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    5474 research outputs found

    Ethics Politic Kari Palonen of Weberian Perspective

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    This study aims to describe and analyze the political ethics of Kari Palonen's thoughts. The method used in this study is a descriptive-analytical method with a Weberian approach. The primary data used in this research is the works of Kari Palonen himself. While the secondary data in this study are books, journal articles, and other websites that discuss Kari Palonen's thoughts. The results of the study show that political ethics in Kari Palonen's perspective includes five dimensions, viz political (political action), polity (facilities; institutions), policy (policy; purpose), politicking (political activity), and politicisation. The five elements in the Weberian perspective constitute a scope of complexity that cannot be separated and are interrelated in forming and understanding a country's political ethics

    Policy Politics and Human Rights: Study on the Implementation of Social Order Policy (Homeless and Beggar Free Zone) in Batam City Area

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    Social Order Policy is designed by Batam City Government in Batam City Local Regulation No. 6 Year 2002. Through the implementation of this policy, which regulates that Batam City is a city that prohibits begging or vagrancy, which can disturb social order in green lanes and public places such as roads, restaurants, tourist attractions, and others. This research aims to find out and describe the Implementation of Social Order Policy (Free Area for Beggars and Vagrants) in Batam City. The type of research used by researchers is descriptive using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this research were conducted by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data obtained was analysed using indicators of Policy Implementation theory according to Edward III which includes disposition, bureaucratic structure, resources, and communication. And analysed using political perspectives and human rights. This research found that the Implementation of Social Order Policy (Free Area for Homeless and Beggars) in Batam City has been running, but the implementation has not been done optimally. Various efforts have been made by the Social and Empowerment Agency of Batam City in handling the problem of beggars and vagrants, namely by conducting outreach efforts, then providing guidance and training for beggars and vagrants. Then also to support the process of implementing this policy, an outreach team / Quick Reaction Team (TRC) was formed, then a rehabilitation building was built UPTD P2PMKS Nilam Suri. However, there are also inhibiting factors, namely the commitment and consistency of the outreach officers are still considered lacking, then the training and guidance conducted at UPTD Nilam Suri has not been able to fully benefit the beggars and vagrants. In addition, the government, which is fully responsible for the rights of beggars and homeless people, is not fully able to fulfil and overcome the existing problems

    Integration of Lean Six Sigma and Ergonomics in Internal Logistics in the Supply Chain – A Systematic Literature

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    Today's most significant challenge facing the industry is delivering good quality products quickly, at the lowest possible cost, and flexibly in meeting demand. In terms of timing accuracy, companies must have good internal logistics, one of which is good warehouse management. Productivity in warehouses can be achieved by improving efficiency in warehouse operations, thus resulting in a faster response to customer requests. In improving productivity, it is necessary first to identify unexpected activity. This study demonstrates the importance of applying Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in Supply Chain Management (SCM), particularly internal logistics in the warehouse area, by linking the ergonomics principle with the systematic literature review approach. LSS and ergonomics are mutually complementary methodologies to meet the challenges of SCM in order to have a competitive advantage in business

    Revenue Management Strategies in Airline Industry: A Literature Review

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    The airline industry has rapidly evolved, fostering intense competition among companies. This competition drives airlines to formulate strategies for revenue maximization, giving rise to Revenue Management. This literature review spans the past 13 years, examining the development of Airline Revenue Management methods. By analyzing 22 journals with at least Q2 and SINTA 2 indexing, three primary scopes emerge: Quantity Decision, Pricing Decision, and Structural Decision. Airlines predominantly employ dynamic pricing and programming to optimize revenue by adapting to ongoing changes. The development trend in Airline Revenue Management indicates a shift towards faster and more accurate processing through increased integration with simulation and algorithm programming. This paper identifies the three main scopes involved in revenue management strategies and explores the diverse approaches airlines take to optimize income. Notably, dynamic pricing and programming remain prevalent methods, adapting to changing decision variables. The evolving landscape emphasizes integration with advanced technology for efficient processing. The study utilizes numerical and case studies to exemplify the ongoing development of Airline Revenue Management methods within this dynamic industry

    Papaya Peel Extract and Citric Acid Addition on the Quality of Guava Jelly

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    The aim of this study was to determine the quality of guava jelly after the addition of papaya peel extract and citric acid. The study used a two-factor, randomized factorial design. The first factor was the addition of papaya peel extract (P): (2%;4%;6%;8%), while the second was the addition of citric acid (A): (1%;1,5%;2%;2,5%). The parameters analyzed were moisture content, ash content, total soluble solids, vitamin C content, crude fiber content, degree of acidity (pH), and total acid. According to the results, the addition of papaya peel extract had a highly significant effect on the water content, crude fiber content, degree of acidity, total acid, and had a differ significant effect on ash content and total dissolved solid. The addition of citric acid also had a highly significant effect on the total dissolved solid, the content of Vitamin C, degree of acidity, the organoleptic test of taste, and had a differ significant effect on water content and total acid. The interaction between the addition of papaya peel extract and citric acid had a highly significant effect on the degree of acidity. Guava jelly with 8% papaya peel extract and 2% citric acid had the optimum quality characteristics

    Sustainable mangrove management strategy in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency

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    The sustainability of mangrove forests really depends on the involvement of communities in the areas surrounding the mangrove forests. If the mangrove environment is to be used in the long term, it must be managed and preserved. This research aims to determine strategies for sustainable mangrove management in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews involving key informants who were selected and determined using snowball sampling and analyzed using SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, which includes Natural Resources and Human Resources. The results of this research show that the total value of the influence of internal strategies has a value difference of 0.32. Likewise, the external value has a difference of 0.11. Then, combining the two values of the difference between strengths and weaknesses and opportunities against threats, a coordinate point is obtained, namely the coordinate point (0.32; 0.11). The strategy that must be implemented in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang, is to support aggressive growth policies (growth-oriented strategy). Mangrove forest management strategies, as in the quadrant above, show a favorable situation. The relevant agencies, management and the community should support this management development strategy so that it can maintain the potential of existing mangrove

    Memandang Kebiasaan Membuang Sampah dan Peran Dinas Kebersihan dengan Perspektif Struktural Fungsional di Kecamatan Medan Marelan, Kota Medan

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    This research aims to determine the correlation between functional structural theory and people's habits in throwing away any rubbish resulting from the habit of throwing rubbish carelessly on the social environment in Medan Marelan District, Medan City. The research method used is the field observation method. Where research results are obtained through direct observation using observation guidelines, namely directly observing the object being studied. The results of the research show that the influence of waste on the social environment is: in terms of health, the presence of various diseases that attack from accumulated waste, the city government manages waste so that it is easy to sort it by providing facilities and advice on waste disposal and workers transporting waste. In the social aspect of society, the influence of society on communication has increased, in contrast to before the improvements. In terms of accessibility, the impact has been felt by the community, especially the surrounding community. The community is certainly greatly helped by the role of the cleaning service. For example, it won't take long for them to throw away their rubbish to get to the landfill because there are already rubbish workers from the Medan city sanitation service close to where they live. Finally, in terms of the environment, the impact of littering has shown a significant influence because after this habit, rivers, roads and drainage have accumulated rubbish

    Mapping Land Characteristics of Arabica Coffee in Pangaribuan and Simangumban Subdistricts

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    The yield of Arabica coffee were in low level and needed to be evaluated the land suitability ofPangaribuan and Simangumban subdistrict. This study was aimed to determine land suitabilityclasses by using survey method. Sample was taken purposive sampling and data was matched withland characteristics of Arabica coffee table. Research shows that land suitability classes in LMU 1,2 and 3 were classified as marginally suitable with water availability, rooting condition and nutrientretention as limiting factor. The potential land suitability classes were classified as marginallysuitable with rooting condition limiting factor

    Community perceptions of the Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in Besitang District, Langkat Regency: Case study of Bukit Mas Village

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    Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) currently face various threats, such as deteriorating habitat quality and quantity due to forest conversion, exploitation, forest encroachment, and increased poaching. Bukit Mas Village, Besitang District, Langkat Regency is one of the villages that are quite close to the Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP) area. This study aims to analyze community perceptions of human and Sumatran tiger conflicts (HTC). This study used a descriptive quantitative method. The respondents were taken using a non-probability sampling technique. Criteria were designed with purposive sampling type. The results of the study explain that the existence of conflict can affect people's perceptions of the existence of Sumatran tigers. The community considers tigers to be not beneficial to people's lives because tigers disturb public order. Age and latest education do not correlate (relationship) with community perceptions. Due to the Asymp. Sig values of 0.772 and 0.625. This value is greater than the significance level of 0.0

    Floral composition and carbon stock estimation of monospecies restoration area in Pasar Rawa, North Sumatra

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    Mangrove forests are important in climate mitigation, particularly for their greatest carbon storage. Rhizophora apiculata, a mangrove species with numerous advantages, is frequently employed in restoration activities. Monoscpecies restoration activities are well known, although information on floristic composition and carbon uptake must be available. The objective of this research was to investigate the floristic composition and carbon stock of R. apiculata in the Pasar Rawa Village restoration area, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province. This study employed the vegetation analysis approach and carbon estimates based on diameter breast height (DBH) and total vegetation height. The study's findings indicate low floristic diversity in the research area. At the seedling stages, the greatest IVI (113.68%) was discovered in Achanthus ilicifolius, and the only species found in the sapling stage with an IVI value of 200% was R. apiculata. The study of diversity indices revealed very low values at the seedling stage (H'= 0.806) and no diversity at the sapling stage. The total carbon stored estimation in R. apiculata stands relatively low, at 8.56 tonnes/ha. The absorbed carbon produced by R. apiculata is 31.42 tons/ha with a CO2 absorption of 3.141 g/m2 and is classified as relatively lo


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