219 research outputs found

    Design of 1480-nm diode-pumped Er3+-doped integrated optical amplifiers

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    Erbium-doped Y2O3 integrated optical amplifiers are designed for low-threshold operation and 3 dB amplification. The most important design parameter for minimal threshold, the erbium concentration, is found to have an optimum value of 0.35 at% for a given waveguide structure with 1.0 dB cm-1 background loss. The corresponding threshold power is 7 mW. The pump power to obtain 3 dB gain is found to be 22 mW for an amplifier with an optimum erbium concentration of 0.6 at% and 2.8 cm length. At 30 mW pump power the maximum gain is shown to be 5 dB.\ud \ud Designing is done using a comprehensive numerical model of an erbium-doped integrated optical amplifier. In the model two-dimensional intensity-dependent overlap integrals are used, which allow arbitrary erbium dopant profiles and waveguide crosssections. Concentration-dependent effects such as quenching and upconversion are also included in the model.\ud \ud Input parameters for the model are determined from measurements on an unoptimized Er: Y2O3 optical waveguide amplifier. Amplification simulations and gain measurements of the unoptimized waveguides are found to be in close agreement, providing a sound basis for the design calculations

    Bioaccumulation factors for PCBs revisited

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    Bioaccumulation factors (BAFs)for individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in Barents Sea and White Sea marine calanoid copepods were 1-3 orders of magnitude higher than BAFs in the same species in Canadian and Alaskan Arctic Ocean areas, and in freshwater plankton (Lake Ontario) reported from the mid- to early 1980s. The present study reviews variability in PCB BAFs from the North American Great Lakes and the Arctic Ocean, and discusses possible explanations for the large variation among different studies. BAFs are higher in recent arctic marine and Great Lakes studies than previously reported, and they are at least 10 times higher than those predicted from the octanol-water partition coefficient (KOW). If the recent high BAFs are realistic, it means that earlier reported BAFs are too low. This is likely due to earlier erroneously high quantification of water PCB concentrations, and it implies that bioaccumulation in zooplankton is more efficient than previously assumed. Evidence is presented supporting that also trophic transfer and biomagnification of PCBs in zooplankton leads to BAFs well above those predicted by simple equilibrium partitioning. Overall, miss-measurement of water PCB concentrations and biomagnification contribute significantly to variability in BAFs for PCBs within and among studies. This large variability of BAFs for PCBs in zooplankton illustrated in the present study is of importance for future assessments of potential new bioaccumulative chemicals that rely on measured BAFs, such as the European Union Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals program (REACH). © 2005 American Chemical Society

    Co-occurrence of ASD and ADHD traits in an adult population

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    Objective: ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be viewed as the extreme end of traits found in the general population. Clinical and genetic studies suggest that ADHD and ASD often co-occur and share genetic susceptibility. The aim of this study was to examine co-occurrence of ADHD and ASD traits in the general population. Method: In total, 334 participants were recruited from a population-based sample. Four questionnaires assessing current and retrospective ADHD and ASD traits were administered online: the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Symptom Checklist, the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS-25), the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ), and the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Results: A significant correlation was found between ADHD and autistic traits. In particular, higher inattention and overall ADHD scores were associated with self-reported deficits in communication and social skills. Conclusion: Our findings are similar to results from studies on clinical populations, suggesting that ADHD and ASD might share common etiology

    Does 3D-assisted surgery of tibial plateau fractures improve surgical and patient outcome?:A systematic review of 1074 patients

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this systematic review was to provide an overview of current applications of 3D technologies in surgical management of tibial plateau fractures and to assess whether 3D-assisted surgery results in improved clinical outcome as compared to surgery based on conventional imaging modalities. METHODS: A literature search was performed in Pubmed and Embase for articles reporting on the use of 3D techniques in operative management of tibial plateau fractures. This systematic review was performed in concordance with the PRISMA-guidelines. Methodological quality and risk of bias was assessed according to the guidelines of the McMaster Critical Appraisal. Differences in terms of operation time, blood loss, fluoroscopy frequency, intra-operative revision rates and patient-reported outcomes between 3D-assisted and conventional surgery were assessed. Data were pooled using the inverse variance weighting method in RevMan. RESULTS: Twenty articles evaluating 948 patients treated with 3D-assisted surgery and 126 patients with conventional surgery were included. Five different concepts of 3D-assisted surgery were identified: '3D virtual visualization', '3D printed hand-held fracture models', 'Pre-contouring of osteosynthesis plates', '3D printed surgical guides', and 'Intra-operative 3D imaging'. 3D-assisted surgery resulted in reduced operation time (104.7 vs. 126.4 min; P < 0.01), less blood loss (241 ml vs. 306 ml; P < 0.01), decreased frequency of fluoroscopy (5.8 vs. 9.1 times; P < 0.01). No differences in functional outcome was found (Hospital for Special Surgery Knee-Rating Scale: 88.6 vs. 82.8; P = 0.23). CONCLUSIONS: Five concepts of 3D-assisted surgical management of tibial plateau fractures emerged over the last decade. These include 3D virtual fracture visualization, 3D-printed hand-held fracture models for surgical planning, 3D-printed models for pre-contouring of osteosynthesis plates, 3D-printed surgical guides, and intra-operative 3D imaging. 3D-assisted surgery may have a positive effect on operation time, blood loss, and fluoroscopy frequency

    Long-term survival of a woman with well differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum (WDPMP) is a rare subtype of epitheloid mesothelioma, which is usually seen in young women. WDPMP is generally considered of low malignant potential, however the long-term nature of the tumor remains poorly defined.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the long-term follow-up of a 60-year-old woman of West African descent who has survived 24 years with WDPMP after receiving extensive local and systemic adjuvant chemotherapy. Her clinical course has included three exploratory laparotomies with intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy over two decades. Her course was complicated by anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, for which she underwent an orthotopic heart transplant. Our patient is alive with stable radiological evidence of peritoneal disease, and continues to suffer from chronic abdominal pain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No consensus exists regarding optimal treatment strategies for WDPMP. However, given the low malignant potential of the tumor, careful consideration should be made before proceeding with aggressive interventions. Further, long-term follow-up reports are required to fully characterize this tumor.</p

    Bayesian analysis of weak gravitational lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich data for six galaxy clusters

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    We present an analysis of observations made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) of six galaxy clusters in a redshift range of 0.16--0.41. The cluster gas is modelled using the Sunyaev--Zel'dovich (SZ) data provided by AMI, while the total mass is modelled using the lensing data from the CFHT. In this paper, we: i) find very good agreement between SZ measurements (assuming large-scale virialisation and a gas-fraction prior) and lensing measurements of the total cluster masses out to r_200; ii) perform the first multiple-component weak-lensing analysis of A115; iii) confirm the unusual separation between the gas and mass components in A1914; iv) jointly analyse the SZ and lensing data for the relaxed cluster A611, confirming our use of a simulation-derived mass-temperature relation for parameterizing measurements of the SZ effect.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 12 tables, published by MNRA

    Cosmological parameter estimation using Very Small Array data out to l=1500

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    We estimate cosmological parameters using data obtained by the Very Small Array (VSA) in its extended configuration, in conjunction with a variety of other CMB data and external priors. Within the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model, we find that the inclusion of high resolution data from the VSA modifies the limits on the cosmological parameters as compared to those suggested by WMAP alone, while still remaining compatible with their estimates. We find that Ωbh2=0.02340.0014+0.0012\Omega_{\rm b}h^2=0.0234^{+0.0012}_{-0.0014}, Ωdmh2=0.1110.016+0.014\Omega_{\rm dm}h^2=0.111^{+0.014}_{-0.016}, h=0.730.05+0.09h=0.73^{+0.09}_{-0.05}, nS=0.970.03+0.06n_{\rm S}=0.97^{+0.06}_{-0.03}, 1010AS=233+710^{10}A_{\rm S}=23^{+7}_{-3} and τ=0.140.07+0.14\tau=0.14^{+0.14}_{-0.07} for WMAP and VSA when no external prior is included.On extending the model to include a running spectral index of density fluctuations, we find that the inclusion of VSA data leads to a negative running at a level of more than 95% confidence (nrun=0.069±0.032n_{\rm run}=-0.069\pm 0.032), something which is not significantly changed by the inclusion of a stringent prior on the Hubble constant. Inclusion of prior information from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey reduces the significance of the result by constraining the value of Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}. We discuss the veracity of this result in the context of various systematic effects and also a broken spectral index model. We also constrain the fraction of neutrinos and find that fν<0.087f_{\nu}< 0.087 at 95% confidence which corresponds to mν<0.32eVm_\nu<0.32{\rm eV} when all neutrino masses are the equal. Finally, we consider the global best fit within a general cosmological model with 12 parameters and find consistency with other analyses available in the literature. The evidence for nrun<0n_{\rm run}<0 is only marginal within this model

    Recurrent differentiated thyroid cancer: Towards personalized treatment based on evaluation of tumor characteristics with PET (THYROPET Study): Study protocol of a multicenter observational cohort study

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    Background: After initial treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) patients are followed with thyroglobulin (Tg) measurements to detect recurrences. In case of elevated levels of Tg and negative neck ultrasonography, patients are treated 'blindly' with Iodine-131 (131I). However, in up to 50% of patients, the post-therapy scan reveals no 131I-targeting of tumor lesions. Such patients derive no benefit from the blind therapy but are exposed to its toxicity. Alternatively, iodine-124 (124I) Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) has become available to visualize DTC lesions and without toxicity. In addition to this, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET/CT detects the recurrent DTC phenotype, which lost the capacity to accumulate iodine. Taken together, the combination of 124I and 18F-FDG PET/CT has potential to stratify patients for treatment with 131I.Methods/Design: In a multicenter prospective observational cohort study the hypothesis that the combination of 124I and 18F-FDG PET/CT can avoid futile 131I treatments in patients planned for 'blind' therapy with 131I, is tested.One hundred patients planned for 131I undergo both 124I and 18F-FDG PET/CT after rhTSH stimulation. Independent of the outcome of the scans, all patients will subsequently receive, after thyroid hormone withdrawal, the 131I therapy. The post 131I therapeutic scintigraphy is compared with the outcome of the 124I and 18F-FDG PET/CT in order to evaluate the diagnostic value of the combined PET modalities.This study primary aims to reduce the number of futile 131I therapies. Secondary aims are the nationwide introduction of 124I PET/CT by a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program, to correlate imaging outcome with histopathological features, to compare 124I PET/CT after rhTSH and after withdrawal of thyroid hormone, and to compare 124I and 131I dosimetry.Discussion: This study aims to evaluate the potential value of the combination of 124I and 18F-FDG PET/CT in the prevention of futile 131I therapies in patients with biochemically suspected recurrence of DTC. To our best knowledge no studies addressed this in a prospective cohort of patients. This is of great clinical importance as a futile 131I is a costly treatment associated with morbidity and therefore should be restricted to those likely to benefit from this treatment.Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01641679

    Cluster Lenses

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    Clusters of galaxies are the most recently assembled, massive, bound structures in the Universe. As predicted by General Relativity, given their masses, clusters strongly deform space-time in their vicinity. Clusters act as some of the most powerful gravitational lenses in the Universe. Light rays traversing through clusters from distant sources are hence deflected, and the resulting images of these distant objects therefore appear distorted and magnified. Lensing by clusters occurs in two regimes, each with unique observational signatures. The strong lensing regime is characterized by effects readily seen by eye, namely, the production of giant arcs, multiple-images, and arclets. The weak lensing regime is characterized by small deformations in the shapes of background galaxies only detectable statistically. Cluster lenses have been exploited successfully to address several important current questions in cosmology: (i) the study of the lens(es) - understanding cluster mass distributions and issues pertaining to cluster formation and evolution, as well as constraining the nature of dark matter; (ii) the study of the lensed objects - probing the properties of the background lensed galaxy population - which is statistically at higher redshifts and of lower intrinsic luminosity thus enabling the probing of galaxy formation at the earliest times right up to the Dark Ages; and (iii) the study of the geometry of the Universe - as the strength of lensing depends on the ratios of angular diameter distances between the lens, source and observer, lens deflections are sensitive to the value of cosmological parameters and offer a powerful geometric tool to probe Dark Energy. In this review, we present the basics of cluster lensing and provide a current status report of the field.Comment: About 120 pages - Published in Open Access at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/j183018170485723/ . arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0504478 and arXiv:1003.3674 by other author

    FDG PET and PET/CT: EANM procedure guidelines for tumour PET imaging: version 1.0

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    The aim of this guideline is to provide a minimum standard for the acquisition and interpretation of PET and PET/CT scans with [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). This guideline will therefore address general information about [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) and is provided to help the physician and physicist to assist to carrying out, interpret, and document quantitative FDG PET/CT examinations, but will concentrate on the optimisation of diagnostic quality and quantitative information