99 research outputs found

    Manajemen Kurikulum Full Day School di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pengorganisasian dan evaluasi dampak penerapan kurikulum full day school di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta terhadap perilaku dan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala urusan kurikulum, guru, staf administrasi dan siswa. Objeknya adalah manajemen kurikulum full day school di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi, dan dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Dalam hal perencanaan kurikulum: 1) sumber kurikulum yang digunakan adalah kurikulum Kemendikbud dan Kemenag; 2) sasaran dan tujuan kurikulum ditentukan melalui workshop di awal tahun ajaran dengan menganalisis muatan–muatan yang ada dalam kurikulum Kemendikbud dan Kemenag ditambah dengan kurikulum JSIT (Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu); 3) sarana dan prasarana cukup lengkap, pembiayaannya dikelola oleh Yayasan Konsorsium Mulia; 4) memadukan dua kurikulum yang berbeda tersebut disahkan terlebih dahulu di Kemendikbud; 5) model pembelajaran dibuat bervariasi sesuai kebutuhan siswa; 6) evaluasi kurikulum dilakukan oleh pengawas langsung dari Kemendikbud. Dalam hal pelaksanaan kurikulum: 1) sasaran dan tujuan kurikulum telah dipahami oleh seluruh tenaga pengajar dan karyawan; 2) pengelolaan pokok-pokok permasalahan tentang kurikulum dan kemajuan sekolah dilakukan pihak sekolah dengan koordinasi antara stakeholder melalui pertemuan rutin majelis taklim; 3) model pembelajaran yang digunakan sangat bervariasi; 4) sarana dan prasarana digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing bidang studi; 5) evaluasi kurikulum dilakukan langsung oleh pengawas dari dinas. Dalam hal evaluasi kurikulum: 1) evaluasi terhadap pencapaian tujuan kurikulum dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah pada kegiatan yang bersifat akademik maupun non-akademik; 2) evaluasi terhadap penggarapan pokok-pokok permasalahan diamati melalui animo dan daya tampung yang diterima; 3) evaluasi penerapan model pembelajaran dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dan guru; 4) evaluasi penggunaan sarana dan prasarana dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dan guru


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika tentang materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan cacah dengan menggunakan media kartu bilangan pada siswa kelas I B Sekolah Dasar Negeri Caturtunggal 4, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I B SD Negeri Caturtunggal 4 yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Penelitian tindakan dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode tes dan observasi. Data hasil penelitian tentang materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan dianalisis secara deskriftif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media kartu bilangan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika pada penjumlahan dan pengurangan di kelas I B Sekolah Dasar Negeri Caturtunggal 4, yang pada kondisi awal hasil sebelum diberi tindakan nilai rata-rata 5,58. Pada siklus I dengan menggunakan media kartu bilangan adanya peningkatan sehingga nilai rata-rata kelas menjadi 6,37. Pada siklus II menunjukan peningkatan dengan rata-rata yang diperoleh 7,47. Kata kunci : kartu bilangan, media pembelajaran, hasil belajar, matematik

    Implementation of Independent Learning Through the Role of the Driving Teacher for the Realization of the Pancasila Student Profile

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    Learning knows no boundaries of space and time. The internal challenge is the decline in the morale of the Indonesian nation's children, which is reflected in lifestyle changes, including abuse of social media, online prostitution, bullying, drugs, and student brawls by students, which are still educational problems. Improvements in the world of education must be made by the Indonesian nation to neutralize the adverse effects of technological advances, namely the independent curriculum with the independent learning program, which gives freedom to teachers and students to determine how they learn, design fun, innovative learning, independent student learning, and foster creativity. And cultivate happiness. As the frontline in education, teachers must always be responsive and able to adapt because teachers are role models in educational transformation. Conversely, low teacher competence is still a problem in the world of education. To increase teacher competence, the teacher mobilization program aims to optimize teacher abilities and encourage student leadership, master technology, evaluate learning, and train 21st-century skills and character. This study used a literature review using the PRISMA 2020 diagram. The data for the 36 articles used in this study were obtained through lens.org, Google Scholar, and sinta. The data search uses previous research that is relevant to the keywords independent learning, driving teachers, and Pancasila student profiles from 2020 – 2022. From the results of the literature study, independent learning through the role of driving teachers can realize the profile of Pancasila student

    Pendidikan ibadah akhlak melalui qiro’ah kitab turats dengan metode klasik dan i’rab

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    Sebagian orang tua melakukan cara untuk membentuk lingkungan yang baik dan pergaulan yang baik untuk anak adalah menyekolahkannya di pesantren karena pesantren dianggap mampu secara optimal membantu peran orang tua dalam mendidik anak terutama dalam pendidikan ibadah dan akhlak. Pembiasaan ibadah dan akhlak anak dapat dilakukan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai fitrah manusia yang direfleksikan kepada suri teladan nabi Muhammad SAW berdasarkan Al Qur’an yang termuat dan dijelaskan secara mendalam melalui kitab turats. Kitab Turats menjadi materi ajar dan kurikulum pada pesantren. Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan pendidikan ibadah dan akhlak melalui Qiro’ah kitab turats dengan metode klasik dan i’rab di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Mergosono. Malang tahun akademik 2018-2020. Peneliti melakukan observasi langsung dan menjelaskan data dengan kualitatif deskriptif terhadap 3 pendidik yang mengajar dengan pembacaan kitab kuning. Hasil Penelitian adalah tidak kurang dari 20 kitab kuning bidang studi tauhid, akhlak, fiqh (ibadah), ushul fiqh, tajwid, dan bahasa Arab dengan pola metode klasik yaitu penentuan mawad, qiro’a dan tarjamah, serta syarh, juga pola metode i’rab yaitu penentuan mawad, i’rob, qiro’ah, tarjamah dan syarh. Syarh pendidik tentang kandungan kitab turats menjadi income pengetahuan anak dalam pelaksanaan ibadah dan pembiasaan akhlak, tentu disertai pendampingan penuh kasih sayang dan keteladanan, optimalisasi kegiatan ibadah wajib dan sunah dengan salat wajib berjama’ah dan salat sunat berjama’ah (rawatib, tahajud, witir, dan dhuha), pembelajaran al Quran dan hadis, evaluasi dan mono.toring kognitif dan afektif anak, serta pembiasaan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat

    Budaya, Agama, dan Makna Volunterisme bagi Kader Warga Peduli AIDS di Kota Bandung

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    HIV epidemic in Indonesia has been last for three decades and the members of the community have participated in the prevention and intervention. Warga Peduli AIDS (WPA) is an action by a group of local residents in Bandung City who concerned about HIV and AIDS. This action has been one of examples of community participation in responding to the epidemic. The action includes participation in meetings held by NGOs and city government to discuss prevention at the community level, dissemination of information about epidemic preventions; and providing social support for people living with HIV and AIDS. This study aims at describing motives that drive the WPA activist (better known as WPA Kader) to carry out an action, and how they view the meaning of their action. This study was conducted in a qualitative approach using an ethnographic model. This study finds that WPA Kader derived their motive of action from religious and cultural values, and their action is a combination of altruism and self-interest to pursue their personal spiritual satisfaction.  In line with this motive, they view their action as part of their religious and cultural expression; instead of merely a community-based action to respond to a timely health issue.

    Gender Relation in Tea Plucking Workers: a Case Study of Gender Division of Labour and Gender Relation in Gambung Tea Plantation, West Java

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    Men and women's participation in tea plucking have been divided based on gender and strongly patriarchy-influenced. This division of labor cause a gender relation describes specific case of their relations in tea plantation. This study aims to describe the gender relation among the tea plucking workers at Gambung Tea Plantation, analyzed by qualitative approach, particularly treated as a case study. Data collected by in-depth interviews, observation, focus group discussion, and documentation. It was triangulated and analyzed using Harvard Analytical Framework and Gender Balance Tree in Gender Action Learning System approaches. The result shows that both men and women have equal access employment in plucking tea but their participation divided based on gender and patriarchy-influenced. Women have large participation in manual job description while men dominates on mechanic. Manual labor requires longer working-hour. It cause women have longer on working-hour than men. It is also enhance their burdern, eventhough generally they have double roles. As the consequences, women must work harder on their both roles. However, women's participation in productive works enable women to generate income that makes them gaining better position within the household, such as a decision maker. It makes them able to access skill capacity

    Prevalence of Angular Cheilitis in the Elderly: A Rapid Review

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    The elderly commonly experiences decreased function in various organs, which can impact the immune and digestive systems, as well as increase susceptibility to angular cheilitis (ICD-10 code: K13.0). Furthermore, the high prevalence of malnutrition and the increase in the elderly yearly can affect the incidence of this inflammation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of angular cheilitis in the elderly. The rapid review method was employed to accomplish this using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for screening and search procedures. The search was performed through the Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases using specific keywords and inclusion criteria. A total of 30 observational study articles from 16 countries focusing on several elderly populations were included in this study. The lowest and highest prevalence value was 1% and 46.66%, respectively, with 1,347 out of 14,927 elderly experiencing angular cheilitis. Of the 30 articles reviewed, 23 showed a value below 10%, while the remaining 7 were above 10%. The differences in prevalence could be attributed to the limitations of the articles utilized in this study, which vary widely in terms of sample population characteristics, location, gender allocation, as well as study and data collection methods. This review showed that the prevalence of angular cheilitis in most countries is low. However, the two studies conducted in Indonesia have a high and low prevalence, respectively

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Adiksi Internet Dan Kualitas Tidur Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional Pada Siswa Sma Negeri 1 Seminkabupaten Gunungkidul

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    ABSTRACT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERNET ADDICTION AND SLEEPING QUALITY WITH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF SMA NEGERI 1 SEMIN STUDENTS IN GUNUNGKIDUL REGENCY Rosy Syajarotudduroh, Erna Herawati Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Background: A study states that students with excessive internet addiction will affect their psychological well-being to be low. Many teenagers are less able to control the Internet use, such as the teenagers who post negative things, emotionally and or without any consideration. However, such behavior indicates a low emotional intelligence. Furthermore, lack of sleep can also affect the mood, irritability, which affects the emotional intelligence. Objective: To analyze the relationship between internet addiction level and sleeping quality with the emotional intelligence of SMA Negeri 1 Semin students in Gunungkidul Regency. Method: This research used an analytic-observational research design with a cross-sectional approach. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Semin in January 2018 with 60 students as the respondents which result are taken with purposive sampling technique. The research used Pearson method and linear regression with SPSS version 20.0 for windows. Result: Based on the linear regression test, it obtains a correlation value (r) 0.233 and p value 0.002 <0.05 of the addiction level with the students’ emotional intelligence who are an internet users in SMA Negeri 1 Semin and the correlation value of (r) 0.604 and p 0.000 <0.05 between the sleeping quality and students’ emotional intelligence who are an internet users in SMA Negeri 1 Semin. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a significant weak negative relationship between the level of internet addiction with the emotional intelligence and the significant medium negative relationship between the sleeping quality with the emotional intelligence. Therefore, the sleeping quality is more dominant in affecting the emotional intelligence. Keywords: Internet addiction, sleeping quality, emotional intelligenc

    Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah fi Maharat al-Kitabah min khilal Google Jambord

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    This article discusses the role of Jamboard in improving Arabic writing skills. Writing is essential to language learning, and students may need help to develop this skill effectively. In this context, using Jamboard as a digital and collaborative learning tool motivates and enhances Arabic language learning. Jamboard allows students to write and interact with content directly and collaboratively. Using the tools available on Jamboard, such as a digital pen, shapes, and photos, students can write and share their ideas and feedback visually and interactively. This digital approach allows students to improve their Arabic writing skills and enhance collaboration and interaction between them in relation to the language. In addition, using Jamboard provides immediate feedback for students, as instructors can provide direct guidance and explanations to students as they work on the Jamboard. This allows students to update their skills and correct mistakes in real-time, thus enhancing their writing progress. By using Jamboard in learning Arabic, active participation is promoted, creativity is stimulated, and students' writing abilities are developed. This leads to enhancing the overall learning experience and enhancing the optimal use of modern educational technology in the field of learning the Arabic language and developing writing skill
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