us to examine hypotheses that are central to quantifying reproduction, a foundation for assessing fitness in forest trees. Four major findings emerged. First, seed production is not constrained by a strict trade-off between seed size and numbers. Instead, seed numbers vary over ten orders of magnitude, with species that invest in large seeds producing more seeds than expected from the 1:1 trade-off. Second, gymnosperms have lower seed production than angiosperms, potentially due to their extra investments in protective woody cones. Third, nutrient-demanding species, indicated by high foliar phosphorus concentrations, have low seed production. Finally, sensitivity of individual species to soil fertility varies widely, limiting the response of community seed production to fertility gradients. In combination, these findings can inform models of forest response that need to incorporate reproductive potential

    Akustik im Alltag von Fledermäusen. Konzeption von Experimenten zur Thematik "Ultraschall" für einen kompetenzorientierten Physikunterricht

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    Der momentan an allen bayerischen allgemeinbildenden Schulen (sowie Wirtschaftsschulen und beruflichen Oberschulen) gültige Lehrplan wird derzeit im Auftrag des bayerischen Kultusministeriums vom Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung überarbeitet. Ziel der Überarbeitung ist der neue LehrplanPLUS. Dieser will den aktiven Wissenserwerb der Schülerinnen und Schüler fördern und ihnen die Fähigkeit geben, erlerntes Wissen in den Alltag zu übertragen. So sollen prozessbezogene Kompetenzen in den Bereichen „Erkenntnisgewinn“, „“Kommunikation“ und „Bewertung“ vermittelt werden. Hierdurch sollen die Bildungsstandards der Kultusministerkonferenz im neuen bayerischen LehrplanPLUS umgesetzt werden.Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit wurden Experimente und kompetenzorientierte Aufgabenstellungen zur Thematik „Ultraschall“ konzipiert für einen Physikunterricht gemäß den Vorgaben des LehrplanPLUS. In diesem Artikel wird zunächst die Grundidee der Aufbereitung der Thematik vorgestellt; exemplarisch werden fünf der insgesamt 17 Experimente und Aufgabenstellungen beschrieben

    Akustik im Alltag von Fledermäusen. Konzeption von Experimenten zur Thematik "Ultraschall" für einen kompetenzorientierten Physikunterricht

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    Der momentan an allen bayerischen allgemeinbildenden Schulen (sowie Wirtschaftsschulen und beruflichen Oberschulen) gültige Lehrplan wird derzeit im Auftrag des bayerischen Kultusministeriums vom Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung überarbeitet. Ziel der Überarbeitung ist der neue LehrplanPLUS. Dieser will den aktiven Wissenserwerb der Schülerinnen und Schüler fördern und ihnen die Fähigkeit geben, erlerntes Wissen in den Alltag zu übertragen. So sollen prozessbezogene Kompetenzen in den Bereichen „Erkenntnisgewinn“, „“Kommunikation“ und „Bewertung“ vermittelt werden. Hierdurch sollen die Bildungsstandards der Kultusministerkonferenz im neuen bayerischen LehrplanPLUS umgesetzt werden.Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit wurden Experimente und kompetenzorientierte Aufgabenstellungen zur Thematik „Ultraschall“ konzipiert für einen Physikunterricht gemäß den Vorgaben des LehrplanPLUS. In diesem Artikel wird zunächst die Grundidee der Aufbereitung der Thematik vorgestellt; exemplarisch werden fünf der insgesamt 17 Experimente und Aufgabenstellungen beschrieben

    Improved effectiveness of performance monitoring in amateur instrumental musicians

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    This research was supported by a Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Scholarship to Anahit Mkrtchian and a Vacation Scholarship from the Institute for Behavioural and Neural Sciences to Nayantara Kansal.Here we report a cross-sectional study investigating the influence of instrumental music practice on the ability to monitor for and respond to processing conflicts and performance errors. Behavioural and electrophysiological indicators of response monitoring in amateur musicians with various skill levels were collected using simple conflict tasks. The results show that instrumental musicians are better able than non-musicians to detect conflicts and errors as indicated by systematic increases in the amplitude of the error-related negativity and the N200 with increasing levels of instrumental practice. Also, high levels of musical training were associated with more efficient and less reactive responses after experience of conflicts and errors as indicated by reduced post-error interference and post-conflict processing adjustments. Together, the present findings suggest that playing a musical instrument might improve the ability to monitor our behavior and adjust our responses effectively when needed. As these processes are amongst the first to be affected by cognitive aging, our evidence could promote musical activity as a realistic intervention to slow or even prevent age-related decline in frontal cortex mediated executive functioning.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe