5,647 research outputs found

    Changing Times at Cuban Universities: Looking into the Transition towards a Social, Entrepreneurial and Innovative Organization

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    Since the 1990s, the socialist higher education system has faced several reforms oriented to satisfy the social, economic, and technological demands. However, little is known about the transformation process of the socialist university system over the past two decades. This study provides a better understanding of the entrepreneurial and innovative transition of universities located in socialist economies. By adopting mixed theoretical approaches, we proposed a conceptual model to understand the social, the innovative and the entrepreneurial transformation of socialist universities. We revised/tested this model in the context of the Cuban University by implementing a prospective case study approach. Our findings show insights about the transition towards a business model innovation within the Cuban university. The determinants have been the state regulations, the closing of the complete cycle from teaching to the commercialization of results and the creation of hybrid structures to manage knowledge. Consequently, the university is facing managerial challenges related to its ability to explore/exploit its activities to generate social, innovative and economic outcomes. Our results provide practical implications for the university managers and actors involved in the transformation process of the Cuban Universit

    Targeting tumor microenvironment crosstalk through GPCR receptors and PI3K pathway

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    [eng] The tumor microenvironment (TME) is gaining momentum due to its contribution to cancer progression and therapy resistance. This TME has a direct crosstalk with tumor cells that involves the activation of different pathways. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the most common indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Although FL is generally characterized by slow progression and high response rates to therapy, it is still considered incurable, because almost virtually all the patients relapse. FL is probably the NHL with the highest dependence on microenvironment. PI3K is a common denominator transducing the signaling from FL crosstalk with the TME and plays an important role in multiple cellular functions, and also contributes to cancer promoting aspects of the TME, such as angiogenesis and inflammatory cell recruitment. Idelalisib is a first-in-class δ isoform- specific PI3K inhibitor that receive regulatory approval for relapsed CLL, SLL and FL in 2014. Idelalisib blocks PI3K δ which is restricted to leukocytes. BCL2 deregulation is paramount in the pathogenesis of FL, as a consequence of the t(14;18), and therefore it is an attractive target for novel therapeutic approaches. Venetoclax (ABT-199, AbbVie) is a small BCL-2 inhibitors. Even though 85% of FL patients harbor the t(14;18), the results of the first clinical trial with venetoclax were not satisfactory (overall response 38%). From this first study we conclude that Idelalisib modulates key pathways in the germinal center and shapes the FL immune microenvironment by decreasing the recruitment of TFH and Treg to the tumor site leading to less immunesuppresive phenotype. Furthermore Idelalisib induces a moderate cytotoxic effect on FL cells in co-cultures. This co-culture decrease FL dependence on BCL-2 and consequently, venetoclax cytotoxicity, but Idelalisib sensitizes FL co-cultures to venetoclax. In summary, Idelalisib interferes with the crosstalk of FL and its immune microenvironment and potentiates the activity of venetoclax targeting the tumor cells, thus representing a promising combination therapy that may improve FL outcome. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in males and the second in females, and the fourth most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Patients with advanced and distal metastatic disease (stage IV), the survival rate drops to 10%, which accounts for approximately 18% of cases. The TME in CRC, is a complex structure composed by different type of cells, which are interacting each other’s and secreting a variety of growth factors and other molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines. Tumor development is based on the crosstalk between tumor cells and their surrounding microenvironment, and this crosstalk is mediated by the receptors and its ligand expression in both types of cells. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are an important family of membrane signaling receptors, which have an important role in cancer growth and development. Originally, GPCRs were considered as monomeric functional entities, nevertheless, in recent years has become evident that GPCRs form dimers and this dimers formation may modify the cellular response. In cancer, CXCR4 (has been studied extensively) plays an important role at different stages of cancer development, and is involved in the metastasis process of tumor cells. The up- regulation of CXCR4 in CRC correlates with a poor prognosis. Another GPCR, CB2 receptor modulates the downstream signaling and it is able to activate a wide range of signaling pathways, including extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2). In CRC, it has been described an up-regulation of CB2 receptor expression. GPCRs show differential expression in cancer cells and tissues, and they are highly druggable sites. From this second study we concluded that CXCR4 and CB2 expression is increased in primary colon tumor cells and in metastasis cells compared to normal epithelial cells from colon mucosa, and they formed heterodimers in colon tumoral cells and are associated with more aggressive phenotypes. Moreover, a bidirectional cross-antagonism crosstalk is established between these receptors. These heterodimers regulate in vitro CXCL12-induced migration, and in vivo, the simultaneous inhibition of both receptors shows superior anti-tumoral and anti-metastatic activities than the single agent inhibition. In summary, targeting the heterodimerization of CXCR4 and CB2 that are biologically relevant in cancer can be an effective way to reduce proliferation and dissemination in CRC.[spa] El estudio del microambiente tumoral está ganando importancia en las últimas décadas debido a su contribución en la formación y desarrollo del cáncer, además de contribuir en la resistencia de las células tumorales a diferentes terapias. Este microambiente interactúa con las células tumorales y activa diferentes vías. El linfoma folicular (FL), es el linfoma no Hodgkin indolente más común y con mayor dependencia del microambiente tumoral, además es considerado incurable. PI3K desempeña un papel importante en la comunicación con el microambiente, y es importante en múltiples funciones celulares, además de contribuir en la angiogénesis, reclutamiento de células inflamatorias y promover el crecimiento tumoral. Idelalisib es un inhibidor de PI3K (específicamente de la isoforma δ), que se aprobó en 2014 por la FDA. Paralelamente la desregulación de BCL2 es primordial en la patogénesis de FL, como consecuencia de la t (14; 18), presente en un 85% de los pacientes, y por lo tanto es un objetivo atractivo para novedosos enfoques terapéuticos. Venetoclax (ABT-199, AbbVie) es un pequeño inhibidor de BCL2, que mostró unos resultados del primer ensayo clínico no satisfactorios (respuesta global del 38%). De este primer estudio concluimos que Idelalisib interfiere en la comunicación de FL y su microambiente inmune, además potencia la actividad de venetoclax atacando a las células tumorales, lo que representa una terapia de combinación prometedora que puede mejorar el resultado del tratamiento de FL

    La teoría verbal de Jaime Balmes.

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    La traduction chez Schwob

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    Although Marcel Schwob produced works of great beauty, his facet as a translator is virtually unknown. He is aware that all literary work loses certain qualities in translation and seeks to replace these losses by using his talent as a writer and by applying the method he called the “analogy of languages and literatures at identical stages of formation”. According to this theory languages share similar stages of development and any one language will present analogies with another language of the same period. The translator must therefore revert to the language used when the original text was written. Schwob put this principle into practice with great success in his transla-tions of Shakespeare and Defoe

    La traducción en the huffington post

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    This paper analyzes the role of translation in the new scenario created by the emergence of digital media. The Internet has become a privileged instrument for social communication in the twenty-first century. All the major media have created digital editions and they coexist on the Net with new media that have tapped the rise of cyberspace and opportunities for participation offered by Web 0.2. One such example is The Huffington Post, a digital newspaper that combines traditional journalism with a platform open to reader participation in which blogging clearly plays a prominent role. The Huffington Post is of great interest to journalistic translation given its policy of global expansion, as proven by editions published in various languages and the translation of journalism blogs. Using a descriptive method, we study how translation works in these online editions, how it is used and for what purposes. To this end, we have analyzed the translations published over a three-month period (the last quarter of 2012).Este trabajo analiza el papel de la traducción en el nuevo escenario creado por la irrupción de los medios digitales. Internet se ha convertido en un instrumento privilegiado de comunicación social en el siglo XXI.Todos los grandes medios de comunicación han creado ediciones digitales y conviven en la red con nuevos medios que han aprovechado el auge del ciberespacio y las posibilidades de participación que ofrece la Web 0.2. Uno de ellos es The Huffington Post, un periódico digital que conjuga el periodismo tradicional con una plataforma abierta a la participación de sus lectores, en el que el fenómeno blog tiene un protagonismo indiscutible. The Huffington Post presenta un enorme interés para la traducción periodística por su política de expansión mundial a través de diferentes ediciones en otras lenguas y por la traducción de blogs periodísticos. Utilizando una metodología descriptiva, estudiamos de qué manera actúa la traducción en las ediciones de este cibermedio, cómo se utiliza y con qué objetivos. Para ello, hemos analizado las traducciones publicadas durante un periodo de tres meses, que comprende el último trimestre de 2012

    Técnicas específicas de la traducción periodística

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    La traducción periodística es una práctica profesional que presenta unos rasgos propios. En este artículo proponemos un nuevo acercamiento a este tipo de traducción a través del análisis de las técnicas específicas que se utilizan con mayor frecuencia en las traducciones periodísticas, como son la amplificación, la compresión y la elisión. El uso de estas técnicas es funcional y viene determinado por las características de los géneros periodísticos y las exigencias del nuevo marco comunicativo.Journalistic translation is a professional practice with its own characteristics. In this article we propose a new approach to this type of translation through the analysis of the specific techniques most often used in journalistic translation, such as amplification, compression and omission. The use of these techniques is functional and is determined by the characteristics of the journalistic genres and the requirements of the new communicative frame

    Teoría literaria andaluza en el siglo XIX

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    Tras la búsqueda y tras el análisis de los textos más importantes de Retórica y de Poética editados durante el siglo XIX hemos llegado a la conclusión de que se escriben abundantes obras y de que, entre ellas, existe una notable diversidad en los contenidos. Hemos identificado, al menos, ocho modelos filosóficos diferentes que han determinado propuestas de teorías literarias diversas: Sensualismo, Sensualismo mitigado o sentimentalismo, Eclecticismo (Escuela de Escocia), Espiritualismo ecléctico, Tradicionalismo, Neoescolasticismo, Idealismo, Krausismo y Otras corrientes como el Utilitarismo y el Romanticismo. Durante este siglo, en Andalucía tenemos Preceptivas orientadas por cada una de estas corrientes teóricas y también sigue vigente una línea clasicista que prolonga por textos del siglo XVIII que se siguieron reeditando y que sirvieron de modelos a muchos manuales elaborados en esta centuria como, por ejemplo, el Arte Poética (1674) de Nicolas Boileau (1636-1711), que había sido traducido y anotado por J. B. Madramany y Carbonell en 1787, influye en muchos tratados de poética del siglo XIX, por ejemplo, en el del granadino Francisco de Paula Martínez de la Rosa (1787-1862) que tanta difusión alcanzó durante varias década

    La señora Bovary et Madame Bovary. Les traducteurs comme agents sociaux

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    Le roman Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert n’a jamais cessé d’être traduit en espagnol. Depuis sa publication en 1857, une quarantaine de traductions de cet ouvrage ont été publiées en castillan uniquement pour l’Espagne. Cette étude s’occupe de deux traductions récentes de ce chef d’œuvre : La señora Bovary, traduit par María Teresa Gallego Urrutia (Alba Editorial, 2012) et Madame Bovary, par Mauro Armiño (Siruela, 2013). Ces deux traductions, d’une très grande qualité, s’inscrivent dans le même cadre spatio-temporel et dans une approche éditoriale similaire : une collection de classiques soignée dont les traducteurs réputés constituent une réclame sérieuse. Ces deux versions répondent pourtant à des approches de traduction radicalement différenciées résultant de l’initiative, de la singularité et du statut professionnel de leurs traducteurs. Il en résulte deux lectures du roman de Flaubert qui illustrent l’influence déterminante sur les textes traduits de la liberté créatrice des traducteurs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec