284 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons-Foot and Ankle Module (AAOS-FAMsp)

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    Background The current study performed a cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish and examined the internal and external validation of the AAOS-FAM questionnaire. Methods A direct translation (English to Spanish) and a reverse translation (Spanish to English) were performed by two independent professional native translators. Cronbach’s α coefficients were calculated to analyse the internal consistency of the measure. The factor structure and construct validity were analysed after extraction by maximum likelihood (EML); extraction was necessary if the following three requirements were met: accounting for ≥10 % of variance, Eigenvalue >1.0 and a scree plot inflexion point. The standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change 90 (MDC90) were calculated. Criterion validity was calculated by analysing the correlation between the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons-Foot and Ankle Module (Spanish version) (AAOS-FAMsp) and Spanish versions of the questionnaires FFI and FHSQ. Results Regarding internal consistency, Cronbach’s α was 0.877, and in the test-retest analysis, the ICC ranged between 0.899 and 0.942. Error measures were calculated by MDC90 and SEM, which showed values of 3.444 and 1.476 %, respectively. The analysis demonstrated a goodness of fit chi-squared value of 803.166 (p p r = 0.206 (p r = 0.665 (p Conclusions The results indicate that AAOS-FAMsp has satisfactory psychometric properties, facilitating the inclusion of Spanish-speaking individuals into both research and clinical practice

    Los palestinos en el Líbano: evolución del colectivo y análisis del impacto sobre el país a partir de 1948

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    Los palestinos permanecen acogidos en el Líbano desde el año 1948 bajo la denominación de refugiados con carácter temporal. Esta investigación examina las circunstancias que propiciaron la diáspora hacia el país del Litani (Hijra) y cada una de las fases en las que se fue produciendo, así como la evolución posterior del colectivo y su complejo encaje dentro de un marco tan conflictual como el libanés. Incidiendo con precisión en las relaciones con el Estado de acogida a lo largo de las distintas etapas del exilio, a la vez que en el proceso de transformación de los emplazamientos de los palestinos o campamentos de refugiados. Estos últimos instalados con protección internacional humanitaria como lugares de espera hacia el retorno e insuflados en su origen, por los primeros habitantes, de la memoria más cercana de la Palestina rural; cobijos de urgencia pero definitivamente lugares de exclusión social y cargados de los símbolos más sangrantes de los palestinos. Esta tesis doctoral reflexiona igualmente sobre las relaciones de poder que se fueron configurando a partir de la irrupción en el Líbano de las organizaciones palestinas. Tanto en un contexto puramente interno a través de su despliegue en el interior de los campamentos a partir de 1970, como en otro más amplio mediante la observación de las complejas guerras libanesas y de las injerencias armadas de los Estados vecinos. Insistiendo en la Resistencia palestina como una fuerza de poder a término dentro del espacio libanés (1970-1982), pero a la vez que como recursos de oportunidad constante en manos de determinados actores tantos locales como de la región. Hasta ser obligada a abandonar el país bajo el fuego de los tanques de Israel y con el consenso de las fuerzas nacionales, lo que no impidió que las guerras libanesas siguieran su curso bajo la dirección de poderosos actores. La investigación concluye con una semblanza actualizada de los campamentos palestinos, atrapados en una sobreocupación explosiva y compleja e inmersos en la miseria y el desamparo. Al tiempo que bajo otras amenazas de carácter pseudoreligioso-islamista con ambiciones de conquista de los campos palestinos.The Palestinians have remained in Lebanon since 1948, under the denomination of temporary refugees. This research examines the circumstances that enabled the diaspora towards the country of Litani (Hijra) and each of the stages in which it occurred, as well as the subsequent evolution of the collective and its complex fitting within a framework as conflictive as that of Lebanon. With an emphasis on the relations with the host Staten throughout the varios stages of exile, as well as the process of transformation of the Palestinian settlements or refugee camps. The latter set up with international humanitarian aid as waiting places until return to their place of origin and overcrowded from the outset, by the first inhabitants, with the memory closest to rural Palestine; emergency shelters but definitely places of social exclusion and loaded with the bloodiest symbols of the Palestinians. This doctoral thesis also considers the relations of power that developed since irruption of Palestinian organizations in Lebanon. Both in a purely internal context through its spread within camps from 1970, and in the wider context through observation of complex Lebanese wars and the armed interventions of neighbouring States. Insisting on the Palestinian Resistence as a long-term powerful force within Lebanese space (1970-1972), but at the same time as with resources of constant opportunity in the hands of certain actors, both local and regional. Until forced to abandon the country under the fire of Israeli tanks and with the consensus of the national forces, which did not prevent Lebanese forces from following their course under the direction of powerful actors. The research concludes with an up-to-date semblance of the Palestinian camps, trapped in explosive and complex overcrowding and immersed in misery and abandonment. At the same time that under other menaces of pseudo-religious Islamic threats with the ambition to conquer Palestinian camps

    Design and prototyping of a sensorized insole for footprint monitoring

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    [Resumen] En el presente artículo se expone el diseño y prototipado de una plantilla sensorizada para la monitorización de la pisada, cuya información y tratamiento a posterior puede tener una relevancia para la detección de posibles patologías o seguimiento de regímenes o terapias. Todos los datos extraídos a través de esta plantilla del pie serán procesados en tiempo real, a través del uso de sensores piezoresistivos de fuerza y la integración de una unidad de medición inercial. Además, todos estos datos van a ser almacenados para su posterior análisis y estudio, del cual se podría explorar su potencial uso y contribución en otras tecnologías asistidas (AT), así como otros usos fuera de este ámbito.[Abstract] This article presents the design and prototyping of a sensorised insole for monitoring the footprint, whose information and subsequent processing may be relevant for detecting possible pathologies or monitoring regimes or therapies. All the data extracted through this foot insole will be processed in real-time, through the use of piezoresistive force sensors and the integration of an inertial measurement unit. Furthermore, all these data will be stored for further analysis and study, which could explore their potential use and contribution to other assistive technologies (AT) and other services outside this field.Generalitat Valenciana; INNEST/2021/29Ministerio de Universidades; FPU20/0513

    Operacions bàsiques al laboratori químic en xarxa : una nova eina per a estudiants i professors

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    Un conjunt de professors de les facultats de Química i Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona hem elaborat un material docent en suport electrònic, d'accés lliure a la xarxa, que descriu el procediment pràctic de diverses operacions bàsiques de treball al laboratori químic. L'objectiu principal és crear un material docent que serveixi de suport a l'aprenentatge dels estudiants i a la tasca docent del professorat involucrat en l'ensenyament del treball pràctic en l'etapa d'inici dels estudis universitaris.A group of lecturers from the Chemistry and Pharmacy faculties at the University of Barcelona has prepared an electronically supported teaching material, of free access on-line, which shows the procedure for several basic chemical laboratory techniques. The main goal of the project was to offer an electronic aid for the student’s learning as well as for the lecturers involved in the teaching process, both at the high school and the graduate levels

    Ensayo de una tipología de las cuencas mediterráneas del proyecto GUADALMED siguiendo las directrices de la Directiva Marco del Agua

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    RESUMEN Utilizando la propuesta de tipología de ríos de la Directiva Marco del Agua en su anexo 2 se realiza un ensayo tipológico de los puntos de muestreo del proyecto GUADALMED. Según el sistema A, se presentan 16 ecotipos, lo que se juzga poco adecuado para la gestión de los mismos y sin una base ecológica que lo justifique. De acuerdo con la selección previa hecha por los miembros del grupo GUADALMED para 5 de estos ecotipos no habría estaciones de referencia. Con algunas variables medidas en los puntos de muestreo y otras de tipo geológico e hidromorfológico, se realiza un ensayo tipológico usando el sistema B. El método implica un análisis de la correlación entre variables, un cluster de las estaciones utilizando el método K-means y un análisis discriminante de cuáles son las variables que distinguen estos grupos. El estudio da como resultado la caracterización de 6 ecotipos que sin embargo, a juicio de los miembros del proyecto GUADALMED, no recogen la variedad de tipos de ríos mediterráneos. Valorando cualitativamente parámetros no introducidos (por falta de datos) en el análisis K-means, se propone una tipología provisional en 9 grupos. Un análisis de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados (a nivel taxonómico de familia) revela un grado importante de coherencia entre las familias asociadas a cada tipo y sus preferencias ecológicas conocidas. ABSTRACT A preliminary analysis was conducted of the river types in the GUADALMED project using the river typology proposed in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in its annex 2. Using System A, 16 different types were found, a number too high for water management purposes and such typology lacks a supportive ecological basis. For 5 of these 16 ecotypes, no reference stations exist. Reference stations were selected a priori in project GUADALMED for each of the 12 basins sampled. An ecotypological analysis was performed using System B of the WFD using several variables measured during the study, and other variables obtained from maps or data bases (e.g., geology). The method included the analysis of the calibration between variables, the clustering of stations by the K-means method and a discriminant analysis. The latter revealed which factors were distinctive of each group. Six ecotypes were established for the GUADALMED study sites. These, however, do not include all the mediterranean-type streams of the region. This is mainly due to the absence in the data base of some important features of streams in the data base such as temporality or the dependence of flow on the presence of karstic aquifers, attribute

    Estimation of the XUV radiation onto close planets and their evaporation

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    Context: The current distribution of planet mass vs. incident stellar X-ray flux supports the idea that photoevaporation of the atmosphere may take place in close-in planets. Integrated effects have to be accounted for. A proper calculation of the mass loss rate due to photoevaporation requires to estimate the total irradiation from the whole XUV range. Aims: The purpose of this paper is to extend the analysis of the photoevaporation in planetary atmospheres from the accessible X-rays to the mostly unobserved EUV range by using the coronal models of stars to calculate the EUV contribution to the stellar spectra. The mass evolution of planets can be traced assuming that thermal losses dominate the mass loss of their atmospheres. Methods: We determine coronal models for 82 stars with exoplanets that have X-ray observations available. Then a synthetic spectrum is produced for the whole XUV range (~1-912 {\AA}). The determination of the EUV stellar flux, calibrated with real EUV data, allows us to calculate the accumulated effects of the XUV irradiation on the planet atmosphere with time, as well as the mass evolution for planets with known density. Results: We calibrate for the first time a relation of the EUV luminosity with stellar age valid for late-type stars. In a sample of 109 exoplanets, few planets with masses larger than ~1.5 Mj receive high XUV flux, suggesting that intense photoevaporation takes place in a short period of time, as previously found in X-rays. The scenario is also consistent with the observed distribution of planet masses with density. The accumulated effects of photoevaporation over time indicate that HD 209458b may have lost 0.2 Mj since an age of 20 Myr. Conclusions: Coronal radiation produces rapid photoevaporation of the atmospheres of planets close to young late-type stars. More complex models are needed to explain fully the observations.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 10 pages, 8 figures, 7 Tables (2 online). Additional online material includes 7 pages, 6 figures and 6 tables, all include

    Reference Intervals of Thyroid Function Tests Assessed by Immunoassay and Mass Spectrometry in Healthy Pregnant Women Living in Catalonia

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    Background: Recent guidelines recommend establishing a local reference interval (RI) for thyroid function. We aimed to establish trimester-specific RIs for thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) in a cohort of healthy pregnant women in Catalonia (Spain). Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted with 332 healthy pregnant women, from the first trimester (1T) to delivery. TSH was measured using an Architect ® immunoassay (Abbott) and FT4 by two immunoassays, Architect ® (Abbott) and Cobas ® (Roche), in the three trimesters. FT4 was also measured by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in the 1T. Results: TSH (µUI/mL) increased throughout pregnancy (1T: 0.03-3.78; 2T: 0.51-3.53; 3T: 0.50-4.32; p < 0.0001) and FT4 (pmol/L) progressively decreased (Architect ® 1T: 10.42-15.96; 2T: 8.37-12.74; 3T: 8.24-12.49; p < 0.0001; and Cobas ® : 1T: 11.46-19.05; 2T: 9.65-14.67; 3T: 8.88-14.54; p < 0.0067). The FT4 RI during 1T determined LC/MS/MS was 8.75-18.27. Despite the 1T FT4 results measured by LC/MS/MS and with the two immunoassays being significantly correlated, the results obtained by the three methods were found to be non-interchangeable. Conclusions: We established trimester-specific RIs for TSH and for FT4 with immunoassays in our population. We also validated the 1T FT4 using LC/MS/MS to confirm the results of FT4 lower than the 2.5th percentile or higher than the 97.5th percentile

    Extracellular NK histones promote immune cell anti-tumor activity by inducing cell clusters through binding to CD138 receptor.

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    BACKGROUND: Natural killer (NK) cells are important anti-tumor cells of our innate immune system. Their anti-cancer activity is mediated through interaction of a wide array of activating and inhibitory receptors with their ligands on tumor cells. After activation, NK cells also secrete a variety of pro-inflammatory molecules that contribute to the final immune response by modulating other innate and adaptive immune cells. In this regard, external proteins from NK cell secretome and the mechanisms by which they mediate these responses are poorly defined. METHODS: TRANS-stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (TRANS-SILAC) combined with proteomic was undertaken to identify early materials transferred between cord blood-derived NK cells (CB-NK) and multiple myeloma (MM) cells. Further in vitro and in vivo studies with knock-down of histones and CD138, overexpression of histones and addition of exogenous histones were undertaken to confirm TRANS-SILAC results and to determine functional roles of this material transferred. RESULTS: We describe a novel mechanism by which histones are actively released by NK cells early after contact with MM cells. We show that extracellular histones bind to the heparan sulfate proteoglycan CD138 on the surface of MM cells to promote the creation of immune-tumor cell clusters bringing immune and MM cells into close proximity, and thus facilitating not only NK but also T lymphocyte anti-MM activity. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates a novel immunoregulatory role of NK cells against MM cells mediated by histones, and an additional role of NK cells modulating T lymphocytes activity that will open up new avenues to design future immunotherapy clinical strategies

    Genotype and Environment Effects on Phytosterol and Tocopherol Contents in Almond Kernel Oil

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    The phytosterol and tocopherol contents of almond kernel oil were evaluated in three almond cultivars, including the Spanish cultivar ‘Marcona’ and the French cultivars ‘Ferragnès’ and ‘Ferraduel’, grown under two different agro-climatic conditions, Zaragoza (Spain) and Meknès (Morocco). The analysis of variance showed significant effects of the genotype on kernel phytosterol content, Δ5-Avenasterol, Δ7-Campesterol, Stigmasterol and on the three tocopherol isomers. The location effect was significant on oil and kernel phytosterol contents, β-sitosterol,Δ5-avenasterol, Δ7-stigmastenol, Δ7-campesterol and α- and γ-tocopherol. The highest value of kernel and oil phytosterol contents were observed at Meknès (1.48 g kg−1 and 2.54 g kg−1, respectively), as compared to those obtained at Zaragoza (1.31 g kg−1 and 2.54 g kg−1, respectively).The highest values ofβ-sitosterol and Δ5-avenasterol were obtained at the Zaragoza location (81.93% and 10.55% of total phytosterols, respectively).The highest value of α-tocopherol was observed in the Morocco location (496 mg kg−1 oil). These results indicate that under warm climate conditions in Morocco, the almond cultivars tend to accumulate more phytosterol and tocopherol. However, the significance of the genotype × location interaction on the phytosterol and tocopherol contentindicates that the magnitude of variation in these traits mainly depends on the genotype.Publishe

    HGF, IL-1α, and IL-27 are robust biomarkers in early severity stratification of COVID-19 patients

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    © 2021 by the authors.Pneumonia is the leading cause of hospital admission and mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We aimed to identify the cytokines responsible for lung damage and mortality. We prospectively recruited 108 COVID-19 patients between March and April 2020 and divided them into four groups according to the severity of respiratory symptoms. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers were used for normalization of the results. Multiple cytokines showed statistically significant differences between mild and critical patients. High HGF levels were associated with the critical group (OR = 3.51; p < 0.001; 95%CI = 1.95–6.33). Moreover, high IL-1α (OR = 1.36; p = 0.01; 95%CI = 1.07–1.73) and low IL-27 (OR = 0.58; p < 0.005; 95%CI = 0.39–0.85) greatly increased the risk of ending up in the severe group. This model was especially sensitive in order to predict critical status (AUC = 0.794; specificity = 69.74%; sensitivity = 81.25%). Furthermore, high levels of HGF and IL-1α showed significant results in the survival analysis (p = 0.033 and p = 0.011, respectively). HGF, IL-1α, and IL 27 at hospital admission were strongly associated with severe/critical COVID-19 patients and therefore are excellent predictors of bad prognosis. HGF and IL-1α were also mortality biomarkers.This work was supported by the Carlos III Health Institute (Grant COV20/00491)