109 research outputs found

    Transit observations at the observatory in Grossschwabhausen: XO-1b and TrES-1

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    We report on observations of transit events of the transiting planets XO-1b and TrES-1 with the AIU Jena telescope in Grossschwabhausen. Based on our IR photometry (in March 2007) and available transit timings (SuperWASP, XO and TLC-project-data) we improved the orbital period of XO-1b (P = 3.941497±\pm0.000006) and TrES-1 (P = 3.0300737±\pm0.000006), respectively. The new ephemeris for the both systems are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    On identifying the neutron star that was born in the supernova that placed 60Fe onto the Earth

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    Recently, 60Fe was found in the Earth crust formed in a nearby recent supernova (SN). If the distance to the SN and mass of the progenitor of that SN was known, then one could constrain SN models. Knowing the positions, proper motions, and distances of dozens of young nearby neutron stars, we can determine their past flight paths and possible kinematic origin. Once the birth place of a neutron star in a SN is found, we would have determined the distance of the SN and the mass of the SN progenitor star.Comment: refereed NPA5 conference proceedings, in pres

    Variability of young stars: Determination of rotational periods of weak-line T Tauri stars in the Cepheus-Cassiopeia star-forming region

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    We report on observation and determination of rotational periods of ten weak-line T Tauri stars in the Cepheus-Cassiopeia star-forming region. Observations were carried out with the Cassegrain-Teleskop-Kamera (CTK) at University Observatory Jena between 2007 June and 2008 May. The periods obtained range between 0.49 d and 5.7 d, typical for weak-line and post T Tauri stars.Comment: 11 pages, 26 figures, accepted to be published in A

    Is there a compact companion orbiting the late O-type binary star HD 164816?

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    We present a multi-wavelength (X-ray, γ\gamma-ray, optical and radio) study of HD 194816, a late O-type X-ray detected spectroscopic binary. X-ray spectra are analyzed and the X-ray photon arrival times are checked for pulsation. In addition, newly obtained optical spectroscopic monitoring data on HD 164816 are presented. They are complemented by available radio data from several large scale surveys as well as the \emph{FERMI} γ\gamma-ray data from its \emph{Large Area Telescope}. We report the detection of a low energy excess in the X-ray spectrum that can be described by a simple absorbed blackbody model with a temperature of \sim 50 eV as well as a 9.78 s pulsation of the X-ray source. The soft X-ray excess, the X-ray pulsation, and the kinematical age would all be consistent with a compact object like a neutron star as companion to HD 164816. The size of the soft X-ray excess emitting area is consistent with a circular region with a radius of about 7 km, typical for neutron stars, while the emission measure of the remaining harder emission is typical for late O-type single or binary stars. If HD 164816 includes a neutron star born in a supernova, this supernova should have been very recent and should have given the system a kick, which is consistent with the observation that the star HD 164816 has a significantly different radial velocity than the cluster mean. In addition we confirm the binarity of HD 164816 itself by obtaining an orbital period of 3.82 d, projected masses m1sin3im_1 {\rm sin}^{3} i = 2.355(69) M_\odot, m2sin3im_2 {\rm sin}^{3} i = 2.103(62) M_\odot apparently seen at low inclination angle, determined from high-resolution optical spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS, 11 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Constraints on the Equation-of-State of neutron stars from nearby neutron star observations

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    We try to constrain the Equation-of-State (EoS) of supra-nuclear-density matter in neutron stars (NSs) by observations of nearby NSs. There are seven thermally emitting NSs known from X-ray and optical observations, the so-called Magnificent Seven (M7), which are young (up to few Myrs), nearby (within a few hundred pc), and radio-quiet with blackbody-like X-ray spectra, so that we can observe their surfaces. As bright X-ray sources, we can determine their rotational (pulse) period and their period derivative from X-ray timing. From XMM and/or Chandra X-ray spectra, we can determine their temperature. With precise astrometric observations using the Hubble Space Telescope, we can determine their parallax (i.e. distance) and optical flux. From flux, distance, and temperature, one can derive the emitting area - with assumptions about the atmosphere and/or temperature distribution on the surface. This was recently done by us for the two brightest M7 NSs RXJ1856 and RXJ0720. Then, from identifying absorption lines in X-ray spectra, one can also try to determine gravitational redshift. Also, from rotational phase-resolved spectroscopy, we have for the first time determined the compactness (mass/radius) of the M7 NS RBS1223. If also applied to RXJ1856, radius (from luminosity and temperature) and compactness (from X-ray data) will yield the mass and radius - for the first time for an isolated single neutron star. We will present our observations and recent results.Comment: refereed NPA5 conference proceedings, in pres

    Analytic Detection Thresholds for Measurements of Linearly Polarized Intensity Using Rotation Measure Synthesis

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    A fully analytic statistical formalism does not yet exist to describe radio-wavelength measurements of linearly polarized intensity that are produced using rotation measure synthesis. In this work we extend the analytic formalism for standard linear polarization, namely that describing measurements of the quadrature sum of Stokes Q and U intensities, to the rotation measure synthesis environment. We derive the probability density function and expectation value for Faraday-space polarization measurements for both the case where true underlying polarized emission is present within unresolved Faraday components, and for the limiting case where no such emission is present. We then derive relationships to quantify the statistical significance of linear polarization measurements in terms of standard Gaussian statistics. The formalism developed in this work will be useful for setting signal-to-noise ratio detection thresholds for measurements of linear polarization, for the analysis of polarized sources potentially exhibiting multiple Faraday components, and for the development of polarization debiasing schemes.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Towards the Rosetta Stone of planet formation

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    Transiting exoplanets (TEPs) observed just about 10 Myrs after formation of their host systems may serve as the Rosetta Stone for planet formation theories. They would give strong constraints on several aspects of planet formation, e.g. time-scales (planet formation would then be possible within 10 Myrs), the radius of the planet could indicate whether planets form by gravitational collapse (being larger when young) or accretion growth (being smaller when young). We present a survey, the main goal of which is to find and then characterise TEPs in very young open clusters.Comment: Poster contribution to Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets (Haute Provence Observatory Colloquium, 23-27 August 2010

    Observations of the transiting planet TrES-2 with the AIU Jena telescope in Großschwabhausen

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    We have started high precision photometric monitoring observations at the AIU Jena observatory in Großschwabhausen near Jena in fall 2006. We used a 25.4cm Cassegrain telescope equipped with a CCD-camera mounted piggyback on a 90cm telescope. To test the attainable photometric precision, we observed stars with known transiting planets. We could recover all planetary transits observed by us. We observed the parent star of the transiting planet TrES-2 over a longer period in Großschwabhausen. Between March and November 2007 seven different transits and almost a complete orbital period were analyzed. Overall, in 31 nights of observation 3423 exposures (in total 57.05h of observation) of the TrES-2 parent star were taken. Here, we present our methods and the resulting light curves. Using our observations we could improve the orbital parameters of the syste

    Transit observation at the observatory in Großschwabhausen: XO-1b and TrES-1

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    We report on observations of transit events of the transiting planets XO-1b and TrES-1 with the AIU Jena telescope in Großschwabhausen. Based on our (IR) photometry (in March 2007) and available transit timings (SuperWASP, XO and TLC-project-data) we improved the orbital period of XO-1b (P = 3.941497 ± 0.000006) and TrES-1 (P = 3.0300737 ± 0.000006), respectively. The new ephemeris for the both systems are presente