59 research outputs found

    Where Are The M Dwarf Disks Older Than 10 Million Years?

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    We present 11.7-micron observations of nine late-type dwarfs obtained at the Keck I 10-meter telescope in December 2002 and April 2003. Our targets were selected for their youth or apparent IRAS 12-micron excess. For all nine sources, excess infrared emission is not detected. We find that stellar wind drag can dominate the circumstellar grain removal and plausibly explain the dearth of M Dwarf systems older than 10 Myr with currently detected infrared excesses. We predict M dwarfs possess fractional infrared excess on the order of L_{IR}/L_{*}\sim10^{-6} and this may be detectable with future efforts.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, accepted to Ap

    X-ray observations of 4 Draconis: symbiotic binary or cataclysmic triple?

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    We present the first X-ray observations of the 4 Draconis system, consisting of an M3III giant with a hot ultraviolet companion. It has been claimed that the companion is itself an AM Her-type binary system, an identification that places strong constraints on the evolution of cataclysmic variables. We find that the X-ray properties of 4 Draconis are consistent with the presence of an accreting white dwarf, but not consistent with the presence of an AM Her system. We conclude that 4 Dra is therefore most-likely a symbiotic binary containing a white dwarf accreting material from the wind of the red giant. The X-ray spectrum of 4 Dra is sometimes dominated by partially-ionised photoelectric absorption, presumably due to the wind of the red giant. We note that X-ray monitoring of such systems would provide a powerful probe of the wind and mass-loss rate of the giant, and would allow a detailed test of wind accretion models.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Contact Binary Variables as X-ray Sources

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    We present cross-identification of archived X-ray point sources with W UMa variable stars found in the All-Sky Automated Survey (ASAS). In a surveyed sky area of 300 square degrees of ASAS, 36 W UMa stars have been found associated with X-ray emission. We compute the distances of these W UMa systems and hence their X-ray luminosities. Our data support the "supersaturation" phenomenon seen in these fast rotators, namely that the faster a W UMa star rotates, the weaker its X-ray luminosity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; submitted to A

    The VAST Survey - I. Companions and the unexpected X-ray detection of B6-A7 stars

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    With an adaptive optics imaging survey of 148 B6-A7 stars, we have tested the hypothesis that unresolved lower-mass companions are the source of the unexpected X-ray detections of stars in this spectral type range. The sample is composed of 63 stars detected in X-rays within the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and 85 stars that form a control sample; both subsets have the same restricted distribution of spectral type, age, X-ray sensitivity and separation coverage. A total of 68 companion candidates are resolved with separations ranging from 0.3" to 26.2", with 23 new detections. The multiple star frequency of the X-ray sample based on companions resolved within the ROSAT error ellipse is found to be 43 (+6,-6)%. The corresponding control sample multiple star frequency is three times lower at 12 (+4,-3)% -- a difference of 31\pm7%. These results are presented in the first of a series of papers based on our Volume-limited A-Star (VAST) survey -- a comprehensive study of the multiplicity of A-type stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    A Census of the Young Cluster IC 348

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    We present a new census of the stellar and substellar members of the young cluster IC 348. We have obtained images at I and Z for a 42'x28' field encompassing the cluster and have combined these measurements with previous optical and near-infrared photometry. From spectroscopy of candidate cluster members appearing in these data, we have identified 122 new members, 15 of which have spectral types of M6.5-M9, corresponding to masses of 0.08-0.015 M_sun by recent evolutionary models. The latest census for IC 348 now contains a total of 288 members, 23 of which are later than M6 and thus are likely to be brown dwarfs. From an extinction-limited sample of members (A_V<=4) for a 16'x14' field centered on the cluster, we construct an IMF that is unbiased in mass and nearly complete for M/M_sun>=0.03 (<=M8). In logarithmic units where the Salpeter slope is 1.35, the mass function for IC 348 rises from high masses down to a solar mass, rises more slowly down to a maximum at 0.1-0.2 M_sun, and then declines into the substellar regime. In comparison, the similarly-derived IMF for Taurus from Briceno et al. and Luhman et al. rises quickly to a peak near 0.8 M_sun and steadily declines to lower masses. The distinctive shapes of the IMFs in IC 348 and Taurus are reflected in the distributions of spectral types, which peak at M5 and K7, respectively. These data provide compelling, model-independent evidence for a significant variation of the IMF with star-forming conditions.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, 3rd para of 4.5.3 has been added, this is final version in press at ApJ, also found at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/sfgroup/preprints.htm

    The orbit of the brown dwarf binary Gl 569B

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    We present photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearby (9.8 pc) low-mass binary Gl 569Bab (in turn being a companion to the early-M star Gl 569A), made with the Keck adaptive optics facility. Having observed Gl 569Bab since August 1999, we are able to see orbital motion and to determine the orbital parameters of the pair. We find the orbital period to be 892 +/- 25 days, the semi-major axis to be 0.90 +/- 0.02 AU, the eccentricity to be 0.32 +/- 0.02 and the inclination of the system to be 34+/- 3 degrees (1-sigma). The total mass is found to be 0.123 (-0.022/+0.027) Msun (3-sigma). In addition, we have obtained low resolution (R=1500-1700) near-infrared spectra of each of the components in the J- and K-bands. We determine the spectral types of the objects to be M8.5V (Gl 569Ba) and M9V (Gl 569Bb) with an uncertainty of half a subclass. We also present new J- and K-band photometry which allows us to accurately place the objects in the HR diagram. Most likely the binary system is comprised of two brown dwarfs with a mass ratio of 0.89 and with an age of approximately 300 Myr.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 28 pages, figures include

    Beryllium anomalies in solar-type field stars

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    We present a study of beryllium (Be) abundances in a large sample of field solar-type dwarfs and sub-giants spanning a large range of effective temperatures. The analysis shows that Be is severely depleted for F stars, as expected by the light-element depletion models. However, we also show that Beryllium abundances decrease with decreasing temperature for stars cooler than ∌\sim6000 K, a result that cannot be explained by current theoretical models including rotational mixing, but that is, at least in part, expected from the models that take into account internal wave physics. In particular, the light element abundances of the coolest and youngest stars in our sample suggest that Be, as well as lithium (Li), has already been burned early during their evolution. Furthermore, we find strong evidence for the existence of a Be-gap for solar-temperature stars. The analysis of Li and Be abundances in the sub-giants of our sample also shows the presence of one case that has still detectable amounts of Li, while Be is severely depleted. Finally, we compare the derived Be abundances with Li abundances derived using the same set of stellar parameters. This gives us the possibility to explore the temperatures for which the onset of Li and Be depletion occurs.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The frequency of planets in multiple systems

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    The frequency of planets in binaries is an important issue in the field of extrasolar planet studies, because of its relevance in estimating of the global planet population of our Galaxy and the clues it can give to our understanding of planet formation and evolution. However, only preliminary estimates are available in the literature. We analyze and compare the frequency of planets in multiple systems to the frequency of planets orbiting single stars. We also try to highlight possible connections between the frequency of planets and the orbital parameters of the binaries (such as the periastron and mass ratio.) A literature search was performed for binaries and multiple systems among the stars of the sample with uniform planet detectability defined by Fischer & Valenti (2005), and 202 of the 850 stars of the sample turned out to be binaries, allowing a statistical comparison of the frequency of planets in binaries and single stars and a study of the run of the planet frequency as a function of the binary separation. We found that the global frequency of planets in the binaries of the sample is not statistically different from that of planets in single stars. Even conservatively taking the probable incompleteness of binary detection in our sample into account, we estimate that the frequency of planets in binaries can be no more than a factor of three lower than that of planets in single stars. There is no significant dependence of planet frequency on the binary separation, except for a lower value of frequency for close binaries. However, this is probably not as low as required to explain the presence of planets in close binaries only as the result of modifications of the binary orbit after the planet formation

    X-rays in the Orion Nebula Cluster: Constraints on the origins of magnetic activity in pre-main sequence stars

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    A recent Chandra/ACIS observation of the Orion Nebula Cluster detected 1075 sources (Feigelson et al. 2002), providing a uniquely large and well-defined sample to study the dependence of magnetic activity on bulk properties for stars descending the Hayashi tracks. The following results are obtained: (1) X-ray luminosities L_t in the 0.5-8 keV band are strongly correlated with bolometric luminosity with = -3.8 for stars with masses 0.7<M<2 Mo, an order of magnitude below the main sequence saturation level; (2) the X-ray emission drops rapidly below this level in some or all stars with 2<M<3 Mo; (3) the presence or absence of infrared circumstellar disks has no apparent relation to X-ray levels; and (4) X-ray luminosities exhibit a slight rise as rotational periods increase from 0.4 to 20 days. This last finding stands in dramatic contrast to the strong anticorrelation between X-rays and period seen in main sequence stars. The absence of a strong X-ray/rotation relationship in PMS stars, and particularly the high X-ray values seen in some very slowly rotating stars, is a clear indication that the mechanisms of magnetic field generation differ from those operating in main sequence stars. The most promising possibility is a turbulent dynamo distributed throughout the deep convection zone, but other models such as alpha-Omega dynamo with `supersaturation' or relic core fields are not immediately excluded. The drop in magnetic activity in intermediate-mass stars may reflect the presence of a significant radiative core. The evidence does not support X-ray production in large-scale star-disk magnetic fields.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Estimation of the XUV radiation onto close planets and their evaporation

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    Context: The current distribution of planet mass vs. incident stellar X-ray flux supports the idea that photoevaporation of the atmosphere may take place in close-in planets. Integrated effects have to be accounted for. A proper calculation of the mass loss rate due to photoevaporation requires to estimate the total irradiation from the whole XUV range. Aims: The purpose of this paper is to extend the analysis of the photoevaporation in planetary atmospheres from the accessible X-rays to the mostly unobserved EUV range by using the coronal models of stars to calculate the EUV contribution to the stellar spectra. The mass evolution of planets can be traced assuming that thermal losses dominate the mass loss of their atmospheres. Methods: We determine coronal models for 82 stars with exoplanets that have X-ray observations available. Then a synthetic spectrum is produced for the whole XUV range (~1-912 {\AA}). The determination of the EUV stellar flux, calibrated with real EUV data, allows us to calculate the accumulated effects of the XUV irradiation on the planet atmosphere with time, as well as the mass evolution for planets with known density. Results: We calibrate for the first time a relation of the EUV luminosity with stellar age valid for late-type stars. In a sample of 109 exoplanets, few planets with masses larger than ~1.5 Mj receive high XUV flux, suggesting that intense photoevaporation takes place in a short period of time, as previously found in X-rays. The scenario is also consistent with the observed distribution of planet masses with density. The accumulated effects of photoevaporation over time indicate that HD 209458b may have lost 0.2 Mj since an age of 20 Myr. Conclusions: Coronal radiation produces rapid photoevaporation of the atmospheres of planets close to young late-type stars. More complex models are needed to explain fully the observations.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 10 pages, 8 figures, 7 Tables (2 online). Additional online material includes 7 pages, 6 figures and 6 tables, all include
