33 research outputs found

    The present and future of QCD

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    This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting. We present the progress made in the last decade toward a deep understanding of both the fundamental structure of the sub-atomic matter of nucleon and nucleus in cold QCD, and the hot QCD matter in heavy ion collisions. We identify key questions of QCD research and plausible paths to obtaining answers to those questions in the near future, hence defining priorities of our research over the coming decades

    Electron and photon reconstruction and identification with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC

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    The performance is presented of the reconstruction and identification algorithms for electrons and photons with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The reported results are based on proton-proton collision data collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and recorded in 2016-2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 136 fb(-1). Results obtained from lead-lead collision data collected at root S-NN = 5.02 TeV are also presented. Innovative techniques are used to reconstruct the electron and photon signals in the detector and to optimize the energy resolution. Events with electrons and photons in the final state are used to measure the energy resolution and energy scale uncertainty in the recorded events. The measured energy resolution for electrons produced in Z boson decays in proton-proton collision data ranges from 2 to 5%, depending on electron pseudorapidity and energy loss through bremsstrahlung in the detector material. The energy scale in the same range of energies is measured with an uncertainty smaller than 0.1 (0.3)% in the barrel (endcap) region in proton-proton collisions and better than 1(3)% in the barrel (endcap) region in heavy ion collisions. The timing resolution for electrons from Z boson decays with the full 2016-2018 proton-proton collision data set is measured to be 200 ps.Peer reviewe

    The present and future of QCD

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    This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting. We present the progress made in the last decade toward a deep understanding of both the fundamental structure of the sub-atomic matter of nucleon and nucleus in cold QCD, and the hot QCD matter in heavy ion collisions. We identify key questions of QCD research and plausible paths to obtaining answers to those questions in the near future, hence defining priorities of our research over the coming decades

    Chloroplast genomes: diversity, evolution, and applications in genetic engineering

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    Study on the Etiology and Insect Vectors oferiwinkle Leaf Yellowing Disease

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    於2005年8月起,桃園縣大園鄉之園藝花卉栽培區陸續發現疑似植物菌質體 (phytoplasma) 感染所造成之日日春病害。依罹病植株所呈現之葉片黃化、簇葉、花器葉化等病徵,將此ㄧ新興病害命名為日日春葉片黃化病 (periwinkle leaf yellowing, PLY)。初步利用聚合酵素連鎖反應 (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 檢測出罹病植株中帶有植物菌質體之基因序列,因此本論文進一步針對該植物菌質體之核醣體RNA基因序列 (rDNA) 進行分析,發現罹病植株體內之植物菌質體乃屬於第一群 (16SrI group) 植物菌質體(又稱為翠菊黃萎病群 (aster yellows group, AY group) 植物菌質體),並且經由嫁接實驗與電顯切片觀察後,進一步確認該病原菌之存在情形,故將其命名為日日春葉片黃化病植物菌質體 (periwinkle leaf yellowing phytoplasma, PLY phytoplasma)。研究中針對PLY phytoplasma所屬之第一群植物菌質體與其他各群植物菌質體之rDNA序列進行比對,設計出第一群植物菌質體專一性之PCR 引子對,以供後續田間罹病植株檢測以及媒介昆蟲之調查。本研究由2007年起,進行媒介昆蟲帶菌情形與族群數量變化之月份監測,同時也將檢測出帶菌之媒介昆蟲進行分類鑑定,至今已發現當地有四種葉蟬可攜帶PLY phytoplasma,分別為東方二叉葉蟬 (Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste)、二點透翅角頂葉蟬 (Cicadulina bipunctella)、黑點角頂葉蟬 (Phlogotettix cyclops) 以及二室葉蟬 (Balclutha sp.)。2007年5月至2009年4月間之檢測結果顯示,當地媒介昆蟲可於三月至十月間測得帶菌情形,而每年最早測得帶菌之媒介昆蟲皆為東方二叉葉蟬,其帶菌月份恰與當地日日春之栽種時間(約在每年三月下旬至九月底)大致吻合,且其族群數量亦於這段期間內大幅提升。於2008年夏季,採集帶菌率較高之東方二叉葉蟬與二點透翅角頂葉蟬,針對溫室栽培之健康日日春進行傳菌實驗,結果證實此二種葉蟬確實具有傳播PLY phytoplasma至日日春之能力。本研究中也以同步聚合酵素連鎖反應 (real-time PCR) 進行罹病日日春以及四種帶菌蟲體體內帶菌量之測定,在測定帶菌量時,同時藉由測定DNA模板中寄主(日日春或葉蟬)DNA質量 (ng) 以作為校正基準之方式,可更準確的比較感染後不同時間點之罹病日日春以及四種帶菌葉蟬體內帶菌量之差異。由定量之結果顯示,每單位重量 (ng) 之東方二叉葉蟬DNA模板帶菌量非常高,甚至高於嚴重發病之日日春。整合上述研究成果,當地發現之四種可帶菌葉蟬中,東方二叉葉蟬在日日春葉片黃化病之發病生態中扮演較重要之角色,而其他三種葉蟬則可能屬於次要之傳播媒介。In 2005, periwinkle plants exhibiting symptoms of yellowing, witches’ broom, phyllody and virescence were observed in flower production fields in Dayuan, Taoyuan county. The sequences of 16S rDNA and 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region of the causative agent of this newly discovered periwinkle leaf yellowing (PLY) disease were amplified with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the total DNA prepared from the diseased leaves as a template. Sequence analysis of 16S rDNA revealed that the causative agent of PLY was closely related to the phytoplasmas of the aster yellows group (16SrI group) those cause worldwide diseases in many horticultural and vegetable crops. The results of grafting experiment and TEM observation provided further evidences to support that the phytoplasma is the causative agent of PLY. The periwinkle leaf yellowing phytoplasma was thus named “Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris” strain PLY. According to the rDNA sequences of various 16SrI group phytoplasmas, the PCR primer pair AYTWf1/ AYTWr1 specific for 16SrI group phytoplasma was designed to detect the PLY phytoplasma in the plants and insect vectors. At present, four species of PLY phytoplasma-harbored leafhoppers were captured in Dayuan and identified as Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste, Cicadulina bipunctella, Phlogotettix cyclops and Balclutha sp., respectively. Monthly PCR detection indicated that insect vectors harbored PLY phytoplasma from March to October in the year of 2008, and Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste was the earliest PLY phytoplasma-carrier detected during the period of 2007 to 2009. Transmission experiments with field-collected Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste and Cicadulina bipunctella showed that both leafhoppers can transmit the PLY phytoplasma to healthy periwinkle plants. The titer of PLY phytoplasma in diseased periwinkle plants and four species of PLY phytoplasma-harbored leafhoppers were quantified in relation to plant or insect DNA (genome units [GU] of phytoplasma DNA per nanogram of plant or insect DNA) using a quantitative real-time PCR. It was also proved that Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste contains the highest titer of PLY phytoplasma than the other leafhoppers. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste plays a major role in the epidemiology of PLY disease, and the importance of the other leafhoppers call for further investigation.論文口試委員審定書...................................................................................................II謝..............................................................................................................................III文摘要......................................................................................................................IV文摘要......................................................................................................................VI、 前言........................................................................................................................1、 前人研究................................................................................................................3、日日春之簡介與其病害之相關研究............................................................3、植物菌質體之發現及其生物特性................................................................4、植物菌質體之分群現況................................................................................6 四、第一群 (16SrI group) 植物菌質體之相關研究..........................................9 五、植物菌質體之媒介昆蟲..............................................................................11 (一)媒介昆蟲之調查................................................................................12 (二)媒介昆蟲之傳播特性與生理行為之改變........................................13、同步聚合酵素連鎖反應之發展與其在植物菌質體之相關研究..............15、材料與方法..........................................................................................................19 一、試驗植物及媒介昆蟲來源與其全DNA (total DNA)之純化……............19 (一)試驗植物與媒介昆蟲來源................................................................19 1. 試驗植物來源與栽培方式...............................................................19 2. 媒介昆蟲之採集...............................................................................20 (二)試驗植物與媒介昆蟲全DNA之純化..............................................20 1. 大量抽取植物全DNA......................................................................20 2. 微量抽取植物全DNA......................................................................21 3. 媒介昆蟲全DNA之純化.................................................................22 二、日日春葉片黃化病罹病植株中植物菌質體 ribosomal DNA 序列之PCR 增幅 (amplification)、選殖 (cloning) 與分析........................................23 (一)聚合酵素連鎖反應 (PCR) ..............................................................23 (二)聚合酵素連鎖反應產物之純化與選殖...........................................24 1. 聚合酵素連鎖反應產物之純化.......................................................24 2. 聚合酵素連鎖反應產物之選殖.......................................................25 (三)聚合酵素連鎖反應產物轉形株之特性分析....................................26 1. 以菌落聚合酵素連鎖反應 (colony PCR) 分析轉形株之選殖片段 ..............................................................................................................26 2. 轉形株選殖片段之核酸定序與序列分析......................................27 (四)第一群 (16SrI) 植物菌質體專一性PCR引子對之設計...............27 三、日日春葉片黃化病罹病植株之穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察..........................28 四、日日春葉片黃化病媒介昆蟲之檢測與鑑定..............................................28 (一)以第一群植物菌質體專一性PCR引子對偵測田間可能之媒介昆蟲 ……………………………………………..........................................28 (二)帶菌昆蟲體內植物菌質體16S rDNA全長序列之增幅、選殖與分 析……………………………………................................................29 (三)田間帶菌昆蟲之分類鑑定………....................................................29 五、日日春葉片黃化病媒介昆蟲之月份監測..................................................30 (一)田間媒介昆蟲帶菌情形之PCR月份偵測.......................................30 (二)黃色黏蟲板誘集試驗.........................................................................30 六、日日春葉片黃化病媒介昆蟲之傳菌實驗 (transmission experiments) ....30 (一)媒介昆蟲傳菌實驗之材料準備........................................................30 (二)媒介昆蟲傳菌實驗流程....................................................................31 1. 東方二叉葉蟬 (Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste)之傳菌實驗........31 2. 二點透翅角頂葉蟬 (Cicadulina bipunctella) 之傳菌實驗...........32 (三)傳菌實驗之蟲體及受試植株之PCR檢測、產物選殖與序列分析 ............................................................................................................32 (四)東方二叉葉蟬 (Macrosteles orientalis Vilbaste)之養殖與獲菌試驗 ............................................................................................................32 七、以同步聚合酵素連鎖反應 (real-time PCR) 測定日日春葉片黃化病罹病 植株及媒介昆蟲帶菌量..............................................................................33 (一)同步聚合酵素連鎖反應之引子對設計............................................33 (二)同步聚合酵素連鎖反應標準曲線 (standard curve) 之建構..........33 1. 同步聚合酵素連鎖反應標準濃度DNA模板之製備.....................33 (1) 日日春葉片黃化病植物菌質體16S rDNA之標準濃度人工 DNA模板 (artificial DNA template) 之製備..........................34 (2) 健康日日春標準濃度DNA模板之製備...................................35 (3) 葉蟬標準濃度DNA模板之製備...............................................35 2. 同步聚合酵素連鎖反應 (real-time PCR) ......................................35 3. 標準曲線之建構...............................................................................36 (三)以同步聚合酵素連鎖反應進行日日春與媒介昆蟲體內植物菌質體 之定量................................................................................................37 1. 同步聚合酵素連鎖反應 (real-time PCR) ......................................37 2. 罹病日日春與媒介昆蟲體內之菌量計算.......................................37、 結果......................................................................................................................38、試驗植物及媒介昆蟲來源與全DNA (total DNA)之純化........................38 (一)嫁接日日春之病徵發展....................................................................38 (二)試驗植物與媒介昆蟲全DNA之純化..............................................38 二、日日春葉片黃化病罹病植株中植物菌質體 ribosomal DNA 序列之PCR 增幅 (amplification)、選殖 (cloning) 與分析........................................38 (一)以聚合酵素連鎖反應 (PCR) 偵測罹病株中之植物菌質體.......38 (二)聚合酵素連鎖反應產物之選殖與選殖株之特性分析..................39 (三)日日春葉片黃化病植物菌質體之rDNA序列分析與分類地位之確 定........................................................................................................39 (四)第一群植物菌質體PCR引子對AYTWf1/ AYTWr1之專一性測定 ..............................................................................................................40 三、日日春葉片黃化病罹病植株之穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察..........................41 四、日日春葉片黃化病媒介昆蟲之檢測與鑑定..............................................42 (一)田間可能媒介昆蟲之PCR檢測.........................................................42 (二)帶菌昆蟲體內植物菌質體16S rDNA全長序列之分析.................42 (三)田間帶菌昆蟲之分類鑑定................................................................42 五、日日春葉片黃化病媒介昆蟲之月份監測..................................................43一)田間媒介昆蟲帶菌情形之PCR月份偵測.......................................43二)黃色黏蟲板誘集試驗.........................................................................45 六、日日春葉片黃化病之媒介昆蟲傳菌實驗..................................................46 (一)傳菌實驗之蟲體及受試植株帶菌情形之PCR檢測與選殖分析...46 1. 東方二叉葉蟬傳菌實驗之蟲體及受試植株之PCR檢測..............46 2. 二點透翅角頂葉蟬傳菌實驗之蟲體及受試植株之PCR檢測…..47 3. 傳菌實驗之帶菌蟲體與罹病植株之PCR產物選殖與序列分析..47 (二)東方二叉葉蟬之養殖與獲菌試驗....................................................48 七、以同步聚合酵素連鎖反應 (real-time PCR) 測定日日春葉片黃化病罹病 植株及媒介昆蟲帶菌量..............................................................................48一)同步聚合酵素連鎖反應之引子對專一性測定.................................48 (二)同步聚合酵素連鎖反應標準曲線之建構.........................................50 1. 以 PLY Fw/ PLY Rv 引子對建構日日春葉片黃化病植物菌質體 菌量之標準曲線..............................................................................50 2. 以UBQ-1252F/ UBQ-1392R 引子對建構日日春DNA質量之標準 曲線..................................................................................................51 3. 以 MqFw/ MqRv 引子對建構四種葉蟬DNA質量之標準曲線..51 (三)以同步聚合酵素連鎖反應進行日日春與媒介昆蟲體內植物菌質體 之定量................................................................................................52 1. 罹病日日春植株內帶菌量之定量實驗...........................................52 2. 四種帶菌昆蟲體內帶菌量之定量實驗...........................................53、討論......................................................................................................................55、參考文獻..............................................................................................................70、圖表......................................................................................................................8

    Optimal Individual Phase Voltage Regulation Strategies in Active Distribution Networks with High PV Penetration Using the Sparrow Search Algorithm

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    This study aimed to propose individual phase voltage regulation strategies using the sparrow search algorithm (SSA) in the IEEE 8500-node large-scale unbalanced distribution network with high photovoltaic (PV) penetration. The proposed approach is capable of individual phase regulation, which coordinates the on-load tap changer (OLTC), voltage regulator (VR), switched capacitor bank (SCB), and volt–var setting controlled by a smart inverter to improve voltage variation and unbalance. Consequently, the change time of VRs, the switched times of SCBs, and the individual phase voltage magnitude and unbalance ratio are considered in the fitness function for the SSA. The simulation scenarios fully consider the unbalanced load conditions and PV power output patterns, and the numerical results demonstrate that the voltage variation and unbalance are clearly improved, by 15% and 26%, respectively. The fitness values, operation times of OLTC, VR, and SCB, and the settings of the volt–var controlled smart inverter are also optimized by the SSA. The outcomes of this study are helpful for distribution system operators in formulating voltage control strategies corresponding to different system conditions

    Octanuclear copper(I) clusters inscribed in a Se(12) icosahedron: anion-induced modulation of the core size and symmetry.

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    International audienceSynthesis and structural characterization of an octanuclear Cu(I) cluster [Cu(8){Se(2)P(O(i)Pr)(2)}(6)](PF(6))(2) (1) with an empty Cu(8) cubic core involving diisopropyl diselenophosphate (dsep) ligand has been demonstrated despite its high tendency to abstract anions even from the traces of impurities in the solvent. Reaction of 1 with anion sources (Bu(4)NF for F(-); NaBH(4) for H(-), and NaSH for S(2-)) in a 1:1 ratio produced anion-centered Cu(8) clusters with a formula [Cu(8)(X){Se(2)P(O(i)Pr)(2)}(6)](PF(6)) (X = F, 2a; H, 3a; D, 3a') and [Cu(8)(S){Se(2)P(O(i)Pr)(2)}(6)] (4) in high yields. In addition, fluoride- and hydride-centered Cu(8)(I) clusters [Cu(8)(X){Se(2)P(OEt)(2)}(6)](PF(6)) (X = F, 2b; H, 3b) could be generated in approximately 80% yield by direct reaction of [Cu(CH(3)CN)(4)](PF(6)), NH(4)Se(2)P(OEt)(2), and the anion sources (Bu(4)NF for F(-); NaBH(4) for H(-)) in 8:6:1 ratio. Whereas the structural elucidation of complexes 2 and 4 revealed an anion-centered cubic Cu(8) core surrounded by six dsep ligands, it was a tetracapped tetrahedral copper framework with a hydride in the center in compounds 3. All Cu...Cu distances along either the edge of the cube in 2 and 4 or the tetracapped tetrahedron in 3 are shorter than those identified in 1. Although the cubic (or spherical) contraction of the copper framework that was identified in a series of closed-shell anion-centered (except a hydride) Cu(8) cube having T(h) symmetry could be explained by the existence of strong anion-cation attractions, it was definitely a surprise that the hydride, which is the smallest closed-shell anion and spherical too, induced a tetrahedral contraction of four out of the eight Cu atoms in the empty cube 1, resulting in a tetracapped-tetrahedral geometry and reducing the symmetry to T from T(h). Furthermore the fact that the encapsulated anion induced modulation of the copper core size and symmetry was fully reproduced by DFT calculations on model compounds. To the best of our knowledge, this demonstrated the first example of the reduction of molecular symmetry (from T(h) to T) simply by changing the encapsulated species without altering the general bonding pattern of the surrounding ligands. We also demonstrated that the hydride can easily replace other anions (Cl(-), Br(-), F(-), S(2-), Se(2-)) in a very facile manner to produce hydride-centered species. Eventually, compounds 3 were stable in the presence of other anions, and hydride/deuteride exchange could not be achieved

    Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Resveratrol Butyrate Esters That Have the Ability to Prevent Fat Accumulation in a Liver Cell Culture Model

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    To facilitate broad applications and enhance bioactivity, resveratrol was esterified to resveratrol butyrate esters (RBE). Esterification with butyric acid was conducted by the Steglich esterification method at room temperature with N-ethyl-N′-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and 4-dimethyl aminopyridine (DMAP). Our experiments demonstrated the synthesis of RBE through EDC- and DMAP-facilitated esterification was successful and that the FTIR spectra of RBE revealed absorption (1751 cm−1) in the ester region. 13C-NMR spectrum of RBE showed a peak at 171 ppm corresponding to the ester group and peaks between 1700 and 1600 cm−1 in the FTIR spectra. RBE treatment (25 or 50 μM) decreased oleic acid-induced lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells. This effect was stronger than that of resveratrol and mediated through the downregulation of p-ACC and SREBP-2 expression. This is the first study demonstrating RBE could be synthesized by the Steglich method and that resulting RBE could inhibit lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells. These results suggest that RBE could potentially serve as functional food ingredients and supplements for health promotion

    Versatile Grafting Approaches to Functionalizing Individually Dispersed Graphene Nanosheets Using RAFT Polymerization and Click Chemistry

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    Developing powerful and reliable strategies to covalently functionalize graphene for efficient grafting and achieving precise interface control remains challenging due to the strong interlayer cohesive energy and the surface inertia of graphene. Here, we present versatile and efficient grafting strategies to functionalize graphene nanosheets. An alkyne-bearing graphene core was used to prepare polymer-functionalized graphene using ‘grafting to’ and ‘grafting from’ strategies in combination with reversible chain transfer and click chemistry. The use of the ‘grafting to’ approach allows full control over limited length grafted polymer chains, while permitting a high grafting density to a single graphene face, resulting in good solubility and processability. The ‘grafting from’ approach offers complementary advantages, such as the grafting of high molecular weight polymer chains and a better coverage ratio on the graphene surface; however, the extra steps introduced, the presence of initiating groups, and difficulty in controlling the grafted polymer lead to decreased processability. Various types of polymer chains have been successful covalently tethered to graphene nanosheets using these two approaches, producing various molecular brushes with multifunctional arms resulting in water-soluble, oil-soluble, acidic, basic, polar, apolar, and variously functionalized polymers. This work describes versatile methodologies, using the ‘grafting to’ and ‘grafting from’ approaches, for the preparation of individually dispersed graphene nanosheets having the desirable properties described