1,474 research outputs found

    Subsurface flows associated with rotating sunspots

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    In this paper, we compare components of the horizontal flow below the solar surface in and around regions consisting of rotating and non-rotating sunspots. Our analysis suggests that there is a significant variation in both components of the horizontal flow at the beginning of sunspot rotation as compared to the non-rotating sunspot. In most cases, the flows in surrounding areas are relatively small. However, there is a significant influence of the motion on flows in an area closest to the sunspot rotation.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures; Proceedings of IAU Symposium 273 "Physics of Sun and Star Spots" Eds. D.P. Choudhary and K.G. Strassmeie

    The nuclear receptor LXRα controls the functional specialization of splenic macrophages.

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    Macrophages are professional phagocytic cells that orchestrate innate immune responses and have considerable phenotypic diversity at different anatomical locations. However, the mechanisms that control the heterogeneity of tissue macrophages are not well characterized. Here we found that the nuclear receptor LXRα was essential for the differentiation of macrophages in the marginal zone (MZ) of the spleen. LXR-deficient mice were defective in the generation of MZ and metallophilic macrophages, which resulted in abnormal responses to blood-borne antigens. Myeloid-specific expression of LXRα or adoptive transfer of wild-type monocytes restored the MZ microenvironment in LXRα-deficient mice. Our results demonstrate that signaling via LXRα in myeloid cells is crucial for the generation of splenic MZ macrophages and identify an unprecedented role for a nuclear receptor in the generation of specialized macrophage subsets

    How to develop a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) supports local authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa in the climate challenge and in their efforts in ensuring access to clean energy. It is the "regional covenant" of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM). Under the CoM SSA, local authorities are invited to make a voluntarily political commitment to implement climate and energy actions in their communities and agree on a long-term vision to tackle 3 pillars, namely access to energy, climate mitigation and climate adaptation. In order to translate the political commitment into practical measures, CoM SSA signatories commit to elaborating and implementing a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP). This document has been prepared to assist Sub-Saharan Africa local authorities in preparing a Climate Action Plan. This document is part of the guiding materials developed to assist local governments in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in preparing a climate action plan. The full set of guiding materials consists of: - "Guidebook: How to develop a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in Sub-Saharan Africa" - Extended version; - Summary of the "Guidebook: How to develop a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in Sub-Saharan Africa"; - "How to develop a SEACAP in Sub-Saharan Africa: short starting guide". It provides step-by-step guidance and examples of measures relevant for local authorities in Sub Saharan context.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    Neutrophil infiltration regulates clock-gene expression to organize daily hepatic metabolism.

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    Liver metabolism follows diurnal fluctuations through the modulation of molecular clock genes. Disruption of this molecular clock can result in metabolic disease but its potential regulation by immune cells remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrated that in steady state, neutrophils infiltrated the mouse liver following a circadian pattern and regulated hepatocyte clock-genes by neutrophil elastase (NE) secretion. NE signals through c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibiting fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and activating Bmal1 expression in the hepatocyte. Interestingly, mice with neutropenia, defective neutrophil infiltration or lacking elastase were protected against steatosis correlating with lower JNK activation, reduced Bmal1 and increased FGF21 expression, together with decreased lipogenesis in the liver. Lastly, using a cohort of human samples we found a direct correlation between JNK activation, NE levels and Bmal1 expression in the liver. This study demonstrates that neutrophils contribute to the maintenance of daily hepatic homeostasis through the regulation of the NE/JNK/Bmal1 axis.BGT and MC were fellows of the FPI: Severo Ochoa CNIC program (SVP-2013–067639) and (BES-2017–079711) respectively. IN was funded by EFSD/Lilly grants (2017 and 2019), the CNIC IPP FP7 Marie Curie Programme (PCOFUND-2012–600396), EFSD Rising Star award (2019), JDC-2018-Incorporación (MIN/JDC1802). T-L was a Juan de la Cierva fellow (JCI2011–11623). C.F has a Sara Borrell contract (CD19/00078). RJD is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This work was funded by the following grants to GS: funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n˚ ERC 260464, EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes Research Programme Dr Sabio, 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation (Investigadores-BBVA-2017) IN[17] _BBM_BAS_0066, MINECO-FEDER SAF2016-79126-R and PID2019-104399RB-I00 , EUIN201785875, Comunidad de Madrid IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM S2010/BMD-2326 and B2017/BMD-3733 and Fundación AECC AECC PROYE19047SABI and AECC: INVES20026LEIV to ML. MM was funded by ISCIII and FEDER PI16/01548 and Junta de Castilla y León GRS 1362/A/16 and INT/M/17/17 and JL-T by Junta de Castilla y León GRS 1356/A/16 and GRS 1587/A/17. The study was additionally funded by MEIC grants to ML (MINECO-FEDER-SAF2015-74112-JIN) AT-L (MINECO-FEDERSAF2014-61233-JIN), RJD: Grant DK R01 DK107220 from the National Institutes of Health. AH: (SAF2015-65607-R). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015–0505).S

    Clean energy technologies in coal regions

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    This report presents a concise overview of the role that clean energy technologies can play for the identified regions in the path to their transition from coal mining activity under a low carbon energy consumption and production lence. The focus is on power generation technologies from wind, solar photovoltaics (free standing and roof-top), bioenergy, geothermal sources, as well as on coal-fired power plants with carbon capture. We also address energy demand technologies and specifically assess the potential for energy efficiency refurbishments in buildings. Energy storage is dealt with presenting activities relevant to batteries, to give an insight on planned or ongoing activities within coal regions. The report summarises the main findings across regions, complemented by one detailed fact sheet per region. Estimates on the renewable energy and clean energy technology potential in each region are presented. We also assess the potential of technologies in terms of investments needs and the impact this could have on job creation and regional economic development. Renewable and clean energy technology options can be an alternative to the continuation of the current model for economic development, power generation and job creation in each region, in line with EU’s climate and energy targets.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Plasma and CSF biomarkers in a memory clinic: Head-to-head comparison of phosphorylated tau immunoassays

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    INTRODUCTION: Direct comparisons of the main blood phosphorylated tau immunoassays in memory clinic populations are needed to understand possible differences. METHODS: In the BIODEGMAR study, 197 participants presenting with cognitive complaints were classified into an Alzheimer's disease (AD) or a non-AD cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profile group, according to their amyloid beta 42/ phosphorylated tau (Aβ42/p-tau) ratio. We performed a head-to-head comparison of nine plasma and nine CSF tau immunoassays and determined their accuracy to discriminate abnormal CSF Aβ42/p-tau ratio. RESULTS: All studied plasma tau biomarkers were significantly higher in the AD CSF profile group compared to the non-AD CSF profile group and significantly discriminated abnormal CSF Aβ42/p-tau ratio. For plasma p-tau biomarkers, the higher discrimination accuracy was shown by Janssen p-tau217 (r = 0.76; area under the curve [AUC] = 0.96), ADx p-tau181 (r = 0.73; AUC = 0.94), and Lilly p-tau217 (r = 0.73; AUC = 0.94). DISCUSSION: Several plasma p-tau biomarkers can be used in a specialized memory clinic as a stand-alone biomarker to detect biologically-defined AD. HIGHLIGHTS: Patients with an Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid (AD CSF) profile have higher plasma phosphorylated tau (p-tau) levels than the non-AD CSF profile group. All plasma p-tau biomarkers significantly discriminate patients with an AD CSF profile from the non-AD CSF profile group. Janssen p-tau217, ADx p-tau181, and Lilly p-tau217 in plasma show the highest accuracy to detect biologically defined AD. Janssen p-tau217, ADx p-tau181, Lilly p-tau217, Lilly p-tau181, and UGot p-tau231 in plasma show performances that are comparable to their CSF counterparts

    Differential effects of the second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose on T cell immunity in naive and COVID-19 recovered individuals

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    The rapid development of mRNA-based vaccines against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to the design of accelerated vaccination schedules that have been extremely effective in naive individuals. While a two-dose immunization regimen with the BNT162b2 vaccine has been demonstrated to provide a 95% efficacy in naive individuals, the effects of the second vaccine dose in individuals who have previously recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we characterize SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific humoral and cellular immunity in naive and previously infected individuals during and after two doses of BNT162b2 vaccination. Our results demonstrate that, while the second dose increases both the humoral and cellular immunity in naive individuals, COVID-19 recovered individuals reach their peak of immunity after the first dose. These results suggests that a second dose, according to the current standard regimen of vaccination, may be not necessary in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of the NIH (5R01HD102614-02; R01CA249204 and R01CA248984) and an ISMMS seed fund to E.G. The authors gratefully acknowledge use of the services and facilities of the Tisch Cancer Institute supported by a NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA196521). M.S. was supported by a NCI training grant (T32CA078207). This work was supported by an ISMMS seed fund to J.O.; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20-00668) to R.C.R.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 research call COV20/00181) co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe” to E.P.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (COV20/00170); the Government of Cantabria, Spain (2020UIC22-PUB-0019) to M.L.H.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16CIII/00012) to P.P.; the Fondo Social Europeo e Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil YEI (Grant PEJ2018-004557-A) to M.P.E.; and by REDInREN 016/009/009 ISCIII. This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs VACCELERATE and INsTRuCT under grant agreements 101037867 and 860003.S

    RET Fusion Testing in Patients With NSCLC: The RETING Study

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    Introduction: RET inhibitors with impressive overall response rates are now available for patients with NSCLC, yet the identi fication of RET fusions remains a dif ficult challenge. Most guidelines encourage the upfront use of next -generation sequencing (NGS), or alternatively, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) when NGS is not possible or available. Taken together, the suboptimal performance of single-analyte assays to detect RET fusions, although consistent with the notion of encouraging universal NGS, is currently widening some of the clinical practice gaps in the implementation of predictive biomarkers in patients with advanced NSCLC. Methods: This situation prompted us to evaluate several RET assays in a large multicenter cohort of RET fusion -positive NSCLC (n 1 / 4 38) to obtain real -world data. In addition to RNA -based NGS (the criterion standard method), all positive specimens underwent break -apart RET FISH with two different assays and were also tested by an RT-PCR assay. Results: The most common RET partners were KIF5B (78.9%), followed by CCDC6 (15.8%). The two RET NGSpositive but FISH -negative samples contained a KIF5B(15)RET(12) fusion. The three RET fusions not identi fied with RT-PCR were AKAP13(35)-RET(12) , KIF5B(24)-RET(9) and KIF5B(24)-RET(11) . All three false -negative RT-PCR cases were FISH -positive, exhibited a typical break -apart pattern, and contained a very high number of positive tumor cells with both FISH assays. Signet ring cells, psammoma bodies, and pleomorphic features were frequently observed (in 34.2%, 39.5%, and 39.5% of tumors, respectively). Conclusions: In-depth knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the different RET testing methodologies could help clinical and molecular tumor boards implement and maintain sensible algorithms for the rapid and effective detection of RET fusions in patients with NSCLC. The likelihood of RET false -negative results with both FISH and RT-PCR reinforces the need for upfront NGS in patients with NSCLC. (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Bienestar y familia, una mirada desde la psicología positiva

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    Este libro está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales en psicología y áreas afines, como enfermería, trabajo social o educación, y a los interesados en personalidad positiva. Cada capítulo se presenta de manera sencilla y con una estructura didáctica, pero sin perder rigor científico y calidad de la revisión, con el fin de facilitar el acceso a la información sobre bienestar individual, familiar y social de una forma accesible para adentrarnos al estudio de temas de psicología positiva. Dadas las temáticas, se consideró pertinente dividir este libro en dos secciones: I. Psicología positiva y bienestar. II. Bienestar individual y familiar.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V