1,317 research outputs found

    Soft X-ray analysis of a loop flare on the Sun

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    We present the results of an analysis of soft X-ray images for a solar flare which occurred on 1992 July 11. This flare, as seen in Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) images was of comparatively simple geometry, consisting of two bright footpoints early in the flare with a bright loop seen later in the flare. We examine how closely this flare compares with the supposed paradigm of a confined simple-loop flare. Closer examination of the SXT images reveals that the flare structure consisted of at least two adjacent loops, one much fainter than the other. We examine the brighter of the two soft X-ray loops. The SXT images reveal an apparent slow, northward motion of this loop (roughly transverse to its major axis). Examination of derived emission measure and temperature images also indicate an apparent northward motion. In addition, we find an increase in the cross-sectional width at the top of the loop with time. Emission measure maps derived from the SXT images also indicates an apparent broadening of the loop-top region. We infer that the apparent northward motion and the apparent broadening of the soft X-ray emission can be explained in a reconnection scenario where successive magnetic field structures do not lie in a plane but are tilted to the south of the line of sight but with successively brightening loops oriented at less tilted angles. Halpha images for this flare reveal an evolution from a few brilliant points to a short two- ribbon-like appearance. Comparison of the SXT images with the Halpha images shows that the Halpha patches are aligned with the footpoints of the soft X-ray loops, suggesting the presence of a small arcade structure. There is no clear evidence for an eruptive signature in our observations nor in reports from other observations. The lack of an eruptive signature could suggest that the flare may have been a confined simple-loop flare, but this is not compelling due to a gap in the coronal observations prior to and early in the event. Analysis of our observations indicate that the flare exhibited characteristics suggesting that it may be better understood as a mini-arcade flare. These results casts doubt on the validity of the supposed paradigm of a confined simple-loop flare, at least for this flare. They indicate that even an apparently simple-loop flare may be considered to be a variety of arcade flare. We also find an effect which, to our knowledge, has not been reported before: the hot flaring regions later become cooler than the surrounding quiescent corona. That is, the flare loops do not evolve into bright active region loops, but into cooler loops. This may indicate an increase in the efficiency of the cooling mechanism or a transformed equilibrium state within the flaring loops

    Tannins-Based Extracts: Effects on Gut Chicken Spontaneous Contractility

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    The impossibility of using drugs for the health of farm animals leads to the search for alternative strategies with two purposes: to maintain animal health and safeguard human health. In this perspective, tannins have shown great promises. These phytocomplexes obtained from natural matrices with multiple health properties may be used as a feed supplement in chicken farms. In this work, we studied two tannin-based extracts (from Castanea sativa Mill. wood and from Schinopsis balansae Engl. Quebracho Colorado hardwood) with different chemical compositions on the spontaneous contractility on the isolated intestinal tissues of healthy chicken. The results showed that the chemical composition of the two phytocomplexes influenced the spontaneous intestinal contractility in different ways by regulating the tone and consequent progression of the food bolus. The chemical analysis of the two extracts revealed that Castanea sativa Mill. wood mainly contains hydrolysable tannins, while Schinopsis balansae Engl. hardwood mainly contains condensed tannins. The two phytocomplexes showed different effects towards gastrointestinal smooth muscle contractility, with Castanea sativa Mill. wood providing a better activity profile than Schinopsis balansae Engl. hardwood

    The Discovery of a Companion to the Very Cool Dwarf Gl~569~B with the Keck Adaptive Optics Facility

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    We report observations obtained with the Keck adaptive optics facility of the nearby (d=9.8 pc) binary Gl~569. The system was known to be composed of a cool primary (dM2) and a very cool secondary (dM8.5) with a separation of 5" (49 Astronomical Units). We have found that Gl~569~B is itself double with a separation of only 0".101±\pm0".002 (1 Astronomical Unit). This detection demonstrates the superb spatial resolution that can be achieved with adaptive optics at Keck. The difference in brightness between Gl~569~B and the companion is ∌\sim0.5 magnitudes in the J, H and K' bands. Thus, both objects have similarly red colors and very likely constitute a very low-mass binary system. For reasonable assumptions about the age (0.12~Gyr--1.0~Gyr) and total mass of the system (0.09~M⊙_\odot--0.15~M⊙_\odot), we estimate that the orbital period is ∌\sim3 years. Follow-up observations will allow us to obtain an astrometric orbit solution and will yield direct dynamical masses that can constrain evolutionary models of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs

    Lysozyme-induced transcriptional regulation of tnf-\u3b1 pathway genes in cells of the monocyte lineage

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    Lysozyme is one of the most important anti-bacterial effectors in the innate immune system of animals. Besides its direct antibacterial enzymatic activity, lysozyme displays other biological properties, pointing toward a significant anti-inflammatory effect, many aspects of which are still elusive. Here we investigate the perturbation of gene expression profiles induced by lysozyme in a monocyte cell line in vitro considering a perspective as broad as the whole transcriptome profiling. The results of the RNA-seq experiment show that lysozyme induces transcriptional modulation of the TNF-\u3b1/IL-1\u3b2 pathway genes in U937 monocytes. The analysis of transcriptomic profiles with IPA\uae identified a simple but robust molecular network of genes, in which the regulation trends are fully consistent with the anti-inflammatory activity of lysozyme. This study provides the first evidence in support of the anti-inflammatory action of lysozyme on the basis of transcriptomic regulation data resulting from the broad perspective of a whole-transcriptome profiling. Such important effects can be achieved with the supplementation of relatively low concentrations of lysozyme, for a short time of exposure. These new insights allow the potential of lysozyme in pharmacological applications to be better exploited


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interdependensi antara FDI dengan beberapa variabel yang lain, seperti PDB, Trade, Nilai Tukar, dan Tingkat bunga. Model VAR digunakan untuk menunjukkan pandangan yang komprehensif dari interdependensi ini. Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa melalui model VAR, interdependensi antara variabel FDI, PDB, Trade, Nilai Output Industri, Nilai Tukar dan Tingkat Suku Bunga telah diteliti dalam hubungan jangka panjang melalui kointegrasi vektor dan jangka pendek yang berdampak pada model VAR. Korelasi dinamis variabel telah diperoleh dengan analisis varian dan analisis respon impuls. Beberapa implikasi besar muncul dari hasil penelitian. Jika pemerintah Indonesia berkeinginan mendorong FDI dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan output dan nilai tukar. Dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, keduanya sangat penting untuk stabilitas ekonomi. Kata Kunci : FDI, Pertumbuhan ekonomi, variabel makro dan model VARBanda Ace

    Some Like it Hot: The X-Ray Emission of The Giant Star YY Mensae

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    (Abridged abstract) We present an analysis of the X-ray emission of the rapidly rotating giant star YY Mensae observed by Chandra HETGS and XMM-Newton. Although no obvious flare was detected, the X-ray luminosity changed by a factor of two between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations taken 4 months apart. The coronal abundances and the emission measure distribution have been derived from three different methods using optically thin collisional ionization equilibrium models. The abundances show an inverse first ionization potential (FIP) effect. We further find a high N abundance which we interpret as a signature of material processed in the CNO cycle. The corona is dominated by a very high temperature (20-40 MK) plasma, which places YY Men among the magnetically active stars with the hottest coronae. Lower temperature plasma also coexists, albeit with much lower emission measure. Line broadening is reported, which we interpret as Doppler thermal broadening, although rotational broadening due to X-ray emitting material high above the surface could be present as well. We use two different formalisms to discuss the shape of the emission measure distribution. The first one infers the properties of coronal loops, whereas the second formalism uses flares as a statistical ensemble. We find that most of the loops in the corona of YY Men have their maximum temperature equal to or slightly larger than about 30 MK. We also find that small flares could contribute significantly to the coronal heating in YY Men. Although there is no evidence of flare variability in the X-ray light curves, we argue that YY Men's distance and X-ray brightness does not allow us to detect flares with peak luminosities Lx <= 10^{31} erg/s with current detectors.Comment: Accepted paper to appear in Astrophysical Journal, issue Nov 10, 2004 (v615). This a revised version. Small typos are corrected. Figure 7 and its caption and some related text in Sct 7.2 are changed, without incidence for the conclusion

    The X-ray luminosity of solar-mass stars in the intermediate age open cluster NGC 752

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    AIMS. While observational evidence shows that most of the decline in a star's X-ray activity occurs between the age of the Hyades (~8 x 10^8 yrs) and that of the Sun, very little is known about the evolution of stellar activity between these ages. To gain information on the typical level of coronal activity at a star's intermediate age, we studied the X-ray emission from stars in the 1.9 Gyr old open cluster NGC 752. METHODS. We analysed a ~140 ks Chandra observation of NGC 752 and a ~50 ks XMM-Newton observation of the same cluster. We detected 262 X-ray sources in the Chandra data and 145 sources in the XMM-Newton observation. Around 90% of the catalogued cluster members within Chandra's field-of-view are detected in the X-ray. The X-ray luminosity of all observed cluster members (28 stars) and of 11 cluster member candidates was derived. RESULTS. Our data indicate that, at an age of 1.9 Gyr, the typical X-ray luminosity of the cluster members with M=0.8-1.2 Msun is Lx = 1.3 x 10^28 erg s^-1, so approximately a factor of 6 less intense than that observed in the younger Hyades. Given that Lx is proportional to the square of a star's rotational rate, the median Lx of NGC 752 is consistent, for t > 1 Gyr, to a decaying rate in rotational velocities v_rot ~ t^-alpha with alpha ~ 0.75, steeper than the Skumanich relation (alpha ~ 0.5) and significantly steeper than observed between the Pleiades and the Hyades (where alpha < 0.3), suggesting that a change in the rotational regimes of the stellar interiors is taking place at t ~ 1 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (13 pages, 8 figures

    The orbit of the brown dwarf binary Gl 569B

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    We present photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearby (9.8 pc) low-mass binary Gl 569Bab (in turn being a companion to the early-M star Gl 569A), made with the Keck adaptive optics facility. Having observed Gl 569Bab since August 1999, we are able to see orbital motion and to determine the orbital parameters of the pair. We find the orbital period to be 892 +/- 25 days, the semi-major axis to be 0.90 +/- 0.02 AU, the eccentricity to be 0.32 +/- 0.02 and the inclination of the system to be 34+/- 3 degrees (1-sigma). The total mass is found to be 0.123 (-0.022/+0.027) Msun (3-sigma). In addition, we have obtained low resolution (R=1500-1700) near-infrared spectra of each of the components in the J- and K-bands. We determine the spectral types of the objects to be M8.5V (Gl 569Ba) and M9V (Gl 569Bb) with an uncertainty of half a subclass. We also present new J- and K-band photometry which allows us to accurately place the objects in the HR diagram. Most likely the binary system is comprised of two brown dwarfs with a mass ratio of 0.89 and with an age of approximately 300 Myr.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 28 pages, figures include

    Analysis and modeling of high temporal resolution spectroscopic observations of flares on AD Leo

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    We report the results of a high temporal resolution spectroscopic monitoring of the flare star AD Leo. During 4 nights, more than 600 spectra were taken in the optical range using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph (IDS). We have observed a large number of short and weak flares occurring very frequently (flare activity > 0.71 hours-1). This is in favour of the very important role that flares can play in stellar coronal heating. The detected flares are non white-light flares and, though most of solar flares belong to this kind, very few such events had been previously observed on stars. The behaviour of different chromospheric lines (Balmer series from H_alpha to H_11, Ca II H & K, Na I D_1 & D_2, He I 4026 AA and He I D_3) has been studied in detail for a total of 14 flares. We have also estimated the physical parameters of the flaring plasma by using a procedure which assumes a simplified slab model of flares. All the obtained physical parameters are consistent with previously derived values for stellar flares, and the areas - less than 2.3% of the stellar surface - are comparable with the size inferred for other solar and stellar flares. Finally, we have studied the relationships between the physical parameters and the area, duration, maximum flux and energy released during the detected flares.Comment: Latex file with 17 pages, 11 figures. Available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/invest/actividad/actividad_pub.html Accepted for publication in: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    New periodic variable stars coincident with ROSAT sources discovered using SuperWASP

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    We present optical lightcurves of 428 periodic variable stars coincident with ROSAT X-ray sources, detected using the first run of the SuperWASP photometric survey. Only 68 of these were previously recognised as periodic variables. A further 30 of these objects are previously known pre-main sequence stars, for which we detect a modulation period for the first time. Amongst the newly identified periodic variables, many appear to be close eclipsing binaries, their X-ray emission is presumably the result of RS CVn type behaviour. Others are probably BY Dra stars, pre-main sequence stars and other rapid rotators displaying enhanced coronal activity. A number of previously catalogued pulsating variables (RR Lyr stars and Cepheids) coincident with X-ray sources are also seen, but we show hat these are likely to be misclassifications. We identify four objects which are probable low mass eclipsing binary stars, based on their very red colour and light curve morphology
