18 research outputs found

    Teaching Innovation in the Development of Professional Practices: Use of the Collaborative Blog

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    The development of professional practices during the university stage is a fundamental factor for quality skills development. For many students, it is the first real experience in a professional context, so continuous monitoring by teachers is necessary. This article presents an innovative proposal to develop the follow-up of the professional practices of the degree in Primary Education, and two Masters’ in Psychopedagogy and Special Educational Needs using a learning management system (LMS) (Blackboard). The experience was developed by a team of teachers from the departments of Didactics and Educational Organization and Research Methods and Educational Diagnosis of the University of Seville (Spain). The aspects to be studied are the development of communication, reflection, and collaborative learning processes during the internship period. After an explicit agreement, 24 students (10 from the course “Professional Practices I” in undergraduate students; and the others from the Master’s) committed to periodically using the blog designed ad hoc for this experience. A content analysis of the speeches posted on the blog was carried out, examining the changes, the advantages, and the disadvantages that this model entailed. It allowed observing similarities and differences between both groups of students. As the main conclusion, there were some differences between the two groups of students, regarding the number, type, and contents of interventions; there were no differences in the assessment of the methodology, all the students thought that it was a very positive assessment of the experience for generating information exchange networks among colleagues and teachers. Finally, the relevance of constant monitoring of the academic tutor was highlighted

    BigMark: análisis y predicción de calificaciones mediante Big Data

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    Proyecto de innovación docente en el que apliquemos estas técnicas de análisis de datos inteligentes para extraer información a partir de las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos durante el curso. El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación inteligente, disponible a través del navegador web o del móvil, para que tanto los profesores como los alumnos puedan ver las calificaciones del curso, compararlas e incluso predecirlas. La predicción se consigue mediante el análisis de datos y la aplicación de técnicas de regresión estadística a partir de los datos del curso actual y de los cursos anteriores, tanto del alumno que busca información como (de forma anonimizada) de sus compañeros

    Diseño y desarrollo de materiales interactivos y multimedia en el máster universitario educación y museos: patrimonio, identidad y mediación cultural (Emus)

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    [SPA]Esta comunicación tiene como finalidad presentar el Máster Universitario en “Educación y Museos. Patrimonio, Identidad y Mediación Cultural” (eMus) por la Universidad de Murcia (España). Se trata de una experiencia docente innovadora para la que se han diseñado contenidos multimedia y materiales interactivos que facilitan a los estudiantes su aprendizaje. Este título, iniciado durante el curso 2010-2011, ha sido patrocinado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación del Gobierno de España a través de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). Se imparte mediante una “enseñanza virtual” apoyada en el uso de redes telemáticas. Está alojado en la nueva plataforma institucional que la Universidad de Murcia ha desarrollado experimentalmente durante el curso 2010-2011 y que se ha basado en la plataforma de software libre Sakai. El máster consta de 60 ECTS, tiene una orientación científico investigadora, constituye el período formativo del programa de Doctorado Educación y Museos: Patrimonio, Identiad y Mediación Cultural, que recientemente ha recibido de la Mediteranean Office for Youth (OMJ) la mención de excelencia. [ENG]The purpose of this communication is to present the Master’s Degree and PhD Program in “Education and Museums. Heritage, Identity and Cultural Mediation” (eMus) by the University of Murcia (Spain). This is an innovative educational experience for what we have designed multimedia and interactive materials to facilitate students learning. This university degree, started during the 2010-2011 academic year, have been sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation from the Government of Spain through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). It is taught through "virtual education" supported by the use of telematic networks. It takes place on the new institutional e-learning platform which the University of Murcia has developed experimentally during the 2010-2011 academic year and is based on the Sakai open source platform. The master’s degree has 60 credits, a research orientation and belongs to the formative period of the PhD program in Education and Museums: Heritage, Identity and Cultural Mediation, which has recently received the Mediterranean Office for Youth (OMJ) excellence label.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Formación de profesionales para la educación en los museos y la puesta en valor del Patrimonio. Máster Universitario en Educación y Museos: Patrimonio, Identidad y Mediación Cultural

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    [ES] En esta comunicación se presenta un modelo de formación online basado en la web 2.0, el Máster Universitario en Educación, Museos. Patrimonio, Identidad yMediación Cultural (eMus). Este título se desarrolla en el “Aula Virtual” de la Universidad de Murcia, basada en la plataforma de software libre Sakai quefacilita el uso de herramientas interactivas y que permite la comunicación, la generación de ideas y el aprendizaje colaborativo en un entorno social. Se trata de un título innovador en un entorno C-Learning en donde profesorado y alumnado interactúan desarrollando procesos educativos alejados de una estructura tradicional de enseñanza aprendizaje. Se ha conseguido diseñar una interfaz intuitiva que provoca la construcción del aprendizaje, el desarrollo de la creatividad y del pensamiento crítico[EN] This communication presents an educational model based on the web 2.0 through the online Masters Degree in Education and Museums. Heritage, Identity and Cultural Mediation (eMus). This program is hosted at the "Aula Virtual", University of Murcia's C-Learning enviroment, based on the open source software "Sakai" which facilitates communication, discussion and collaborative learning. It is an innovative program designed for an eLearning platform where students and teachers interact developing non-traditional teaching and learning processes. We have achieved to create a friendly and intuitive interface to present the contents that encourages knowledge building, creativity development and critical thinking.Hervás Avilés, RM.; Tudela Romero, R.; Tiburcio Sánchez, E.; Luján González, JM. (2012). Formación de profesionales para la educación en los museos y la puesta en valor del Patrimonio. Máster Universitario en Educación y Museos: Patrimonio, Identidad y Mediación Cultural. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(7):60-64. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4387OJS606437BURTON, Jane (2012): "Innovación y contenidos en la web del museo". II encuentro sobre redes sociales en Museos y centros de arte contemporáneo. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla León (MUSAC), 11 mayo (en video). http://musac.es/index.php?ref=142400CASAMAYOR, Gregorio (Coord.) (2008): La formación on-line. Una mirada integral sobre el e-learning, b-learning. Barcelona: Graó.CEBRIÁN, Mariano (2008): "La Web 2.0 como red social de comunicación e información". En revista: Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, nº 14, pp. 345-461. http://www.ucm.es/info/emp/Numer_14/Sum/4-04.pdfCEBRIÁN, Mariano et al. (2007): Blogs y periodismo en Internet. Madrid: Fragua.ECHEVERRÍA, Javier (2000): Un mundo virtual. Barcelona: Debolsillo.FONTAL, Olaia (2004): "Museos de arte y tics: usos, tipologías, ejemplos y derivaciones". En Formación de la ciudadanía: las TICs y los nuevos problemas. En Simposio XV Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Alicante, 30, 31 de marzo, 1,2, abril.GÓMEZ, Mª Soledad (2010): "Museos&red. Estadísticas". En mediamusea: http://mediamusea.com/HERVAS, et al. (2011): "Diseño y desarrollo de materiales interactivos y multimedia en el Máster Universitario Educación y Museos: Patrimonio, Identidad y Mediación Cultural (eMus)". Congreso Internacional de innovación docente. Cartagena, 6 al 8 Julio (en papel).HERVAS, et al. (2011): "Master's negree and PhD program in Education and Museums: Heritage, Identity and Cultural Meditation. En Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN11) Barcelona, 4-6 julio, (en papel).LLADÓ, Magali et al. (2010): "La interactividad y la web". En Joan Santacana et. al. (Coord.) Manual de museografía interactiva. Gijón: Trea, pp. 337-368.LAUZIRIKA, A. (2003): "Arte en Internet". En espacios artísticos y educación. Encuentros de arte y cultura. Bilbao: UPV-EHU/BCU, pp. 15-16.OJEDA, Carlos (2009): "Museo y web social: formas de plantearse una relación" En NeoMuseos: http://neomuseos.wordpress.com/RIVERO, Mª Pilar (2010): "Cibermuseología interactiva on-line". En Joan Santacana et. al. (Coord.) Manual de museografía interactiva. Gijón: Trea, pp. 369-390.UNESCO (2003): "Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage", en: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001331/133171e.pdf#page=80

    A truncating variant of RAD51B associated with primary ovarian insufficiency provides insights into its meiotic and somatic functions

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    Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) causes female infertility by abolishing normal ovarian function. Although its genetic etiology has been extensively investigated, most POI cases remain unexplained. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified a homozygous variant in RAD51B –(c.92delT) in two sisters with POI. In vitro studies revealed that this variant leads to translation reinitiation at methionine 64. Here, we show that this is a pathogenic hypomorphic variant in a mouse model. Rad51bc.92delT/c.92delT mice exhibited meiotic DNA repair defects due to RAD51 and HSF2BP/BMRE1 accumulation in the chromosome axes leading to a reduction in the number of crossovers. Interestingly, the interaction of RAD51B-c.92delT with RAD51C and with its newly identified interactors RAD51 and HELQ was abrogated or diminished. Repair of mitomycin-C-induced chromosomal aberrations was impaired in RAD51B/Rad51b-c.92delT human and mouse somatic cells in vitro and in explanted mouse bone marrow cells. Accordingly, Rad51b-c.92delT variant reduced replication fork progression of patient-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines and pluripotent reprogramming efficiency of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Finally, Rad51bc.92delT/c.92delT mice displayed increased incidence of pituitary gland hyperplasia. These results provide new mechanistic insights into the role of RAD51B not only in meiosis but in the maintenance of somatic genome stability.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Grant 2014/14231-0 (to MMF); FAPESP Grant 2013/02162-8, Nucleo de Estudos e Terapia Celular e Molecular (NETCEM), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Grant 303002/2016- 6 (to BBM); and FAPESP Grant 2014/50137-5 (to SELA). This work was supported by MINECO (PID2020-120326RB-I00) and by Junta de Castilla y León (CSI239P18 and CSI148P20). NFM, FSS, and MRMH are supported by European Social Fund/JCyLe grants (EDU/310/2015, EDU/556/2019 and EDU/1992/2020). YBC and RSU are funded by a grant from MINECO (BS-2015–073993 and BFU2017-89408-R). Experiments performed at CNIO were supported by grant PID2019-106707-RB to JM, co-sponsored by EU ERDF funds. SM was supported by an international postdoctoral contract “CNIO Friends”. The proteomic analysis was performed in the Proteomics Facility of Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Salamanca, Grant PRB3(IPT17/0019 -ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF). CIC-IBMCC is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia cofunded by the Castilla–León autonomous government and the European Regional Development Fund (CLC–2017–01). Veitia’s Lab is supported by the University of Paris and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Proyecto Puentes: conectando la universidad con la salud mental comunitaria

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    Se presenta la memoria del Proyecto Puentes, cuya finalidad es explorar e implementar vías de participación entre la comunidad universitaria y las personas con problemas de salud mental. Es decir, tender puentes entre lo académico y la realidad de esas personas, con el propósito de conseguir una fuente de aprendizaje significativo para el estudiantado de la UCM, pero también herramientas útiles en los procesos de recuperación e integración de las personas con problemáticas de salud mental.Depto. de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología ClínicaFac. de PsicologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders

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    Genetic influences on psychiatric disorders transcend diagnostic boundaries, suggesting substantial pleiotropy of contributing loci. However, the nature and mechanisms of these pleiotropic effects remain unclear. We performed analyses of 232,964 cases and 494,162 controls from genome-wide studies of anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome. Genetic correlation analyses revealed a meaningful structure within the eight disorders, identifying three groups of inter-related disorders. Meta-analysis across these eight disorders detected 109 loci associated with at least two psychiatric disorders, including 23 loci with pleiotropic effects on four or more disorders and 11 loci with antagonistic effects on multiple disorders. The pleiotropic loci are located within genes that show heightened expression in the brain throughout the lifespan, beginning prenatally in the second trimester, and play prominent roles in neurodevelopmental processes. These findings have important implications for psychiatric nosology, drug development, and risk prediction.Peer reviewe

    Teaching Innovation in the Development of Professional Practices: Use of the Collaborative Blog

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    The development of professional practices during the university stage is a fundamental factor for quality skills development. For many students, it is the first real experience in a professional context, so continuous monitoring by teachers is necessary. This article presents an innovative proposal to develop the follow-up of the professional practices of the degree in Primary Education, and two Masters’ in Psychopedagogy and Special Educational Needs using a learning management system (LMS) (Blackboard). The experience was developed by a team of teachers from the departments of Didactics and Educational Organization and Research Methods and Educational Diagnosis of the University of Seville (Spain). The aspects to be studied are the development of communication, reflection, and collaborative learning processes during the internship period. After an explicit agreement, 24 students (10 from the course “Professional Practices I” in undergraduate students; and the others from the Master’s) committed to periodically using the blog designed ad hoc for this experience. A content analysis of the speeches posted on the blog was carried out, examining the changes, the advantages, and the disadvantages that this model entailed. It allowed observing similarities and differences between both groups of students. As the main conclusion, there were some differences between the two groups of students, regarding the number, type, and contents of interventions; there were no differences in the assessment of the methodology, all the students thought that it was a very positive assessment of the experience for generating information exchange networks among colleagues and teachers. Finally, the relevance of constant monitoring of the academic tutor was highlighted