38 research outputs found

    Sandy Feet

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    Sgt. Brady is a former armed forces member with a transtibial amputation. He walks on sand frequently for work and leisure, but experiences severe pain and inconvenience because his current prosthesis is not meant for use on sand. Sand Foot V2 is a prosthesis that allows Sgt. Brady to walk on sand for long periods of time without issue

    Magnetic and thermal properties of 4f-3d ladder-type molecular compounds

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    We report on the low-temperature magnetic susceptibilities and specific heats of the isostructural spin-ladder molecular complexes L2_{2}[M(opba)]_{3\cdot xDMSOy\cdot yH2_{2}O, hereafter abbreviated with L2_{2}M3_{3} (where L = La, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and M = Cu, Zn). The results show that the Cu containing complexes (with the exception of La2_{2}Cu3_{3}) undergo long range magnetic order at temperatures below 2 K, and that for Gd2_{2}Cu3_{3} this ordering is ferromagnetic, whereas for Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} it is probably antiferromagnetic. The susceptibilities and specific heats of Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} above TCT_{C} have been explained by means of a model taking into account nearest as well as next-nearest neighbor magnetic interactions. We show that the intraladder L--Cu interaction is the predominant one and that it is ferromagnetic for L = Gd, Tb and Dy. For the cases of Tb, Dy and Ho containing complexes, strong crystal field effects on the magnetic and thermal properties have to be taken into account. The magnetic coupling between the (ferromagnetic) ladders is found to be very weak and is probably of dipolar origin.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The comparative osmoregulatory ability of two water beetle genera whose species span the fresh-hypersaline gradient in inland waters (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae).

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    A better knowledge of the physiological basis of salinity tolerance is essential to understanding the ecology and evolutionary history of organisms that have colonized inland saline waters. Coleoptera are amongst the most diverse macroinvertebrates in inland waters, including saline habitats; however, the osmoregulatory strategies they employ to deal with osmotic stress remain unexplored. Survival and haemolymph osmotic concentration at different salinities were examined in adults of eight aquatic beetle species which inhabit different parts of the fresh-hypersaline gradient. Studied species belong to two unrelated genera which have invaded saline waters independently from freshwater ancestors; Nebrioporus (Dytiscidae) and Enochrus (Hydrophilidae). Their osmoregulatory strategy (osmoconformity or osmoregulation) was identified and osmotic capacity (the osmotic gradient between the animal's haemolymph and the external medium) was compared between species pairs co-habiting similar salinities in nature. We show that osmoregulatory capacity, rather than osmoconformity, has evolved independently in these different lineages. All species hyperegulated their haemolymph osmotic concentration in diluted waters; those living in fresh or low-salinity waters were unable to hyporegulate and survive in hyperosmotic media (> 340 mosmol kg(-1)). In contrast, the species which inhabit the hypo-hypersaline habitats were effective hyporegulators, maintaining their haemolymph osmolality within narrow limits (ca. 300 mosmol kg(-1)) across a wide range of external concentrations. The hypersaline species N. ceresyi and E. jesusarribasi tolerated conductivities up to 140 and 180 mS cm(-1), respectively, and maintained osmotic gradients over 3500 mosmol kg(-1), comparable to those of the most effective insect osmoregulators known to date. Syntopic species of both genera showed similar osmotic capacities and in general, osmotic responses correlated well with upper salinity levels occupied by individual species in nature. Therefore, osmoregulatory capacity may mediate habitat segregation amongst congeners across the salinity gradient

    Stable isotope ecology of Cape dune mole-rats (Bathyergus suillus) from Elandsfontein, South Africa: implications for C4 vegetation and hominin paleobiology in the Cape Floral Region

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    The archaeological and paleontological records from the west coast of South Africa have potential to provide insights into ecosystem dynamics in the region during the mid Pleistocene. Although the fossil record suggests an ecosystem quite different than that of the region today, we understand little about the ecological factors that contributed to this disparity. The site of Elandsfontein (EFT) dates to between 1.0 and 0.6 million years ago (Ma), preserves in situ lithic and faunal materials found in direct association with each other, and provides the rare opportunity to examine the relationship between hominin behavioural variability and landscape heterogeneity in a winter rainfall ecosystem. In this study, we examine the stable carbon isotopic composition of a large sample (n = 81) of Cape dune mole-rats (Bathyergus suillus) and contemporaneous large mammals (> 6 kg; n = 194) from EFT. We find that δ13C values of B. suillus are significantly different to those of contemporaneous large mammals from EFT indicating a significant presence of plants utilizing the C4 photosynthetic pathway during the mid-Pleistocene, in contrast to present C3 dominated ecosystems along the west coast of South Africa. Additionally, we find that artifact density at EFT localities is positively correlated with δ13C values in B. suillus enamel suggesting that evidence of more intense hominin occupation may be associated with the presence of more C4 vegetation. Lastly, we hypothesize that this unique distribution of vegetation 1) provided abundant resources for both hominin and non-hominin taxa and 2) may have concentrated hominin and animal behavior in certain places on the ancient landscape

    A single-cell survey of the small intestinal epithelium

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    Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) absorb nutrients, respond to microbes, provide barrier function and help coordinate immune responses. We profiled 53,193 individual epithelial cells from mouse small intestine and organoids, and characterized novel subtypes and their gene signatures. We showed unexpected diversity of hormone-secreting enteroendocrine cells and constructed their novel taxonomy. We distinguished between two tuft cell subtypes, one of which expresses the epithelial cytokine TSLP and CD45 (Ptprc), the pan-immune marker not previously associated with non-hematopoietic cells. We also characterized how cell-intrinsic states and cell proportions respond to bacterial and helminth infections. Salmonella infection caused an increase in Paneth cells and enterocytes abundance, and broad activation of an antimicrobial program. In contrast, Heligmosomoides polygyrus caused an expansion of goblet and tuft cell populations. Our survey highlights new markers and programs, associates sensory molecules to cell types, and uncovers principles of gut homeostasis and response to pathogens

    IL-33 Signaling Alters Regulatory T Cell Diversity in Support of Tumor Development

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) can impair anti-tumor immune responses and are associated with poor prognosis in multiple cancer types. Tregs in human tumors span diverse transcriptional states distinct from those of peripheral Tregs, but their contribution to tumor development remains unknown. Here, we use single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to longitudinally profile dynamic shifts in the distribution of Tregs in a genetically engineered mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma. In this model, interferon-responsive Tregs are more prevalent early in tumor development, whereas a specialized effector phenotype characterized by enhanced expression of the interleukin-33 receptor ST2 is predominant in advanced disease. Treg-specific deletion of ST2 alters the evolution of effector Treg diversity, increases infiltration of CD8+ T cells into tumors, and decreases tumor burden. Our study shows that ST2 plays a critical role in Treg-mediated immunosuppression in cancer, highlighting potential paths for therapeutic intervention

    Transforming Cancer Prevention through Precision Medicine and Immune-oncology

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    We have entered a transformative period in the history of cancer prevention. Recent remarkable advances in sequencing technology and computational biology have now provided us with unprecedented opportunities to study the biology of premalignancy, including deep genomic characterization of these lesions, and a detailed assessment of the tumor immune microenvironment. This extraordinary technology has enabled development of novel genomic biomarkers to personalize cancer detection, identified driver mutations in circulating DNA from patients with premalignant lesions, and defined immune gene signatures that are predictive of progression to invasive malignancy. More recently, we have witnessed the remarkable realization of the early promise of immunotherapy which has emanated from a deep understanding of the complexities of the immune system. Just as precision therapy and immunotherapy are transforming cancer treatment, precision medicine and immunoprevention approaches are being translated to the clinic and showing great promise. Here, we set out a brief agenda for the immediate future of cancer prevention, which will involve precision medicine and immunoprevention – pivotal elements of a broader domain of personalized public health