104 research outputs found

    Data On The Presence Or Absence Of Genes Encoding Essential Proteins For Ochratoxin And Fumonisin Biosynthesis In Aspergillus Niger And Aspergillus Welwitschiae

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    We present the multiplex PCR data for the presence/absence of genes involved in OTA and FB2 biosynthesis in Aspergillus niger/Aspergillus welwitschiae strains isolated from different food substrates in Brazil. Among the 175 strains analyzed, four mPCR profiles were found: Profile 1 (17%) highlights strains harboring in their genome the pks, radH and the fum8 genes. Profile 2 (3.5%) highlights strains harboring genes involved in OTA biosynthesis i.e. radH and pks. Profile 3 (51.5%) highlights strains harboring the fum8 gene. Profile 4 (28%) highlights strains not carrying the genes studied herein. This research content is supplemental to our original research article, "Prospecting for the incidence of genes involved in ochratoxin and fumonisin biosynthesis in Brazilian strains of A. niger and A. welwitschiae" [1]. © 2016 The Authors.770470

    A proposta de valor de um Hub aeroportuário: uma análise sob a lente teórica dos modelos de negócios

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    This study analyzes the value proposition of an airport hub under the theoretical lens of business models. It aims to identify and verify the contribution of airport hubs to the most economical route operations for aviation companies. The methodological procedures adopted in this analysis include bibliographic research and empirical research, through interviews with aviation professionals to obtain information that reflects the reality at hub airports. The analysis can be justified in the search for effective factors to generate value and create competitive advantages for aviation companies. The strategy and business model confirm its usefulness in carrying out processes related to Hub airports.Este estudio analiza la propuesta de valor de un centro aeroportuario bajo la lente teórica de los modelos de negocio. Su objetivo es identificar y verificar la contribución de los centros de aeropuertos en las operaciones de ruta más económicas para las compañías de aviación. Los procedimientos metodológicos adoptados en este análisis incluyen investigación bibliográfica e investigación empírica, a través de entrevistas con profesionales de la aviación para obtener información que refleje la realidad en los aeropuertos centrales. El análisis puede estar justificado en la búsqueda de factores efectivos para generar valor y crear ventajas competitivas para las compañías de aviación. La estrategia y el modelo comercial confirman su utilidad en la realización de procesos relacionados con los aeropuertos centrales.Este estudo analisa a proposta de valor de um Hub aeroportuário sob a lente teórica dos modelos de negócios. Tem por objetivo identificar e verificar a contribuição dos Hubs aeroportuários nas operações de rotas mais econômicas para as empresas de aviação. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados nesta análise contemplam pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa empírica, por meio de entrevistas realizadas com profissionais da aviação para obtenção de informações que refletem a realidade em aeroportos hub. A análise pode justificar-se na busca por fatores eficazes para gerar valor e criar vantagens competitivas para as empresas de aviação. A estratégia e modelo de negócio, confirmam sua utilidade na realização de processos relacionados à aeroportos Hub


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    As micotoxinas são metabólitos tóxicos produzidos por algumas espécies de fungos filamentosos e podem contaminar os alimentos destinados ao consumo humano e animal. As micotoxinas que serão discutidas nesta revisão são: aflatoxinas (AFLA), ocratoxina A (OTA), desoxinivalenol (DON), zearalenona (ZON), fumonisinas (FUMO), toxina T–2 e patulina (PAT). Serão apresentados os aspectos relevantes relacionados às micotoxinas como a natureza química, fatores que governam a produção de toxinas, a presença das micotoxinas mais comuns em alimentos, a metodologia para análise de micotoxinas e finalmente as formas de prevenção de micotoxinas

    <i>Penicillium excelsum sp. nov </i>from the Brazil Nut Tree Ecosystem in the Amazon Basin'

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    A new Penicillium species, P. excelsum, is described here using morphological characters, extrolite and partial sequence data from the ITS, β-tubulin and calmodulin genes. It was isolated repeatedly using samples of nut shells and flowers from the brazil nut tree, Bertolletia excelsa, as well as bees and ants from the tree ecosystem in the Amazon rainforest. The species produces andrastin A, curvulic acid, penicillic acid and xanthoepocin, and has unique partial β-tubulin and calmodulin gene sequences. The holotype of P. excelsum is CCT 7772, while ITAL 7572 and IBT 31516 are cultures derived from the holotype

    Aspergillus bertholletius sp. nov. from Brazil Nuts

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    During a study on the mycobiota of brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) in Brazil, a new Aspergillus species, A. bertholletius, was found, and is described here. A polyphasic approach was applied using morphological characters, extrolite data as well as partial β-tubulin, calmodulin and ITS sequences to characterize this taxon. A. bertholletius is represented by nineteen isolates from samples of brazil nuts at various stages of production and soil close to Bertholletia excelsa trees. The following extrolites were produced by this species: aflavinin, cyclopiazonic acid, kojic acid, tenuazonic acid and ustilaginoidin C. Phylogenetic analysis using partial β-tubulin and camodulin gene sequences showed that A. bertholletius represents a new phylogenetic clade in Aspergillus section Flavi. The type strain of A. bertholletius is CCT 7615 ( = ITAL 270/06 = IBT 29228)

    <i>Aspergillus labruscus</i> sp. nov., a new species of <i>Aspergillus</i> section <i>Nigri</i> discovered in Brazil

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    AbstractA novel fungal species, Aspergillus labruscus sp. nov., has been found in Brazil during an investigation of the fungal species present on the surface of grape berries (Vitis labrusca L.) for use in the production of concentrated grape juice. It seems to be associated to V. labrusca, and has never been recovered from Vitis vinifera. This new species belonging to Aspergillus subgenus Circumdati section Nigri is described here using morphological characters, extrolite profiling, partial sequence data from the BenA and CaM genes, and internal transcribed spacer sequences of ribosomal DNA. Phenotypic and molecular data enabled this novel species to be clearly distinguished from other black aspergilli. A. labruscus sp. nov. is uniseriate, has yellow mycelium, poor sporulation on CYA at 25 °C, abundant salmon to pink sclerotia and rough conidia. Neoxaline and secalonic acid D were consistently produced by isolates in this taxon. The type strain of A. labruscus sp. nov. is CCT 7800 (T) = ITAL 22.223 (T) = IBT 33586 (T).</jats:p


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    Três produtos comerciais de alimento com soja sabor laranja (A, B e C), acondicionados em embalagem longa vida, adquiridos no mercado foram avaliados sensorialmente. A Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) foi utilizada para traçar os perfis sensoriais, avaliando-se doze atributos levantados por 10 julgadores selecionados e treinados. A aceitação dos produtos foi avaliada por 30 potenciais consumidores mediante Teste Afetivo, realizado em laboratório, utilizando-se escala hedônica estruturada mista de 9 pontos. Os resultados da ADQ foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Teste de Média de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais, já os resultados do Teste Afetivo (Aceitação) foram analisados pela ANOVA e pelo Teste de Média de Tukey. Os produtos A e B ficaram mais próximos entre si, o produto C diferiu do produto B (significativamente ao nível de 5%) em todos os atributos, com exceção da doçura e amargor. Os produtos A e C diferiram em todos os atributos, com exceção do residual de edulcorante e viscosidade. No teste afetivo, o produto A obteve as maiores médias e notas dos julgadores, não diferindo do produto B em nenhum dos atributos analisados. SENSORY PROFILE EVALUATION OF SOY FOOD PRODUCT WITH ORANGE FLAVOR Abstract Three commercial soy food products with orange flavor (A, B and C) conditioned in long life packing acquired in the market were sensory evaluated. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) was used to trace the sensorial profiles evaluating 12 attributes raised through 10 selected and trained panelists. The acceptance of these products was evaluated by 30 potential consumers in a consumer test carried out in laboratory by utilizing mixed hedonic category of 9 points. The results of QDA was submitted to the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Tukey test of averages and Principal Components Analysis, although the results of the consumer test were analyzed by ANOVA and by the Tukey test of averages. The products A and B varied between each other and product C differs from product B significantly at 5% level in all attributes with the exception of sweetness and bitterness taste. The products A and C differed in all attributes with the exception to the artificial sweetener aftertaste and viscosity. In the Consumer test the product A received the greater average scores of the panelists presenting no difference from product B in none of the analyzed attributes

    Biodegradation of ochratoxin A for food and feed decontamination

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is one of the most important mycotoxins that is found in food and feed products. It has proven toxic properties, being primarily known for its nephrotoxicity and carcinogenicity to certain animal species. OTA is produced by several species of Aspergillus and Penicillium that can be found in a wide variety of agricultural products, which makes the presence of OTA in these products common. Many countries have statutory limits for OTA, and concentrations need to be reduced to as low as technologically possible in food and feed. The most important measures to be taken to control OTA are preventive in order to avoid fungal growth and OTA production. However, these measures are difficult to implement in all cases with the consequence of OTA remaining in agricultural commodities. Remediation processes are often used to eliminate, reduce or avoid the toxic effects of OTA. Biological methods have been considered increasingly as an alternative to physical and chemical treatments. However, examples of practical applications are infrequent. This review will focus on the (i) known microorganisms and enzymes that are able to biodegrade OTA; (ii) mode of action of biodegradation and (iii) current applications. A critical discussion about the technical applicability of these strategies is presented.Luis Abrunhosa was supported by the grant SFRH/BPD/43922/2008 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia-FCT, Portugal. Russell Paterson is grateful for the research position in the FCT framework, Commitment to Science ref. C2008-UMINHO-CEB-2